Residual Hauntings - Understanding Paranormal Animals

Phantom Felines And Other Ghostly Animals - Gerina Dunwich 2006

Residual Hauntings
Understanding Paranormal Animals

Ghosts that do not respond to attempts at communication and repeat their actions over and over similar to a loop of movie film are considered by many paranormal experts to be not earthbound spirits, but rather some sort of psychic recording of a past event that has imprinted itself on the environment.

Hauntings of this nature are commonly referred to as “residual hauntings” or “recordings,” and one good example of such would be an apparition of a horse drawn carriage that appears at the same location and same time every year on the anniversary date of a fatal accident.

Residual hauntings can involve the apparitions of animals, people, and even inanimate objects such as ships and automobiles. Some residual hauntings cease after a period of time, whereas others have been known to persist for hundreds of years. Why some continue on longer than others is not known. And what it is exactly that creates these phenomena is not, at the present time, completely understood.