The Power of a Magickal Attitude - Root Work

Witchery: Embrace the Witch Within - Juliet Diaz 2019

The Power of a Magickal Attitude
Root Work

’A Magickal attitude’ is what I call the characteristics of one’s energy, or vibe. These characteristics influence everything that happens, or doesn’t happen, in our lives. Your Magickal attitude affects what your Magick can manifest, and without this understanding you’ll never bring to fruition what you desire. Your spells, intentions, and rituals won’t be fully effective — they may not even work at all.

Even the attitude toward self is crucial. How we think and feel about ourselves directly impacts our Magick and its ability to manifest what we want. Think of yourself as a paper package. The look and feel of the wrapping paper is affected by everything inside this package, both spiritually and physically. Our goal is to unwrap this package, one layer at a time, until we get to what’s inside — the core, the center, the seed, the spirit. The force.

The Law of Attraction states that positivity manifests positivity and negativity manifests negativity, and the same applies when working with Magick. I have noticed one key factor in my students’ struggle to manifest their spells and intentions, and that is that they all have expectations. But setting expectations sets limits, and when you set limits you’re telling your Magick that you’re limited, so it will only respond with limitations. You must see the potential in all and believe that anything is possible. Your Magickal attitude is extremely important in helping you experience your best Magickal life.

Having a Magickal attitude asks that you:

Take responsibility for your actions

It’s important for you to start owning up to your actions. Blaming other people, situations, or experiences for your actions is no excuse and will not help you to manifest a Magickal attitude. So from now on remember that you have a choice in everything you say and do.

Surround yourself with positive people

Connect only with those who are supportive, who inspire you, and who celebrate your accomplishments. Banish those who are filled with negativity, greed, and jealousy. Don’t waste your precious time on Earth with those who choose to drown in their pessimism — you’ll go down with them.

Check yourself

Be mindful of your own attitude and vibe. Know when to step back and adjust your presence, your self; to take a moment to realign with your truth, your purpose; to bring yourself back to your body; and to raise your frequency, cutting out negativity, and reaching a higher state of consciousness.

Stay positive

Master your own thoughts and learn to escape traps of the mind. Always see the good in things and try to focus on the best outcome of any situation. Know that overdramatizing can lead you straight into fear. Try to stay in the middle ground, without expectations.

Remember: shit happens

When things you do go wrong, remind yourself how far you’ve gotten and how proud you are of yourself. Just allow the shit to fall and gracefully clean it up afterward. Remember that you are your worst critic; it’s you who feeds negativity within, so start feeding the soul instead.

Set realistic goals

Manifesting your intents has no limits, but start with achievable, realistic goals and prioritize those that matter most in your life right now.

Address everyday issues

Face any issues that mess with your vibe and handle them productively. If you need to take a moment before you do this, take it; nothing is ever healed with rage. Allow your initial emotions to pass, then go back to the issue with a calm heart and clear mind.

Know that things are rarely that serious

Stop sweating the small stuff or turning tiny monsters into beasts. Keep your emotions from taking over.

See your life as a blessing

Focus on what you have, what is already present, and on what really matters. Don’t trap yourself in wanting what you don’t or can’t have. Practice gratitude.

Believe in yourself

You’re stronger than you think and more powerful than you believe. Be your No. 1 fan and cheer yourself on. You can do this! You are Magick!

Compare only with yourself

Your journey is yours alone. Others’ accomplishments and wins are not your losses. Instead get inspired to find yourself and what works for you. Focus on the way you want to live, rather than judging others for the way they live. See a pattern here? The only one you should be looking at is you.

Be yourself

Stay true to yourself. If you don’t know what that looks like, start by saying No and cutting out the things in your life that don’t resonate with you. Fill your life with what makes you happy and what really resonates with you. Don’t think about what you should look or how you should act; you’re unique.

Protect your vibe

Keep as far away as possible from Energy Vampires — people who suck the Magick out of you. Most don’t even know they’re doing it, but you have to stay aware. Always be mindful of your presence. If you start to feel off and things just don’t seem right, if a person or thing doesn’t make you feel good, stay away.

Allow yourself to feel

We’re often so busy we don’t pay attention to what we’re feeling, but if we ignore negative feelings they can pile up and leave us emotionally and physically drained. So each day, find time to sit quietly, close your eyes, and relax, then focus on your emotions. Are you tired? Are you stressed? Is there something that’s secretly annoying you? Pay attention to these feelings and how you can work through them.

Your thoughts and feelings have the power to affect everything in and around you. There will be obstacles but you needn’t take this as a sign of defeat; obstacles are signs from the cosmos, warning us that something is off-balance or not working. Their presence means you’re already in the spirit of Magick and trying to manifest the world you want. So give yourself some slack.

There is a method to the madness of unraveling, and it can be downright agonizing. It takes practice and devotion, but soon you’ll be able to call in abundance, wealth, healthy relationships, and anything else that your Witchy heart desires.
