Basic Spells - White magic - Magic for the weekend Wiccan

Practical Magic: A Beginner's Guide to Crystals, Horoscopes, Psychics, and Spells - Nikki Van De Car 2017

Basic Spells
White magic
Magic for the weekend Wiccan

The following are suggestions for how to perform a spell, after you’ve created your ritual space and finished with your invocations. They should be followed by gratitude and closing the circle.

truth spell


If you require a specific truth, write your question on a piece of paper. Use a pimpernel smudge wand, waving it around your face. Let your smudge rest in a bowl, smoldering gently, and use your hands to waft the smoke around you. Light a candle and set your piece of paper, if you used one, on fire, allowing it to turn to ashes in the bowl that holds the smudge wand. Take a tiger’s-eye stone and hold it over the smoke. Focus on the stone and recite the following incantation, or another of your choosing:

Let the truth be revealed

Clear away all deceit

Let nothing be concealed

So mote it be



healing spell


Use a garlic or sage smudge wand, and have turquoise, garnet, and clear quartz either on an altar or in your hands. Focus on the person you wish to heal, whether it is yourself or another, and direct your energies particularly toward the injury or illness in question. If you need to be healed, place the stone or stones on the site of injury or illness, or if the person you wish to heal is present, place the stones on their body. Hold your hand over the specific place, and visualize white light and energy flowing from your hand. Recite the following incantation:

Let this pain ease

Let my power flow

Let this sickness cease

So mote it be

protection spell


Make a smudge wand out some combination of mandrake, garlic, cinquefoil, and betony. Use smoky quartz, obsidian, hematite, and pyrite. If you have something specific you want to protect yourself, or another, from, make a doll or symbol of that threat, and surround it with your stones and herbs. If yours is a general protection spell, simply use your smudge wand as you normally would, and hold your stones in your hands. Build a mental wall around yourself or the person you wish to protect. Hold tight to that image, and recite the following incantation:

Let no harm befall

Against all threats, be strong

Let (NAME) be safe behind my wall

So mote it be


abundance spell



Use some combination of vervain, thyme, honeysuckle, and marigold in a smudge wand. Light a candle so that it shines on an image of what you wish to have, whether it is more money, a new car, a new job—whatever it is you’re hoping your life will hold. Hold citrine and jade in your hands, or use them as weights on the image. Close your eyes and make that image a reality in your mind. Recite the following incantation:

Let abundance come to me

Allow my dreams to flow

Let me give back more than I receive

So mote it be

summoning spell


Be certain that you have placed extra protection in your circle before you begin. Make a smudge wand of yarrow, mugwort, elecampane, and belladonna, depending on who or what you want to summon. Hold opal, lapis lazuli, and calcite in your hands. Light a candle so the spirit can find its way. If you are attempting to summon someone specific, have their image present or some token that represents them. Recite the following incantation:

Let my light bring you to me

Follow my voice, come to me

(NAME), I ask you, come to me

So mote it be


banishing spell



If you have summoned something or someone unintentionally, or if you suspect that negative energies have become attached to you, make a smudge wand of some combination of wormwood, St. John’s wort, hyssop, hellebore, and garlic. Obsidian and hematite can be useful here. Light a candle and recite the following incantation, blowing the candle out when you’ve finished:

Let this visit be ended

Be gone, and follow me no longer

Let my spirit be mended

So mote it be

self-confidence spell


Begin by writing an affirmation on a small piece of paper. Your affirmation can be whatever you want it to be—whatever you want to celebrate in yourself at that moment or whatever you need a little assistance in celebrating. Make a smudge wand of some combination of thyme, sage, mandrake, lavender, and clover. Light a candle and place aquamarine, azurite, moonstone, citrine, and obsidian in a circle around it. Light your affirmation on fire and place it in the bowl where your smudge wand is smoldering. Recite the following incantation:

Let my true self shine through

I am already all that I need to be

Let me know that this is true

So mote it be



love spell


First consider what kind of love spell you want to cast. Is it a general love spell to invite more love into your life? Are you hoping to attract or seal the affections of someone specific? If it is someone specific, write their name on a piece of paper. Make your smudge wand with a combination of myrtle, mistletoe, honeysuckle, dragon’s blood, and caraway. If you’re hoping to attract someone specific, you might want to add some sage, mandrake, or lemon balm, and if you’re casting a spell to improve your marriage, consider using some hawthorn as well. Light a candle and place rose quartz, smoky quartz, jade, and carnelian around it. Scatter rose petals around you, if you like. If you wrote someone’s name on your piece of paper, light it on fire and place it in the bowl that holds your smudge wand. Recite the following incantation:

Let me be open to the love that is here

There is much that I do not see

Let (NAME or THE ONE THAT I LOVE) draw me near

So mote it be