The Seasons of the Witch - The Craft Unveiled

Witchery: Embrace the Witch Within - Juliet Diaz 2019

The Seasons of the Witch
The Craft Unveiled

Just as they follow the phases of the Moon, many Witches honor what I call the Seasons of the Witch — an annual cycle of four equinoxes based on astronomical events and four solstices (traditional pagan festivals), some of which are now Earth-bound festivals too. There are roughly two Seasons of the Witch for every Earth-bound season. Harnessing the energies from these Seasons while they’re with us not only strengthens our connection to Mother Earth, but also amplifies our Magickal power.

Some Witches celebrate all eight Seasons, while others celebrate only the equinoxes or the solstices, or a selection of each. It’s up to the individual what they celebrate, and as you develop your craft you too can decide which Seasons are right for you.

In this chapter you’ll find essential information for every Season of the Witch and some of their key correspondences — objects such as herbs and crystals, plus colors and Magickal workings, that help you to harness a Season’s energy to strengthen your Magickal power. For instance, dressing your altar with fabrics in the Season’s colors, or burning corresponding herbs or incense, will help bring in the Season’s energy. At your altar in particular, the correspondences will help to keep the energy flowing and clear stagnant energies — another way to amplify your Magick.

You don’t have to use all of the correspondences, and not every Witch will use the same ones. Just choose the ones you think will best harness the season’s energy for your own Magickal workings.

As well as giving you correspondences to choose from, I also suggest ways to celebrate each Season. You can make as much of these as you like, but even by adjusting your altar you’re honoring and celebrating the Season, so just this simple act can be enough. It’s up to you how you wish to honor the Seasons of the Witch.

Image Samhain

Also known as: All Hallows’ Eve, Halloween

When: northern hemisphere 31 October; southern hemisphere 1 May

Celebrates: ancestors, spirits, those who have passed

Energies: death, rebirth, wisdom, essence of the night, communication, release, return

Ideal spell for this time: star anise psychic-amplifier and protection incense

Samhain is the best known of the Seasons of the Witch as it falls on Halloween, when even muggles come out and play on the Magickal side. The main purpose of Samhain is to celebrate the natural cycle of death and rebirth. Its name comes from the Gaelic word for ’summer’s end,’ and it marks the point at which we enter the darker part of the solar year. At Samhain we celebrate and honor the dead, our ancestors, and spirits. With the veil between their realm and ours at its thinnest, this is the time we can most easily communicate with them.



Communion with the dead, protection, candle Magick, past life, ancestors, psychic powers, release of bad habits, banishing, self, uncrossing (removing hexes)


Symbols: pumpkins, jack o’ lanterns, apples, corn, gourds, fall flowers, dried leaves, crows, ghosts, cobwebs, broomsticks, cauldrons, bones, lanterns, candles, the Moon

Colors: black, orange, red, white, gold

Herbs and other plants: mugwort, garlic, rosemary, catnip, nettle, bay leaf, marigold, rue

Incense: frankincense, myrrh, copal, sandalwood, amber, wormwood, mugwort, patchouli

Crystals and gems: black obsidian, bloodstone, jet, hematite, onyx, smoky quartz, carnelian


Honor the dead: Honor the departed by setting up a special altar on which you place food, drink, pictures, and other items that may have belonged to the departed, or that hold meaning associated with them. Some Witches honor the dead by leaving offerings, such as food, outside their door for any spirits who may come by. Lighting candles and leaving them outside your door or window will invite departed loved ones into the home.

Silent Supper: The Silent Supper, or Dumb Supper, is a popular tradition around the world to celebrate Samhain. The meal honors the dead by being taken in silence, with the diners taking care to eat and drink quietly as well as refraining from speaking. It’s even important to clear the dishes without making any noise. I’ve known many Silent Suppers to include a table setting, complete with food, for all those who have departed. Remember that this is a sacred dinner, so light candles and set a peaceful atmosphere for the event.

Image Yule

Also known as: Yuletide, winter solstice

When: northern hemisphere December 20—23; southern hemisphere June 20—23

Celebrates: the coming of the Sun

Energies: reflection, rebirth, transformation, creativity

Ideal spell for this time: catnip healing spell

Winter solstice is the longest night of the year and is celebrated around the world for the coming of the Sun, when the darkness of midwinter begins to transform into the light of spring and summer. It’s a time of deep spiritual reflection for the light that is to come.



Self-development, self-love, healing, reflection, binding (restricting others’ actions)


Symbols: yule log, decorated tree, mistletoe, poinsettia, pine cones, candles, evergreens, holly, wreaths, bells, lights, angels, ivy

Colors: gold, silver, red, green

Herbs and other plants: milk thistle, evergreens, holy basil, holly, rosemary, mistletoe, oak, cedar, poinsettia, ivy, juniper, cinnamon, amaryllis, lemon balm

Incense: pine, cedar, juniper, rosemary, bayberry, cinnamon, frankincense, birch

Crystals and gems: ruby, diamond, emerald, garnet, quartz, selenite


Solstice walk: I love being in nature at this time of year, especially with my children. We go to woods or mountains, and walk with lanterns in our hands, gathering nature’s little treasures for our altars and Yule decorations. We hug the older trees, feed any little animals that may be hungry, and sit and drink cocoa or tea in the presence of our Mother, Earth.

Casting candles: Casting candles is a group ritual my ancestors passed down to me. Gather your circle and set a large bowl in the center of the group. Each person writes on a bay leaf the most important thing they wish to manifest in the year ahead. They then light a candle, place the bay leaf in the bowl, and sprinkle a dash of cinnamon over it. All candles are then set in a circle around the bowl and left to burn all the way down. The notes are then taken and buried in dirt.

Image Imbolc

Also known as: Candlemas

When: northern hemisphere 1—2 February; southern hemisphere 31 July—1 August

Celebrates: purification, the coming of spring

Energies: conception, renewal, dedication, planning, setting intentions, goals

Ideal spell for this time: wood betony new-beginnings foot oil

The festival of Imbolc celebrates purification, the approach of spring, and the awakening of the goddess in the Earth. It’s a time to prepare for the planting season and a time to declutter and organize, and to clean and bless our sacred spaces, altars, and tools.



Growth, cleansing, purification, manifesting


Symbols: white flowers, white candles, Brigid’s cross, potted bulbs

Colors: white, red, green, brown

Herbs and other plants: angelica, basil, bay, laurel, clover, tansy, willow, dandelion, chamomile, celandine, heather, all white flowers

Incense: basil, rosemary, myrrh, frankincense, vanilla

Crystals and gems: amethyst, garnet, onyx, moonstone, turquoise


Spring cleaning: Imbolc is a time for purification, so we clean our homes, open windows, and tend to our plants. We also hang chimes and set out white flowers. Many Imbolc rituals honor the goddess Brigid with candlelight and woven ornaments. Since Imbolc doesn’t involve feasting, use the time to enjoy the light coming into the home and into the soul.

Setting goals: A wise Witch knows to plan ahead, so grab a journal and start to make a list of things you want to do or accomplish in the coming year. Start with the most important and plan how you’ll tackle each goal as it comes up.

Image Ostara

Also known as: spring equinox

When: northern hemisphere March 19—22; southern hemisphere September 20—23

Celebrates: the beginning of spring, new life, rebirth, love, fertility

Energies: birth, love, sexuality, fertility, beginnings, power, strength, completion

Ideal spell for this time: wheat manifesting mail spell

Many celebrate this well-known festival, which most know as Easter. Ostara honors the beginning of spring, new life, and rebirth, love, and fertility. At Ostara we take notice of the things that may have shifted out of balance and revisit our priorities.



Abundance, manifesting, balance, getting rid of what no longer serves you


Symbols: spring flowers, the Green Man, fairies, butterflies

Colors: pastels, yellow, orange, lavender, green

Herbs and other plants: angelica, basil, bay leaf, clover, tansy, willow, dandelion, snowdrop, crocus, trillium, heather, iris, rose

Incense: jasmine, rosemary, rose, lavender, ylang ylang, copal

Crystals and gems: amethyst, rose quartz, aquamarine, moonstone, turquoise


Plant seeds — with intentions: As you put a seed into the earth, whisper an intention you wish to manifest.

Chocolate eggs — with intentions: This concept is similar to the New Year’s Eve tradition of eating 12 grapes and setting an intention into each one before you eat it. For this version, gather 12 small chocolate eggs, and for each egg, take a moment to reflect then set an intention into it and eat it. That’s it!

Image Beltane

Also known as: May Day

When: northern hemisphere 30 April—1 May; southern hemisphere 31 October

Celebrates: sexuality, sacrifice, rebirth, union of the god and goddess

Energies: masculine, feminine

Ideal spell for this time: cinnamon love-attracting sachet

Beltane is a passionate, sexual day that celebrates the union of the god and goddess. Many orgies are held on this day but you’re unlikely to run into one at a ritual because they tend to be discreetly kept within trusted groups. Beltane is a popular time for lovers to propose and for the renewing of vows.



All Magick will be powerful today since the energies are high and hold the essences of both the feminine and masculine.


Symbols: flowers, flower crowns, wreaths, red or pink candles

Colors: green, blue, pink, purple, red

Herbs and other plants: wormwood, broom, elderflower, foxglove, hawthorn, catnip, marigold, mugwort, primrose, thyme, horny goat weed, ashwagandha

Incense: rose, juniper, clove, bergamot, violet, vanilla

Crystals and gems: rose quartz, red aventurine, sapphire, peridot, amber


Bonfires: Beltane is a time to let go and just be, so light a bonfire and wildly jump and dance around it. Laugh loudly and heartily. Dancing round a maypole is lots of fun, if you can get access to a maypole and find enough friends and a leader to join you.

Home comforts: Rather have a quiet night at home with your love? Then celebrate Beltane by cooking together, crafting, or putting flowers in each other’s hair — be lighthearted, have fun, and be flirty and playful.

Image Litha

Also known as: summer solstice

When: northern hemisphere 20—23 June; southern hemisphere 20—23 December

Celebrates: virility, growth, success

Energies: growth, healing, love

Ideal spell for this time: ginger root project-completion bath spell

Litha is the longest day of the year. It’s the day when the Sun God is at the peak of his virility and the Sun Goddess is with child. It’s the time of year when crops are growing heartily and the Earth is fertile and happy.



Communication with nature spirits, love, protection, healing, wealth


Symbols: the Sun, yellow candles, flowers (particularly roses and sunflowers), river stones, seashells, sand, water recently taken from a river or the ocean

Colors: green, yellow, gold, red

Herbs and other plants: nettle, vervain, lavender, thyme, fern, yarrow, St John’s wort, oak, fennel

Incense: sandalwood, frankincense, myrrh, palo santo, amber, copal, mountain sage, musk

Crystals and gems: emerald, jade, gold, sunstone


Gathering: Head out into nature and enjoy a gathering with friends, perhaps a drum circle. Have a picnic and revel in the beauty of our Mother, Earth, while the Sun blesses us with its enchanting rays.

Sun water: On the evening before Litha, pour some water into a bowl or jar and arrange around it some summer flowers and a few crystals or gems (see above). Leave the bowl or jar outside or by a window until the Sun sets. The water will now hold the energies of this day and can be used in your teas, spells, baths, and so on.

Image Lammas

Also known as: Lughnasadh

When: northern hemisphere 1 August; southern hemisphere 2 February

Celebrates: first harvest, abundance

Energies: abundance, wealth, success, gratitude

Ideal spell for this time: alfalfa buried-apple spell

At Lammas we honor and celebrate the first harvest of the year, the reaping of wheat, barley, rye, oats, and hops. We gather and give thanks for the abundance of these staple foods to see us through the coming year.



Abundance, prosperity, success, wealth, money, good fortune, transformation


Symbols: baskets of bread; cauldrons of yellow, red or orange flowers; corn; fresh herbs; hanging bunches of dried herbs; ears of wheat, barley or rye

Colors: orange, yellow, green, brown, bronze

Herbs and other plants: wheat, barley, oats, rye, hops, corn stalks, sunflowers, calendula, mint, oak, hollyhock, meadowsweet

Incense: eucalyptus, rose, rosehip, rosemary, lemon balm, safflower

Crystals and gems: emerald, carnelian, citrine, cat’s eye


Craft a corn doll: Honor the Grain Goddess by making a corn doll to represent the harvest. As you make her, weave in intentions of gratitude. Many people dress and name their doll then keep her until the spring, when they plant her with the new corn, returning her to the Earth.

Bake bread: I find baking bread both therapeutic and Magickal, and it really isn’t as hard as you’d think. Using grain is an ideal way to honor Lammas, as is the addition of fresh herbs — I love to add rosemary and thyme.

Image Mabon

Also known as: autumn equinox

When: northern hemisphere 20—23 September; southern hemisphere 20—23 March

Celebrates: second harvest, aging, death, the spirit world

Energies: reflection, contemplation

Ideal spell for this time: lemongrass intuition-amplifier wash

As the days begin to shorten and we prepare for the coming of winter, we celebrate Mabon to honor the second harvest of the year and the changing seasons. We also honor the cycles of aging and death, and of the spirit world, along with the Green Man, the God of the Forest, and the aging goddess as she passes from mother to crone.



Prosperity, protection, balance, acceptance, remembrance, divination


Symbols: pine cones, acorns, corn, apples, animal horns, ivy, red poppies, garlands, ears of wheat, wreaths, rattles, all autumn flowers

Colors: red, maroon, orange, brown, gold

Herbs and other plants: honeysuckle, marigold, milkweed, cedar, pine, oak, acorns, benzoin, ferns, myrrh, tobacco, thistle

Incense: benzoin, cinnamon, myrrh, sweetgrass, oakmoss, patchouli

Crystals and gems: yellow agate, lapis lazuli, carnelian, sapphire


Get prepared: Plan ahead and gather herbs and flowers to dry for your spells, tinctures, and Magickal workings in the colder months ahead. Now’s the time to stock up, Witches.

Enjoy autumn: Witches always feel a pull from within to indulge in all that autumn brings — to gather leaves, pick pumpkins, and eat and drink everything warm and comforting to our souls. Remember to offer libations to the trees, adorn the burial sites of those who have passed, and thank the flowers and the older trees for their medicine and wisdom.

How you celebrate the Seasons of the Witch, and how you use their correspondences, is up to you. Get creative and have fun. Most importantly, start to connect to the Elements and to our Mother, Earth. You’re not living with nature, you are nature.
