Mabon - Pagan Holidays - Magic for the weekend Wiccan

Practical Magic: A Beginner's Guide to Crystals, Horoscopes, Psychics, and Spells - Nikki Van De Car 2017

Pagan Holidays
Magic for the weekend Wiccan

Pronounced MAY-bun. Also known as Alban Elfed or Meán Fómhair, it is held on the fall equinox, so on or around September 21.

Mabon was a Welsh god of the harvest, a kind of masculine version of Persephone. His holiday celebrates the second harvest, but like Samhain, it is less about joy and accomplishment and more about reflection. On the fall equinox the hours of sunlight are equal to the hours of darkness, so Mabon is about seeking balance—and about respecting the darker aspects of life, since so many of the other holidays are about honoring the sun. It is also a time to give thanks and reflect on all that we have been given throughout the year.

The Scottish refer to the last sheaf of the harvest as “the maiden,” and it must be cut down by the youngest female in attendance. Ripe grains were brought in from the field and stored at Mabon, and the casks that beer and wines had been fermenting in since Lammas were opened and consumed. And that, of course, required feasting.

COLORS: red, orange, brown, and gold

STONES: sapphire, lapis lazuli, and yellow agate

HERBS: marigold, milkweed, sage, Solomon’s seal, and milk thistle


Image Spend your morning in quiet reflection. Acknowledge the darkness within yourself, honoring it and allowing it a seat at your inner table.

Image Write a gratitude list.

Image Tell stories of death and rebirth—like tales of Odin, Persephone, Mabon, Osiris, Mithras, Dionysus, and of course Jesus Christ.

Image Throw a party! Mabon was traditionally a grand feast day, with lots of wine, mead, and beer. Let the darkness have its due, but remember to celebrate the light as well.
