Poppet Basics

Poppet Magick: Patterns, Spells & Formulas for Poppets, Spirit Dolls & Magickal Animals - Silver RavenWolf 2018

Poppet Basics

Intent, Supplies, and Timing

All things—people, places, animals, and nature—are connected. The gatekeeper to opening or closing these connections is the combination of your thought, will, and emotion. This amazing triad of energy that you create can open, close, or move energy along the network that exists among all things. The creation of a poppet accesses that network. Your physical work combined with your mental work enhances and strengthens the connection between your desire and the manifestation. The doll is never “just” a doll—it is a vehicle of pure potential. When you make a poppet or spirit doll, you are riding the network of creation.

Although many people think that a poppet represents a specific person (and it can), poppets also can be used to access a plethora of energies—from information gathering, clarity, healing, compassion, courage, and overcoming obstacles to attracting prosperity and much more. These images are often called spirit dolls. Dolls can represent the spirit of an inanimate object, such as a house, a car, or a piece of property. They can also be associated with nature, your garden, or your pets. With a poppet or spirit doll (or in any other magickal endeavor), if you think it, you create it. A poppet or spirit doll becomes the bond (the marriage) of the mental and physical.


All poppets/spirit dolls will work if:

·  your intent is clear

·  you have established a clear connection to the network of creation

The Purpose of Your Poppet

The fashioning of any poppet or doll figure begins with your intent. What specifically is the doll for? Do you want to make a doll to represent your sister and place healing herbs and sigils within it or do you want to fashion a poppet to represent the disease that has plagued her? Will your spirit doll be a messenger? A friend to carry around with you? A key to something you need? Poppets fall under two main categories: effigies of people or representations of a particular form of energy activity (banishment, serenity, grief recovery, happiness, etc.).

From the choice of effigy or energy, we move into the concept of attracting or repelling. Are you looking for love or do you need financial security? Do you desire to banish debt or remove the damage gossip has caused in your life? Once we have determined whether we want to pull something toward us or push something away, we move on to the choice of the life of the poppet.

If you are working for good luck in the home, you may wish to create a poppet that will last at least a year or more. However, if you are trying to banish a particular disease, you may wish to destroy the poppet in a timely manner—anywhere from immediately upon empowerment in ceremony to three days later. Poppets of this nature are not usually kept beyond that time as the negativity can take hold within the life of the practitioner and become stuck, making the problem worse than before.

These three concepts constitute the formulation of your basic intent and the life purpose of your poppet or spirit doll:

·  effigy versus energy

·  attraction versus banishment

·  long term versus short term

Your choices within these categories guide your steps throughout the process, from choosing the materials, colors, embellishments, sigils, timing, and ceremonial applications (in which the poppet will be empowered) to deciding whether you will dismantle or destroy the doll upon completion of your work.

For example, if the poppet/spirit doll will be used to promote your sister’s healing, you may not want to take it apart immediately (or at all, depending upon your purpose). The same might be true for a doll that represents attracting protective energies, money, or good fortune to the household; this type of poppet can be kept for years if you like, re-empowering it on a special day once a month or perhaps once a year. If the doll stands for your sister’s disease, your personal debt, or someone who has brought negativity into your life, then it most likely will be burned or in some way dismantled upon performing your magickal working—if not immediately, then shortly after that.

Your intent, then, is the pivotal aspect of the poppet from which all other choices will be made. The clearer your intent, the more powerful the doll. The moment you settle on that intent in your mind is when the magick begins. I’ve found it extremely helpful to write out my intent for the doll, being very specific about what I want to come to pass. Write this statement out several times until the words precisely reflect the need. Keep this written statement with your supplies for the doll. You can use it when writing a petition to put in the doll, at the end of the doll’s birthing ceremony, and in any spellwork done with the doll. That way, your intent throughout the process will stay in sync at every stage of development.


When you make a poppet

or spirit doll, you are surfing the

network of energy creation: every doll

becomes a memory of a moment in time that blends your materials, your emotions, your intent,

and your will into a desired result.

Every doll, then, is completely individual and unique.


Choosing a Medium

Fabric, clay, wax, sticks, vegetables, mud, tin, paper, cork, wood, snow, stone, cardboard—what medium speaks to you? Are you going for speed? (Paper!) Simplicity? (A potato!) Perhaps you are comfortable working with wood, so a poppet from that material would suit you just fine. How much time do you have to make this poppet? A few minutes (draw it in the dirt), about an hour or two (a clay poppet), or is there a large block of time at your leisure (felt or cotton with embellishments)?

Your emotions play a big part in medium choice—what makes you feel empowered, strong, confident? What medium gives you that knowing experience when you pick it up and begin to make your poppet? Can you feel the energy immediately zing through your fingers? Do you feel really good about what you are doing as you work with the medium? Are you comfortable with the material? Does it frustrate you or does the creation flow smoothly? I like to work with fabric for long-term poppets, particularly those for healing, dreaming, and spirituality. For banishing I prefer clay, mud, or snow. I also use potatoes because they easily rot. This book contains instructions for fabric, paper, and clay—although many of the sections, such as cleansing your supplies and birthing your poppet, as well as the formulas, will lend themselves well to almost any medium you choose.

Poppet Construction Guide

I use the following steps when constructing a poppet:

1. Set the intent. Perform the Rite of the Golden Needle now or at any time during the construction process or not at all—your choice.

2. Consider magickal timing.

3. Determine if the poppet will be a temporary vehicle of magick or a permanent one.

4. Do you want a poppet as in the traditional human figure, a spirit doll (which has more leeway in body choice), or a magickal animal? Which form do you think will work best for your desire? Choose the medium (cloth, paper, clay, etc.) and associated pattern.

5. Decide if this poppet will be decommissioned (ritually taken apart after use) or left intact.

6. Choose what items might be helpful in matching the intent (a special charm, certain herbs, etc.).

7. Gather supplies matching the intent. If the poppet represents a specific person, you will need a taglock, or an item that “locks on” to a person and provides an energy conduit, such as hair, fingernail clippings, a piece of unwashed clothing they have worn, dirt they have walked on, or even spit. You can also write their name on a piece of paper nine times, burn the paper, and use the ashes. I have used an individual’s phone number, a discarded drinking straw, and scrapings of wood from a chair where they have rested for many hours. There is no end to your creativity when it comes to finding a suitable taglock! Think of a taglock like a GPS device or like the talons of a bird sinking into flesh and locking on for dear life. Modern or gothic, you choose the analogy.

8. Cleanse and bless all supplies.

9. Construct the poppet.

10. Stuff the poppet, adding magickal herbs, physical charms, and a taglock (see step 7). Also include the individual’s name, birthdate (if you have it), sigils, or other items.

11. Stitch shut or otherwise close the poppet.

12. Add any outside embellishments (beads, creative stitching or painting, physical charms, taglock, name, sigils, or other items).

13. Place poppet in the birthing pot.

14. Birth and name the poppet.

15. Use the poppet in spellwork, meditation, ritual, or ceremony.

There is only one area in which I sometimes deviate: when I cleanse and bless the special items that will embellish or be included in the poppet. There are occasions when I have the poppet constructed but wish to take a trip to find something special to add to what I already have. I may wait to choose a particular sigil or construct a sigil with a particular astrological influence. Sometimes I take a Spirit Walk—a walk outside with the specific intent of observing—letting divinity show me what items I should put in the poppet. The cleansing and blessing of these items are done separately, as I obtain or construct them.





The Rite of the Golden Needle

A mini ritual of balance for any crafter

I developed the Rite of the Golden Needle for the preparation of self before beginning any spirit doll work, and it can be easily adjusted for any creative work that you do. It is a process of calling balance into the body, mind, and spirit with deep breathing, honoring the spirit of “all that is,” and acknowledging that you are connected to everything. The rite is more mental than physical, although I do use the following on a regular basis:

·  sea salt

·  a candle—color matching my intent or the color of the day I was born (This candle is dressed with oil of the intent and liquid universal fluid condenser. Sometimes I use two candles—one for myself and one for my intent. I use purple a great deal with other colors as it is a power pusher, good for boosting protection, uncrossing, and righting wrongs.)

·  a golden needle

·  blessed water (water you have prayed over)

·  incense (optional)

To perform the Rite of the Golden Needle, sit quietly. Light incense if you are using it. Breathe deeply several times. Place the sea salt, the unlit candle, and the blessed water anywhere in front of you. Place a golden needle directly in front of you, preferably in the center of the objects. View this ceremony as a very holy activity—something that requires honor within the self.

Continue to breathe deeply, emptying your mind of all thoughts. I realize this is difficult. Tell yourself it is okay to slow down and chill for just a moment. The world will not explode and go away while you do this—and frankly, if it did, then this wouldn’t matter anyway, would it?

Right now it is just you, this place, this time, and “all that is.” Allow yourself to connect with “the all” and accept that this connection exists with all people, animals, plants, etc. Enjoy this vibrant, light-filled energy. Don’t just think it; FEEL it. You may suddenly find yourself in a web of light—yes, that is perfectly fine.

Rub the salt between the palms of your hands and say: “With this salt, I cleanse all negativity and unclean thoughts from my body, mind, and spirit.” Throw the salt over your left shoulder and say: “Only the good remains.”

Sprinkle the water over both palms of your hands. Say: “With this water, I bless my body, mind, and spirit so that I may create healing, good fortune, joy, and grace for myself and my family.” (You can alter these words as you see fit.) Touch your third eye (the middle of your forehead) with the water. Touch your heart chakra with the water. Take a deep breath and “pull in” divinity.

Light the candle, saying: “I light this candle, bringing the light of wisdom and love into my body, mind, and soul.”

Pass the light over the golden needle three times, saying: “As this candle burns, this light of peace, wisdom, and harmony will permeate all of my work.”

Pick up the golden needle and hold it in your dominate hand. Blow three times on the needle, saying: “As I stitch thee, so I wish thee. What I desire will come to pass. So be it!”

Allow the candle to continually burn. It is okay to put it out when you stop working on your project and relight it again later. Keep the needle with you or allow it to stay in the center of your altar (perhaps the needle itself need not be used, but the essence of the magick it represents is required).

You can finish by drawing an equal-armed cross over the working or you can add my sea of potential sequence here, which can be found in my book The Witching Hour.

Magickal Timing

Knowing when to construct or birth your poppet

There are several methods for magickal timing, including moon quarters, moon phases, the moon in the signs, the days of the week, the planetary hours, and the mansions of the moon. Where some practitioners are eager to work with magickal timing, incorporating all of the above, others are not. In this book we’ll cover the moon quarters. Should you like to investigate more extended magickal astrological information, please see my book The Witching Hour, where I have provided fine-tuned planetary information.

The most basic timing is what is often used in Braucherei magick: the divisions of the day. Dawn for beginnings and birth of all kinds. Noon for power, motivation, success, and strength (or astrologically when the sun hits its zenith for your area). Twilight for confusion, stealth, glamouries, and general banishment. This rural/agricultural-type (but extremely effective) timing can be added to that of the quarters of the moon, phases, planetary hours, etc., or simply used by itself.

Moon Quarters: Waxing and Waning Energies

The best way to work with the quarters of the moon is by following an almanac or calendar with the quarters listed, arranging your work to match the energies available through the power of the moon. Calendars can be purchased in paper form, such as Llewellyn’s Planetary Guide, viewed on the internet, or downloaded via an app to your phone, notebook, or iPad. Most of these calendars also include the moon in the signs, and some provide planetary hour information. Always remember that the moon doesn’t make people do things—rather, it reflects the energies available that you can use to enhance your working.

The New Moon and First Quarter

The new moon is when the sun and the moon are astrologically conjunct (together) in the same sign. This means that both the power of the sun and moon are doubled, each playing off the other—will and emotion combined for a successful working. As there are twelve signs of the zodiac, there are twelve separate new moon types. The consensus of new moon energy is that it is a time to get things started, whether you are beginning a business, buying a home, or learning a new skill. The new moon is the time of birthing all ventures. The correspondences listed below are tailored to possible poppet usage.

Aries New Moon: Aggression, beginnings, inspiration, men and male energy, defense of the home and family, and victory. Perfect for seven-day poppets wherein you will do a spell or ritual each day for seven days focusing on the poppet and your intent. Excellent for creating a motivation poppet. I made Taco Cat (a grunged, painted spirit doll) during an Aries new moon and filled him with a variety of motivational trinkets, herbs, and spices, including cinnamon, ginger, galangal, carnelian gemstone, and ghost peppers. Then I rubbed taco spices all over his body and baked him in the oven. Taco Cat helped me quit smoking cold turkey—no aids or crutches—and I did not backslide (I smoked for thirty years). I have also used him in other personal motivational magick. (You can see more pictures of Taco Cat by visiting my Facebook page or viewing my Instagram.) I even use his picture as the wallpaper for my phone and computer (see photo at right). He reminds me to never give up and never give in. Ruled by Mars. Element of fire.


Taurus New Moon: Stability, security, and material comfort. Good for seven-day rituals for the protection of home and property (the Cancer moon is also good for this) and for peace in the home. Prosperity magick, particularly when Venus, the sun, or Mercury is well aspected. Feed your house spirit dolly (the doll that brings food, good fortune, and joy into your home). Ruled by Venus. Element of earth.

Gemini New Moon: Communication, intelligence, charging poppets of all kinds, capturing thieves. Good to begin seven-day rituals wherein communication is the key to your success. A good moon to “send” your dolls of all kinds. As most of our money these days is tied to electronics, Mercury has become a “go-to” for prosperity magick, particularly if your money comes to you via the banking system, the internet, data transfer, etc. Ruled by Mercury. Element of air.

Cancer New Moon: Protection, family, healing, women’s issues, advancement in your job or career that will directly affect home life, domination, compelling and controlling. Ruled by moon. Element of water.

Leo New Moon: Success, generosity, children, passion, increasing your talent, building your knowledge in a particular skill, lawsuit spells, promotional work, gaining money from a specific person (add Jezebel root), self-confidence. Ruled by sun. Element of fire.

Virgo New Moon: Solutions, healing people and animals, detail, planning, organizing, open the pathway to bring money into the home—can also be used for commanding and compelling work. Ruled by Mercury. Element of earth.

Libra New Moon: Stabilization of the self, create deity dolls, marriage, partnership, negotiations, teamwork, cooperation, asking for help in difficult times, bringing beauty into any situation or place. Ruled by Venus. Element of air.

Scorpio New Moon: Sex, money from others, radical change, creativity of all kinds, unearthing information, genealogy, discovering secrets, money spells for your own business or capital gain. Ruled by Mars (classical) and Pluto (modern). Element of water.

Sagittarius New Moon: Winning, achievement, justice, general self-improvement, good luck, legal issues, humor and joy dolls for healing and general happiness. Ruled by Jupiter. Element of fire.

Capricorn New Moon: Structure, senior citizens, authority, recognition, strategy, organization, guidelines, bringing in material necessities, reward, money owed you, food and lodging for the family, help from someone wiser than yourself , reward for your hard work, binding, holding something temporarily. Ruled by Saturn. Element of earth.

Aquarius New Moon: Innovation, freedom, technology, social groups, psychic pursuits, astrology, uncovering mental health issues. The perfect moon to make and utilize a shopping buddy spirit doll to find all the great deals and protect yourself from being cheated. A super time to make such a doll would be either the Aquarius new moon, or when the sun is in Aquarius and the moon is in Virgo, or when the sun is in Virgo and the moon is in Aquarius. Ruled by Saturn (classical) and Uranus (modern). Element of air.

Pisces New Moon: Divination, dreaming, goals, spirituality, wisdom, throw an enemy off track, confuse the enemy, purification, visionary work of all kinds, spirit animal preparation, seeing the big picture. Ruled by Jupiter (classical) and Neptune (modern). Element of water.

The six days after the new moon are called first quarter, where the momentum of the new moon energy is at its strongest. During this time the moon will move out of the sun’s sign and travel into the next sign or two (depending on its momentum). What sign it moves to can tell you how your new moon work will play out—will it be slow or fast, like a shooting star? For example, if the new moon is in Pisces and you have done visionary work that is associated with that sign, then as the moon moves into Aries the Pisces vision you worked on will have a decidedly motivational and fiery flare. Your signal that your magick is working will most likely be in Aries energy form. This is one way to tell if your spell, ritual, or rite is on the right track and will be successful. You will see progress on your original issue associated with the next sign’s energy.

The Second Quarter Moon

The second quarter moon is actually a square between the sun and the moon. This is a time when challenges can be overcome to move forward or when friction is applied in a positive way to accomplish a goal. This is the building cycle when you add to a continuing project or expend renewed effort into your creation. Again, the moon continues to move quickly through the astrological signs, giving you an idea how to employ your ideas.

The period from the new moon through the second quarter moon is called waxing. The waxing moon (in general) is good for starting all sorts of things, planting, leaving on a trip, bringing things out into the open, and enjoying new experiences, ideas, places, and people. It is a time of summoning, action, gathering, growing, and binding.

Full Moon and Third Quarter

The full moon is in opposition between the sun and the moon with the earth in the middle in the third quarter. Yet, opposition doesn’t mean the energies cannot be compromised—quite the opposite: the energies put together from the opposing signs actually create a dynamic whole. That which is opposing drops away or transmutes (depending on the situation), and that which empowers or remains joins together. Think of yin and yang or the God and Goddess, where two separate energies meld to create a third, more powerful energy than either of the two if they stood alone. It is up to you to pull both energies together and create the harvest of your desires. The two astrological signs in a full moon always pair together, meaning in the twelve-month cycle you will always have six pairs. However, in one instance the sun will be in one sign and the moon will be in the opposite, and the next time the same signs pair, the moon will be in the place of the sun and the sun will be in the opposite sign. If this sounds like gibberish, here are the six pairs:

ARIES: Libra (fire and air)

TAURUS: Scorpio (earth and water)

GEMINI: Sagittarius (air and fire)

CANCER: Capricorn (water and earth)

LEO: Aquarius (fire and air)

VIRGO: Pisces (earth and water)

For example, when the sun is in Aries, the full moon will be in Libra. When the sun is in Libra, the full moon will be in Aries. The elements of the pairs give you a structure to work with—for example, if the next full moon is in Cancer, then the sun would be in Capricorn. Your working could include water (associated with Cancer) and earth (associated with Capricorn). This is great timing for a poppet constructed to affect the structure of the home or a poppet made for a senior citizen or a poppet for changing circumstances with an authority figure who is affecting your root welfare.

Third Quarter Moon: Now is a time of banishing, of putting to rest, of closing off, of cleaning out, and of organizing, ditching what is harmful, and locking things up that you want to protect. Most compelling, commanding, confusion, or controlling work is done during this time, although some practitioners opt for the beginning of the fourth quarter moon, not the end. A great time to work on healing chronic disorders and small medical problems like skin irritations, warts, etc. Difficulties such as gossip, lying, and catching thieves fall under the energy of the third quarter moon. Once again, the moon is square the sun, urging you to move into action.

Fourth Quarter Moon: There’s a debate among magickal practitioners on what should or should not be done during the fourth quarter moon. Some feel that this week is a time of rest and that no magick should be performed, particularly the day before the new moon. Others take the stance that all major banishings should be done at this time, including breaking bad habits, removing cancer, and turning back criminal evil. In Braucherei it was a time of practicality—of thoroughly washing and sweeping floors, cleansing body and mind, grooming animals, cleaning food-related surfaces to ensure good health, and turning back evil of all kinds. Some feel that it is okay to use the fourth quarter the first few days of the cycle and then rest the remaining time until the new moon. I often burn release dolls at this time.

The third and fourth quarter moons are considered the waning moon. This is a good time for decreasing anything, planting below-the-ground crops, working on things that should stay secret, sending away bad energy, returning negative energy to the person who sent it, coming back from a trip, letting go of just about anything, donating goods and services, dieting, and harvesting.

Remember that making a poppet does not require perfect magickal timing and does not overshadow your intuition—timing is a tool that you can use to enhance your intent, drawing on those energies to fine-tune your working.

Magick and Color

Color figures strongly in a variety of magickal disciplines. Psychologically, color can affect our emotions, heightening or worsening the way we feel. Color affects a magickal operation on two levels: its specific vibrational pattern and how it affects not only the practitioner but the recipient of the doll as well (if the poppet is a gift). The following list of colors is only a general guideline for use; your intuition will guide you on the right color for any poppet, spirit doll, or enchanted animal. A single color can be chosen or a triad of hues or colors mixed in a particular pattern. You may wish to do a meditation and allow Spirit to show you the correct color for the individual. If you are unsure, collect colored stones or paint colored disks and keep them in a sacred pouch. Like a divinatory tool, connect with the individual who needs the doll, take a deep breath, and then ask what colors would suit that person at this time. Draw one or three colors from the bag, indicating that the first color is the primary theme and the second colors supporting.

White or Cream: Purity, spirituality, cleansing, divinity, peace, healing, protection, cure illness, stop libel and slander, and unconditional love. Associated with all colors and the five elements (earth, air, fire, water, and spirit). White is the go-to color for anything. Don’t worry if you don’t have other colors; white will always work. I prefer to use muslin fabric for most of my stuffed dolls, which is cream in color.

Red: Action, love, lust, passion, domination, speed, strength, courage, athletics, speedy recovery, motivation, war, attack, sports, and leadership. Associated with the planet Mars, Tuesday, and the fire element. A red doll carries a great deal of power; if you think it is too much, mitigate with embellishments of other colors. Dragon’s blood resin mixed with yohimbe herb and ground red peppers ramp up the power of any red doll. For love, try using a combination of white, red, and pink. Add orange if there are problems in a current relationship or silver if there is a communication issue.

Yellow: Success, winning, attraction, generosity, money and prosperity, determination, kindness, stamina, loyalty, joy, self-confidence, persuasion, happiness, understanding, and focus. Use white or yellow for dollies with purple embellishments to facilitate an uncrossing. A mixture of marigold, sunflower petals, and golden sand lends power to a yellow poppet. For real estate endeavors, try using yellow, brown, and green in your design and stuff the poppet with dirt from the property you are trying to buy or sell. Associated with the sun, Sunday, and the fire element.

Orange: Opportunity, the ability to adapt, open the way to success, enhance romance, creativity, personal power, rein in a situation that has gotten out of control, and business luck. Dried orange peel and mistletoe push commanding energy into a poppet. Associated with Jupiter, Thursday, and the fire element.

Green: Prosperity, growth, money, general good luck, fertility, gain, increase, wealth, physical comfort, self-love, recuperation. To attract wealth, use a green and gold poppet (or a green poppet stitched with golden thread) stuffed with rue (the great attractor), a magnet, pumpkin seeds, snakeroot, and golden sand. Associated with Jupiter or Venus, Thursday or Friday, and the earth element.


Blue: Protection, harmony, healing for women and children, sympathy, compassion, devotion, understanding, mental pursuits, commanding, the safety of hearth and home. Use blue and white dollies for harmony within the home. If you are having a problem with your spouse or partner, make a dolly of blue and orange—stitch with silver thread and add hazel leaves and dried basil to the poppet. Associated with the moon and Mercury, Monday and Wednesday, and the water and air elements.

Purple: Spirituality, higher mind, psychic pursuits, dreams, spiritual communication, career ambition, protection against ghosts and astral nasties, expansion of business and wealth. Use a combination of purple and orange for winning legal battles or relief from injustice or false accusations. Purple is also associated with protection of the innocent. Associated with Jupiter, Thursday, and the water and air elements.

Pink: Friendship, partnership, harmony among humans, healing, affection, compassion, and kindness. In the medical community pink is associated with good health, therefore making a dolly for healing that is pink or has pink embellishments pulls the group mind ideal of “healthy” into the image. Be sure to add basil herb if there is an obstacle in your love life! Sometimes associated with Venus, Friday, and the air element.

Brown: Miracles, fertility, hidden wealth or hidden information, secrets, confusing an enemy. Excellent for bringing an object into manifestation—from the mind to the physical. Also good for garden magick poppets (blessing the garden and plant spirits). Brown can help to materialize any desire, so adding brown to just about any design is a magickal boost. Patchouli ramps up the vibration of brown. Associated with Saturn, Saturday (rewards or limits), and the element of earth.

Black: Return, the void where all things manifest, protection, reversing, transformation, chaos, karma to bear, transformation. Associated with Pluto or Saturn, Saturday, and the element of earth.

Gray: Secrets, illusion, glamour, neutrality, fog. Use clove and gray to compel an enemy to see only what you wish. Skullcap herb is thought to control the thoughts of others, particularly men. Snakeroot is good for quietly banishing unwanted people; roll in naturally shed snakeskin for more power. Associated with Neptune, Wednesday or Saturday, and the element of water.

Poppet Patterns for Cloth and Paper

The 36 patterns included in this book can be employed for cutting and sewing using felt, cotton cloth, or as a guide for creating paper poppets. To resize patterns, scan the original with computer equipment and then resize using an art or photography program. The patterns are:

The Standard Gingerbread-Style Poppet, Male and Female Versions: This pattern is very easy to cut out, stuff, and sew. Reduce the patterns to use in paper magick, conjuring bags, roll into amulets or talismans, or cut and sew with felt like a pin or a broach.


The Intermediate Male and Female Poppet: A different style of poppet that requires more careful cutting. This pattern is recommended for felt.


The Basic Triangle: Perfect for manifestation work.

The Basic Rectangle: Easy to carry and stuff. You can animate these designs with faces and appendages or use them as sachets or conjuring bags.

No Arms Spirit Poppet: Arms can be added by inserting a stick if you like, or you can make the poppet without arms. This one is most like the African bocio. Objects can be wrapped with twine or string on the outside so that the doll can “carry” the energy/message to where you need it to go. Certain Native American tribes also wrap sacred objects on the outside of their spirit animal dolls. You can also paint the arms and hair on this type of doll. I love this simple design because it works so well for a variety of decorating styles and creative ideas. Plant spirits seem to particularly like this shape.


Goddess Poppet: For petitions to female divinity—a particular goddess or the type of energy you need from divinity, such as healing or safe childbirth. There are two patterns, one for felt and paper and one specifically for fabric.


Wings and No Arms Little Spirit Poppet: Perfect for energy work: good luck, jinx removal, protection, etc. Can be affixed easily to a keychain or carried in the pocket. Angel wings are included that can be sized and used on any poppet.

Three-Headed Poppet: Primarily designed for situations where you are having a problem with a group of people or wish to employ triple energies geared with the same focus. This pattern can be adapted into two forms—just the heads or the heads with a body. Once constructed, the pattern can be left as is or you can ritually sever the three heads and body to separate the group energy. Good for banishing disease where there are several symptoms or where there is more than one disease attacking the body.


Spirit Dolly Poppets: These three patterns are great shelf-sitters. Because of their structure, they take dried bean stuffing or plastic pellet stuffing well. Also, because they are wider, they are easier to embellish.


Salt Dolly-Do: This pattern was created so that you can fill the doll with herbs, salt, etc., and hang the hat over a belt or cord so that you can carry her with you to ward off negativity, illness, etc.


Susie Salt Healer’s Tool: The top of the head is left open on this doll for ease in changing or renewing the contents. Use replaceable cord, twine, or ribbon to close the doll’s head.


Skull & Crossbones: Created for any type of ancestral work. These are considered “ornies” or “shelf-sitters” and are usually placed in a basket or cauldron.


Gnome: What book on doll and animal spirits wouldn’t be complete without a gnome pattern? This design lends itself very well to colorful felt.


Witch and Chakra Oppits: Flat images that can be used as bookmarks, hanging decorations, or tucked inside dresser drawers or other tight spaces. Mine hang from my ritual staff. The instructions for these designs include a heavy fabric stabilizer.



Animal Patterns: The swan, gargoyle, crow, mojo cat, painted pony, prosperity pig, bat, medicine bear, chakra fish, bunny, restful sleep sheep, and so on (not all patterns are represented on this page)—these animal spirit patterns can be used for a variety of purposes, from connecting to the essence of the animals to working with their spiritual attributes. Their focus is entirely up to you.


Basic Supplies

·  fabric (cotton or felt)

·  scissors (the sharper, the better)

·  needle

·  thread (use three strands of embroidery floss rather than basic cotton thread—the floss looks good and is easier to handle than regular thread)

·  straight pins

·  ruler (optional)

·  freezer paper (for easy transference of pattern onto felt; you will need an iron to press the paper onto felt)


Other Supplies

Half the fun of making a poppet are

the many ways you can embellish it.

Supplies might include:

·  options for eyes such as brads, buttons, or craft eyes

·  beads

·  glitter

·  bells

·  bits of jewelry

·  sequins

Handpainted faces can be achieved by cutting a piece of muslin to fit the shape of the head, painting the cloth with clear gesso (so the face won’t “bleed”), and then painting the face on the treated muslin with acrylic paints. You can also use an acrylic sealer to paint over the face after it has dried to protect the finished design from dirt or water damage. Affix the finished face with Liquid Stitch, glue, or sewing around the edges.






The Choice of Fabric

Poppets can be made of many materials, such as paper, fabric, wax, wood, or metal, or a combination of a variety of materials. These instructions concentrate primarily on fabric dolls; however, you can easily make adjustments for other materials. Felt is an excellent choice for the long-term poppet—particularly those for protection, good fortune, success, and general good health. With a pair of sharp scissors, felt can be cut quickly, doesn’t fray, and is easily stitched either by hand or by machine. A felt poppet doesn’t require seam allowances, as the stitching is done on the right side of the fabric, using either the whip stitch, running stitch, blanket stitch, or a sewing machine.

With today’s ecofriendly brands and a variety of colors, poppets made of felt are both serviceable and incredibly unique and crafty! The only drawback to felt is that the material doesn’t burn well, so if your poppet is of a temporary nature in which you plan a ritual burning, you may have a problem. There is nothing like firing up the cauldron, speaking words of power, laying on the flame, and…nothing. The poppet continues to stare at you, almost a leer, and maybe it smolders or playfully sizzles…but nothing more. Unless you douse it with a fire accelerator, your magick dissolves while your frustration soars—and the stink of smoldering felt is horrendous.

Flannel, printed cotton, and muslin are great choices for temporary poppets—particularly those you plan to burn—or for those poppets where primarily machine stitching is desired or when you truly desire an ultra-primitive look to a more permanent poppet. Easily sewn, the only drawback may be the material fraying at the seams, which can lead to problems if you overstuff the doll. Top stitching by hand can be done with a running stitch; however, you may prefer to sew the poppet’s right sides together, leave an opening, and turn the poppet right-side out, which will render a finished seam on the outside. The patterns can be enlarged to provide a seam allowance if you so desire. Use a smaller rendition for felt work and a larger one for cotton fabrics where you desire an inside seam of ¼ inch.

The example shown here is the triangular poppet pattern drawn with a pencil on unbleached muslin. I wanted this poppet to be fairly primitive, so I used a ruler to mark an opening on both sides of the shoulders. When stitching with a machine, I left both areas open. Then I trimmed the seams, clipped the curves, and turned the poppet right-side out using one of the shoulder openings. Notice I left a good amount of material around the open seams so that I could easily fold the material inward once the doll is right-side out.




How to Grunge Fabric

Distressed material works extremely well for a variety of magickal projects—from sachet squares to spirit dolls, altar ornaments and coverings, basket ornies, conjuring bags, and even primitive jewelry! Squares of grunged material make great softly scented petition squares that can be carried with you, used in art forms, or burned in the ritual cauldron.

This section covers two types of grunge techniques in an effort to show you how to infuse an already fun craft with loads of enchantment. The first technique only takes a few minutes to do; the remainder of the time the item spends in the oven so you can do something else while your material is perfectly grunging itself! The second technique does take longer, but the result is definitely worth it, particularly if you like the leather look without the leather. This form of grunge makes great cloth squares for petitions.

Why Grunge Material?

In the crafty world, grunging material falls under the category of primitive or country primitive. The techniques produce material that looks old or antique and emits a lingering, pleasant aroma due to the coffee and spices used in the application. These grunging formulas set your magickal project in motion simply by their own correspondences. Although you can grunge almost any type of cotton material, most crafters start with economical muslin, which in my area of the country is $1.99 to $3.99 a yard. One yard of fabric can yield many conjuring bags, several spirit dolls, an altar cloth, quite a few petition squares and more, giving you the opportunity to complete many projects for pennies on your hard-earned dollar!

The amount of time taken to grunge the material adds to the power of the poppet. These dolls have a different aura—one that I believe carries more power, particularly if you have painted the doll or animal.

Standard Grunge Liquid Bases

Coffee: Either coffee brewed dark and allowed to cool or instant coffee. Coffee is often associated with the planet Mars because it is a stimulant, although I’ve also seen a rulership book that puts the brew under Neptune. To me, coffee isn’t wishy-washy, so I stick with the Mars correspondence. Here, coffee would stand for movement, starting things, heating situations up, etc. A bit of honey or brown sugar can be added to the coffee during the brewing process for an extra kick in attraction magick.

Tea: Brewed dark and allowed to cool. Tea is ruled by the sun and is thought to promote good fortune, great riches, courage, longevity, and strength.

Standard Grunge Ingredients

Cinnamon: Powdered works best for grunging. Cinnamon is ruled by the sun, so it speaks of success, healing, protection, and, of course, love.

Nutmeg: Powdered. Nutmeg falls under the expertise of Jupiter and is considered a “good luck” ingredient. Also associated with positive spirituality.

Vanilla: Liquid extract. Ruled by Venus. Vanilla has a variety of correspondences, including mental agility, love, lust, friendship, fast luck, and fast cash.

Allspice: Powdered. Another grunge ingredient that falls under the power of Mars. Allspice is associated with good fortune and luck as well as money magnet properties.

Orange Peel: Fresh. Steep the orange peel in the coffee liquid overnight and then remove. Ruled by the sun, orange correspondences include psychism, good luck, money drawing, passion, love, and cleansing.

Cloves: Powdered. Ruled by Jupiter and often used for protection, multiplying money, and love. A commanding herb. Cloves are also favored for banishing and cleansing.

Can you steep other herbs in your brewed coffee or tea? Absolutely! I normally choose food-safe herbals because of possible skin absorption when handling the finished product. For example, I wouldn’t steep the cloth in wormwood as this can be toxic. However, if you were having trouble sleeping at night and you asked me to make you a conjuring bag, I would definitely steep lavender in the coffee mixture. Use your nose and your needs to make your choices.

Grunge Technique #1: General Supplies

·  2 clear bowls, large enough to hold about 4 cups of liquid—one to steep herbs and one to strain your finished brew

·  2 cups blessed water brewed into strong coffee or tea

·  your chosen material, cut to size of project (conjuring bag, spirit doll, altar cloth, etc.)

·  strainer (optional)

·  spices of choice: I use one tablespoon of vanilla extract and 1 teaspoon of the other powdered ingredients already mentioned; however, you can choose the amount and type of herbs you desire

·  wooden spoon (to stir the brew)

·  sandpaper (optional)

·  oven, hot sun, embossing dryer, or blow dryer (be careful with the last two—you can burn your material or yourself!)

·  cookie sheet covered in tinfoil (so clean-up isn’t messy)


Know your purpose before you start, as the need orchestrates the timing, charms, and chants you may use, as well as deity choice. When you have the need set in your mind, cleanse and consecrate all equipment and supplies. Morning energy is great for general projects of this nature, although if I were going to make you a conjuring bag for protection, I might choose midnight, and, if I could, wait for a Scorpio moon. If I wanted to make a conjuring bag for money or business profit, then I would choose noon under a Leo or Taurus moon. Finally, if I wanted to make a healing bag, I might wait for a Cancer moon, particularly if I wanted to make such a bag for a close friend or family member.


Step 1: Brew coffee or use instant coffee and hot water. If using tea, make a strong brew.

Step 2: Add spices and herbals. Allow mixture to cool.

Step 3: Strain spices and herbs out of brew. Some folks just leave all the coffee grounds and spices in the bowl, grinding the cloth into the mixture and brushing the cloth off after baking.

Step 4: Dip cloth into brew. You can remove immediately for a light stain or allow cloth to remain in the mixture for a deeper stain. Dip cloth repeatedly to make sure all areas are covered. Chant while you work!

Step 5: Remove cloth from brew and squeeze out excess liquid. At this point, some practitioners like to rub additional dry ingredients into the wet cloth, leaving them there through the baking process.

Step 6: Place flat on a cookie sheet and put into an 180-degree oven for 25 minutes. Check periodically to ensure cloth doesn’t burn. You can also turn cloth over ten minutes into the baking time.

Step 7: Remove from oven; allow to cool. Brush off any herbals with a stiff brush or a bit of fine sandpaper. That’s all there is to it!

Grunge Technique #2: Instructions for Staining Painted Fabric

This technique, as I stated earlier, is a little more involved and creates a stiffer finished piece. This type of grunging is often done after the project is completed, as the stiffer fabric is more difficult to sew and near impossible to stitch if you are doing something small, like a three-inch star, a doll, or small conjuring packet. The grunge technique #2 is the type used for all those nifty-neaty prim stuffed items (dolls, crows, cows, chickens, pillows) you see in the country specialty stores.


You will need the same supplies as in the first technique, along with the following:

·  acrylic paint of your choice—use any color but know beforehand that the process dulls the color

·  fine sandpaper

·  a paper towel or two

·  paint brush


Step 1: With your chosen acrylic color, paint the project. For plain primitive work, burnt sienna is often chosen. Allow to dry.

Step 2: Lightly sand the surface of your project. There is no right way to do this. You can sand as hard or as light as you desire. The idea is to have a mottled appearance, so wrinkles in the fabric are just fine.

Step 3: Dip the project in the coffee spice brew from grunge technique #1. Rub extra spices all over the doll.

Step 4: In the 180-degree oven, bake the project for 25 minutes. Do not allow your project to burn. Flip it over halfway through.

Step 5: After cooling, brush off herbs. You can sand again—or not; your choice. When finished, use a paper towel to remove any powdered paint.

As I mentioned earlier, this technique creates a stiffer material. To loosen up the fabric, roll in your hands, bunch it, squeeze it, and roll again. This is a great time to add a specific chant or charm to infuse the fabric with focused energy.

From this point, you can turn your fabric into a compendium of enchanted items. When your project is finished, complete the magick with a spell or ritual that matches your intent.

You can use this technique to make squares of material into single petitions or turn them into enchanted packets filled with herbs, resins, and charms. You can also use them in scrapbooking. My only advice is to grunge a completed project, particularly if you wish to paint a doll. Trying to sew painted, grunged, sanded material is a nightmare you don’t want to experience! Why do I grunge many of my more ornate dolls? I like the power the technique brings to the doll itself, and I like the idea that I am practicing a unique art. Not many individuals like to take the time required to grunge a doll, and therefore they are somewhat rare.

I like that. To me, it makes the doll all the more special and unusual—which is a glittering energy in itself.







The Choice of Clay or Wax

There are many types of clay on the market today, some that air dry and others that require baking in your kitchen oven or firing in a kiln. There are clays that can be painted and those where paint does not adhere well. Some clays harden quickly and others never dry. Each type of clay manipulates differently in the hands. Although you can create cavities in clay poppets to add herbs and charms, unless your poppet is huge, usually only a small amount (which is enough) can be inserted and still maintain the shape of the body.

In magick it is thought that if the clay hardens well, then the image can protect or harden (as in hardening someone’s heart). If the clay is malleable or your material is beeswax, then the image can be coerced, particularly if the figure is prepared when the moon is in the sign of Pisces or when aspects to Neptune are pleasant. Try different types of clay to see which works best for you. Easily manipulated clay or wax also can be used to change sickness into health. Poppets also can be constructed out of beeswax sheets using cookie cutters.

Tools for Clay, Wax, or Soap

Constructing items with decorative clay is a hot hobby these days that has generated many wonderful tools to ease the work. Some practitioners prefer to only use their fingers when molding poppets, while others enjoy the use of acrylic brayers, cookie cutters, wooden or metal smoothing tools, molds, and more.




When working with polymer clays such as Premo or Sculpey, a pasta machine is often used to help make the clay quickly malleable. If you plan on using polymer clays to design jewelry or amulets in addition to poppets, you may wish to invest in a pasta machine. Not only does it save your hands, but you can also mix colors and create truly eye-popping color blends in a variety of thicknesses.

The formulas at the end of this book lend themselves well to the construction of amulets and talismans as well as poppets.

Wax can also be manipulated with clay tools (depending upon the type used). If you don’t have access to clay or wax, you can even use a bar of soap or formulate your own base and pour into a mold, which allows you to easily add other items to the soap. I once poured a nine-banishing-herb-laced soap base into a human figure mold, allowed it to harden, and then placed the figure under constant running water to remove that individual’s negativity from my life. It worked extremely well.

Should you wish to carve your soap poppet, the harder soaps are a little more difficult to cut; the softer soaps, however, may crumble. You may want to take a trial run with the tools you’ve chosen and different brands of soap until you find one that suits your handling style best.

What Is the Life Expectancy of Your Poppet?

When choosing the fabric and other items, consider the life expectancy of your poppet. Is this an issue where you will want to burn the poppet immediately or is the poppet for attracting a more long-term state, such as good fortune for the family? If you want to burn the poppet, make sure you don’t pick flame-retardant materials. If you want the poppet to disintegrate over time—for example, burying it off your property—you may want fabric that will rot quickly (such as a thin muslin). Do you want to make a poppet for your daughter to receive a promotion? When she gets that promotion, how will you dispose of the poppet? If you made the poppet in the image of your daughter, you don’t want to burn it or harm it in any way. Instead, you will want to decommission the poppet (dissolve the magick and take apart the poppet) in ceremony. You will find instructions for decommissioning/deactivating a poppet later in this book.

How to Handle an Unfinished Poppet

Cloth, paper, or other medium

There may be times when you have started to make a poppet and then changed your mind about the intent or the proposed use of the doll, or circumstances suddenly change, making the completion of the poppet unnecessary. Too, there is the possibility of crossed conditions—although this is rare, it does happen—when everything seems to go wrong with the construction of the doll, and you feel angry or frustrated with it. Don’t keep going for the sake of completion. Stop.

With all three examples, sprinkle what you have done with holy water, take it apart, and either burn or throw away the doll. If you are feeling angry, realize that something is not right either with the wording of your intent or the doll’s main purpose. Sometimes Spirit steps in when we are blindly forging ahead; acknowledge this power and let the doll go. Wait twenty-four hours, consider your intent again, reword it, and try to build another doll from brand-new materials. If the crossed condition still exists, do a personal cleansing ritual. Then, if you feel the doll is still necessary, once again rework your intent and proceed.

The more magick you do on a daily basis, the stronger you become. There will be times when conditions are so right that your desire manifests before the doll is completed. You can either finish the doll and then ritually deactivate it, thanking Spirit for the speedy answer to your request, or you can simply deactivate the unfinished doll, thanking Spirit for the quick fulfillment. This may occur for you repeatedly when the moon is in a particular sign. This is your cue that the moon in that sign is a very good time for you. A Sagittarius moon can also render a quick completion.


Although you may have read otherwise, secrecy is of the utmost importance when creating, birthing, and empowering a poppet. I always advise my students not to tell anyone what they are doing because the moment you plug someone else into that network, they also become bonded with the project (even if they don’t mean to be). Their opinions and personal energy can harm the work, stall it, or completely disarm all the effort expended. To be silent brings great rewards.


Stuffing for Cloth Poppets

You can use a variety of mediums for stuffing your poppet. From top left, the picture above shows traditional white polyester fiberfill stuffing, oakmoss, Spanish moss, and plastic pellets. Buckwheat hulls are a favorite for dream pillows as well as dolls. Mugwort herb can also be used. Try combining different types of stuffing in one poppet. For example, stuff the head and arms with fiberfill and the remaining body with a combination of specially selected herbs for spellcasting that matches the intent of the poppet. Finish off with a bit of oakmoss, mugwort, or perhaps some lavender.

If you would like your poppet to have bendable arms and legs, cut pipe cleaners and lay them onto the poppet before stitching it. Tack in place with Liquid Stitch, Tacky Glue, or E600 glue. While pipe cleaners can be inserted when you are almost done sewing and before stuffing, they can sometimes be difficult to wiggle into the poppet, so tacking them in before sewing lowers the frustration. Many practitioners choose to work directly on their altar or on a candleboard like the one shown in the picture. This runic board made of wood is a perfect surface, as you can create and then cast the spell all on the same empowered area.





Basic Ritual Items You May Need

Every practitioner has his or her own way of performing magick. Some magickal workers like a ceremonial format, others a more practical folk approach, and there are several who like to mix ceremonial and folk together, creating a surprisingly smooth blend of manifestation. Regardless of which type of ritual activity you choose, what is important is the result. The question that should always be asked is: Did it work?

Over the years you will develop your own style of working magick. Your practices become an amalgam of your thoughts, experiences, training, beliefs, and techniques. No two magickal practitioners ever work exactly the same way.

The ritual items and practices suggested here are just that—suggestions. They are what I often use as a part of my magickal working when creating and energizing a poppet. I don’t always use all the supplies listed; rather, I try to match my intent, my feelings, and the purpose of the working into a fluid, enchanting experience. You should always feel good about what you are doing. If you carry any doubt, this will hamper your overall success.

General Ritual Supply List

Salt: Salt is a marvelous spiritual cleanser. Before poppet construction, all items can be buried in salt for at least twenty-four hours to remove negativity. Salt can also be used to make holy water, another item that can be generously used throughout the poppet creation process. If the doll in process is subjected to any negativity while you are working, bury it in salt for at least twenty-four hours before continuing.

Water: Water takes on whatever thoughts are given. If you bless it, the water flows that positive energy into anything. If you curse it, the water carries the charge of aggression or stagnation. Blessed water (aka holy water) can be used to begin any poppet project. Cursed water or stagnant water can be used in defense to bring karma to bear or cause chaos among the evil, but only after the doll has been completed. I always place a fresh glass of clear blessed water on the table when I am designing, sewing, or decorating any poppet. Some practitioners believe that when water bubbles in a glass, it is a signal that Spirit is pleased with the working.

Incense or Smudge Stick: The smoke carries thoughts and prayers to Spirit and can also be used to fumigate a poppet, imbuing the material with a particular psychic pattern. For example, when making a guardian angel poppet, passing the materials several times over a censor of frankincense or a stick of burning Nag Champa incense ensures that the higher vibrations intended stay with the materials during the creation process. The same can be said for holy water. Not all poppets only take an hour or so to create. Sometimes you may work on a poppet for several days before you feel you’ve gotten it just right. In that time span a great deal can occur in your life, and many people can enter or leave the working area. Daily life doesn’t cease simply because you are making a poppet. Perhaps there is dinner to cook, a sporting event to attend, work to do around the house, a job to hurry to…life swirls around your poppet. Using incense, a sage stick, sweetgrass, or holy water frequently throughout the construction process helps to keep the working clean of unwanted energies, including your own thoughts that may not match your original intent. Incense can also help to set your intent. For example, if you wanted to make a poppet for action, you may choose to burn cinnamon or dragon’s blood incense while stitching the material together. Perfume can take the place of incense if you don’t like the smoke; if you are going only for aroma, try using soy wax melts or tarts in an electric burner, which can heighten the working through the vibrations of scent.

Fire: Use candles or a cauldron, depending upon your proposed activities. Fire is used to bless and to instill energy into the working. Ideally, any candles used should match the intent of the poppet, either in color, scent, or both. If you are making a doll for action, then burn a red, cinnamon-scented candle while working. If you don’t like the smoke from paraffin candles, try using soy candles with cotton wicks, which cut the smoke by about 98 percent. If you don’t have a wide selection of colors, white will always work. I often roll my own beeswax candles, adding specific powders, oils, and liquid fluid condensers to match a particular working. For example, I love to use purple, violet-scented candles that I make myself, employing astrological timing as my guide on when to pour the wax so that the candle can lend as much power to my working as possible. If the problem the doll is addressing is particularly difficult, I will roll several candles of different colors and burn the heavier colors first, followed by the lighter ones. Because I am an artist, I see shadows first and move toward the light; I understand that there is no real color, only light, only hue.







Magickal Oil or Liquid Fluid Condensers: Scented oil consisting of a carrier combined with essential oils or fragrances is used to link the physical, mental, and spiritual applications of your intent. Oils are employed to “dress” or “bless” people and objects, raising the vibration of the person or object and linking those vibrations to the desire. You can make your own oil formulas or purchase them. Perfume can be used in place of a magickal oil. I use the oils that I make myself to dress ritual candles and the petitions or paper sigils that I place inside the doll. I make my own oils so that I can harvest certain herbs and flowers at the height of their season with the most applicable magickal timing. I also used liquid fluid condensers in the preparation and enchantment of most of my dolls. For complete instructions on how to make your own liquid fluid condenser, please refer to my book The Witching Hour. The use of a liquid fluid condenser ramps up the power of your working exponentially.

Ritual Surface or Altar: I make most of my poppets on a special candleboard that I constructed for my Braucherei (Pow-Wow) and whisper magick work. A candleboard is a portable altar usually made of natural materials such as wood, stone, clay, or metal. I use wood, stone, and copper frequently. Other practitioners choose an inspiring altar cloth or other magickally decorated surface. Sometimes I place my entire sewing machine right on my table altar. I know a woman who makes all her poppets on the island in her kitchen because the island happens to sit not only in the center of the kitchen but in the center of the house as well, drawing on the power of the placement.





Poppet Boxes or Trunks: I use ritually cleansed boxes and trunks to house my supplies while working on a particular poppet. This way, if I am working on the construction of a poppet, I can put the materials away during family time or when I’m interrupted by an event, phone call, or other family duty. The box or trunk also serves as a collection area as I work on the poppet; for example, I may have chosen the charms and herbs for inclusion but haven’t sewn the poppet yet (as in the picture). Since I sometimes work on more than one poppet at a time, or while working on one poppet a need arises to create a different one, I have more than one ritually cleansed storage box. The poppet shown in the picture is for mental clarity on a love issue. The crystal in the picture is cleansed every time I put a different poppet in the box. The trunk in the picture was purchased. I made the box from a cigar box using paper, black paint, and an acrylic sealer. I have also provided instructions for the reversal box later in this book.

Birthing Pot or Box: As a part of the empowerment process, all of my poppets and dolls are wrapped in a triple layer of unbleached muslin and placed for three days in a Braucherei birthing pot or box. The layers of cloth around the poppet keep it from getting dirty. The birthing pot is a glass or clay container filled with dirt and a small blend of herbs that correspond with my purpose. At dawn at the beginning of the fourth day, the doll is removed from the pot and placed in black cloth to protect it from harmful energies. The black cloth is removed when you are ready to command the doll, which can be done that day or a day when the astrological correspondences are auspicious for the poppet’s purpose. A birthing pot can be of any style or size—ceramic, clay, or wood is best. I do not recommend using plastic. I have a large black birthing box with lid painted with a psychic eye that is used for my larger dolls. This box is lined with black felt (see next page for photo).

Special Bag: I use various techniques to keep project pieces together to protect them from being influenced by random acts. For some, I keep in-progress pieces in a special bag I made with a magickal sigil printed on a section of cloth that I stitched onto the bag. For larger dolls, I have wooden boxes to store the doll and its associated objects while in the creation process. Cloth, jewelry, hair, items collected on spirit walks, etc., go into the box. This helps me keep theme items with the right project. Depending upon the future owner, I may add other things to the boxes or bags such as the owner’s name, photograph, astrological information, likes, needs, etc. To help the doll come into its birthing process, I also add activation herb packets and gemstones that are associated with the owner’s needs. In my mind, the longer all the items are together in the box, the better the “take” when the ritual blending and activation process begins. The most important mindset in the creation of your magickal vehicle, whether it be a doll, an animal, or an amusing mythical shape, is to carry no judgement—meaning don’t let the mind wander into fear-based “what-ifs.” Work in peace; there is more power there.








Choosing Spell Ingredients for Your Poppet

All items that you place in your poppet should match your intention. The number and type of ingredients are entirely up to you and depend upon your intent, what you have available, and the medium of your poppet (cloth, clay, vegetable, etc.). For example, ingredients are often stuffed in a cloth poppet but are “dressed” on a stick or clay poppet because including large objects within the clay or in the sticks isn’t really an option (unless you make a very large clay doll or hollow out the sticks you are using). For clay or sticks, spell ingredients can be turned into embellishments on the outside of the poppet (dressing) or placed in a conjuring bag that will accompany the poppet. Small clay poppets can be used as an ingredient in a magical pouch, gris-gris bag, or sachet. The success poppet pictured above includes mint, sunflower petals, mari-gold petals, Low John, a buckeye, elecampane, a golden success trinket, and a petition dressed with cedar oil. Let me make it perfectly clear that a formula or idea in this book is just that—a formula or idea. The true magick, power, and force emanates from within yourself. Don’t get hung up on ingredient choices or amounts as in the idea of right or wrong. You aren’t baking a cake that could be ruined if you miss an ingredient. There is no accurate measurement for combining the spiritual and the material. Above all, your dolls should be the manifestation of your joy in the completion of your task. Do not lose sight of the visionary whole in the tedium of correctness.

Ingredients can include:

·  herbs and roots—single additives or magickal powders (Although I have many formulas in this book, for additional information you may enjoy my book The Witching Hour, which is dedicated to magickal powders and herbal sachets.)

·  paper petitions or sigils (I have provided several in this book; however, there is no end to what words, symbols, or sigils you can put in a poppet or spirit doll. Pseudo-Paracelsus in Liber Secundus Archioxis Magicae in 1570 states: “Characters, words and seals themselves possess a secret strength that is no wise contrary to nature and has no link whatsoever with superstition! Furthermore, it should not appear extraordinarily impossible to you that medicine can offer relief to man not by means of absorption but by being worn around the neck in the manner and custom of a seal” (Lecouteux 2002, 31). It was believed that the essence of the word could “sink and link” particular energies to any person, place, or thing. What you write or draw these sigils on is also important in your work. Brown paper for earth magick and prosperity. Real paper money is also used as a foundation for prosperity sigil work. Naturally shed snakeskin works very well for the protection of self, animals, and family or loved ones. Paper you make yourself with a press from selected herbs can be extremely powerful, particularly for healing magick.)

·  an item that represents the person or energy, or an item from an individual, such as hair or fingernail clippings; often called mummiel magick (Bardon 1956, 200) or a taglock

·  magnets or dressed lodestones (lodestones dotted with an attraction oil, universal fluid condenser, or attraction fluid condenser)

·  photographs (You can put the photograph right in the doll, glue the photo on the face of the doll, or make a copy of the photograph. There is also a printable fabric where you can print your entire photograph on fabric, then cut out what you need. For the home poppet maker, I would suggest using an Epson brand printer as the ink doesn’t fade or wash out like its competitors. Printing directly on the material gives you an incredibly unique-looking doll.)

·  hard candy, sugar, or beeswax (For drawing the sweetness of life, money, and joy to the working. Hard candy is often used because it disintegrates slower. For example, a doll made to help you in holiday shopping might contain a magnet to get the deals, three hard peppermint candies, and a lock of your own hair. This doll can last for several years without worrying about the candy rotting. As a note, candy is often used to entice good spirits to help you in your work.)

·  grave dirt (Where in the cemetery and from whose grave is important.)

·  dirt from a profitable business such as a bank, department store, or an establishment that relates to your request (Research the profitability and strength of the place. For example, not all banks are strong, and some businesses may be ready to go under—you don’t want negative energy in your own success working. It is worth it to check the stock market, pay attention to the business section of the newspaper, etc.)

·  dirt or scrapings from a foot track (where a person has stepped) or where they have been seated for any length of time (Sybil Leek tells us in her book Cast Your Own Spell that “it is a widespread belief in Germany that if a piece of grass turf holds a man’s footprint, it can be taken up and dried and used for magickal purposes” [Leek 1970, 149].)

·  resins such as frankincense, copal, and myrrh

·  burned paper or ashes

·  money (bills or coins) (This should never be stolen or obtained from negative sources, such as a drug deal. Cleanse all money before use.)

·  crystals or gems

·  religious items

·  animal claws, teeth, feathers, or fur (Often used in spirit animal dolls to strengthen the connection of the doll to the represented animal. Note that these items are not harvested in pain, they are often found in the wild or are clippings or trimmings from domesticated animals. Shed snakeskin is extremely useful in the banishment of evil.)

·  an individual’s phone number (These days most people carry their cell phones all the time; use the magick of their phone number to connect them to the doll.)

·  keys (To symbolically open locks—extremely useful for dolls associated with overcoming blocks or breaking through to a new level of understanding.)

·  the Himmelsbrief or Prayer of Protection (See following images—this is usually anointed with holy water and wrapped around a lock of hair, then wrapped with red thread. Spit on the thread to hold the power. For example, if the doll is for your child, the Himmelsbrief is wrapped around a lock of your hair because you are the genetic link and designated protector of your child. A wife would put in her hair for her husband, or a husband would put in his hair for his wife. This is a Pennsylvania German practice.)

·  matches (Used to represent the fire of life. I always light a match and drop the lit match into the body of a spirit doll, then quickly extinguish the flame with the doll itself . This is a little dangerous, but it is one way I breathe life into the doll—I fan the flame once with my breath, then extinguish it. In my mind, this action pulls all the ingredients together, which I quickly visualize, and then empowers them with the life of my cause.)







The number of items chosen is often picked in sets of three, seven, or nine; however, use your intuition to decide how many items to include. If it feels good and there is no hesitation, you know you are on the right track.

Magickal oils or liquid fluid condensers are often used to dress sigils and petitions that are included in the body of a stuffed cloth doll. To “dress” is to rub the oil or condenser on the paper clockwise or counterclockwise, depending upon the intent of the petition. Some practitioners draw an equal-armed cross, pentacle, or other design on the paper with the oil. The photo below shows a triangular-shaped petition dressed with Jupiter Oil.




If you are using clay, a few drops of magickal oil, liquid fluid condenser, magickal powder, or all three can be massaged directly into the polymer clay before the formulation of the doll. The photo on the opposite page shows a protection oil and finely ground magickal protection powder that will be added to the clay ball. A hole can be created in the belly of a clay poppet to hold a special blend of magickal powder, as in the photo. Before completion, the cavity will be covered with clay. The hands and legs are stuck together to symbolically “stick” the representation with his own negativity and keep him from doing further harm. This poppet was taken to an ancestor’s grave with a petition that the person it represented be removed from his place of employment, where he was systematically harming his coworkers, and that he be blessed with healing energy and an opportunity for rehabilitation. I also positioned a rolled beeswax chime candle over the hole and cast a spell as the candle burned down and dripped over the figure. The poppet worked quite well.





General Cleansing for Supplies

This photo shows what my candleboard looks like when preparing for a general cleansing of my supplies. I already know my intent: a poppet to bring mental clarity on a love issue for a friend. I chose blue for clarity and harmony of thought, and the red heart to represent the love issue. This poppet will contain lavender (cleansing of the mind), rose petals (right navigation), and a bay leaf (protection and wishes) on which I will write my petition. The blessed water, salt, and candle will be used to cleanse and bless all items on the candle board, which include the needles I will use, the cut poppet, thread, magickal oil, herbs and bells for inclusion in the poppet, the eyes, and the beads that will be used for embellishment. The magickal oil chosen for this working is a Mercury Oil, which consists of jojoba carrier and herbs associated with the planet Mercury. The bells are a symbol of clarity. As a note, this combination could also be used for clarity on one’s job, although I would add devil’s shoestring (to clear the way and hobble enemies). When the weather is warm, I cleanse and bless my supplies outside and many times incorporate a sage stick into the working. In the winter I do not use the sage stick or incense during the general cleansing. The choice of what you use is entirely up to you. Missing in the example is the photograph of the person the poppet represents and the taglocks (hair, fingernails, a piece of clothing that belongs to the person) belonging to the individual.

General Cleansing Rite for Supplies

What prayers, chants, or charms you use during a cleansing rite are entirely up to you. These prayers or chants don’t always have to be the same; you may prefer to gear your words and actions to the intent of the poppet or you may have a specific prayer or chant that you always use. When I was first learning magick, I followed strict rules, using the same format every time. As I grew older and learned more, I began to trust my intuition in my magickal choices. If I feel calm, directed, harmonious, or joyful, I know that I am following the right wording for the task at hand. If I do not feel good about what I am doing, I stop, rethink, and proceed only when I have reached that mental state of “right.” I have even destroyed poppets halfway through completion if I don’t feel like they will do the proper job. At first I vacillated, not wanting to be wasteful of materials or effort, but I have learned that if the poppet goes hinkey, the magick will not conclude in the way needed. Start over!

For performing a cleansing and blessing rite, I always face east and take at least three cleansing breaths before I begin, running the energy up from the ground and into my body to the top of my head as I inhale, then concentrating on running the energy into my hands as I exhale. Once I have done this at least three times, I speak my own words of power—sometimes formally, sometimes informally—that will connect me to Spirit, or that which runs the universe. For example:

There is one power, which is the God and the Goddess, which is perfect in truth, clarity, order, and mutual good. I conjure cleansing energy into these objects using the sacred vehicles of fire, salt, water, and breath.

Next, I will pick up the candle, rub it in my hands, and call on the assistance of Spirit to fill the candle with cleansed and blessed energy. Sometimes I dress the candle with magickal oil or a liquid fluid condenser by dotting a bit on the candle and continue to rub it in my hands. When I feel confident, I blow on the candle at least three times, running that energy into the candle with my breath, and then say “Only the good remains.” I then light the candle and draw three equal-armed crosses in the air over the candle to seal the intent of cleansing and blessing.

Salt follows fire. I stir the salt with my finger, asking that all negativity and evil be removed from the salt. I circle the salt three times with the candle flame, then blow on the salt three times, running the energy into the salt with my breath, ending with the statement “Only the good remains.” I draw three equal-armed crosses in the air over the salt to seal the intent of cleansing and blessing.

Water follows salt in the same manner. I ask Spirit to cleanse the water of all evil or negativity, ask for blessings, circle the water three times with the candle flame, add three pinches of salt, and run the energy with my breath as I blow at least three times on the water, ending with the statement “Only the good remains.” I draw three equal-armed crosses in the air over the water to seal the intent of cleansing and blessing.

Now it is time to cleanse and consecrate everything on the candleboard. Again, you can use a chant, charm, or prayer as you cleanse and bless everything with the fire, salt, water, and your breath. You can also add your intent during the initial cleansing and blessing process. For example, I might pick up the poppet, cleanse it with fire, cleanse it with salt, cleanse it with water, and then say something like this:

I conjure thee, O poppet, that you will be for (person’s name) a vehicle for clarity of thought. May you be cleansed and blessed, your purpose to that end.

Or I might pick up the bells, cleanse them with fire, cleanse them with salt, cleanse them with water, and say:

I conjure thee, O bells, so that you will be for (person’s name) a vehicle for clarity of thought. Each time your sound is heard, peace of mind transcends. May you be cleansed and blessed, your purpose to that end.

I finish by blowing on the bells three times, running the energy up from the ground into my crown chakra as I breathe in, then running the energy out into my hands and into the bells as I exhale.

Remember to draw an equal-armed cross over every item you cleanse and bless to seal your work.

The Blending Process

Once you have cleansed and blessed each item, it is time to marry those energies together and close the rite. To finish, I often hold my hands over all the items, moving my hands in a particular circular direction that feels comfortable, breathing in deeply, moving the energy up from the ground and into my crown chakra as I inhale and then moving the energy down and into my hands as I exhale and out onto the items on the candleboard. I may end with something like this:

I conjure and command thee, O blend of sweet energy, that thy marriage be complete within this poppet and that by thy activation thou workest for the good of (person’s name).

Yes, I know my wording is a bit archaic; I think it is in the genes. You can certainly word your intent differently. I envision everything on the candleboard glowing with white or golden light and say (and this is the most important statement):

I know you will do this for me.

I follow this statement with:

As above, so below, this working is sealed. Only the good remains.

To seal the entire working, I draw an equal-armed cross in the air three times over the items on the candleboard.

Please note that this ceremony is not the empowerment nor the spellwork or “sending” of the completed poppet, it is just the beginning—the preparation for the strong magick to come!

This general rite is only a guideline for cleansing and blessing your supplies. Some of you may feel that it is too formal; others may think there isn’t enough formality for your taste. Others may wish to exclude some elements or change them around, and that’s fine. The only right way is the way that is comfortable for you—the way that brings the knowing that the magick will work.