The Conjured Cat - Phantom Felines

Phantom Felines And Other Ghostly Animals - Gerina Dunwich 2006

The Conjured Cat
Phantom Felines

by Lisa Abney

One night my husband and I performed a ritual in our backyard. While raising our energy and casting our circle, I asked him if he had felt anything looking in on our circle. He said he could, and we both figured, well that’s what we wanted, right? Well, in the middle of our ritual, he looked down and saw a cat rubbing up against his legs. Mind you, this was definitely not one of our cats. After a little time went by, the cat started rubbing against my legs and feet. Not bothered by our visitor, we continued to finish our ritual.

Afterward, we went into the house to have cakes and ale (which, in all honesty, were Oreos and sparkling apple cider). As we stood there talking, we both noticed that our circle guest was in the house. The same lanky black cat that had joined us in our circle bolted through our kitchen and into the dining room. So, naturally, we went to look for it.

We both looked under and around our dining room table, but we saw nothing. So we continued looking all around the house—the bedrooms, closets, living room, laundry room, and back to the kitchen. We both eventually met up in the bathroom. I asked my husband if he had seen the cat and he said no. So, after checking the bathtub, I closed the bathroom door to check the closet, which is in the same corner as the door.

As I stood there making sure I wasn’t about to lock some poor cat into my tiny linen closet, out of the corner of my eye I saw the bathroom door crack open. The black cat coolly walked into the room and came right over to me. Again it started rubbing up against me, letting me know it was friendly.

I called my husband into the room. He came in and pushed the door open the rest of the way. We both stood there greeting this mysterious animal and trying to actually pet it when it suddenly darted out of the room. As my husband and I followed the cat, we saw it round the corner for the kitchen. We both came around the corner to find the kitchen empty, so I stood there in the doorway to make sure the cat didn’t get past while my husband searched the kitchen. Needless to say, we found nothing, not even a cracked door or open window to the outside. Our friendly little visitor had vanished.

Nevertheless, every time my husband and I perform a ritual in our circle, we can feel the presence of this animal. Whether it is a guardian, a totem, or a spirit, it was one of the most magickal experiences of my life.