A Ghostly Encounter with Tiger - Phantom Felines

Phantom Felines And Other Ghostly Animals - Gerina Dunwich 2006

A Ghostly Encounter with Tiger
Phantom Felines

by Robin Johnsen-Malone

About a year ago my husband, Dave, and I were due to go to England for a much needed trip. My husband, who was born in the U.K., was looking forward to visiting his parents and other family members.

We were informed that his childhood cat, Tiger, was quite ill. He was an old cat, quite friendly except when the children were around; then he would leg it (a British expression meaning “run away”).

It used to be quite amusing when we visited because on the first day of our arrival Tiger would come to greet us, but after that we would rarely see him. Every now and again he jumped up on your lap when he felt that the coast was clear. When we received the call that he was put to sleep we weren’t surprised. My husband was quite sad because he grew up with this kitty and loved him deeply.

Not long after, we boarded the plane for England and arrived early in the morning. As usual we were quite tired. My husband’s parents picked us up and whisked us off to their beautiful home in the north of England situated in an area called the Wirral.

The house they live in is very old. In fact, it was a manor house back in the day and the land was subsequently built on to provide housing for families. Needless to say the house is quite old and at night especially you can hear a lot of creaking and groaning.

A few days later I was sipping my morning coffee with Dave’s mother. After reminiscing about our numerous trips here and there, I excused myself to check my e-mail. The computer was housed in the guest area of the house, which is attached but very separate from the main house. I headed toward the room feeling the damp cold air chill me to the bone. I hugged myself extra tight because living in a warm climate can make you more prone to getting cold.

I pulled the chair out from the desk where the computer was sitting and started checking mail from my friends. The door was right next to where I was sitting. In fact, I could reach out my arm and touch it, so it didn’t surprise me at all when the door started to open a bit. I figured there was a draft somewhere and didn’t think anything of it.

All of a sudden, out of the corner of my eye I saw a cat brush up against the side of the doorjamb and glide into the room. And as quickly as it came in, it vanished. I sat up quickly and rubbed my eyes a few times and then I whispered, “Tiger is that you?” but he never reappeared.

But I know what I saw and I quickly reported it to my in-laws who didn’t seem too surprised. They sometimes felt his presence but had not seen him. They said that they were delighted to know that I had seen him and from then on we would reminisce about good old Tiger who would run hiding at the first sign of small feet pattering on the floor.

Good old Tiger. He’s still alive and kicking.