Of The Numbers Eleven and Twelve, with The Cabalistical Scale - The Magus, or Celestial Intelligencer

The Magus: A Complete System of Occult Philosophy - Francis Barrett 1801

Of The Numbers Eleven and Twelve, with The Cabalistical Scale
The Magus, or Celestial Intelligencer

THE number Eleven, as it exceeds number ten, which is the number of the commandments, so it falls short of the number Twelve, which is of grace and perfection; therefore it is called the number of sins, and the penitent. Now the number twelve is divine, and that whereby the celestials are measured; 1  it is, also, the number of signs in the Zodiac, over which there are twelve angels as chief, supported by the irrigation of the great name of God. In twelve years, also, Jupiter perfects his course, and the Moon daily runs through twelve degrees. There are, also, twelve chief joints in the body of man, viz. in hands, elbows, shoulders, thighs, knees, and vertebræ of the feet. There is, also, a great power of the number twelve in divine mysteries. God chose twelve families of Israel, and set over them twelve princes; so many stones were placed in the midst of Jordan; and God commanded that so many should be set on the breast of the priest. Twelve lions did bear the brazen sea that was made by Solomon; there were so many fountains in Helim; and so many Apostles of Christ set over the twelve tribes; and twelve thousand people were set apart and chosen.




1 The use of these Scales, in the composition of Talismans, Seals, Rings, &c., must be obvious to every student upon inspection, and are indispensably necessary to the producing of any effect whatever that the artist may propose to himself; for, as we have before observed, all things were formed according to the proportion of numbers, this seeming to be the principal pattern in the mind of the Creator; therefore, when at any time we set about any work or experiment in Celestial Magic, we are to have especial regard to the rule of numbers and proportions. For example, if we would obtain the celestial influence of any star, we are, first of all, to observe at what time that star is powerful in the heavens, I mean in good aspect with the benefices, and ruling in the day and hour appropriated to the planet, and in fortunate places of the figure; then we are to observe what divine names are ruling the intelligences, or spirits, to which the said planets are subject with their characters (which you may see at large in the Magical Tables of Numbers); then, by referring to the above Tables of the Scales, we may see, by inspection, to what numbers are attributed divine names, and, under them, the orders of the intelligences--the heavenly spheres--elements and their properties--animals, metals, and stones--powers of the soul--senses of man-virtues--the princes of the evil spirits--places of punishment--degrees of the damned souls--degrees of torments hereafter--and every thing that is either in heaven, or earth, or hell;--all our senses, motions, qualities, virtues, words, or works, are submitted to the proportions of numbers, as you may see fully exemplified in the different Scales of the Numbers; and all things that are knowable are demonstrable by them, and are attributed to them; therefore great is the knowledge and wisdom to be derived from numbers. Therefore the artist must be well acquainted with their virtues and properties-by them there is a way open for the knowing and understanding of all things; therefore let him diligently contemplate these Scales, and likewise what we have set down in our fourteenth and fifteenth Chapters preceding the Scales, where we have, upon good authority, explained sufficiently the extent and force of formal numbers, which ought to be well understood and attentively considered, as the ground and foundation of all our operations in this science, without which we are defrauded of the desired effect: therefore whenever we intend to set about any experiment, whether it be an image, or ring, or tablet, or mirror, or amulet, or any other instrument, we are to note first the site, order, number, and government of the intelligence and his planet, his measure of time, revolution in the heavens, &c.; likewise we are to engrave or write upon it its number, intelligence, or spirit, either for a good or bad effect, with the suitable characters and tables; likewise the effect desired, with the divine names congruent thereto; so that our operations may be strong, powerful, and suitable to the constellation and star, both in time, number, and proportion; with a due and attentive observation of all that we have written concerning this, without which all our operations could never be brought to have the effect desired; and we are to mind that whenever such an instrument is perfected, that it is the more powerful when the planet or constellation (under which it was constructed) is ruling and potent in the Heavens; for at that time, whatever we desire to bring to perfection by the said Talisman, as a medium and instrument, shall by no means be prevented or hindered. Therefore take this as a general rule, that all magical instruments whatsoever have no power in themselves, further than as they are formed under the influences, and according to the times and numbers of their proper stars and constellations; hence is derived the title we give this Book, viz. the Constellatory Art, or Talismanic Magic. Those who would further consider the power, virtue, extent, and harmony of numbers, let them read Pythagoras, Plato, Averroena, Averroes, &c., who all agree in the virtues lying hid in numbers; and without the knowledge of which, no man can be a true philosopher.