Thought Transference with Crystals and Stones - More Quartz Crystal and Stone Energy Practices

The Ultimate Guide to Crystals & Stones: A Practical Path to Personal Power, Self-Development, and Healing - Uma Silbey 2016

Thought Transference with Crystals and Stones
More Quartz Crystal and Stone Energy Practices

The prior visualization in which we met a teacher or guide is also a form of thought form projection and receptivity. This thought form transference and reception process described above, also called telepathy, is done subconsciously quite often in our lives, though we don’t often recognize it as such. Much less mysterious than it sounds, this natural telepathic ability is something that we already possess in some measure, although usually we dismiss it as being only in our imagination. We have only to refer to our daily lives to remember times that we could intuit what someone was thinking or known that someone was lying, for example. Quite often we have had our phone ring with a person on the line that we were just thinking about. Many times husbands and wives know what each is going to say before they say it. If we pay attention in our daily lives, we will soon notice many times that this and similar events happen. With quartz crystals this natural process of subconsciously or consciously transferring thoughts from one mind to another, or from one mind to many others, is merely amplified. Like a muscle, the more we actively put this ability to use, the more active and powerful it becomes.

Every thought has an associated image, so not only can thought be projected through words, but also through mental images. So we can receive thoughts as either images that appear in our mind’s eye, or as words that sound themselves silently within. Even if someone is speaking with us, it is not unusual for us to receive the words as their associated images, since every thought has an associated image.

Whether we are receiving thoughts consciously or subconsciously, we receive them when we are in tune with the energy vibrations that form the thought. The more in tune a person is with the energy vibrations of our thoughts, the more easily they can receive the thoughts that we project. Similarly, we can easily receive thoughts that others are consciously or unconsciously projecting, depending on the extent to which we are in tune with them.

Since thought takes place in the mental planes rather than the physical, space and time, being physical constructs, are of no consequence. Neither do thought waves die, but continue their vibrational influence throughout any amount of space or time. Therefore, we can receive thoughts that are released from the distant past, from the future, from distant worlds and universes, and between differing subtle planes of existence. Any thought that we release will eventually come full circle back to us in vibrational form. In this way, it could be said that we become what we think. Positive thoughts bring positive actions, and negative thoughts cause us to react negatively. Thoughts have tremendous power. Through focused thought alone, diseases can be healed, sorrow can be turned to peace, and the mentality of entire peoples can be transformed.

A very powerful part of our work with crystals and stones is the sending and receiving of thought in the form of energy or vibration. If we want to increase our telepathic abilities, we can practice the conscious sending and receiving of messages using our focused will along with our stones.

At first it is best to practice telepathy from only a short distance. If we practice in the quiet of night when competing vibratory influences are quieter, we will be even more likely to have success. The following is a two-person stone and crystal practice that will help us develop the ability to both send and receive telepathic messages:


1. Sit opposite and facing each other after choosing one person to receive and the other to send.

2. Place a receiving matrix, a circle of four clear crystals, in front, in back, and on both sides of the one receiving the message with the points facing inward. In between each clear crystal place a lapis, sodalite, or any royal blue stone. If they have tips, they should be pointing inward. The receiver should hold a clear crystal in each hand, the points facing inward in the receiving position. (This receiving matrix will help strengthen the intuition and psychic abilities that are needed to consciously receive subtle messages.)

3. The person sending the message should surround him or herself with a sending matrix, a circle of four clear crystals (front, back, and each side) with the tips pointing outward. Between each clear crystal, place a yellow calcite, citrine, or any other yellow stone. This will help strengthen the will that is needed to send a strong message. On top of each clear crystal, place a smaller turquoise color stone. A clear crystal should be held in each hand with the tips pointing outward. (This formation helps with the sending of clear communications empowered by the focused will.)

4. Sit opposite each other with a clear gazing crystal or crystal ball placed between you at least waist high. If possible, darken the room and illuminate the crystal to make it easier to maintain your focus within the stone. Center and ground yourselves.

5. The one who is receiving should maintain an open, receptive, clear state of mind while gazing into the crystal or crystal ball. The hands (with the crystals in them) should be held palms upward in a receptive position.

6. The sender should now focus on one clear thought that is no more than two to five words, letting all other intruding thoughts pass away. After letting the receiver know that a thought is now being sent, using focused intention, the sender uses the outward breath to project the thought or image into the crystal, where it will be amplified, and from there into the mind of the receiving person. For an even stronger projection, actually blow outward, propelling the thought with more intention. Imagine that the thought or image passes through the stone directly into the third eye of the receiving person. The stronger the force or focused willpower that is used to send the message, the strong the projection will be and the more likely it is to be received.

7. The receiver, while gazing into the crystal with an open mind and concentrating with a strong will, waits until a picture or thought comes to the mind’s eye. What is received might be a very subtle, intuitive sense or a clear impression. Without thinking about it intellectually, trying to figure it out, or applying any judgment of it being right or wrong, the receiver should then tell the sender what was received.

8. The sender then communicates with the receiver, comparing the message that was sent with the message that was received. The receiver may have only seen part of the image or heard only a word or two in their mind. Also, it is not unusual to receive a message that it the exact opposite of what was sent. If so, this is the beginning of being able to receive and will reverse itself upon further practice.

9. Do this process several times, then reverse places, so the receiver is now sending and the sender is receiving. Clear both the sending and receiving stone matrix, the hand stones, and each other’s body before reversing the process. Continue with this practice until either the sender or receiver gets tired and feels like stopping.

While doing this practice, we may not be successful at first. However, if we don’t let ourselves become discouraged and instead continue our practice, we will eventually become more successful. Instead of negatively judging ourselves if we aren’t immediately successful, it is better to have a positive attitude … And to have fun.

After successfully practicing telepathy or thought projection and reception with the other person in the room with us, then we can begin to practice the sending of thoughts to others at a distance. We can practice with another by setting a time that we will both sit down to send and receive, and then communicating with each other what was sent and received. As with the former practice, the more we focus, the stronger our sending and receiving will be and the further distance our focused thoughts in vibratory form will travel to be consciously received. It is possible, with practice, to send thoughts to others all over the world.

In fact, it is a very useful practice to send positive thoughts out into the world just as a daily practice to affect the world around us in a good way. Even though there is usually no accurate way to validate our efforts, since everything and everyone in the physical and subtle worlds is connected vibrationally, and that our world, at heart, is vibration, whatever thought we send out will result in subtle changes in some way, whether we are conscious of it or not. If we send out loving thoughts, for example, not only will we our world reflect back to use more love, but the entire world will become more loving, even if only in a small way. Forgiveness will beget more forgiveness, compassion more compassion, and helpfulness more helpfulness. If we choose a stone to carry around with us in our pocket, place on our work desk, or place anywhere we tend to be, it will remind us to continue sending out positive thoughts into the world as a daily practice. Choose a stone that seems to speak to you for this use.

Again, it is important to remember that what we send out will ultimately come back to affect us, so it is good to be conscious and careful about what we send out.