Raising Energy - The Craft Unveiled

Witchery: Embrace the Witch Within - Juliet Diaz 2019

Raising Energy
The Craft Unveiled

In order to work Magick, you need to learn how to raise the energy required to manifest the intentions of your spells.

Ever since I was a little girl I’ve been able to raise energy using only my life force, but this can be very draining and isn’t recommended for beginners. Instead, I recommend you raise energy with the help of tools such as crystals, chanting, and the Elements. It really isn’t that hard — as usual, it just takes practice.

Raising energy requires two things: visualization and connection — connecting to the Earth and all that is, and being able to form energy using your mind. However, before you can raise energy effectively you need to meditate, to clear your mind, and enter a trance-like state.

The following methods for raising energy are mainly simple practices using the Earth’s Elements. The last example is a more advanced method, should you need it. Take your time, focus hard, be patient — and don’t give up. Practice a little every day, whenever you can. Remember, there is already energy deep within your bones, because you’re energy yourself.

With all methods of raising energy, be sure to thank the energies, Elements or spirits involved. You must also ground yourself to ensure a solid foundation on the Earth — a source of both energy and safety.


Visualization for raising earth energy

Remember the grounding method where you grew roots into the Earth to release your energy (see Rooting)? This exercise reverses that process so that you can borrow energy from our Mother.

What to do

✵ Sit or stand on any patch of the Earth — grass, rock, dirt, or whatever you can find.

✵ Visualize roots coming out of the base of your spine and into the Earth. Journey with the roots deep into the ground and onward to the Earth’s core.

✵ Visualize the core as a huge orb of energy pulsing and rotating. Sink your roots into that orb and draw up its energy through your roots and all the way inside you. I visualize this energy as blue in color, filling my entire body. Stop once you feel energized.

✵ If you feel lightheaded or overwhelmed, you took too much energy. Simply return some by using the grounding exercise.

✵ Now you can use the energy you’ve drawn up into your body to work your Magick. However, if you’ve been doing this exercise for practice alone, return all of the energy using the rooting exercise, thanking the Earth for sharing her energy with you.



Visualization for raising air energy

We can use the Element of air by building orbs of energy.

What to do

✵ Go outside or next to an open window. Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, and focus on calming your body and clearing your mind.

✵ Imagine the air going into your body as blue light, forming a pulsating blue orb in the center of your body, right behind your belly button, with blue lightning erupting inside it.

✵ Place your right hand over your belly button until you feel a magnetic pull from your palm to the orb. Visualize the orb moving out of your body and into your palm. Slowly extend your arm all the way out toward the right and release the orb. Imagine it rotating in that spot in the air. It will stay there until you use it.

✵ Repeat several times, placing the orbs around you in the same way. You can use the orbs of energy whenever you’re doing any Magick. Simply grab them and place them into your work or imagine them floating down to you.

✵ If you’re doing this for practice only, release the orbs either by taking them in your hand and blowing them back into the air, or laying them on the Earth and visualizing them sinking into the ground.



Visualization for raising fire energy

You can draw energy from a candle, a backyard fire pit or any other form of fire. However, you have to be careful how much you take because fire is a wild, untamed energy that builds up quickly and can feel a bit overwhelming once you harness it.

The most accessible source of fire energy is sunlight; you can draw energy from the Sun just from being in its presence (but remember that you must never, ever look directly at the Sun, even through sunglasses). Here is my favorite method for harnessing the Sun’s energy.

What to do

✵ Stand in direct sunlight (eyes away from the Sun) and visualize a clear crystal orb above your head. Raise your left hand to the sun and your right to the orb, with your palm turned toward it.

✵ Focus on your breath for a moment until you’ve cleared your mind. Now feel the energy of the Sun, pull it toward the palm facing it, and visualize the Sun’s golden energy coming out through your other palm and into the orb.

✵ When you feel the orb beaming and pulsing with fire energy, bring your hands down and take a few deep breaths before using the orb in your work.

✵ To release this energy, simply use a grounding technique.



Visualization for raising water energy

Water energy is one of the most calming and loving energies and I often use it when I need embracing. You can draw energy from a glass of water, a bath, a waterfall, or the ocean — any type of water. The easiest and most convenient method of harnessing water energy uses a bowl of water, though you can use this technique with any other water too.

What you need

A medium-size bowl filled with cold water

What to do

✵ Sit down with the bowl of water directly in front of you. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to clear your mind.

✵ Place your hands in the water and relax them. Start to visualize the water vibrating around your hands and glowing with a beautiful white light. Allow your hands to take in the water’s energy and, with it, the energy from the white light.

✵ Once you feel the energy pulsating in your hands, lift them out of the water and imagine them glowing brilliant white and emitting calming, loving energy. You can use this energy in your craft or for self-healing. For instance, if you feel sad, place your hands over your heart and imagine the white light moving into it until your heart is glowing with the energy.

✵ If you want to release water energy without using it, use a grounding technique.


Image Ritual for raising a Cone of Power

This Magickal ritual for raising energy is most often carried out within a group or coven, but this example explains how to do it alone with the help of your ancestors and guides.

What to do

✵ Cleanse yourself and your space. I would suggest lighting the candles or incense I recommend for grounding purposes so that you keep connection to the Earth during this practice. I like to light incense I’m familiar with so if at any point I need to bring myself back to self I can focus on the scent.

✵ You can either stand or sit for this process. Close your eyes and start to pray for or call upon your guides and ancestors to assist you. You can do this out loud or in your head. Take three very deep breaths and relax. Sit up straight and visualize a ball of energy in the center of your body, right behind your belly button. Allow this ball to pulsate and to grow a little every time you take a regular breath. Focus hard on this energy and contain it within the ball. (Most Witches I know like to visualize an electric-blue light for this energy.) Once you have control over the energy, imagine it growing outward and connecting with your guides and ancestors. Visualize their energy interlacing with yours.

✵ Now visualize a bright white cord of energy slithering from your core, up through your spine and out of the top of your head until it’s about six feet the air. Visualize this happening to all of the guides and ancestors in the circle too, and all of the cords meeting at a center point, creating a point-up cone.

✵ Visualize this energy slowly starting to spin clockwise. Provided you feel in control, start to visualize the energy cone spinning faster and faster until it’s creating a sort of inverted vortex.

✵ To use this energy, focus your intent and send the energy from the point of the cone into the Magick you’re working.
