Willow Salix - A Compendium of Plants

Plant Witchery: Discover the Sacred Language, Wisdom, and Magic of 200 Plants - Juliet Diaz 2020

Willow Salix
A Compendium of Plants


healing, energy clearing, protection

The willow makes a majestic arc, bending from her top to bow to the ground, closing and completing a splendid loop. A single branch that falls in moist ground can regrow an entire tree. Willow branches make excellent dowsing rods, helping you to find water running underground, or energy lines like ley lines.


Willow bark contains a chemical called salicylic acid, which is extremely similar to that used to make aspirin—and indeed, willow bark was used as a powerful pain reliever until aspirin’s invention, and is still used by naturopaths.


Clear your home of unwanted entities by spiritually sweeping it with a bundle of willow branches and leaves. You can also boil her leaves and add that water to your bath—if you do, prepare for a healing like you’ve never felt before. You may find yourself weeping, purging emotions that have been hidden. Take these tears and place them in a jar, keeping it on your windowsill during a Waning Crescent Moon so that the Moon’s energy can take your tears into its light and heal those waters. You can then use those tears for powerful self-love or general healing spellwork.


Willow is my favorite tree of all time. There was a willow tree in the cemetery where I used to play as a child, and when I needed guidance, she was my parent. If you are under a willow tree, you are instantly cloaked by her, hidden away under her arms. In this realm, no one will disturb you. I built an altar there under her branches, and she taught me how to keep myself safe, and keep both spiritual and physical intruders out. If you are suffering, she will take you into her embrace and create this safe space for you. You can place her branches on your altar, over your bed, or anywhere you want to keep intruders from entering. She can also help you forget your pain so that whatever is going on in your life, you have moments of peace and love.

Dreaming of willow happens most often to children who are going through hurt, pain, and trauma, though adults in those circumstances may dream of her as well. She will also visit those who self-harm, bringing healing but also a kind of escape from the real world. She offers dreams of a happy existence, speaking to you of better days on their way, and the importance your being is to the Earth. She understands your pain, and keeps you holding on.