Violet Viola sororia - A Compendium of Plants

Plant Witchery: Discover the Sacred Language, Wisdom, and Magic of 200 Plants - Juliet Diaz 2020

Violet Viola sororia
A Compendium of Plants


spiritual development, love

Violets grow wild and easily—so easily that some consider them a weed, though I don’t! They are far too useful, and have been valued for both their scent and flavor for centuries. Violets have a place in the perfume industry, and are also good for eating, though they are primarily used to flavor candies.


Both the flowers and leaves of the violet may be eaten, and will calm a cough or sore throat, and may ward off headaches as well. They can also be used to relieve constipation. Violet’s healing can calm inflammation—of the body, the heart, and the mind.


It should surprise exactly no one that violet is a lover—her leaves are shaped like hearts! Work with her leaves and the petals she produces to craft powerful love spells and potions, but remember, forcing someone to fall in love with you is against the natural laws of this world, and will only end up hurting everyone involved. Instead, work with violet to cultivate a love that is growing already, naturally.


Violet’s wisdom is that of spiritual devotion. Bring her into your life to fuel your spirit and reawaken your love for your spiritual practice. She helps you to be more devoted, holding you accountable to your own practice. We all need her in our lives! When you dream of violet, you are receiving a powerful message from your guides, so look around in your dream for clues and signs. You could even try to talk to her in your dream, for she herself may well be the guide who wants to speak with you.