Spells to do With Others - Spells for All Reasons and Seasons

The Modern Witchcraft Spell Book: Your Complete Guide to Crafting and Casting Spells - Skye Alexander 2015

Spells to do With Others
Spells for All Reasons and Seasons

At some point in your magickal journey you may decide to try spellworking with other people—especially if you’re the sociable type and enjoy the camaraderie of like-minded folks. You’ve probably heard of witches’ covens, but lots of magickal brotherhoods and sisterhoods have existed in the past and still do today. The Freemasons, the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, and the Ordo Templi Orientis are just a few of the famous ones.

Joining forces with other magicians can strengthen your power by combining your energies and directing them toward a common purpose. Quite likely, some people in the group will have certain talents and skills, whereas others have different abilities—and that can benefit everyone. The key is to connect with people you respect and trust and whose objectives and beliefs are in harmony with your own. Problems can arise when members of the group disagree about how things should be done or power struggles get in the way of the common good. It’s like what sometimes happens in businesses or social organizations—except when you’re working magick, things can really get out of hand.

The spells in this chapter are designed for two or more people to perform together. Some spells also invite deities, elementals, spirit animals, and other entities to participate with you.

Steps for Successful Spellcasting

Whenever you cast a spell, remember to use a few tried-and-true measures, as described in Chapter 1. These precautions can help you avoid complications, mix-ups, delays, or disappointments:

1. Remove all distractions.

2. Collect the ingredients and tools you’ll use in your spell and cleanse them.

3. Purify and sanctify your space.

4. Quiet your mind.

5. Cast a circle around the area where you’ll do your spellworking.

6. Perform the spell.

7. If you’ve called upon deities or spirits to assist you, thank and release them.

8. Open the circle.

9. Store your tools in a safe place until you need them again.


If you think you’d like to do magick with other people, but don’t know where to find those people, do a spell to attract them. Be as specific as you choose when you design this spell. If you wish to work only with men or women, be sure to say so. If you are open to working with an online spellcasting group, leave out the geographical conditions. If you wish to work with people of a specific religious path, then indicate that. Be aware, however, that the more conditions you stipulate, the fewer people will fill them. You have every right to be picky about the people you draw to yourself—and of course, you don’t have to work with everyone you meet who happens to be a magician. This spell increases your chances of meeting people who are open to working with other spellcasters, not to lock you into a partnership of any kind.


✵ 1 peach-colored candle

✵ A few drops of vanilla essential oil (or pure vanilla extract)

✵ Matches or a lighter

✵ 1 slip of paper

✵ 1 pen

✵ 1 cauldron (or heatproof bowl)

✵ Several little feathers


✵ At dawn during the moon’s first quarter, preferably when the sun or moon is in Aquarius

Anoint the candle with vanilla. Light it, visualizing the light expanding and serving as a beacon to guide fellow magicians to you. On the paper, write an invitation to your ideal future spellcasting partners. For example, you might write: “I, [your name], issue an invitation to honest, sincere, and true spellcasters of [your geographical area]. If you seek to meet new people with whom to work, let us find one another.” Sign it. Read the invitation aloud. Visualize your words flowing out into the world.

Touch the edge of the invitation to the candle’s flame. When the paper has caught fire, let it burn in the heatproof bowl or cauldron. As it burns, visualize the energy of your invitation being released to flow out into the world. Allow the bowl or cauldron to cool. Place the feathers into the cauldron. Take the cauldron outside and hold it so that the wind lifts and swirls the feathers and the ashes, carrying them out into the world. If necessary, scoop the feathers and ashes out with your hand and toss them into the air. Watch the wind whisk away the ashes and feathers, and know your request has been sent.

Finding the Right Connection

If you’re operating within an established group of people who’ve gathered to cast a spell (sometimes referred to as a circle), then you’ll have at least some sort of energy connection between you. The closer you are to one another, the easier it is to merge and balance your energies. This comes with practice, of course; blending energy doesn’t happen perfectly on the first try, no matter how experienced you are. With practice, though, you’ll find the right balance of personal energies to create the right mix.


Consider doing this spell when you first start working with a group of other magicians to connect your powers. It also strengthens your sense of unity and responsibility as a circle, and can give you insight into the individuals in your group.


✵ Small objects of your choice

✵ 1 multicolored pouch that includes all 7 colors of the rainbow


✵ Anytime

Ask the members of the circle to bring small objects that they feel represent them. One person might bring a small figurine of an animal, another a favorite stone or crystal, a twig from a tree, a feather—it can be anything that holds special significance for the person. If you wish, have the members explain what the objects mean to them. Place the objects in the center of your circle. Raise energy by chanting together:

“We are one, our power flows.

We are one, our power grows.”

After a minute or two of chanting, you’ll start to feel the energy around you growing stronger. Focus the energy with your minds and direct it into the objects. Then put the objects into the pouch to keep them safe and to contain the energy. This is your group’s power bundle. If the group meets in someone’s home regularly, store it there. If the location changes, assign a different person each month (or after each meeting) to take the bundle home and watch over it. Bring it out at each meeting to symbolize unity.


This is a great spell for making your commitment to the spellcasting group official and launching your circle. You may also want to do it periodically to reinforce your bond, for example at the eight sabbats in the Wheel of the Year.


✵ 1 small bottle, can, or box of fruit juice of your choice

✵ 1 glass pitcher

✵ Glasses (one for each participant)

✵ 1 long-handled spoon


✵ During the waxing moon, preferably on a Friday or when the sun or moon is in Aquarius

Have everyone bring one kind of juice to the meeting—don’t confer beforehand, let it be random. Clean the pitcher, glasses, and spoon and consecrate them for your purpose. Place the pitcher, glasses, and spoon on your altar (or a table within your circle). Ask each member to empower his or her personal juice with positive energy, perhaps by stating a brief affirmation. Then, one by one, pour your juice into the pitcher and stir it three times using a clockwise motion.

When all the juices have been poured into the pitcher, state in unison:

“This special potion

Blessed by each one

Joins us together

The magick’s begun.”

Fill your glasses, then toast one another and the successful future of your circle and your spells. Drink the magick potion.


Collecting the components for spells and rituals can be a joint activity that includes all participants in the magickal working. Not only does this process get everyone involved from the very beginning, it stimulates your imagination and heightens your anticipation.


✵ Depends on the spell


✵ Depends on the spell

After you’ve decided upon a spell and have determined which objects you’ll need, each person agrees to acquire one or more of those objects. As you seek out the ingredients for your spell, focus your mind on the outcome and how it will benefit all concerned. In this way, you start the magick even before you combine the components you’ve collected. When you’ve gathered all the necessary items, go through the steps of cleansing your magickal space, consecrating it, casting a circle, etc. together.


If your group is likely to work together for a while, you may decide to create a permanent circle in which to perform your magick spells and rituals. Stonehenge is an example of an ancient stone circle that archaeologists believe may have been a ritual site. Labyrinths are excellent configurations for magickal work, too. You needn’t build something so elaborate, however. Consider these possibilities:

✵ Collect stones and lay them out in a circle that’s large enough for your group to work inside. You may want to place four larger stones at the four compass directions.

✵ Plant flowers, shrubs, etc. in a circle.

✵ Erect a low wooden fence to form a circle.

✵ Install metal or wooden posts and string lights between them to form a circle.

✵ Indoors, you can paint a circle on the floor (if household members and/or your landlord agree).

Position an altar in the center of the circle—or in another spot if the group prefers. Over time, you can add to your circle, if you wish, or decorate it seasonally. Use your imagination!


Perform this spell with everyone who will occupy the home you seek—this is a joint effort, and the place in which you live will be important to all of you. Not only will your collective energies increase multiplicatively, you’ll also clarify your intentions by working together to strengthen the bond between you.


✵ Pencils, pens, or markers

✵ Magazine pictures

✵ Scissors

✵ Glue or tape

✵ Poster board


✵ On the new moon

Either sketch the house you’re looking for (if you have artistic ability) or find pictures that depict features you seek in your new home. Glue these illustrations to a poster board and hang it where you’ll see it often. Add words, symbols, and other objects that you consider meaningful. The goal is to create a visual tool that focuses your minds on your desire. Make it vivid and detailed. Kids love doing this sort of thing and often come up with great ideas. The more energy you pour into your intention, the quicker it will materialize.


As you learned in Chapter 2, the chakras are energy centers that run from the base of your spine to the top of your head. When they’re balanced, you feel better physically, mentally, and emotionally. This spell uses the power of gemstones to help your chakras function harmoniously. Notice that the colors of the stones correspond to the colors associated with the 7 major chakras. Perform this spell with a friend or loved one.


✵ 1 piece of red jasper

✵ 1 piece of carnelian

✵ 1 piece of topaz

✵ 1 piece of jade

✵ 1 piece of aquamarine

✵ 1 piece of lapis lazuli

✵ 1 piece of amethyst


✵ Anytime

Wash the stones with mild soap and water, then pat them dry. Find a comfortable place where you can lie down on your back undisturbed for about half an hour. Your partner in this spell first puts the red jasper on your pubic bone. Next, he or she sets the carnelian on your lower abdomen, about a hand’s width below your belly button. The topaz goes on your solar plexus; the jade on the center of your chest near your heart; the aquamarine at the base of your throat; the lapis lazuli on your forehead, between your eyebrows. Finally, your partner places the amethyst so it touches the crown of your head.

Relax and sense the stones sending their healing vibrations into your body’s energy centers, restoring harmony and well-being to your entire system. When you feel ready, ask your partner to remove the stones. Wash and dry the stones again. Swap places, so that now your partner is the recipient and you are the one positioning the stones on his or her body. After you’ve finished, cleanse the stones and store them in a safe place until you want to use them again.


Everyone in the household—family members, roommates, romantic partners—can participate in this spell. You’ll need a shoebox or a similar container that’s small enough to fit on a shelf, but large enough to accommodate lots of wishes. This spell offers you a way to combine your energies to help all your wishes come true.


✵ 1 box with a lid

✵ Colored pens, pencils, or markers

✵ Magazine pictures, colored paper, stickers, other decorations

✵ Glue

✵ Slips of paper


✵ During the waxing moon

Decorate the box however you like, using positive designs that appeal to you. Write words and/or symbols on it. Draw pictures. Affix images from magazines or downloaded from the Internet. The point is to personalize the box and to have fun engaging in the creative experience. On the top, write the words The Magick Box.

Put the box in place where everyone in your home has access to it and can see it when they enter the house or apartment. When the box is completely decorated, ask each member of the group to write 1 wish on a slip of paper and read it aloud to the others. Place the wishes in the box. Sharing your wishes with each other galvanizes your collective power. This builds momentum and attracts what you want more quickly. As each wish comes true, remove it from the box. Then make another wish and slip it into the box.


This spell allows members of a group to call upon the guidance of the archangels: Raphael, Michael, Gabriel, and Uriel. You may petition their assistance in general, or ask for help with a particular issue.


✵ Sage incense

✵ Incense burner

✵ Matches or a lighter

✵ A few drops of the essential oil that corresponds to your issue; for general assistance, use sandalwood

✵ 1 ounce (or more if necessary) of a carrier oil, such as olive or grape seed, in a small dish

✵ 1 white pillar candle

✵ 1 nail, empty ballpoint pen, nail file, or other sharp object for carving the candle

✵ 1 cauldron (or fireproof bowl or saucer)

✵ 1 hand drum (optional)


✵ As needed (see Chapter 8)

After forming your circle, set the sage incense in its holder on your altar and light it, thereby cleansing your working space. Add a few drops of the essential oil into the carrier oil and stir with your finger. Anoint each member of the circle by drawing a pentagram on his or her forehead with the oil (make sure no one in the group is allergic to the oil you’ve chosen). Ask each person in the circle to “sign” the candle by making a mark (word, sigil, astrological glyph, etc.) on the candle with the sharp implement. When everyone has finished inscribing the candle, rub the remaining oil on it (not on the wick), set it in the cauldron (or bowl or saucer) on your altar, and light the candle.

Have everyone focus on the candle’s flame while you unify your energies toward your common objective. If someone opts to be the drummer, he or she should start beating a slow, steady rhythm now. Begin a low hum involving all participants in order to gently raise the energy.

A member of the group (chosen beforehand) takes the candle from the altar and holds it up, while facing east, and says:

“Raphael, bless this circle with your guidance. Help us to do right for those in need, and to work only for good.”

Pass the candle to another member of the circle (chosen beforehand). This person faces south, holds up the candle, and says:

“Michael, bless this circle with your passion and strength. Help us to defend those in need, and to protect ourselves and our loved ones at all times and in all situations.”

Pass the candle to another member of the circle (chosen beforehand). This person faces west, holds up the candle, and says:

“Gabriel, bless this circle with your love and serenity. Help us to bring light, love, and peace to those in need.”

Pass the candle to another member of the circle (chosen beforehand). This person faces north, holds up the candle, and says:

“Uriel, bless this circle with your stability. Help us to provide comfort and healing for those in need.”

Place the pillar candle on the altar again. While everyone in the circle focuses on the candle, say together:

“Behold, we summon the light of Spirit to guide this circle.”

Allow time for everyone to gaze at the candle as it burns and flickers, opening your minds to visions, sensations, and guidance. Spend as much time as you need, or decide beforehand to end the spell after a certain amount of time has passed. At that time, a person selected in advance snuffs out the candle and releases the angelic presences (as described in Chapter 7).

Afterward, all members of the group sit together and discuss what they witnessed, thought, sensed, or otherwise gleaned from the session. This joint experience lets you gain insights from the higher realms regarding how to handle a particular matter or how to proceed with your magickal work.


Although we often associate totem animals with Native American tribes, clans throughout history and around the world have honored totem creatures and relied upon their assistance for protection, sustenance, and healing. Your spellworking circle may also benefit from the guidance of one or more totems.


✵ Book or list that describes spirit animals (such as my book The Secret Power of Spirit Animals)

✵ Paper

✵ Scissors

✵ Colored markers


✵ Anytime

Discuss the animals, birds, etc. with which you feel a strong affinity. Describe the characteristics of these creatures with which you resonate. You’ll likely find that some members of the group identify with the same creatures. Also talk about the objectives you’ve set for your group, the path you intend to take, and/or what energies unite you. A frank discussion of this type will help you determine which animal guides are working with you—and which ones you wish to ask to assist you.

Try to narrow down your list of affiliate spirit animals to one, or at least no more than three. When everyone agrees on the totem(s) you want to work with, cut squares of paper for each person in your circle to draw images of the creature(s) you’ve elected as your group’s totem(s). These images can be simple or elaborate, stylized or realistic—it’s up to you. Carry these images with you or post them in a place where you’ll see them often, so you can call upon the animal’s energy whenever you need it.

Alternate suggestions: If you feel really dedicated and convinced that the creature(s) chosen are your lifelong totem(s), you may wish to have an image tattooed on your body. If you prefer a less painful (and less permanent) expression, draw the animal’s image on your body with a marker.


This spell expands upon the previous one. It deepens your connection to your group’s totem and to one another.


✵ Offerings for your totem animal

✵ 1 white pillar candle in a fireproof holder

✵ Matches or a lighter

✵ Individual candles, one for each member of the group (choose your preferred colors)


✵ Anytime

As a group, shop for a figurine, wall hanging, or other image of your animal(s). Everyone should agree on the image you choose. Display the image on your altar or in another place of power where you meet to do spellwork. Place the white pillar candle in its holder on the altar and have one person light it. Say aloud as a group:

“Spirit guardian and guide

Now we seek your presence here.

Bring us wisdom from above

Fill us with your boundless love

And remain forever near.”

Each person now steps up to the altar, one at a time, and first lays his or her offering before the image of your group totem, then lights his or her personal candle from the white pillar candle. If you have a specific request for your spirit guardian at this time, state it. If you wish to perform an additional spell or ritual at this time, go ahead. Otherwise, simply remain in this circle of light for as long as you choose, embracing the energy of your totem and the group. Then thank your totem and extinguish your candles.

Greet your group’s totem each time you meet and before you perform a spell or ritual together, and thank it after you’ve finished.


Does your lover seem distant lately? Is your sex life less fulfilling than usual? Are you often too busy or too tired to engage in true intimacy? Use this magick lotion with your partner to stimulate the senses, deepen your connection, and generate loving feelings between you.


✵ 1 copper bowl

✵ 1 spoon (silver or silver plate, if possible)

✵ 1 glass or china container with a lid (ideally the container should be pink or red, and/or decorated with designs that represent love to you, such as roses or hearts)

✵ Unscented massage oil or lotion

✵ A few drops of essential oils of rose, jasmine, ylang-ylang, patchouli, and/or musk—choose the scents you like: one, two, or all of them


✵ During the waxing moon, preferably on a Friday

Wash the bowl, spoon, and container with mild soap and water. Pour the massage oil or lotion into the copper bowl. Add a few drops of one of the essential oils you’ve chosen. Using the silver spoon, stir the mixture, making three clockwise circles. Add a few drops of the second essential oil (if you’ve opted to include more than one). Again, make three clockwise circles to stir the blend. Repeat this process each time you add an essential oil. As you work, envision a beautiful pink light running from your heart to your lover’s heart, growing to envelop you both in its radiant glow. After you’ve finished, pour the lotion/oil into the glass/china container and put the lid on.

Choose a time and place where you and your partner can spend an extended period of time together, undisturbed. Take turns massaging each other with the magick lotion. Relax and engage your senses. Allow the soothing touch and fragrant oils to enhance the connection between you.


After a while, many couples find that their relationships feel a little flat—like champagne without the bubbles. This spell pumps romance back into your partnership. Perform it with your beloved.


✵ 2 rose-colored candles in candleholders

✵ Matches or a lighter

✵ Sparkling apple cider or champagne

✵ 1 chalice (or pretty wine glass)


✵ During the waxing moon, preferably on a Friday or when the sun and/or moon is in Libra

Set the candles on your altar (or a table, mantel, or other flat surface). Light one candle yourself and let your lover light the other. Pour the cider or champagne into your chalice. Share the drink, passing the chalice back and forth, while you focus on your desire for one another. If you wish, express your loving feelings for each other. After you’ve finished the drink, extinguish the candles. Repeat whenever you like.