Candidate Boosting Spell - The Magical Activist’s Spellbook

Original Magic: The Rituals and Initiations of the Persian Magi - Michael M. Hughes 2018

Candidate Boosting Spell
The Magical Activist’s Spellbook

Here is a simple spell to help a candidate in an election. It is best done during the waxing or full moon.

As this may be utilized as a “road opener” spell, especially if the candidate faces great odds, you may consider invoking the following deities: Ganesha, Hekate, Hermes, Elegua, Papa Legba.


Glue stick

Printed photo of the candidate (sized to fit ⅓ the width of the candle)

Yellow or white glass-enclosed prayer candle

Campaign materials (pamphlets, flyers, buttons, bumper stickers)

Power Oil (see page 144) or abre camino oil

Incense (frankincense, copal, or your preference)

Lodestone (or magnet)

Emperor or Empress tarot card (depending upon sex or identity of candidate; if trans use the World card instead)

Use the glue stick to apply the photo to the glass. Voilà! Instant vigil candle for your candidate. Place it on your altar.

In the center of your altar pile the campaign materials. Place the lodestone or magnet atop them. Lay the tarot card atop the lodestone.

Anoint the candle by first wiping a bit of the Power Oil around the wax at the top (near the wick) with your finger. Make three clockwise circles.

Do the Centering Ritual.

Light your incense.

Light the vigil candle, saying,

Hear me, oh spirits (or deity name)

In the name of all that is good, and true, and honorable

Open the way for
(name of candidate)

Who represents the lawful

The righteous

And the just

(her/him/them) to victory

In the contest before us

For the sake of
(name of town/city/state/country)

(name of candidate) serve with honor


And fairness

And awaken the people to their true goodness

Hold your hands over the campaign materials, feeling the spiritual energy radiating from your hands, and say,

Bless these materials, spirits (or deity name)

May they open the road to victory

(name of candidate)

In the name of the greater good

So mote it be

Clap your hands three times, ending the ritual.

Allow the candle to burn and the lodestone to attract more energy for as long as you’d like.

Extinguish the candle and ground.

Afterward, when possible, distribute the energized campaign materials to voters who are either leaning toward your candidate or on the fence.

Burn the candidate vigil candle daily, each time saying a silent prayer for victory.


You can repeat this ritual with more campaign materials as desired. If you’re doing the spell for an important election, but it’s not one you are personally connected to locally, omit the campaign materials and use a photo of the candidate beneath the lodestone and tarot card instead. Just use a plain white or orange candle.