The Moon and the Witch - The Craft Unveiled

Witchery: Embrace the Witch Within - Juliet Diaz 2019

The Moon and the Witch
The Craft Unveiled

Timing in the Witch’s craft is of great importance, and different phases of the Moon during each lunar cycle can significantly impact a spell or other Magickal workings. Some may say they don’t have the time to wait for a particular phase, and that’s fine; it’s up to each Witch how they practice. But I have found that living by the Moon helps me to align with the natural flow of life, and the right Moon phase can offer a huge boost to my Magick.

A lunar cycle takes around 29½ days, during which the Moon passes through eight distinct phases. On the following pages I share with you the significance of each phase, and the intents and desires whose spells are most effective during those phases. I also suggest the best crystals to use. You can put these on your altar, arrange them around a candle (or press them into the top of one), or use them in spells that call for particular types of crystal.

Remember that Magick works differently for everyone. If you find that certain spells work best during a different phase, do them then instead — it’s all part of building your own awareness and knowledge so that can create your own version of the craft.


Phases of the Moon

Image New Moon

New Moons mark the beginning of the lunar cycle, making them perfect for Magick that sets new intentions that you wish to birth into reality. The Earth’s soil is at its most fertile during the New Moon because the Moon draws up water from deep down in the Earth, so it’s an ideal time to plant seeds — not only in your garden but also in your life. The New Moon invites us to work Magick that calls for new beginnings, rebirth, and a fresh start.

Effective spells: renewal, release, love, new direction, personal improvement, manifestation

Crystal or gem to work with: aquamarine is a great choice if you’re healing or trying to let go of the past.

Image Waxing Crescent Moon

This phase occurs from 3½—7 days after New Moon. The Moon appears to be growing, and that’s just what its energies assist with — growth. It brings to light things that need improvement, especially things you don’t want to face. This is the perfect Moon phase for focusing on self, so working on your Magickal practice and any other self-development during this phase will help you reach your highest potential. The Waxing Crescent Moon also taps into answers you have hidden deep within, which means it’s a good time to have a deeper look into your feelings about everything in your life, especially relationships.

Effective spells: courage, motivation, inspiration, attitude adjustment, patience, healing

Crystal or gem to work with: rose quartz is ideal for this phase because its gentle, calm energy promotes love, especially self-love. It also brings passion, which can help attract a romantic relationship or improve your current one.

Image First Quarter Moon

This phase occurs from 7—10½ days after New Moon. The First Quarter Moon is all about attracting and drawing things in. I particularly like to use this time to find missing objects, pets, and people. Looking for a new job? New love? More money? This is the time to work that Magick.

Effective spells: luck, wealth, success, love, protection

Crystal or gem to work with: I always recommend the pyrite for attracting and manifesting your desires, especially if you feel you’re not worthy of them. Pyrite helps bring wisdom when calling for abundance, particularly of money, in your life.

Image Waxing Gibbous Moon

This phase occurs from 10½—15 days after New Moon. Like the First Quarter Moon, the Waxing Gibbous Moon is a time for attracting, but more often for inner strength and motivation to complete tasks and achieve goals. I like to use it when I need to follow an exercise plan or diet, or to stop procrastinating.

Effective spells: determination, confidence, strength, focus, clarity

Crystal or gem to work with: carnelian helps release any fears or anxieties that may be stopping you from pushing toward your goals, tasks, or projects.

Image Full Moon

This phase occurs from 15—18½ days after New Moon. The Full Moon occurs when it’s centered between the Earth and the Sun. It brings in the strongest energies of all the phases, so many Witches save their biggest Magick for this time, putting aside smaller spells that can be done during less powerful phases.

Effective spells: spirituality, health, success, luck, change, psychic development, decision-making

Crystal or gem to work with: clear quartz matches the Full Moon perfectly: it’s something of a chameleon and will support any purpose. Clear quartz is powerful, too, and can be used to amplify, release, attract, banish, and heal.

Image Waning Gibbous Moon

This phase occurs from 3½—7 days after Full Moon. The Waning Gibbous Moon follows the Full Moon and is a great time to work on release and self-reflection. During this phase, take a good look at your life: is this where you want to be right now? Where do you go from here, and how? Really focus on self-reflection and releasing what no longer serves you: troubles, blocks, distractions, and negative relationships with friends and partners.

Effective spells: release, opportunities, ending procrastination, bad habits, fears, negative emotions

Crystal or gem to work with: amethyst will help you to break bad habits and give you the will to stick to your intention.

Image Third Quarter Moon

This phase occurs from 7—10½ days after Full Moon. This phase of the Moon offers an opportunity to get to the root cause of a problem and to get rid of the blocks stopping you from moving forward. I find that divination works well during this phase and I use it to discover what changes I must make to remove these obstacles.

Effective spells: transitions, awareness, removing obstacles

Crystal or gem to work with: Magick during this phase requires bravery, and bloodstone’s link to courage makes it ideal to work with in the Third Quarter phase; it’s effective for pushing away obstacles and opening doors. It also increases power and strength, which will help you accomplish what you want.

Image Waning Crescent Moon

This phase occurs from 10½ days after Full Moon and continues to the beginning of the New Moon. As the Moon disappears from the night sky it’s the time to work on some major banishing Magick — banishing negativity (including chaos), ghosts, stalkers, problems, stress, and illness. Witches also use this energy to rid the whole world of hidden evils.

Effective spells: banishment, binding (restricting others’ actions), protection

Crystal or gem to work with: black tourmaline is an ideal choice for banishing. It repels lower frequencies of energy that may be harmful. It’s also believed to protect against electromagnetic radiation, so it’s no surprise that it repels other potential sources of harm as well.
