Communicating with Four-Legged Ghosts - Understanding Paranormal Animals

Phantom Felines And Other Ghostly Animals - Gerina Dunwich 2006

Communicating with Four-Legged Ghosts
Understanding Paranormal Animals

Some ghosts of animals and humans are thought to be earthbound spirits of the dead. These entities are able to interact with the living and possess an intelligence that opens the door to communication on a mediumistic level.

Communication between living humans and the earthbound spirits of animals is not impossible, although it does have its limitations. As with living animals, those in spirit form may understand certain spoken words and commands, as well as the tone of a human voice. Depending on the type of animal, they may respond to the sound of their name. To make their presence known or, as in some cases, to warn the living of impending danger, they sometimes emit a ghostly barking, growling, purring, hissing, wailing, or whimpering. In the case of ghost birds, the sound of chirping or the fluttering of invisible wings may be heard.

Sometimes such entities communicate with humans simply by leaving them with the feeling of being brushed against, pawed, or sometimes even licked or nibbled. A misty animal apparition that appears for a second or two and then vanishes from sight can be a ghost animal’s subtle way of communicating to the living that it is still around, missing its human or animal companions, or perhaps watching over the household from the other side.

Communication with animal ghosts must be approached differently than communication with the ghosts of human beings. Obviously such devices and methods as Ouija boards and automatic writing are not very effective when it comes to dealing with spirits that are incapable of reading or writing.

I have found that the best way of making contact is to go to an area where the animal died or has been frequently sighted, move very slowly as to not frighten it away, and talk to it in the same manner as you would a living animal. Call out its name and make kissing sounds or whistle, if that is the sort of thing it responded to in life. When you begin to sense the animal’s presence, a simple “here, boy” or “kitty, kitty” will probably work better for you than asking your dearly departed Rover or Fluffy what it’s like in the afterworld or asking them to forgive you for having to put them to sleep. Do not expect them to understand questions or everything you say. Remember, you are talking to an animal after all. It does not speak in a human tongue.

If you sense that the spirit is afraid, agitated, or in pain, the best thing to do is speak to it in a soothing and comforting tone. (This approach also works well with human spirits.) However, instructing them to “go into the light” will most likely yield the same results as talking to the wall in Pig Latin.

I must add, however, that I have heard a handful of allegedly true stories about ghost animals speaking to the living in human voice—either audibly or telepathically. But such cases appear to be extremely rare, and none, to the best of my knowledge, have ever been officially documented. Of course that’s not to rule out that such things are completely out of the realm of possibility.

It is believed among many paranormal investigators that ghosts (being a form of energy) and paranormal activity are greatly influenced by solar storms and the earth’s geomagnetic fields.

A solar storm occurs when the sun creates solar flares that send charged particles to the earth. These particles cause a magnetic shift, which increases the planet’s geomagnetic fields. Researchers around the world have discovered that paranormal activity greatly increases in strength and clarity during this time and they attribute this to the excess energy in the air acting as a kind of mega power supply for spirits, which are known to feed off electrical sources such as batteries and electrical appliances. Solar storms also seem to create an atmospheric condition conducive to spirit contact and communication.

To access the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) online Solar X-Ray and Geomagnetic Field Monitors, please go to the following website:

Paranormal activity can also be very active during the times of the full moon and the new moon, as these lunar phases are known to generate peak magnetic fields. Throughout history, the nights of the vernal and autumnal equinoxes and the summer and winter solstices have been believed by many people to also be times when activity of a paranormal nature is higher than normal. But according to most modern-day witches and pagans, the most favorable (and festive) time of the year during which to encounter spirits and communicate with the dead is All Hallows’ Eve (popularly known as Halloween).

Starting at sundown on October 31, the invisible “veil” between the worlds of the living and the dead is said to be at its thinnest point in the year, allowing the spirits of animals and humans to pass through into our world and roam the earth until the setting of the sun on November 1. This belief originated with the ancient Celts, whose festival of the dead, Samhain (pronounced “sow-an”), was observed each year at this time. (It is interesting to note that the ancient Celts also believed that on this most sacred of nights, the souls of condemned humans were sentenced by the Lord of the Dead to spend one entire year in the afterlife in the form of an animal.)