Spells for Self-Improvement - Spells for All Reasons and Seasons

The Modern Witchcraft Spell Book: Your Complete Guide to Crafting and Casting Spells - Skye Alexander 2015

Spells for Self-Improvement
Spells for All Reasons and Seasons

Self-doubt and lack of self-worth are common problems for many people. Self-esteem issues can keep you from achieving success in your career, from becoming financially secure, or from finding the love you desire and deserve. They can even cause illness. Increasing your sense of your own worthiness will help you to enhance every area of your life. You’ll also improve your magickal power so you can produce better, faster results.

“Think of yourself like this: There’s a universal intelligence subsisting throughout nature inherent in every one of its manifestations. You are one of those manifestations. You are a piece of this universal intelligence—a slice of God, if you will.”


Regardless of what area in your life you wish to improve—your appearance, your health, your musical or athletic ability, your intelligence or intuition—magick can help. The most important part of working magick is your intent, fueled by your desire and willpower. Spells may not build up your physical muscles—although they can increase your energy and determination to stick with your training program—but they work wonders for strengthening your mental “muscles.” The very nature of spellcasting requires you to focus your mind and use your imagination to visualize outcomes.

The spells in this chapter cover a wide range of conditions and objectives, from strengthening your sense of security to clearing your skin to eliminating an old habit. The tables included here offer information about the ingredients to use in spellwork, according to your purposes. Feel free to substitute ingredients from these charts to customize your spells and make them more personal.

Steps for Successful Spellcasting

Whenever you cast a spell, remember to use a few tried-and-true measures, as described in Chapter 1. These precautions can help you avoid complications, mix-ups, delays, or disappointments:

1. Remove all distractions.

2. Collect the ingredients and tools you’ll use in your spell and cleanse them.

3. Purify and sanctify your space.

4. Quiet your mind.

5. Cast a circle around the area where you’ll do your spellworking.

6. Perform the spell.

7. If you’ve called upon deities or spirits to assist you, thank and release them.

8. Open the circle.

9. Store your tools in a safe place until you need them again.


To enhance the spells you do for personal improvement, incorporate the colors yellow or orange into your workings. If your intention includes healing of some sort, you might also use green and/or blue. If you feel a need for more self-love and acceptance, choose pink. The most popular ways to bring in these colors are to burn candles or craft talisman pouches in these colors. You may also want to carry gemstones in these colors as talismans, or wear these colors while performing spells. Add flower petals that remind you of your objectives to mojo bags, ritual baths, sachets, or potions. Many of the spells in this chapter use these color associations.



Aquamarine: Stimulates intuition, imagination, and creativity

Fluorite: Improves concentration and mental clarity

Lapis lazuli: Deepens insight and inner wisdom

Moldavite: Enhances your ability to communicate with spirits, deities, and extraterrestrials

Obsidian: Provides strength to face obstacles; helps you break old habits

Sapphire: Increases spiritual knowledge and connection with the Divine


Carnation: Promotes strength and perseverance

Rose: Pink increases self-love and yellow enhances creativity

Sunflower: Boosts confidence

Essential Oils/Incense

Anise: Improves psychic vision

Bergamot: Elevates your mood and increases confidence

Lemon: Clears the mind and makes you more alert

Orange: Increases happiness and optimism

Herbs and Spices

Marjoram: Encourages cooperation; supports life changes

Sage: Improves memory; clears old attitudes

Thyme: Strengthens focus and concentration

Verbena: Increases skill in artistic areas, especially performance


This spell focuses on the body’s first major energy center, known as the root chakra, at the base of your spine, to strengthen your sense of security, stability, and inner power.


✵ 1 object that represents your “tribe”

✵ 1 pen

✵ 1 piece of paper

✵ 1 red candle in a holder

✵ Vial of clove essential oil

✵ Matches or a lighter


✵ During the waxing moon, preferably when the sun or moon is in Aries or Leo

The tribe symbol should be an object that represents your support system—a family photo, a figurine of a totem animal, or a treasured heirloom or item from your past. Set this “power object” on your altar. Next, write an affirmation that describes your intention. For example, you might write: “I can handle any challenge that comes my way” or “I am capable of caring for myself and my loved ones.” Fold the paper three times and slip it under the object that signifies your tribe.

Dress the candle with clove oil (not on the wick). If you wish, dab some oil on your power object, too, and at the base of your spine. As you light the candle, inhale the scent of clove and say your affirmation aloud. Focus on the spot at the base of your spine and imagine you are directing energy into it. Imagine a glowing ball of red light there. Allow the candle to burn down on its own, and then burn the paper, releasing your affirmation into the universe.


This spell helps improve your life—even if you can’t put your finger on precisely what or how it might make things better. The key is remembering that you are in charge of your own life—not somebody else—and every moment you have the power to change the things you don’t like about it.


✵ 1 piece of white paper

✵ 1 box of crayons (with at least 7 colors in the box)


✵ During the new moon, preferably when the sun or moon is in Aries, or on a Tuesday, Thursday, or Sunday

Draw a big circle on the paper. This circle represents your life. Divide the circle into pie-slice wedges, as many wedges as you feel are necessary. Designate each slice to represent a segment of your life: friends, money, family, health, career, love—whatever you deem important. Usually we associate certain colors with certain areas of our lives: pink with love and affection, gold with money, etc. (At the beginning of the chapters in Part II of this book, you’ll find information about colors to use in various types of spells and their meanings—but if your personal associations are different, by all means go with them.)

Look at the wedges that you’ve identified in your circle. Which areas of your life are you happy with and which ones do you want to change? Then look at the colors in your box of crayons and consider how those colors relate to your objectives. For example, if you want to relieve job-related stress and you connect serenity with blue, color the job sector blue. If you seek more affection in your love life, color that wedge pink. If you aren’t clear about what you want to change, choose the crayon(s) you feel most drawn to at this moment and let your intuition guide you.

As you color the wedges in your circle, visualize your life realigning and rebalancing to reflect your choices. Don’t be concerned about staying in the lines. Life isn’t neatly compartmentalized. It’s messy. Recognize that, accept it, and embrace it. You can also decorate your circular chart with stickers, glitter, cut-out photos, words, or whatever you like to personalize it. It’s your life—have fun! Display your finished drawing on your altar, your desk, the fridge, the bathroom mirror, or another place where you’ll see it often. Each time you look at it, reaffirm your commitment to creating the ideal balance of energies in your life.


Do you see pimples, wrinkles, or other “imperfections” when you look into your mirror? When you do this simple ritual you focus positive energy onto your face to clear and rejuvenate your skin.


✵ None


✵ Every day

Close your eyes and begin breathing slowly and deeply. Rub your palms together vigorously, until they feel quite warm. Beginning at your collarbones, hold your hands an inch or so away from your body with your palms turned toward you. Move your hands upward, over your face, to the top of your head—but don’t actually touch your face. When you get to the top of your head, flick your hands sharply as if throwing off water—you are actually shaking off unwanted energy.

As you move your hands, imagine you are drawing off all the tension and impurities that lead to wrinkles, pimples, dryness, discoloration, and other imperfections. Envision healing, invigorating energy infusing your skin with good energy. Repeat these movements six more times (for a total of seven passes). Perform this quick-and-easy ritual each morning and each night to stimulate your own inherent vitality and regenerative abilities.


If you’d like to enhance a particular quality in yourself, look at the animal kingdom to see which creature embodies the quality you seek. The owl, for example, symbolizes wisdom; the lion represents courage; the turtle displays determination.


✵ 1 candle of a color that corresponds to your intention or that reminds you of the animal you’ve chosen

✵ 1 candleholder

✵ Matches or a lighter

✵ 1 small square of aluminum foil, 4" × 4"

✵ 1 nail, dry ballpoint pen, or other sharp object


✵ On the new moon

Fit the candle in the candleholder and light it. Allow it to burn while you meditate upon the animal you have chosen. Consider the qualities you admire in this creature and how you will use those characteristics in your own life. Carefully pick up the candle and hold it horizontally. Allow the wax to drip onto the piece of aluminum foil, forming a circular shape about the size of a quarter. Make sure the wax is at least 18" thick, and try to keep it as even as possible. Allow the wax to cool and dry. Leave the candle to burn while you work.

Peel the wax off the aluminum foil and turn it over so that the smooth side is facing up. With the nail, pen, or other tool, lightly scratch a simple symbol into the wax that represents the animal you have chosen. Do not carve too deeply, or you will snap the wax disk. Hold the wax amulet in your hands and envision the animal you have chosen, as you say:

“O [animal], lend me your [quality]

[Quality] flow through me night and day, day and night.

These are my words, this is my will.

So mote it be.”

If you like, you can even act like the animal to show that you are receiving the animal energy you desire. Roar like the lion, hoot like the owl, etc. Hold the wax circle to your heart as you visualize the quality you seek flowing into you, down your arms, and into the wax circle. Extinguish the candle. Carry the wax disk with you to continue bringing you wisdom, courage, or whatever quality you seek.


If you’ve been singing the blues lately, this ritual helps you change your tune. Drumming stimulates acupressure and reflexology points on your hands to produce beneficial effects. Because the beats harmonize with the beating of your own heart, drumming makes you feel joyful and alive.


✵ Sandalwood incense

✵ Incense burner

✵ Matches or a lighter

✵ Brightly colored ribbons (number and colors optional)

✵ 1 hand drum (for instance, a djembe, doumbek, or conga)

✵ The Sun card from a tarot deck you don’t use for readings


✵ Anytime

Fit the incense in its holder and light it. Tie the ribbons on the drum, as many as you like, in whatever colors please you. Then attach the Sun card to the drum, with the image facing out (you may be able to simply slip it under the drum strings).

Begin playing the drum with both hands. Don’t worry about how you sound or whether you’re doing it right, just play. Feel the drum’s vibrations resonating through your hands, arms, and body. Feel it breaking up the dense, depressing energy around you. Close your eyes if you like. Try a variety of beats, keeping your mind focused on your drumming. You may hear singing or sense the presence of nonphysical beings near you, for drumming attracts fun-loving spirits. If you wish, put on a CD of lively African or Caribbean music and play along with it. Continue playing as long as you like. Repeat this spell whenever you start feeling blue to quickly shift your emotions to a higher vibration.


If you don’t feel you’re getting the attention or respect you deserve, perhaps it’s because other people can’t see the real you. This spell makes them sit up and take notice, as you shine your light into the darkness like a beacon.


✵ 1 tarot card that represents you (from a deck you don’t normally use for readings)

✵ 7 purple candles in candleholders

✵ Matches or a lighter


✵ Begin 7 days before the full moon

Choose a tarot card that you resonate with or that you feel depicts you. Lay the card face up on your altar or another spot where you can leave the spell components safely in place for a week. Arrange the candles in a tight circle around the card. Light the candles, starting with the candle at the top of the card and working your way around the circle in a clockwise direction until you’ve lit them all. Gaze at the setup for a few moments while you imagine yourself illuminated brilliantly, as if standing in a spotlight. See other people watching and admiring you. When you feel ready, extinguish the candles in a counterclockwise direction.

The next day, repeat the ritual. This time, however, widen the circle of candles by moving each candle outward an inch or two. Repeat the ritual for a total of 7 days, moving the candles apart a little more each day. As the circle of candles increases in size, you expand your personal power. The light you shine into the world burns brighter and touches more people. On the night of the full moon allow the candles to finish burning down completely to send your “light” out into the universe. (Remember not to leave lit candles unattended.)


Identify one or more patterns that are holding you back or limiting your ability to express yourself. Choose candles of a color that relates to your objective. If you want to be better at handling your financial investments, for instance, use gold or silver candles. If you want to be more creative in your professional life, use orange candles. If you want to be kinder and more loving toward yourself and others, burn pink candles.


✵ 2 candles in a color that corresponds to your intentions

✵ 1 piece of string

✵ Matches or a lighter

✵ Scissors

✵ Cauldron (optional)


✵ During the waning moon, on a Saturday, or when the sun or moon is in Capricorn

Set the candles on your altar and tie them together with the string. Light the candles. Imagine the string is a limiting force that binds you and keeps you from functioning as fully as you could. Feel the energy of that self-limiting bond. Let your emotions come to the surface until they reach a peak and you experience a strong desire to remove the fetters. Then cut the string and burn it in your cauldron. (If you don’t have a cauldron, you can burn it in the fireplace, a barbecue grill, or other safe place.) Say aloud:

“My self-limiting beliefs and bonds

Are burned up in this cleansing fire.

I’m now free to express myself

In any way I choose and desire.”

Sense the relief that accompanies this symbolic release. Know that you can do whatever you wish to do, now that you’ve removed the old restrictions.


If you feel a special affinity with a certain angel or deity, invite him or her to participate in this spell with you. Or ask one of the deities associated with creativity—Brigid, Isis, Apollo, Lugh, Odin, or Thoth, for example—to assist you.


✵ 1 small statue, icon, charm, picture, or other likeness of the angel or deity

✵ An offering for the angel or deity (your choice)


✵ During the waxing moon, especially when the sun or moon is in Leo or Libra; at dawn on a Sunday or Friday

Stand in the center of your circle and hold the likeness of the angel or deity in your hands. Invite him or her to fill you with creative power and join you in whatever task you’ve chosen. Then call upon the spirits of the four elements to lend their energies, too. Say aloud:

“Spirits of Air, fill me with inspiration.

Spirits of Fire, fill me with passion.

Spirits of Water, fill me with imagination.

Spirits of Earth, fill me with patience.”

Feel the energies of these spirits—under the direction of your angel or deity—flowing into you. Stand in the circle as long as you like. When you feel you’ve absorbed as much creative energy as you need, place the image of the angel or deity on your altar. Lay the offering (a flower, a gemstone, or whatever you’ve selected) in front of the image and express your thanks. Release the entities you’ve called upon, with gratitude. Whenever you feel a need for a creative boost, touch the image and know that your guardian will assist you.


Maybe you don’t think of yourself as being creative, but everyone has some creative talent. Often we stifle ourselves because we think we have to be a Mozart or van Gogh. This spell uses the Chinese magickal art of feng shui to spark your imagination and get your creative juices flowing.


✵ 1 slip of paper

✵ 1 pen

✵ 3 coins (any denomination)

✵ 1 bowl

✵ Yellow rose petals


✵ When the moon is waxing, preferably when the sun or moon is in Leo

To locate the area of your home that corresponds to creativity, stand at the doorway that you use most often to enter or exit your home, facing in. Halfway between the farthest right-hand corner and the nearest right-hand corner is the creativity sector.

Write an affirmation on a slip of paper, describing your intention. Remember to state it in the present tense. For example, you might write “A major publishing company now buys my novel and I am content with all aspects of the contract.” Or you could state “I now land a role in the upcoming community play” or “My tulips win an award in the spring gardening show.”

Place your written affirmation in the creativity sector of your home, then position the three coins on top of it. The coins symbolize receiving money (or other rewards) for your creativity. Next, set the bowl on top of the coins and the affirmation. The bowl represents your willingness to attract and hold on to creative ideas. Fill the bowl with the rose petals. Yellow, the color associated with creativity and self-esteem, suggests that your creative ideas are blossoming and taking shape in the material world. Leave this spell in place until the full moon or until your wish materializes.


Have you ever noticed that the entrances to the homes of rich and powerful people—as well as doors leading into government buildings, successful businesses, and cathedrals—tend to be grand, easily accessible, and well lit? In feng shui, the entrance to your home corresponds to your self-image and identity. Observe your entryway. Is it attractive and inviting? Or is it nondescript, cluttered, dark, maybe even difficult to find? To change your image—and the impression you make on others—all you have to do is improve your home’s entrance.


✵ Whatever you choose


✵ During the waxing moon, preferably when the sun or moon is in Leo, or on the summer solstice

Here are some ways you can improve your image: Install better lighting. Put a large, attractive plant near the door. Paint the door a bright, cheerful color. Affix handsome brass numerals on the door. Hang a decorative wreath on the door. Clear away all clutter or obstacles. Fix broken steps and railings. Remember, this is the first impression your visitors get of you, so make it as appealing as possible.

While you’re working, periodically repeat this incantation (or another that you’ve designed yourself):

“The updates that I make today

Enhance my image in every way.”

Keep your intention in mind—that’s the most important part of the spell.


Most of us tend to be a little too self-critical. We pay more attention to our shortcomings than to our strengths and talents. This spell combines a selection of ingredients that encourage personal power and fire up self-confidence.


✵ 1 piece of paper

✵ 1 pen, marker, or colored pencil

✵ 1 gold-colored pouch, preferably made of silk

✵ 1 almond

✵ 1 pinch of sage

✵ 1 acorn

✵ 1 small piece of tiger’s eye, carnelian, or red jasper

✵ 1 red ribbon

✵ Sandalwood incense in a holder

✵ Matches or a lighter


✵ On the full moon, preferably a Sunday or a Thursday, or when the sun or moon is in Leo

As described in Chapter 5, design a magick sigil by entwining the letters that spell the word power so they form an image. Fold the paper three times, then slip it into the gold-colored pouch. Add the almond, sage, acorn, and stone. Tie the pouch with the red ribbon, making 9 knots. Each time you tie a knot, repeat this incantation:

“By the magick of three times three

Divine power flows through me.

I am all I wish to be.”

Light the incense. Hold the talisman in the smoke for a few moments to charge it. Carry the talisman with you to increase your self-confidence. Hold it in your hand whenever you feel a need for a confidence boost. If you prefer, put it on your altar or in a spot where you’ll see it often.


This spell requires no tools except the belief that magick works and that it can work for you. As you’re waking up in the morning, before you open your eyes, when you’re still in that drowsy state halfway between dreams and full consciousness, visualize whatever it is that you desire. The first thoughts you have in the morning are very powerful, and they color your experiences throughout the day. Then say your wish silently to yourself, in the form of an affirmation.

Let’s say you want to ace an exam. Visualize the end result as vividly as possible: a big red A at the top of your exam sheet. Pour emotion into it. Imagine how excited you’ll be when you see the A. Then say to yourself, “I ace my exam,” feeling confident that you will do just that. When you get out of bed, forget about it. Release the desire and don’t worry. Assuming that you’ve done your part to get an A on the exam (studied or otherwise prepared yourself), your intention should come true.


If you’ve let other people drain your energy during the day, this ritual will help you take back what’s yours. Do this colorful practice every evening to improve your vitality, strengthen your ability to accomplish your objectives, and enhance every area of your life.


✵ None


✵ At the end of each day, before going to sleep

Sit in a comfortable chair and close your eyes. Start breathing slowly and deeply. Bring to mind someone you encountered during the day. Imagine that person standing in front of you. Notice any splotches of color that appear to be stuck onto that person’s body—they represent pieces of your own vital energy that you gave away to someone else.

Pick one splotch and as you inhale, imagine you are pulling that colored energy patch off the person’s body and drawing it toward yourself. As you exhale, feel the energy being reabsorbed into your body. Notice how this makes you feel—you should experience a slight sensation of contentment and strength.

Continue in this manner until you’ve taken back all the energy you lost during the day. You’ll know you’re done when you don’t see any more colored blotches remaining on that individual’s body. Then call to mind another person and repeat the ritual. Do this for everyone with whom you interacted, so they don’t keep draining your power.


Have daily stress and worries thrown you off-balance? This magick visualization technique tones your chakras to restore harmony to your entire system. When your chakras are balanced, you feel better in body, mind, and spirit.


✵ None


✵ Anytime

Sit in a comfortable chair and close your eyes. Start breathing slowly and deeply. Focus your attention on the base of your spine, the energy center known as the “root chakra.” Imagine a ball of clear red light glowing there, and feel warmth radiating in this part of your body for a few moments. Next, focus on the “sacral chakra” about a hand’s width below your belly button. Envision a sphere of orange light shining there. After a few moments shift your attention to your solar plexus; see yellow light radiating there and warming this part of your body.

Continue breathing rhythmically as you visualize bright green light glowing around your heart. Feel it calming your emotions. Move your attention up to the base of your throat and imagine blue light shining there for a few moments. This helps you speak up for yourself with confidence. Shift your focus to your “third eye” on your forehead between your eyebrows, while you envision indigo light at this point. Finally, allow your attention to go to the “crown chakra” at the top of your head. As you see purple light glowing there, sense your connection with a higher force. Feel power flowing from the heavens into the top of your head and down your spine, energizing your entire body.

Enjoy this pleasant, soothing sensation for as long as you wish. Repeat this revitalizing ritual whenever you feel off-center, stressed out, or tired.


This spell helps to lift your spirits by bringing back carefree feelings from childhood. On a practical level, it gets you outside in the sunshine and fresh air, and gives you a little exercise—all of which can improve your mood.


✵ 1 kite

✵ Kite string

✵ Strips of paper or lightweight ribbon

✵ Tape

✵ Scissors

✵ Matches or a lighter

✵ 1 cauldron (optional)


✵ At sunset

Attach the string to the kite, then affix the strips of paper or ribbon to the kite’s tail. Each strip or ribbon represents something that is causing you sadness. Take the kite to an open area. Feel the wind flow around you. Feel the sorrow in your heart, and imagine it flowing down your arms into the kite. Allow the wind to catch the kite and lift it up into the air. If you’ve never flown a kite before, abandon yourself to the experience. It takes focus, and intuition, and patience—just as magick does. As you fly the kite, visualize the wind lifting your sorrow gently away.

Fly the kite for as long as you choose. When you are done, reel it in and cut off the paper strips or ribbons. Burn them in your cauldron (or a safe spot such as a fireplace or barbecue grill) to symbolically eliminate your sadness. Repeat as often as necessary.


In order to release something, you must first acknowledge it. Holding on to anger not only drains your personal power, it also prevents good things from coming to you. This spell helps you release anger that may be eating away at you and draining energy that you could use more productively.


✵ 1 piece of paper

✵ 1 pen

✵ Matches or a lighter

✵ 1 cauldron (optional)


✵ During the waning moon, at sunset on a Saturday

Write a letter to the person with whom you are angry. Use profanity, excessive exclamation points, capital letters, and bad grammar if you wish. Tell that person exactly what you think of him or her and how you feel. When you are done, reread your letter. Allow yourself to feel as emotional as you like.

Then, take three deep breaths and exhale all your tension and stress. At the bottom of your letter, write “I release my anger. [Name], you no longer hold any power over me.” Burn the letter in your cauldron (or a safe spot such as a fireplace or barbecue grill) to symbolically eliminate your anger. Envision your anger drifting away with the smoke. Repeat as often as necessary, whenever a person or situation arouses your anger.