Developing Our Sensitivity to Physically Feel and Intuitively Sense Vibration - Basics of Quartz Crystal Energy Work

The Ultimate Guide to Crystals & Stones: A Practical Path to Personal Power, Self-Development, and Healing - Uma Silbey 2016

Developing Our Sensitivity to Physically Feel and Intuitively Sense Vibration
Basics of Quartz Crystal Energy Work

In working with crystals and stones we can intuit the vibrational fields surrounding the crystal, the vibrational patterns that are being changed with its use, as well as the vibrational fields associated with whatever we wish to charge our crystal with, and the vibrational fields of ourselves and any person that we are working with. It is good to develop our intuitive abilities so that we are able to “hear” or “see” clearly. However, particularly with healing work, it is also helpful to be able to physically feel the vibrations that we are working with. Just through our work with crystals and stones we will tend to increase our ability to feel vibration, the sensitivity usually developing gradually. The breath and crystal sensitization practice earlier in this book will accelerate our ability to feel vibration because, among other things, it increases the sensitivity of our hands and fingers to energy and opens the energy centers in the middle of our palms.

This next practice also develops the ability to increase our sensitivity to the crystal and stone vibration. It also builds our sensitivity so that we can feel the subtle vibrational field of all physical objects, including our own body and the bodies of others.


1. Pick up your crystal and sensitize your hands using the breath and sensitization practice as before.

2. Then, while holding your crystal in your right hand, from a distance of about six inches, sweep your hand slowly over an object that you have selected.

3. The crystal will continue to amplify the sensitivity of your hands as you do this.

4. Soon, depending on the strength of your focus, you will feel the vibration of the energy field of the object. It may feel like a faint buzzing, a slight breeze or coolness, or slight buoyancy.

5. When you feel the energy field around the object quite strongly, try slowly pulling your hand away until you can feel its boundaries. If you lose the sense of the energy field, slowly lower your hand until you can feel its vibration again. How far does the energy field around the object seem to extend? (The vibrancy and life force of an object is shown by how far this aura or vibratory energy field extends.)

6. Your mind should be still and your attention completely focused as you do this. If you find your mind wandering, simply let go of the thought you are having and bring your focus back to the crystal, your hand, and the object.

7. When you are through, shift your focus away from the object and back to yourself. Put your crystal down, clearing it if it seems to need it. (You probably picked up influences from the object’s energy field that you might not want to keep in your crystal.) Shake out your hands, then place them briefly on the ground or floor, visualizing any negativity leaving through your palms and flowing into the earth where it is positively transformed.

After we have spent some time developing our ability to feel the vibrational field of physical objects with our crystals, we might try doing it without the crystals. To do this, first we need to sensitize ourselves with the breath and crystal sensitization method, then run our hand over the surface of any object, concentrating to see if we can feel its vibrational field. If we can’t feel it, we should repeat the breath and crystal sensitization practice, and then try again. If we still don’t feel it, we need to try several times every day until we do. If we keep it up, we will finally be successful.

Once we have learned to sensitize ourselves to energy fields, we will be able to feel subtle energy from a distance, both through intuition and physical feeling. The hands aren’t the only part of our bodies that can feel vibration. Our entire body can feel it if we are sensitive enough. (Most of us have had the experience of the back of our neck tingling or tightening as we sense dangerous situations, for example.) We may feel vibration as a slight pressure on our chest, the middle of our foreheads, or on the surface of our skin. When our sensitivity is developed, there is almost no end to the distance that we can be and still physically feel or intuit vibration.

As with any activity, constant practice brings improvement. Disuse brings some loss of the ability, although usually the newfound sensitivity of the hands does not entirely disappear. If we lose the ability to physically feel vibration because of lack of practice, it will not take as long to develop as it did the first time. We have only to start practicing again.

Because we use both hands in our crystal and stone work, once we have developed the ability with one hand, we will want to develop it in the other as well. We can develop one hand’s sensitivity first, and then the other, or we can develop both hands concurrently.