Communicating with Teachers and Other Beings - More Quartz Crystal and Stone Energy Practices

The Ultimate Guide to Crystals & Stones: A Practical Path to Personal Power, Self-Development, and Healing - Uma Silbey 2016

Communicating with Teachers and Other Beings
More Quartz Crystal and Stone Energy Practices

Though there are said to be specific teacher crystals through which we can connect with spirit guides, angelic beings, and other teachers, the same thing can be done with any clear quartz. This is especially true if that stone has windows, veils, or any other inclusions through which we can easily gaze. It is true that we can use a perfectly clear quartz to gaze into, but the veils, inclusions, or windows make it easier, forming doorways through which we can see beings or other entities, or enter the crystal to visualize, among other things, the meeting of teachers or guides.

Whether the teacher or guide is purely an illusionary mental creation or not, the meeting is real and can provide insight or instruction. It matters little whether we are merely instructing ourselves, creating the image of a teacher in our mind’s eye to reach what is already known within our consciousness, or are meeting a guide outside of ourselves who has directed themselves in subtle form to teach us. Either way, there is a lesson to learn, a path to be revealed, or guidance to be had.

The following is a powerful crystal gazing technique through which we can meet a teacher who can guide us or answer any questions we may have. In the process of doing this practice, we can become even more sensitized to crystal and stone energy as well as open our hearts. Not only can this practice be done to meet and communicate with teachers, but it will also allow us to communicate with others on the subtle planes and develop our subtle bodies.


This practice can be done in two ways: either by gazing into an actual crystal in front of you, or visualizing yourself entering into a crystal. Either way will work just as well as the other, depending on your ability to visualize. For the method below you gaze into a crystal that is in front of you.

1. Sit in a comfortable upright position in front of a clear single- or double-terminated quartz crystal that is approximately eye level. Keep your spine straight so energy can move throughout your body without obstruction. With your eyes open, gaze into the crystal and focus on your breath, breathing in and out easily and naturally with long, deep breaths, completely filling and emptying your lungs.

2. Hold two clear double-terminated crystals, one in each hand, for empowerment. If you like, place a dark blue stone or clear double-terminated quartz crystal on your third eye chakra to empower the strength of your visualization. If you like, you can also place a yellow stone on your navel chakra to help bring you the willpower to empower your strength of focus.

3. Looking at the surface of the quartz crystal, see if you find one face that draws your attention, or a diamond- or square-shaped facet that seems like a window, calling you to look further inward through it. Looking through that window, find an area that seems interesting to you. If you don’t find a window on the surface of the crystal, find an area inside the quartz crystal that you find interesting, whether it be a veil or inclusion that forms an interesting landscape or a pathway that seems to beckon you.

4. Gazing down this pathway or further into the landscape, see it in more and more detail, with each detail that you notice leading to the next until you feel as if you are inside the crystal itself. At this point, close your eyes, visualizing the landscape around you or the pathway behind you as you see yourself inside the crystal in your mind’s eye. As you do this, you realize that you are vibrating intensely, surrounded by clear, fresh, tingling light. In your mind’s eye, see this light as filling your body until you seem to be floating inside its shimmering golden glow.

5. Vibrating at an extremely high rate, begin to relax, becoming one with the light. As you do this, begin to feel a softening in your center and feel your heart center opening, seeing it in your mind’s eye as a soft, clear green glow edged with pink.

6. Next, visualize you are sitting within what has now become a light-filled crystal chamber. As you continue to gaze with your mind’s eye, you see that a pink and green pathway of light begins to extend outward from your glowing heart. As you continue to gaze, this pathway continues to expand further away from you until it is past the walls of the crystal and as far as you can see in front of you.

7. Feeling very open and relaxed, invite someone with whom you would like to communicate, possibly a guide or teacher. Invite them into the green glow with you, welcoming them into the space of your open heart within the crystal chamber.

8. Now see the guide or teacher walking towards you on the green and pink pathway. As this teacher or guide moves toward you, they too become edged in a green glow. Soon this teacher or guide appears in front of you and you feel their love and total acceptance of you as you are. Welcome this being just as he or she welcomes you, both of you encased in the pink and green glowing light. With your heart center open, begin to communicate. Listen, ask questions, and speak openly. Trust, love, and let go. Let there be nothing unsaid or hidden from each other. Listening with the ear of your inner heart, pay attention to any form of answer, whether it is an image, sound, feeling, or any change within or on the surface of your body. Your answers will come in many forms.

9. When you feel as if the communication has ended, shift your attention to the green light around you, feeling it vibrate so rapidly that it seems as if you are dancing among a myriad of tingling particles. Relax, let go, and enjoy the feeling. As you dance in the green, bid the teacher or guide farewell.

10. Envision them also saying farewell as they then begin to back away from you along the pink and green pathway. Become aware of the increasing green and pink as they back so far away that you no longer see them.

11. Be aware of how you feel them in your heart center, even as their form backs further away from you. You no longer see your guide or teacher, but instead feel them in your heart.

12. Thank the person for being with you, knowing that they love you and have your best interest at heart.

13. Know that the information that you gained is always accessible each time that you again focus on your heart center.

14. Again, become aware of the vibration all about you, seeing in your mind’s eye shimmering golden white light, feeling its coolness on your skin like a pleasant, gentle wind.

15. Feel yourself first floating within the crystal, and then gently whirl down, feet first. In your mind’s eye, become aware of your feet against a surface and see yourself as again surrounded by clear crystal.

16. As you visualize, gazing more and more closely at this clear crystal around you, you suddenly notice that the shimmering wall of crystal is now in front of you. Imagine rubbing your hands and body on its shimmering surface. Now, backing away, see the crystal growing smaller and smaller. Continue to travel further away from the crystal until you see it as small in the distance.

17. As you see the crystal in the distance, it begins to rise and float towards you. Visualize yourself extending your left hand to accept it. If you started with a crystal in each hand, now become aware of the crystal in your right hand as well.

18. Relax and become aware of the surface on which you sit, or the ground beneath your feet. Become aware of your breathing and slowly open your eyes, notice either the crystal in front of you or the environment surrounding you.

19. To end this process, before arising, clear your crystals, stones, and yourself, and recenter and ground yourself. As you move onward into your daily life, remain aware of your present state of mind and emotion. Investigate any answers or directions you received, reviewing their results in the physical world.

Not only is this a good practice to use with our crystals and stones to communicate with teachers, guides, or any other being, but other things are happening as well. This visualization is particularly potent because we have also included feelings, and because of that this practice not only utilizes the mental plane, but the emotional astral plane as well. In creating certain thought waves and thought forms, we have also created certain emotional states of mind in accordance with our experience, whether in response to the teachings or in response to the entire visualized interaction. These may affect us temporarily or be long lasting. The durability of these effects depends on the intensity of our focused concentration as we did this practice. If our focus was strong enough, we have actually communicated with the astral and/or mental body of the being that we were with during this process. We used our mental and/or astral body to communicate with the other being from our subtle body to theirs, our thought waves corresponding to our communication being projected towards them. These thought forms and waves will have some effect on the other’s subtle body, depending on the degree of their openness to us. If they were open and our focus was strong, our communication will reach their consciousness. That is how questions are given and answered. Though our rational mind may be telling us that this was all imagination, we have actually affected ourselves and the other in one way or another. The communication, then, was not one-sided, but a true interchange on the subtle levels.