Lipstick Plant Aeschynanthus radicans - A Compendium of Plants

Plant Witchery: Discover the Sacred Language, Wisdom, and Magic of 200 Plants - Juliet Diaz 2020

Lipstick Plant Aeschynanthus radicans
A Compendium of Plants



creativity, abundance, happiness

Lipstick plant is an epiphyte, which means she grows on other plants or in midair. This evergreen vine got her name because of her flowers, which really do look like cylinders of red lipstick, as the red blossom peeks out of a dark tube. (Some may say she looks like something else, but let’s keep it PG, shall we?) She has shiny foliage, and grows well in a hanging pot. Give her plenty of sunlight so you can enjoy her flowers.


This plant has no known medicinal properties.

Lipstick Plant Movement Spell

This spell not only harnesses the power of lipstick plant, it uses your physical body to generate creative, energetic motion to bring you whatever it is you want to manifest.



Cinnamon incense

Drumming music

A glass of water with a pinch of salt

1 green candle

3 lipstick plant petals


· It’s a good idea to perform this spell outdoors, but if that’s not possible, find a space to move near a window where the sunlight can reach you.

· Light your cinnamon incense and put on your drumming music. Before you start to move, think carefully as you set your intentions for what you want to manifest.

· Begin to sway with the rhythm of the drumming. If this feels awkward at first, lean into it. Feel the Earth beneath your feet. Let loose! Relax your mind and just let your body move.

· Keep focused on your intention, and pick up the pace, moving until you feel sweat dripping.

· Brush your sweat with your finger and drop it into your glass of water and salt.

· Take the glass and hold it up to the Sun. Speak your intentions out loud.

· Take a sip, but don’t swallow. Hold it in your mouth for a second and then blow it out to the north. Take another sip, and blow it out to the east. Repeat until you have blown your intention in each direction.

· Keep moving with the drums, and keep envisioning your intentions until you have ignited a fire within your core.

· Finally, sit with your candle and light it. Take 3 deep breaths.

· Hold a lipstick plant petal against your womb, allowing it to feel your fire. Light the petal on fire and set it aside.

· Repeat this spell with the remaining petals, then sit quietly, allowing your breath to come back to normal, and your fire to subside, for now.


Lipstick plant’s powers lie in the interconnected fields of creativity and abundance. If you want to physically create a being and increase your fertility, you can keep her in your bedroom, as long as it has plenty of natural light. Keeping her in your workspace or place of business will bring abundance in money, customers, and success.

Don’t cut or pluck her leaves or flowers for spellwork—this makes her very unhappy, understandably! Instead, collect her leaves and flowers when they fall and store them in a jar until you are ready to use them. If you have several lipstick plants, like I do, you can set a specific intention for each one. Make sure you keep the leaves and flowers from each plant separate, as they will have different meanings.


Lipstick plant is so joyous she will make the deepest frown turn into a smile. I think of her like a little kitten, because that’s the kind of energy she radiates. Bringing her into your home will create a beautiful flow and invite an abundance of love, good health, and happiness. As long as you keep her happy with plenty of sunlight, she will recycle any negativity in the air, replacing it with positive energy. If lipstick plant appears in your dreams, she has come to tell you that you’re about to create something—perhaps you’ve got a baby on the way, or a new career opportunity is about to open up.