Solve Et Coagula: The Union of Sol and Luna - Book Four Practical Alchemy and Ritual Magic

The Philosopher’s Stone: Spiritual Alchemy, Psychology, and Ritual Magic - Israel Regardie 2013

Solve Et Coagula: The Union of Sol and Luna
Book Four Practical Alchemy and Ritual Magic

An Alchemical Rite for Seven Adepts

by Chic Cicero and Sandra Tabatha Cicero

Introduction: About the Ritual

This ceremony is a rite of Spiritual Alchemy that emphasizes the Hermetic process of separation, purification, and union. The ritual uses the Alchemical Hexagram in its original form and correspondences as utilized by the Golden Dawn, with the two large points of the figure attributed to Sol and Luna, the four smaller points assigned to the four elements, and the central point allotted to Spirit.200


Alchemical Hexagram

Setting of the Hall

The Temple is arranged as follows: Enochian Tablets and Elemental Weapons201 are placed around the four quarters of the room: East—Air Tablet with Air Dagger; South—Fire Tablet with Fire Wand; West—Water Tablet with Water Cup; North—Earth Tablet with Earth Pentacle.

The Cubical Altar is placed at the center of the Hall, with the following items on it: East—rose; South—a red repast candle; West—a Chalice of Wine; North—a platter of Bread and Salt; Center (toward the east)—the Tablet of Union, Center (toward the West)—the Cross and Triangle. Just above the Tablet of Union is a white Spirit candle and a small dish of ash.


Temple Setup

Throne of ADEPTUS SOLIS is in the East. Throne of ADEPTUS LUNAE is in the West. Throne of ADEPTUS IGNIS is in the Southwest. Throne of ADEPTUS AQUAE is in the Southeast. Throne of ADEPTUS AERIS is in the Northeast. Throne of ADEPTUS TERRAE is in the Northwest. (Note: The thrones of the Elemental Officers are all closer to the Altar than those of the two Planetary Officers.) ADEPTUS SPIRITUS is just west of the Altar. (See diagram of the Temple Set-up: the Alchemical Hexagram may be marked on the floor with masking tape.) All officers face toward the Altar.

All officers exceptADEPTUS SPIRITUS have side altars at their stations:202

On the side altar of ADEPTUS IGNIS is a red candle and a censer (or stick) of incense.

On the side altar of ADEPTUS AQUAE is a blue candle and a Cup of Water.

On the side altar of ADEPTUS AERIS is a yellow candle.

On the side altar of ADEPTUS TERRAE is a black candle.

On the side altar of ADEPTUS SOLIS is a gold candle and a small bottle of olive oil.

On the side altar of ADEPTUS LUNAE is a silver candle and a small vial of potable alcohol.203

The Officers

All ADEPTI wear Gold Rose Cross Lamens suspended from a yellow collar. Other symbols may be worn on the brow or pinned to the robe just above the Lamen.

Adeptus Spiritus

First Adept represents the Element of Spirit. This officer wears a white robe with a black tabard, and a white nemyss204 with the symbol of the Spirit Wheel Image over the brow. Implement used can be either the Lotus Wand, the Pentagram-headed Wand,205 or a white Spirit Wand.

Adeptus Solis

The Adept of Sol represents the Sun as the source and ruler of the Elemental Kingdom. He also represents the Red King and alchemical gold. This officer wears a red robe with a red tabard, and a red nemyss with the symbol of Sol Image over the brow.

Adeptus Lunae

The Adept of Luna represents the Moon as the subruler of the Elemental Kingdom. She also represents the White Queen and alchemical silver. This officer wears a white robe with a white tabard, and a white nemyss with the crescent of Luna Image over the brow.

Adeptus Ignis

The Adept of Fire represents Elemental Fire. This officer wears a white robe with a red tabard, and a red nemyss206 with the Fire Triangle Image over the brow.

Adeptus Aquae

The Adept of Water represents Elemental Water. This officer wears a white robe with a blue tabard, and a blue nemyss207 with the Water Triangle Image over the brow.

Adeptus Aeris

The Adept of Air represents Elemental Air. This officer wears a white robe with a yellow tabard, and a yellow nemyss208 with the Air Triangle Image over the brow.

Adeptus Terrae

The Adept of Earth represents Elemental Earth. This officer wears a white robe with a black tabard, and a black nemyss209 with the Earth Triangle e over the brow.

The Opening of the Temple

ADEPTUS SPIRITUS gives single knock. Image She lights the white Spirit candle on the central altar.210

ADEPTUS TERRAE performs Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram.

ADEPTUS LUNAE performs Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Hexagram.

(ALL join in Qabalistic Cross and Analysis of Key Word).211

ADEPTUS IGNUS takes up the incense. ADEPTUS AQUAE takes up the Cup of Water. Both officers walk directly from their stations to the eastern side of the Central Altar. ADEPTUS IGNUS places the incense on the southeast corner of the Altar. ADEPTUS AQUAE places the Water Cup on the northeast corner of the Altar.

ADEPTUS SPIRITUS places the Water Cup on the white triangle. With her wand she traces a circle and cross over the Cup. Then she puts the wand aside, places her hands around the Cup and breathes into it, then says: Breath is the evidence of Life. Creature of Water, thou art enlivened.

ADEPTUS SPIRITUS replaces the Cup on the northeast corner of the Altar, and then places the incense on the white triangle, cups her hands around the incense and breathes onto it.

ADEPTUS SPIRITUS:Let there be Life. Creature of Fire, thou art enlightened.

ADEPTUS SPIRITUS replaces the incense on the southeast corner of the Altar. ADEPTUS IGNIS takes up the incense while ADEPTUS AQUAE takes up the Cup, and both return directly to their stations the same way they came.

Opening by Watchtower

ADEPTUS IGNIS goes to the Fire Tablet in the South, takes up the Fire Wand and traces the three points of the upright triangle Image in front of the Tablet. Then, holding the Wand high, ADEPTUS IGNIS slowly circumambulates sunwise while saying:

ADEPTUS IGNIS: And when, after all the phantoms are banished, thou shalt see that Holy and Formless Fire, that Fire which darts and flashes through the hidden depths of the Universe, hear thou the Voice of Fire.


The Spirit Pentagrams


The Elemental Pentagrams

Upon reaching the south again, ADEPTUS IGNIS again marks the three points of the Upright Triangle followed by a clockwise circle in front of the Tablet. He traces the Invoking Pentagram of Spirit Active, vibrating BITOM and then traces the Spirit Sigil Image in the center and vibrates EHEIEH. He gives the Sign of the Opening of the Veil followed by the LVX Signs. Then ADEPTUS IGNIS traces the Invoking Pentagram of Fire, vibrating OIP TEAA PEDOCE and then traces the sigil of Leo Image in the center and vibrates ELOHIM. ADEPTUS IGNIS then gives the Philosophus Sign.

ADEPTUS IGNIS: In the Names and Letters of the Great Southern Quadrangle, We invoke ye, ye Angels of the Watchtower of the South!

ADEPTUS IGNIS replaces Fire Wand and turns inward toward the Altar.

ADEPTUS AQUAE goes to the Water Tablet in the West, takes up the Water Cup and traces the three points of the inverted triangle Image in front of the Tablet. Then, holding the Cup high, ADEPTUS AQUAE slowly circumambulates sunwise while saying:

So therefore first the Priest who governeth the works of Fire must sprinkle with the Lustral Water of the Loud Resounding Sea.

Upon reaching the west again, ADEPTUS AQUAE again marks the three points of the inverted Triangle followed by a clockwise circle in front of the Tablet. She traces the Invoking Pentagram of Spirit Passive, vibrating HCOMA and then traces the Spirit Sigil Image in the center and vibrates AGLA. She gives the Sign of the Opening of the Veil followed by the LVX Signs. Then ADEPTUS AQUAE traces the Invoking Pentagram of Water, vibrating EMPEH ARSEL GAIOL and then traces the alchemical sigil of Scorpio (the eagle’s head) Image in the center and vibrates Aleph Lamed, AL. ADEPTUS AQUAE then gives the Practicus Sign.

ADEPTUS AQUAE:In the Names and Letters of the Great Western Quadrangle, We invoke ye, ye Angels of the Watchtower of the West!

ADEPTUS AQUAE replaces Cup and turns inward toward the Altar.

ADEPTUS AERIS goes to the Air Tablet in the East, takes up the Air Dagger and traces the three points of the upright Triangle Image in front of the Tablet. Then, holding the Dagger high, ADEPTUS AERIS slowly circumambulates sunwise while saying:

ADEPTUS AERIS: Such a Fire existeth, extending through the rushings of Air—or even a Fire formless whence cometh the Image of a Voice, or even a flashing Light, abounding, revolving, whirling forth, crying aloud.

Upon reaching the east again, ADEPTUS AERIS again marks the three points of the Upright Triangle followed by a clockwise circle in front of the Tablet. He traces the Invoking Pentagram of Spirit Active, vibrating EXARP and then traces the Spirit Sigil Image in the center and vibrates EHEIEH. He gives the Sign of the Opening of the Veil followed by the LVX Signs. Then ADEPTUS AERIS traces the Invoking Pentagram of Air, vibrating ORO IBAH AOZPI and then traces the sigil of Aquarius - in the center and vibrates YHVH. ADEPTUS AERIS then gives the Theoricus Sign.

ADEPTUS AERIS: In the Names and Letters of the Great Eastern Quadrangle, We invoke ye, ye Angels of the Watchtower of the East!

ADEPTUS AERIS replaces Dagger and turns inward toward the Altar.

ADEPTUS TERRAE goes to the Earth Tablet in the North, takes up the Earth Pentacle and traces the three points of the inverted triangle W in front of the Tablet. Then, holding the Pentacle high, ADEPTUS TERRAE slowly circumambulates sunwise while saying:

ADEPTUS TERRAE: Stoop not down into the darkly splendid world wherein continually lieth a faithless depth, and Hades wrapped in gloom, delighting in unintelligible images, precipitous, winding, a black, ever-rolling Abyss, ever espousing a body unluminous, formless and void.212

Upon reaching the north again, ADEPTUS TERRAE again marks the three points of the inverted Triangle followed by a clockwise circle in front of the Tablet. She traces the Invoking Pentagram of Spirit Passive, vibrating NANTA and then traces the Spirit Sigil Image in the center and vibrates AGLA. She gives the Sign of the Opening of the Veil followed by the LVX Signs. Then ADEPTUS TERRAE traces the Invoking Pentagram of Earth, vibrating EMOR DIAL HECTEGA and then traces the alchemical sigil of Taurus 2 in the center and vibrates ADONAI. ADEPTUS TERRAE then gives the Zelator Sign.

ADEPTUS TERRAE: In the Names and Letters of the Great Northern Quadrangle, We invoke ye, ye Angels of the Watchtower of the North!”

ADEPTUS TERRAE replaces Pentacle and turns inward toward the Altar.

ADEPTUS SPIRITUS faces the central altar. She traces a circle over the Tablet of Union followed by the Invoking Pentagrams of Spirit (Active and Passive forms) while vibrating EXARP—EHEIEH. HCOMA—AGLA. NANTA—AGLA. BITOM—EHEIEH.

ADEPTUS SPIRITUS: In the Names and Letters of the mystical Tablet of Union, We invoke ye, ye Divine Forces of the Spirit of Life.”

ADEPTUS SPIRITUS makes the Sign of the Rending of the Veil and stands in the form of the Tau Cross.

ADEPTUS SPIRITUS: OL SONUF VAORSAGI GOHO lAD BALATA. ELEXARPEH. CO-MANANU. TABITOM. ZODAKARA, EKA ZODAKARE OD ZODAMERANU. ODO KIKLE QAA PIAPE PIAMOEL OD VAOAN. (Pronounced: Oh-ell son-oof vay-oh-air-sah-jee go-ho ee-ah-dah bahl-tah. El-ex-ar-pay-hay. Co-mah-nah-noo. Tah-bee-toh-em. Zohd-ah-kah-rah eh-kah zohd-ah-kah-ray oh-dah zohd-ah-mehr-ah-noo. Oh-doh kee-klay kah-ah pee-ah-pay pee-ah-moh-el oh-dah vay-oh-ah-noo.)

ADEPTUS SPIRITUS: I invoke ye, ye Angels of the celestial spheres, whose dwelling is in the invisible. Ye are the guardians of the gates of the Universe, be ye also the guardians of this mystic sphere. Keep far removed the evil and the unbalanced. Strengthen and inspire us so that we may preserve unsullied this abode of the mysteries of the eternal Gods. Let our sphere be pure and holy so that we may enter in and become partakers of the secrets of the Light Divine.

ADEPTUS SPIRITUS gives the LVX Signs. She goes clockwise to the northeast.

ADEPTUS SPIRITUS: The visible Sun is the dispenser of Light to the Earth. Let us therefore form a vortex in this chamber that the Invisible Sun of the Spirit may shine therein from above.

ALL present come sunwise to the Northeast and queue up behind ADEPTUS SPIRITUS.ADEPTUS SPIRITUS raises Wand in right hand, and ALL follow as she leads them in three sunwise circumambulations of the Hall in this order: ADEPTUS SOLIS, ADEPTUS LUNAE, ADEPTUS IGNIS, ADEPTUS AQUAE, ADEPTUS AERIS, ADEPTUS TERRAE. Each ADEPT gives the Neophyte Signs as they pass the East. After passing the East for the third time, ADEPTUS SPIRITUS returns to the west of the Altar, and ALL others return to their places. ALL face East.

The Adoration

ALL follow the lead of the ADEPTUS SPIRITUS in the performance of the Adoration.

ALL: Holy art Thou, Lord of the Universe!

(ALL give the Projection Sign.)

Holy art Thou, whom Nature hath not formed!

(ALL give the Projection Sign.)

Holy art thou, the Vast and the Mighty One!

(ALL give the Projection Sign.)

Lord of the Light and of the Darkness!

(ALL give the Sign of Silence.)

The Work

ADEPTUS SPIRITUS:Avete, Fratres et Sorores of the Ordo Rosae Rubeae et Aureae Crucis. We are here assembled in this sacred Hall to advance our commitment to the work of the divine theurgy. We are gathered in this Temple to exemplify and effect a working of Spiritual Alchemy through the symbolic marriage of Sol and Luna, the Alchemical Wedding of the King and Queen, the sacred merger of the Masculine and Feminine—united in One Being—self to Self, Body to Soul, Soul to Spirit, Will to Word. We work to affect this union within each of us. Through this Rite we will purify, consecrate, and recombine a Mystical Repast comprised of the Four Elements and Three Alchemical Principles using the Alchemical Hexagram—the unicursal or continuous six-rayed star, unified by Spirit. In this time and in this place we quit the Material and seek the Spiritual. Therefore we are joined together as One in action and intent to purify, consecrate, and unite the energies of Sol and Luna, so that through this ceremony, we may be better able to understand the true nature of the Hermetic Art and be better equipped to carry out the Great Work, to the glory of the Ineffable Name.

All: AMEN!

ADEPTUS SPIRITUS (knocks Image ): Let us first establish a link with the Higher and Divine Self—that inexhaustible Treasure of Light, to which we aspire unceasingly—that the Powers of the Divine may be reawakened in the spheres of those present and in the Sphere of this Order. For by names and Images are all Powers Awakened and Reawakened.

ALL close their eyes as the ADEPTUS SPIRITUS begins to lead them through Kether (Power Source), Tiphareth (Power Outlet), and Malkuth (Power Ground) as follows: The ADEPT vibrates the Divine Name one time by herself, to establish the vibrational note for the other officers. Then ALL including the ADEPTUS SPIRITUS vibrate the name for a total of three times:


ALL: Eheieh. Eheieh. Eheieh.


ALL: YHVH Eloah Ve-Daath. YHVH Eloah Ve-Daath. YHVH Eloah Ve-Daath.

ADEPTUS LUNAE : Adonai ha-Aretz.

ALL: Adonai ha-Aretz. Adonai ha-Aretz. Adonai ha-Aretz.

The Invocation of Three

ADEPTUS SPIRITUS : Three Spheres vibrated on the Tree of Life—Kether, Tiphareth, and Malkuth. Source, Center, and Completion. Three is the number of the Supernal Sephiroth—Kether, Chokmah, and Binah. Three is the number of the eternal Triad of Life—that Triune Light that moved upon the face of the Waters—the triangle of the measureless Heavens, reflected in the triangle of the measureless Waters.

ADEPTUS SOLIS: Three is the number of the Alchemical Principles, the eternal building blocks of all things within the manifest universe—Salt, Sulphur, and Mercury—which signify the principles of Body, Soul, and Spirit. Three is the number of the alchemical Kingdoms of Nature—animal, vegetable, and mineral. The triangle of the measureless Heavens reflected in the triangle of the Kingdoms of Nature.

ADEPTUS LUNAE: Three is the number of the most ancient elements of Fire, Air, and Water, symbolized by the three Primary colors of red, yellow, and blue, from which the entire spectrum of colors is derived. Three is the number of two opposing forces and one that balances between them. And these three have their image in the Three-fold Flame of our Being and in the three-fold wave of the sensual world.

ADEPTUS SPIRITUS: Three is the number of the Veils of Negativity—Ain, Ain Soph, and Ain Soph Aour—the No-thing, the Limitless, and the Limitless Light—before the first emanations of the Tree of Life burst into Being. Three is the number of the Paths shown on the Lamen of the Hiereus, and on the Banner of the West, and three is the number of the points on the Triangle of Manifestation.

ADEPTUS LUNAE: Three is number of the Mistress of Music because harmony contains three symphonies. Three is also the Mistress of Geometry because the Triangle is the Principle of Figures. Three is a perfect number—every virtue is suspended from it and proceeds from it. Three are the faces of the Moon Goddess, and three persons in One God comprise the Holy Trinity—Father, Son, and Spirit. Three is the number of the Divine Family in a multitude of religions—Father, Mother, and Child.

ADEPTUS SOLIS: Three is the number of the quaternions of the Celestial Signs—the cardinal, the fixed, and the mutable. Three is the number of faces assigned to each Zodiacal Sign; three is the number of their Decans, and three are the Lords of their Triplicity.

ADEPTUS LUNAE: Three are the Mother Letters of the Hebrew alphabet—Shin, Aleph, and Mem. Mem is silent, Shin is sibilant, and Aleph is the tongue of a balance between these contraries in equilibrium, reconciling and mediating between them. In this is a great Mystery, very admirable and recondite.

ADEPTUS SOLIS: The Fire produced the Heavens, the Water, the Earth, and the Air is the reconciler between them. In the year, they bring forth the hot, the cold, and the temperate seasons, and in man, they are imaged in the head, the chest, and the trunk.

ADEPTUS SPIRITUS: Three Times Great was Hermes Trismegistos called. Three is the number of Understanding. Three is the number of our Hermetic Work—Purification, Consecration, and Initiation. Three is the number of our Alchemical Work—separation, purification, and recombination. Three are the Spagyric Principles—the Tria Prima. And three times did the Seraphim of Isaiah intone the Trisagion (tris-AH gee-on) around the throne of God: “Qadesh, Qadesh, Qadesh!—Holy, Holy, Holy!


Union Before the Fall

ADEPTUS LUNAE takes up his vial of oil and ADEPTUS LUNAE takes up her vial of alcohol. ALL ADEPTI approach the central Altar, walking in a straight line directly from their station, to surround and face the Altar. (ADEPTUS SPIRITUS moves aside so that ADEPTUS LUNAE may join the circle.)

At the Altar ADEPTUS SPIRITUS leads ALL in performance of the Qabalistic Cross: ATAH, MALKUTH, VE-GEBURAH, VE GEDULAH, LE OLAHM, AMEN.

ADEPTUS IGNIS: We arise in the place of the Gathering of the forces.

ADEPTUS TERRAE: Through the rolled-back Cloud of Night.

ADEPTUS SPIRITUS: From the Ruach Elohim went forth the Spirit.

ADEPTUS IGNIS: Rending asunder the veils of Darkness.

ADEPTUS AQUAE: And there was but a Vastness of Silence and of Depth in the place of the Gathering Forces.

ADEPTUS AERIS : Terrible was the Silence of that Uncreated World—Immeasurable the depth of that Abyss.

ADEPTUS SPIRITUS: The Spirit moved and the Chaos cried aloud for the Unity of Form.

ADEPTUS LUNAE: The Face of the Eternal arose.

ADEPTUS SOLIS: Before the Glory of that Countenance the Night rolled back and the Darkness hasted away.

ADEPTUS AQUAE: In the Waters beneath was that Face reflected.

ADEPTUS AERIS: From those Eyes darted rays of splendor which crossed with the currents reflected.

ADEPTUS SOLIS: That Brow and those Eyes formed the triangle of the Measureless Heavens.

ADEPTUS LUNAE: Their reflections formed the triangle of the Measureless Waters.

ADEPTUS SPIRITUS: And thus was formulated the Eternal Hexad—the number of the Dawning Creation.

ADEPTUS IGNUS: Khabs Am Pekht.



ADEPTUS SPIRITUS: The Universal Unity alone remains pure and unchanged, representing the changeless Essence of the Divine Spirit, thus developing all from the One, through the Many, under the government of One.

Brief Pause.

The Separation

ADEPTUS SPIRITUS: But the First Unity was not to last. For the Divine sought experience in the flashing mortal worlds and the Way of Return.

ADEPTUS IGNUS: Involution!


ADEPTUS AERIS: Exhalation!

ADEPTUS AQUAE: Inhalation!

ADEPTUS SOLIS: Solve et Coagula!

ADEPTUS LUNAE: Dissolve and coagulate!

ADEPTUS TERRAE: For in the primordial Garden of Eden, the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and of Evil proved irresistible to the Children of God.

ADEPTUS AERIS: The Pillars of the Tree of Life were left unsupported.

ADEPTUS SOLIS: The Sephirotic system was shattered, and with it fell Adam, the Microprosopus.

ADEPTUS IGNUS: Then arose the Great dragon with Seven Heads and Ten Horns, and the Garden was made desolate.

ADEPTUS TERRAE: Malkuth was cut off from the Sephiroth by his intersecting folds, and linked unto the Kingdom of Shells.

ADEPTUS AQUAE: And the Seven Lower Sephiroth were cut off from the Three Supernals in Daath, at the feet of Aima Elohim.

ADEPTUS TERRAE: The first Creation was made void. The Holy Place was made waste and the Sons of the House of Wisdom were taken away into the captivity of the Senses.

ADEPTUS IGNIS: We have worshipped since then in a house made with hands, receiving a derived Light in place of the Divine Presence.

ADEPTUS AERIS: And yet, amidst Signs and Symbols the Tokens of the Higher Presence have never been wanting in our hearts.

ADEPTUS AQUAE: By the Waters of Babylon we have sat down and wept, but we have ever remembered Zion, and that Memorial is a Witness testifying that we shall yet return with exultation into the House of our Father and Mother.

ADEPTUS SOLIS: The Desire of Thy House hath eaten me up.

ADEPTUS LUNAE: I desire to be dissolved and to be with Thee.

ADEPTUS SPIRITUS (knocks Image): Learn to separate the pure from the impure, and refine the Gold of the Spirit from the Black Dragon of the corruptible body.

ALL: Solve et Coagula! We are divided for the sake of Union!

ALL take down their wands. ADEPTUS SOLIS takes up the vial of olive oil. ADEPTUS LUNAE takes up the vial of alcohol. ADEPTUS IGNIS takes up the repast candle. ADEPTUS AQUAE takes up the Chalice of Wine. ADEPTUS AERIS takes up the rose. ADEPTUS TERRAE takes up the platter of bread and salt. ALL ADEPTI turn to face outward, very deliberately, away from the Altar. After a slight pause, ALL walk simultaneously in a straight line away from the Altar to their stations, taking the repast elements to their respective side Altars.

Purification and Consecration of Four 213

ADEPTUS SPIRITUS moves the central Altar a few feet to the east of the center of the Hall. She moves her chair a few feet to the west of the center of the Hall (see diagram “Walking the Hexagram”). She is seated.


Walking the Hexagram


ADEPTUS IGNIS and ADEPTUS AQUAE (together): Aqua et Ignus Amici Fiant! 214

With the Censer of incense, ADEPTUS IGNIS goes clockwise from his station to that of Water, where ADEPTUS AQUAE takes up the Cup of Water. BOTH face the station of Earth and ADEPTUS TERRAE.

ADEPTUS IGNIS and ADEPTUS AQUAE (together): Let the Earth adore Adonai! Except ye be cleansed by Water and sanctified by Fire, ye cannot enter the Kingdom of God.

ADEPTUS TERRAE takes the platter of bread and salt and walks clockwise in a half-circle to the station of Water, to stand before ADEPTUS AQUAE and ADEPTUS IGNIS.

With the Water Cup, ADEPTUS AQUAE traces a cross and Water triangle over the platter of bread and salt and says:

Creature of Alchemy, I purify thee with Water.

With incense, ADEPTUS IGNIS traces a cross and Fire triangle over the platter of bread and salt and says:

Creature of Alchemy, I consecrate thee with Fire.

ALL: Let the Earth adore Adonai!

ALL (vibrate softly): “ADONAI,” while ADEPTUS TERRAE walks the path of the Hexagram, stopping when she returns to the point of Water in the southeast.

ADEPTUS TERRAE traces the path of the INVOKING HEXAGRAM OF EARTH as follows: From the station of Water (which is the starting point of the Hexagram), She walks directly to her own station (Earth) and continues to walk directly to the following stations in this order—Sol, Fire, Air, Luna, and back to Water.


Invoking Earth

ADEPTUS IGNIS and ADEPTUS AQUAE (together): And Adonai saw everything that had been created and it was good. In the Star of the fruitful Earth, Child of Alchemy, thou art purified. Pass thou on.

ADEPTUS TERRAE goes directly to her own station in the northwest and waits there. At this point ADEPTUS AQUAE and ADEPTUS IGNIS simultaneously pass the implements of Purification (Water Cup) and Consecration (Incense) on to their counterparts as follows: The ADEPTUS IGNIS goes straight to the station of ADEPTUS AERIS in the northeast and gives the censer of incense to ADEPTUS AERIS. ADEPTUS IGNIS then walks straight to his own station. At the same time, ADEPTUS AQUAE goes straight to the station of ADEPTUS TERRAE in the northwest and gives the Cup of Water to ADEPTUS TERRAE. ADEPTUS AQUAE then walks straight back to her own station.

Using her hand, ADEPTUS TERRAE traces the figure of the Invoking Earth Hexagram over the platter of bread and salt.

ADEPTUS SPIRITUS (knocks): Fiat Lux!

ADEPTUS TERRAE lights the black Earth candle.


ADEPTUS AERIS and ADEPTUS TERRAE (together): Aer et Terrae Amici Fiant! 215

With the Censer of incense, ADEPTUS AERIS goes clockwise from his station to that of Earth. ADEPTUS AERIS (with Incense) and ADEPTUS TERRAE (with Water Cup) both face the station of Water and ADEPTUS AQUAE.

ADEPTUS AERIS and ADEPTUS TERRAE (together): Let the Water adore EL! Except ye be born of Water and baptized by Fire, ye cannot return to the Garden of Eden.

ADEPTUS AQUAE takes the Chalice of Wine and walks clockwise in a half-circle to the station of Earth, to stand before ADEPTUS AERIS and ADEPTUS TERRAE.

With the Cup ADEPTUS TERRAE traces a Cross and Water triangle over the Wine and says:

ADEPTUS AQUAE: Creature of Alchemy, I purify thee with Water.

With Incense ADEPTUS AERIS traces a Cross and Fire Triangle over the Wine and says:

ADEPTUS AERIS: Creature of Alchemy, I consecrate thee with Fire.

ALL: Let the Water adore EL!

ALL (vibrate softly): “EL,” while ADEPTUS AQUAE walks the path of the Hexagram, stopping when she returns to the point of Earth in the northwest.

ADEPTUS AQUAE traces the path of the INVOKING HEXAGRAM OF WATER as follows: From the station of Earth (which is the starting point of the Hexagram), She walks directly to her own station (Water) and continues to walk directly to the following stations in this order—Luna, Air, Fire, Sol, and back to Earth.


Invoking Water

ADEPTUS AERIS and ADEPTUS TERRAE (together): And the Ruach Elohim moved upon the face of the Waters. In the Star of the Waters of Creation, Child of Alchemy, thou art purified. Pass thou on.

ADEPTUS AQUAE goes directly to her own station in the southeast and waits there. At this point ADEPTUS TERRAE and ADEPTUS AERIS simultaneously pass the implements of Purification (Water Cup) and Consecration (Incense) on to their counterparts as follows: The ADEPTUS AERIS goes straight to the station of ADEPTUS IGNIS in the southwest and gives the censer of incense to ADEPTUS IGNIS. ADEPTUS AERIS then walks straight to his own station. At the same time, ADEPTUS TERRAE goes straight to the station of ADEPTUS AQUAE in the southeast and gives the Cup of Water to ADEPTUS AQUAE. ADEPTUS TERRAE then walks straight back to her own station.

Using her hand, ADEPTUS AQUAE traces the figure of the Invoking Water Hexagram over the Chalice of Wine.

ADEPTUS SPIRITUS (knocks): Let there be Light!

ADEPTUS AQUAE lights the Water candle.


ADEPTUS IGNIS and ADEPTUS AQUAE (together): Aqua et Ignus Amici Fiant!

With the Cup of Water, ADEPTUS AQUAE goes clockwise from her station to that of Fire, where ADEPTUS IGNIS takes up his Censer of Insense. BOTH face the station of Air and ADEPTUS AERIS.

ADEPTUS IGNIS and ADEPTUS AQUAE (together): Let the Air adore YHVH! Except ye be cleansed by Water and sublimated by Fire, ye cannot pass the Gates of Heaven.

ADEPTUS AERIS takes the Rose and walks clockwise in a half-circle to the station of Fire, to stand before ADEPTUS AQUAE and ADEPTUS IGNIS.

With the Cup, ADEPTUS AQUAE traces a cross and Water triangle over the rose and says:

ADEPTUS AQUAE: Creature of Alchemy, I purify thee with Water.

With incense, ADEPTUS IGNIS traces a cross and Fire triangle over the rose and says:

ADEPTUS IGNIS: Creature of Alchemy, I consecrate thee with Fire.

ALL: Let the Air adore YHVH!

ALL (NOTE) All vibrate “YHVH softly while ADEPTUS AERIS walks the path of the Hexagram, stopping when he returns to the point of Fire in the southwest.


Invoking Air

ADEPTUS AERIS traces the path of the INVOKING HEXAGRAM OF AIR as follows: From the station of Fire (which is the starting point of the Hexagram), he walks directly to his own station (Air) and continues to walk directly to the following stations in this order—Luna, Water, Earth, Sol, and back to Fire.

ADEPTUS IGNIS and ADEPTUS AQUAE (together): The Divine breathest forth Breath, and endless space is peopled. In the Star of Breathing, Child of Alchemy, thou art purified. Pass thou on.

ADEPTUS AERIS goes directly to his own station in the northeast and waits there. At this point ADEPTUS AQUAE and ADEPTUS IGNIS simultaneously pass the implements of Purification (Water Cup) and Consecration (Incense) on to their counterparts as follows: The ADEPTUS IGNIS goes straight to the station of ADEPTUS AERIS in the northeast and gives the censer of incense to ADEPTUS AERIS. ADEPTUS IGNIS then walks straight to his own station. At the same time, ADEPTUS AQUAE goes straight to the station of ADEPTUS TERRAE in the northwest and gives the Cup of Water to ADEPTUS TERRAE. ADEPTUS AQUAE then walks straight back to her own station.

With his hand, ADEPTUS AERIS traces the figure of the Invoking Air Hexagram over the rose.

ADEPTUS SPIRITUS (knocks): Let there be Life!

ADEPTUS AERIS lights the yellow Air candle.


ADEPTUS AERIS and ADEPTUS TERRAE (together): Aer et Terrae Amici Fiant!

With the Cup of Water, ADEPTUS TERRAE goes clockwise from her station to that of Air. ADEPTUS AERIS (with Incense) and ADEPTUS TERRAE (with Water Cup) both face the station of Fire and ADEPTUS IGNIS.

ADEPTUS AERIS and ADEPTUS TERRAE (together): Let the Fire adore Elohim! Except ye be dissolved by Water and calcined by Fire, ye cannot restore the Fallen Tree.

ADEPTUS IGNIS takes the red repast candle and walks clockwise in a half-circle to the station of Air, to stand before ADEPTUS AERIS and ADEPTUS TERRAE.

With the Cup ADEPTUS TERRAE traces a Cross and Water triangle over the candle and says:

ADEPTUS TERRAE: Creature of Alchemy, I purify thee with Water.

With incense, ADEPTUS AERIS traces a Cross and Fire triangle over the repast candle and says:

ADEPTUS AERIS: Creature of Alchemy, I consecrate thee with Fire.

ALL: Let the Fire adore Elohim!

ALL (NOTE) vibrate “ELOHIM” softly while ADEPTUS IGNIS walks the path of the Hexagram, stopping when he returns to the point of Air in the northeast.

ADEPTUS IGNIS traces the path of the INVOKING HEXAGRAM OF FIRE as follows: From the station of Air (which is the starting point of the Hexagram), he walks directly to his own station (Fire) and continues to walk directly to the following stations in this order—Sol, Earth, Water, Luna, and back to Air.


Invoking Fire

ADEPTUS AERIS and ADEPTUS TERRAE (together): Every way to the unfashioned Soul stretch out the reigns of the Sacred Fire. In the Star of Celestial Fire, Child of Alchemy, thou art purified. Pass thou on.

ADEPTUS IGNIS goes directly to his own station in the southwest and waits there. At this point ADEPTUS TERRAE and ADEPTUS AERIS simultaneously pass the implements of Purification (Water Cup) and Consecration (Incense) on to their counterparts as follows: ADEPTUS AERIS goes straight to the station of ADEPTUS IGNIS in the southwest and gives the censer of incense to ADEPTUS IGNIS. ADEPTUS AERIS then walks straight to his own station. At the same time, ADEPTUS TERRAE goes straight to the station of ADEPTUS AQUAE in the southeast and gives the Cup of Water to ADEPTUS AQUAE. ADEPTUS TERRAE then walks straight back to her own station.

With his hand, ADEPTUS IGNIS traces the figure of the Invoking Fire Hexagram over the repast candle.

ADEPTUS SPIRITUS (knocks): Fiat Vitae!

ADEPTUS IGNIS lights the Fire candle.


ADEPTUS SPIRITUS (standing, raising wand): The Purification and Consecration of the Four is accomplished. This is a living symbol of the Hermetic Art. But thou must know that all things bow before the Spirit Divine. For in the midst of the Four Elements is another which unites and guides them—ETH—the Fountain of All Fountains—the Matrix containing All.

ADEPTUS AERIS (holding up Rose): Thine is the AIR with its Movement!

ADEPTUS IGNIS (holding up repast candle): Thine is the FIRE with its Flashing Flame!

ADEPTUS AQUAE (holding up Wine Chalice): Thine is the WATER with its Ebb and Flow!

ADEPTUS TERRAE (holding up Platter): Thine is the EARTH with its enduring Stability!

ALL: Let the white Brilliance of the Divine Spirit descend!


ALL (NOTE) vibrate “EHEIEH” softly while ADEPTUS SPIRITUS walks the path of the Hexagram, stopping when she returns to the point of Spirit in the center.

Taking her wand and the dish of Ash, ADEPTUS SPIRITUS traces the path of the INVOKING HEXAGRAM OF SPIRIT ACTIVE as follows: From the central point of Spirit (at the very center of the Hall), she walks to the following stations in this order—Fire, Sol, Earth, Water, Luna, Air, and back to Spirit.216

ALL (NOTE) vibrate “AGLA” softly while ADEPTUS SPIRITUS walks the path of the Hexagram, stopping when he returns to the point of Spirit in the center.

ADEPTUS SPIRITUS traces the path of the INVOKING HEXAGRAM OF SPIRIT PASSIVE as follows: From the central point of Spirit, she walks to the following stations in this order—Earth, Sol, Fire, Air, Luna, Water, and back to Spirit.


ADEPTUS SPIRITUS places the dish of Ash on the white triangle. With her wand she traces a circle and cross over the Ash. Then she puts the wand aside, places her hands around the dish and breathes into it, then says:

The First shall be last and the last shall be first. Child of Alchemy, thou art enlivened.

ADEPTUS SPIRITUS traces the Invoking Hexagrams of Spirit Active and Passive over the white candle of Spirit.

ADEPTUS SPIRITUS (knocks): Fiat Lux et Vitae!


The Address of Sol and Luna

ADEPTUS SPIRITUS: And God made two great Lights in the firmament of Heaven to give light upon the earth; the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night.

ADEPTUS SOLIS: The wholeness of the Sun is in the supermundane orders, for therein a Solar World and endless Light subsist. The Sun more true measureth all things by time, for He is the Time of Time, and his disc is in the Starless above the inerratic Sphere, and he is the centre of the Triple World. The Sun is Fire and the Dispenser of Fire. He is also the channel for the Higher Fire.

ADEPTUS LUNAE: For the Goddess brings forth the great sun, and the bright Moon. O Aether, Son, Spirit, Guides of the Moon and of the Air, and of the Solar Circles, and of the monthly clashings, and of the Aerial recesses. The Melody of the Aether, and of the passages of the Sun, and Moon, and of the Air, and the Lunar Course, and the Pole of the Sun. She collecteth it, receiving the Melody of the Aether, and of the Sun, and of the Moon, and of all that are contained in the Air. Fire, the derivation of Fire, and the Dispenser of Fire; His hair pointed is seen by his native Light; Hence comes Saturn. The Sun Assessor beholding the pure Pole; and the Aetherial Course, and the vast motion of the Moon, and the Aerial fluxions, and the vast Sun, and the brilliant Moon.

ADEPTUS SPIRITUS: O Aether, Sun and Spirit of the Moon, ye are the Leaders of Air and the Source, Lights, and Rulers over the Elements of the Earth!

ADEPTUS SPIRITUS goes back to her seat.

Purification and Consecration of Sol and Luna

ADEPTUS SOLIS and ADEPTUS LUNAE (together): Sol et Luna Amici Fiant!217 Let the Sun and Moon adore Achad! Except ye be purified by Water and consecrated by Fire, ye cannot rule over Day and Night.

ADEPTUS SOLIS takes up his bottle of olive oil.

ADEPTUS LUNAE takes up her vial of alcohol.

ADEPTUS IGNIS (with Incense) walks clockwise around the Hall to the station of ADEPTUS SOLIS in the east.

ADEPTUS AQUAE (with Cup) walks clockwise to the station of ADEPTUS LUNAE in the west. ADEPTUS AQUAE traces a cross and Water triangle over ADEPTUS LUNAE’S vial of alcohol and says:

ADEPTUS AQUAE: Creature of Alchemy, I purify thee with Water.

In the East, ADEPTUS IGNIS traces a cross and Fire triangle over ADEPTUS SOLIS’ bottle of olive oil and says:

ADEPTUS IGNIS: Creature of Alchemy, I consecrate thee with Fire.

Simultaneously, ADEPTUS IGNIS and ADEPTUS AQUAE walk clockwise around the room until ADEPTUS IGNIS is at the station of ADEPTUS LUNAE in the West, and ADEPTUS AQUAE is at the station of ADEPTUS SOLIS in the East.

ADEPTUS AQUAE traces a cross and Water triangle over ADEPTUS SOLIS’ bottle of olive oil and says:

ADEPTUS AQUAE: Creature of Alchemy, I purify thee with Water.

In the West, ADEPTUS IGNIS traces a cross and Fire triangle over ADEPTUS LUNAE’S vial of alcohol and says:

ADEPTUS IGNIS: Creature of Alchemy, I consecrate thee with Fire.

ALL: Let the Sun and Moon adore ACHAD!

ADEPTUS IGNIS and ADEPTUS AQUAE return clockwise to their stations.

ADEPTUS SOLIS and ADEPTUS LUNAE walk clockwise around the room simultaneously, until ADEPTUS SOLIS is at the station of Earth in the northwest and ADEPTUS LUNAE is at the station of Water in the southeast.

ALL (NOTE) vibrate “ACHAD” softly while ADEPTUS SOLIS and ADEPTUS LUNAE walk the paths of their respective Hexagrams simultaneously.

ADEPTUS SOLIS traces the path of the INVOKING HEXAGRAM OF SOL as follows: From the station of Earth (which is the starting point of the Hexagram), he walks directly to his own station (Sol) and continues to walk directly to the following stations in this order—Fire, Air, Luna, Water, and back to Earth.

When ADEPTUS SOLIS has returned to the station of Earth, ADEPTUS LUNAE begins to walk her Hexagram. ADEPTUS LUNAE traces the path of the INVOKING HEXAGRAM OF LUNA as follows: From the station of Water (which is the starting point of the Hexagram), she walks directly to her own station (Luna) and continues to walk directly to the following stations in this order—Air, Fire, Sol, Earth, and back to Water.218


(The chanting of “Achad” comes to an end.)

ADEPTUS IGNIS and ADEPTUS AQUAE (together): In the twin Stars of Radiant and Reflected Light, Children of Alchemy, thou art purified. Pass thou on.

ADEPTUS SOLIS and ADEPTUS LUNAE walk clockwise around the room simultaneously, until they arrive back at their own stations. With their hands, ADEPTUS SOLIS and ADEPTUS LUNAE each trace their respective hexagrams over their alchemical substance (Sol—oil; Luna—alcohol). ADEPTUS SOLIS and ADEPTUS LUNAE each light their respective candles.

ADEPTUS SPIRITUS (knocks): Let there be Light and Life!

ADEPTUS SPIRITUS moves the main Altar back to its original position at the center of the Hall. Her seat remains where it is (farther west).

The Union of Sol and Luna

ADEPTUS SPIRITUS: Shemesh, the Solar Light, bestoweth Life, Light and Brilliancy in metallic matter, and it ruleth the sphere of action of the Sun. Yhvh Eloah va-Daath is a God of Knowledge and Wisdom, ruling over the Light of the Universe.

And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars. Levanah, the Lunar beam, bestoweth change, increase and decrease upon created things, and ruleth the Sphere of Action of the Moon and the nature of mankind. And Shaddai Al Chai is a God who sheddeth benefits, Omnipotent and Satisfying—the God of Life, the Living One.

In the twin Stars of Radiant and Reflected Light, Children of Alchemy, thou art purified. Pass thou on to the Cubical Altar of the Universe.

Simultaneously ADEPTUS SOLIS and ADEPTUS LUNAE walk straight up to the central Altar, with ADEPTUS LUNAE on the northern side of the Altar, and ADEPTUS SOLIS on the southern side.

ADEPTUS SPIRITUS (knocks): Let there be Union!

Union: The Wedding of Sol and Luna

ADEPTUS IGNIS and ADEPTUS AQUAE (together): Fiat Sol et Luna Coniuncta!

ADEPTUS SOLIS and ADEPTUS LUNAE place their vials of olive oil and alcohol on the Central Altar, on either side of the Dish of Ash.

ADEPTUS SPIRITUS: In the Name of The Lord of the Universe, Who works in Silence and Whom naught but Silence can express, I proclaim the Alchemical Wedding of Sol and Luna. The time of Union is here and the time of separation is abrogated!

ALL present stand and make the Projection Sign and the Sign of Silence at the central Altar.

ADEPTUS SPIRITUS: Let us consecrate according to ancient custom the return of the Hieros Gamos, the symbolic marriage of the King and Queen!







ADEPTUS SPIRITUS (knocks): I am the Reconciler between them!

ALL present make the Projection Sign and the Sign of Silence at the central Altar.







ADEPTUS SPIRITUS (knocks): I am the Reconciler between them!

ALL present make the Projection Sign and the Sign of Silence at the central Altar.







ADEPTUS SPIRITUS (knocks): I am the Reconciler between them!

ALL present make the Projection Sign and the Sign of Silence at the central Altar.







ADEPTUS SPIRITUS (knocks): I am the Reconciler between them!

ALL present make the Projection Sign and the Sign of Silence at the central Altar.

ADEPTUS SOLIS : One Enlightener!

ADEPTUS LUNAE : One Reflector!

ADEPTUS SOLIS : One Philosopher!

ADEPTUS LUNAE : One Imaginer!

ADEPTUS SPIRITUS (knocks): One Reconciler between them!

ALL present make the Projection Sign and the Sign of Silence at the central Altar.

ADEPTUS SPIRITUS: Two contending Forces and one which unites them eternally. Two basal angles of the triangle and one which forms the apex. Such is the origin of Creation—it is the Triad of Life.

ALL (vibrate): SELAH! AMEN! SELAH!

(All except the three Adepts of Sol, Luna, and Spirit may sit.)

ADEPTUS SPIRITUS: Adeptus Solis, your station and function.

ADEPTUS SOLIS: My station is in the East (points to East) to represent the Sun as the source and ruler over the elements. As the Red King I am the Sol Philosophorum, the Pure Living Alchemical Spirit of Gold, and the Refined Essence of Heat and Dryness. I am the masculine, fiery principle. I make open the ways of the Soul.

I represent the radiating Glory of Shemesh, the Sun in his Strength. I have passed through the Gates of Darkness unto the Light. I am the Sun in its rising, the Opener of the Day. I have passed though the hour of cloud and night. Brilliant. Illuminating. Blazing forth. I am the emblem of the spiritual Sun—Provider of Life and Light—that Light which surpasses the glory of the Sun and beside which the light of mortals is but darkness.

And to this ceremony I bring the gift of sweet olive oil, to symbolize Sulphur, the individualized essence or identity—the very uniqueness of a thing—the essential soul of the three-fold constitution of Man—that which is personal and distinctive in operation.

ADEPTUS SOLIS places his bottle of olive oil on the Central Altar, beside the Dish of Ash.

ADEPTUS SOLIS: I am the Bridegroom to the Bride, Soul to Spirit, aminus to anima. Behold, I embrace the whole of Creation in my Rays, and without me, the universe is not.


ADEPTUS SPIRITUS: Adeptus Lunae, your station and function.

ADEPTUS LUNAE: My station is in the west (points to the west) to symbolize the Moon as the satellite of Earth. I represent Luna, the mirror of Truth, reflecting the Light of the Sun in its orbit and mediating its influence to the elements of Earth with the flux and reflux of my divine currents. I represent the splendor of Levannah, the Moon in her Purity. As the White Queen I am the Luna Philosophorum, the Pure Living Alchemical Spirit of Silver, and the Refined Essence of Cold and Moisture. I am the Feminine, watery principle, and I make open the ways of the Spirit. My name and power is love.

I am the Rose of Sharon and the Lily of the Valley. As a lily among thorns, so is my love among the daughters. As the apple tree among the trees of the wood, so is my beloved among the sons. Not unto my majesty may thou attain, unless thine image be that of love.

And to this ceremony I bring the gift of alcohol-spirits, to symbolize Mercury, the consciousness, and life force of a thing—the essential spirit of the three-fold constitution of Man—that which flows clear as crystal from the One Source and enters into all things.

ADEPTUS LUNAE places her vial of alcohol on the Central Altar, beside the Dish of Ash.

ADEPTUS SOLIS: I am the Bride to the Bridegroom, Spirit to Soul, amina to animus. I am the Power of the Great Waters and the Tides of the Sea, and my love is a bulwark against the terrible waves of the storm. Without me the universe is not.

ALL (vibrate): SELAH! AMEN! SELAH!

ADEPTUS SPIRITUS: To these offerings, a third is added. To this ceremony I bring the gift of Ash, to symbolize Salt, subconsciousness, and the corporeal body of a thing—the foundation of physical life, the matrix, blueprint, and basis of all matter.

ADEPTUS SPIRITUS places her hand over the ash for a moment.

ADEPTUS SPIRITUS: Let the Elemental Officers present their offerings.

ADEPTUS IGNIS takes up the repast candle. ADEPTUS AQUAE takes up the Chalice of Wine. ADEPTUS AERIS takes up the rose. ADEPTUS TERRAE takes up the platter of bread and salt. ALL ADEPTI walk simultaneously in a straight line toward the central Altar and place the repast elements on it. They remain standing, encircling the Altar.

ADEPTUS SPIRITUS: My station is at the Center, to symbolize Spirit. I represent That Eternal Force which rules and unites the four elements in their realms of activity. I am the connecting link between the opposing forces, governing them in accordance to the laws of the Universe, as the Creator whose Image I am is the Master of all who work for the Philosopher’s Stone.




ADEPTUS AERIS : As it is in Heaven!

ADEPTUS SPIRITUS: I am the Reconciler with the Ineffable. I am the Dweller in the Invisible. Out of the Darkness, let that Light Arise!

ALL: Before I was blind, but now I see.

ADEPTUS SPIRITUS: I am the Preparer of the Pathway, the Crafter of the Sacred Stone. For the Sacred Union of Sol and Luna results in the creation of the Stone of the Wise! From the Three Principles purified through Art, let the Lapis Philosophorum arise!

ALL:Visita Interiora Terrae Rectificando Invenies Occultum Lapidem!

ALL vibrate: IAO. IAO. IAO.

Pause. ALL visualize their own image of the Philosopher’s Stone and contemplate its meaning and implications. When ALL are ready, ADEPTUS SPIRITUS continues:

O secret of secrets that art hidden in the being of all that lives, lord secret and most holy—source of light, source of life, source of love, source of liberty, be thou ever constant and mighty within us that we may forever remain in thine abundant joy. The Secret Stone made without hands is the Eternal Stone of the Wise, which will become the Mountain of Initiation, whereby the whole Earth shall be filled with the knowledge of God. Therefore, visit the interior of the earth and purifying you will find the hidden stone.

ADEPTUS SPIRITUS leads ALL in performance of the Qabalistic Cross: ATAH, MALKUTH, VE-GEBURAH, VE-GEDULAH, LE OLAHM, AMEN.

ALL raise their right hands toward the altar.

ADEPTUS SPIRITUS: Such is the Stone of the Philosophers, the Quintessence, the Summum Bonum, true wisdom and perfect happiness.


Pause. All except ADEPTUS SPIRITUS return to their stations.

The Alchemical Repast

ALL take two steps back from the Altar, still in a circle formation facing the Altar. ADEPTUS SPIRITUS goes clockwise to the east of the Altar facing west.

ADEPTUS SPIRITUS: Nothing now remains but to partake together in silence of the Alchemical Repast, composed of the symbols of the Four Elements and the Tria Prima, and to pledge ourselves to the completion of the Great Work.

ADEPTUS SPIRITUS (recites the “Prayer of Osiris”): For Osiris Onnophris who is found perfect before the Gods, hath said: These are the Elements of my Body, Perfected through Suffering, Glorified through Trial.

For the scent of the Dying Rose is as the repressed Sigh of my suffering; And the flame red Fire as the Energy of mine Undaunted Will; And the Cup of Wine is the pouring out of the Blood of my Heart; Sacrificed unto Regeneration, unto the Newer Life; And the Bread and Salt are as the Foundations of my Body, Which I destroy in order that they may be renewed.

For I am Osiris Triumphant, even Osiris Onnophris, the Justified. I am He who is clothed with the Body of Flesh, Yet in whom is the Spirit of the Great Gods. I am the Lord of Life, triumphant over Death. Those who partaketh with me shall arise with me.

I am the Manifestor in matter of Those Whose Abode is in the Invisible. I am purified. I stand upon the Universe. I am its Reconciler with the Eternal Gods. I am the Perfector of Matter, And without me, the Universe is not.

ADEPTUS SPIRITUS: I invite you to inhale with me the perfume of this Rose, as a symbol of Air. (Smells Rose.) To feel with me the warmth of this sacred Fire. (Spreads her hands over it.) To eat with me this Bread and Salt as types of Earth. (Dips bread in Salt and eats.) To drink with me this Wine, the consecrated emblem of Elemental Water. (Makes a Cross with the Cup [up, down, left, right] and drinks.) And finally to partake with me of the Tria Prima, the three Principles of Life, purified, consecrated, and united. (Puts a few drops of oil and alcohol in the ash and touches the mixture to her forehead.)

ADEPTUS SOLIS goes clockwise to stand west of the Altar facing east. He projects to ADEPTUS SPIRITUS who gives the sign of Silence. ADEPTUS SPIRITUS serves the elements of the Repast (including the mixture of the Tria Prima) to ADEPTUS SOLIS in silence. When finished, ADEPTUS SPIRITUS goes to her seat. ADEPTUS SOLIS then serves ADEPTUS LUNAE, (etc.) and the Repast continues in this order: ADEPTUS IGNUS, ADEPTUS AQUAE, ADEPTUS AERIS, ADEPTUS TERRAE, and anyone else present. All return clockwise to their stations when finished.

ADEPTUS SPIRITUS: Tetestai! It is finished. (She moves her seat back to its original position just west of the Altar, but remains standing.)

ADEPTUS SPIRITUS: We give Thee thanks, Supreme and Gracious God, for the manifestation of Thy Light which is vouchsafed to us, for that measure of knowledge which Thou hast revealed to us concerning Thy Mysteries, for those guiding Hands which raise the corner of the Veil and for the firm hope of a further Light beyond.

Closing by Watchtower

ADEPTUS SPIRITUS (knocks v): Let the Mystical Reverse Circumambulation take place.

ALL present come antisunwise to the southeast and queue up behind ADEPTUS SPIRITUS.ADEPTUS SPIRITUS raises Wand in right hand, and ALL follow as she leads them in three antisunwise circumambulations of the Hall. Each ADEPT gives the Neophyte Signs as they pass the East. After passing the East for the third time, ADEPTUS SPIRITUS returns to the west of the Altar, and ALL others return to their places. ALL face East.

ALL follow the lead of the ADEPTUS SPIRITUS in the performance of the Adoration:

ALL: Holy art Thou, Lord of the Universe! (ALL give the Projection Sign.)

Holy art Thou, whom Nature hath not formed! (ALL give the Projection Sign.)

Holy art thou, the Vast and the Mighty One! (ALL give the Projection Sign.)

Lord of the Light and of the Darkness! (ALL give the Sign of Silence.)

ADEPTUS SPIRITUS:I will now release any spirits or powers that have assisted us in this ceremony. Depart ye all in peace unto your appointed Abodes. May the blessings of Yeheshuah Yehovashah be with you now and forevermore. Be there peace between us always, and be ye ready to come when ye are called.

The Elemental Officers perform the Banishing Pentagrams corresponding to their respective Elements (in silence) in front of the Elemental Tablets. (They may banish the directions or stations with the Banishing Alchemical Hexagrams, but this is optional.)

ADEPTUS SPIRITUS:“I now declare this temple duly closed. So mote it be!”




Banishing Hexagrams

200. The unicursal hexagram, traditionally called the pseudo-hexagram (“false hexagram”) was not invented by Aleister Crowley, nor it is properly attributed to the seven planets. To use this figure as a substitute for the traditional planetary hexagram violates the Golden Dawn’s Planetary Invocation formula of going sunwise to invoke and anti-sunwise to banish—in the unicursal hexagram this formula breaks down since the figure results in having to trace the hexagram sunwise and anti-sunwise in the same instance. Second, the top and bottom points of the figure are larger than the rest, so to draw the hexagram with planetary substitutions, Saturn at the top and Luna at the bottom, risks an overload of those energies with regard to the rest of the planets. This problem is not an issue when the traditional Golden Dawn correspondences are used because the top and bottom points of Sol and Luna are positioned as luminaries and rulers over the Earthly elements. We have taken to calling this figure the “Alchemical Hexagram.”

201. Implements of the Zelator Adeptus Minor (See Regardie, The Golden Dawn, 320—322). For this ritual the Elemental weapons of the Z.A.M. will only be used in the Opening by Watchtower. When not being used, they will remain by the Elemental Tablets.

202. All stations should be equipped with matches or lighters.

203. Such as vodka.

204. Or a white-and-yellow striped nemyss.

205. The Chief Adept’s Wand in the Portal.

206. Or a red-and-green striped nemyss.

207 . Or a blue-and-orange striped nemyss.

208 . Or a yellow-and-violet striped nemyss.

209. Or a black-and-white striped nemyss.

210. This is the only candle to be lit at the beginning of the ceremony.

211. These rituals can be found in our book, Self-Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition (St. Paul, MN: Llewellyn Publications, 1998), 82—84, 689—92.

212. An alternative invocation for Earth: “The Maker of all things, self-operating, framed the World. And there was a certain Mass of Fire: all these things Self-Operating He produced, that the Body of the Universe might be conformed, that the World might be manifest, and not appear membranous.”

213. The Four Elements, beginning with Earth.

214. “Let Water and Fire be Friends!”

215. “Let Air and Earth be Friends!”

216. In the Alchemical Hexagram, Invoking Spirit Active starts from the Spirit Point and goes toward the most Active Element (Fire), while Invoking Spirit Passive starts from the Spirit Point and goes toward the most Passive Element (Earth). Since this Hexagram is elemental in nature, it follows the elemental formula of going toward a point to invoke it, and away from a point to banish it.

217. “Let Sol and Luna be Friends!”

218. At one point, Adeptus Solis and Adeptus Lunae will pass each other at the center of the Hall. When this happens Sol is closer to the east and Luna is closer to the west.