Lilac Syringa - A Compendium of Plants

Plant Witchery: Discover the Sacred Language, Wisdom, and Magic of 200 Plants - Juliet Diaz 2020

Lilac Syringa
A Compendium of Plants


wisdom, psychic ability, spiritual development

The heavenly scent of lilac feels delicate and as though it could disappear in an instant, but it actually lasts for quite a long time—and the flowers are so hardy they can withstand being covered in hot water. Lilac blooms in late spring, like a final gift before the heat of summer. The flowers can vary from white to a deep purple, with all the shades in between.


Lilac is edible, and lilac blossoms with honey make a wonderful, fragrant treat. Lilac was once used to treat kidney disease, but it is likely more useful these days as an astringent. If you steep the flowers in distilled water, you can use it as a toner to cleanse the skin.


There are some who believe lilacs are bad luck, but I have never found this to be true. Having lilacs growing in or around your home will bring in positive vibes and joyful energies.

Lilac Finding Answers Spell

The scent of lilac alone is pure Magic, and it can help you quickly receive answers to any questions you may have.


A bouquet of lilac blossoms


· Take a deep breath and begin to hum, choosing a note as high as you can go. Keep your mouth closed—remember, you are humming, not singing.

· Hold the note for the length of your breath, and then inhale, breathing in her scent through your nose.

· Repeat this twice more for a total of 3 breaths, and on the third breath close your eyes and ask her your question. She will give you an image with her answer.


Lilac is Magically potent with positive energy, but her high frequency can be too much for those who haven’t done much inner work—they may feel weary, or even like she’s a “bad” plant. But if you’ve been practicing self-love and growth Magic for a while, you will find that lilac is smart, witty, and carries divine wisdom. Dreaming of lilacs symbolizes new beginnings, especially in relationships. She has come to let you know that you made the right decision, or to push you to take the necessary steps to get out of a toxic relationship.