Ague Aletris farinosa - A Compendium of Plants

Plant Witchery: Discover the Sacred Language, Wisdom, and Magic of 200 Plants - Juliet Diaz 2020

Ague Aletris farinosa
A Compendium of Plants


protection, psychic ability

Ague is also known as unicorn root, colicroot, crow corn, and white star grass. She grows all across North America, particularly in Illinois, and has narrow leaves and a long, tall stalk covered with tiny flower bells.


It’s important not to consume too much ague root, particularly raw and fresh, as it can cause abdominal disfunction, even vomiting. But taken in small doses, ague can move digestion along and ease flatulence, though she has an extremely bitter flavor. She has also been known to induce calm, and can combat anorexia, anxiety, and depression. A poultice made with ague leaves can ease an aching back.

Ague Root House Protection Ritual

Ague can help you create a powerful protective shield for your home, both inside and out.


2 pieces dried ague, divided


Chili powder

1 onion, halved


· Grind up 1 of the pieces of ague root, either with a knife or using a mortar and pestle.

· Sprinkle the ground-up ague around the outside of your home, keeping your intentions for protection steady as you work. If you live in an apartment, you can sprinkle a cross, star, or circle of ague at your front door—whichever symbol feels best to you.

· Place the second piece of ague in a large glass of cold water.

· Add a pinch of salt, a pinch of chili powder, and ½ of the onion.

· Let the glass sit on a high shelf or on top of your refrigerator for 3 days, so that it can absorb any negativity in your home.

· After the third day, throw the ague and onion in the trash and dump the water in the toilet. Take the trash out immediately—don’t let it sit in your home.


Plant Witches with particular gifts of mediumship and psychic abilities are often drawn to ague. As a seer, I work with ague almost weekly, and having her by my side helps me navigate through my visions while at the same time protecting me while I’m at my most vulnerable. During your Magical workings, drinking a tea steeped with dried ague can induce visions (though again, be wary—fresh ague root acts as a narcotic). Ague root can also be carried as a protective talisman, placed in your circle or altar for protection while you are casting or doing Magical workings. It can also be ground into a paste and used to remove a hex.


Dreams of ague are very telling. If you eat ague in a dream, it means someone has cursed you, or that you have blocks to overcome in your life. If you are served ague in a dream, it is a warning to cleanse and protect yourself from coming evil, usually from jealousy. If you are planting ague in your dream, she is calling you to work with her.

Ague thrives best outdoors, where she can be wild and free. You can harvest the pieces you need, though always ask permission first and make sure to thank her. Respect these pieces—they hold her spirit. When you bring them inside she will flow through your home, protecting every nook and cranny.