Imbolc - Pagan Holidays - Magic for the weekend Wiccan

Practical Magic: A Beginner's Guide to Crystals, Horoscopes, Psychics, and Spells - Nikki Van De Car 2017

Pagan Holidays
Magic for the weekend Wiccan

Pronounced IM-bullug. Also called Candlemas or Brighid’s Day. With the help of Hallmark, it has morphed into Valentine’s Day. Takes place on or around February 2.


Imbolc is translated from Gaelic as “in the belly of the mother,” since that is where the seeds of rebirth are generated. This time of year is when we look to the end of winter, when lambs are slaughtered, when it is time to bless the seeds and farming tools and prepare to set to work in the coming spring. Brighid (pronounced Breej) is particularly honored on this day, as she is the patron goddess of fire, smithcraft, healing, midwifery, and poetry—all things that will be needed in the coming months.

Imbolc is the time to clean house and be done with hunkering down for the winter. It’s time to get to work.

COLORS: white, pink, red, and yellow

STONES: amethyst, bloodstone, and garnet

HERBS: angelica, basil, bay laurel, and tansy


Image Go for a walk in the woods, hunting for crocuses or other signs of spring.

Image Make a Brideo’gas, or a little doll to honor Brighid. They’re constructed from straw and decorated with gifts of ribbon or doilies. Fit them with an acorn wand and lay them in the fire overnight. Examine the ashes to see if the wand left a mark—if it did, this will be a good season.

Image Make a Brighid’s Cross out of straw and rushes for protection.

Image Wear a crown of lights, or light candles throughout the house, to welcome the coming warmth into the home.