The Philosopher’s Stone: Spiritual Alchemy, Psychology, and Ritual Magic - Israel Regardie 2013
Introduction to The Third Edition
Introduction to The Second Edition
Book One Alchemy, Psychology, and Qabalah
Book Two Magnetism and Magic
The Six Keys of Eudoxus, opening into the most Secret Philosophy
Commentary on The Six Keys of Eudoxus
Book Three The Mystic Core
Coelum Terrae. Or The Magician’s Heavenly Chaos. By Thomas Vaughan
Book Four Practical Alchemy and Ritual Magic
The Spiritual Alchemy of The Golden Dawn by Charles “Chic” Cicero
Introduction To Alchemy - A Golden Dawn Perspective by Mark Stavish
Basic Alchemy for The Golden Dawn by Samuel Scarborough
Golden Dawn Ritual Method and Alchemy by Samuel Scarborough
The Elixir of The Sun: A Ritual of Alchemy by Steven Marshall
Solve Et Coagula: The Union of Sol and Luna
Book Five Resources
Appendix One A Selection of Books on Alchemy