The Magus: A Complete System of Occult Philosophy - Francis Barrett 1801

The Magus: A Complete System of Occult Philosophy - Francis Barrett 1801



Introduction to The Study of Natural Magic

The First Principles of Natural Magic: Book The First

Natural Magic Defined...

Of The Wonders of Natural Magic...

Of Amulets, Charms, and Enchantments

Of Unctions, Philters, Potions, &C.--Their Magical Virtues

Of Magical Suspensions and Alligations...

Of Antipathies

Of The Occult Virtues of Things...

Of The Wonderful Virtues of Some Kind of Precious Stones

Of The Mixtures of Natural Things One with Another...

Of The Art of Fascination...

The True Secret Of The Philosopher's Stone Or Jewel Of Alchemy

Epistle to Museus

To The Reader

Part The First

Of The Preparation of A Man to Qualify Him for The Search of This Treasure...

Part II

The Magus, or Celestial Intelligencer

Of The Four Elements and Their Natural Qualities

Of The Properties and Wonderful Nature of Fire And Earth

Of The Water and Air

Of Compound, or Mixed Bodies...

That The Elements are in The Heavens, in The Stars, in Devils, Angels, Intelligences, and, Lastly, in God Himself

That The Wisdom of God Works by The Medium of Second Causes...

Of The Spirit of The World

Of The Seals and Characters Impressed by Celestials Upon Natural Things

Treating of The Virtue and Efficacy of Perfumes...

Of The Composition of Some Perfumes Appropriated to The Seven Planets

Of The Composition and Magic Virtue of Rings

That The Passions of The Mind are Assisted by Celestials...

How Man's Mind may be Joined with The Mind of Intelligences and Celestials...

Shewing The Necessity of Mathematical Knowledge...

The Great Virtues of Numbers, as well in Natural Things as In Supernatural

Of The Scale of Unity

Of The Number Two, and Scale

Of The Number Three and Scale

Of The Number Four and Scale

Of The Number Five, and its Scale

Of The Number Six, and The Scale

Of The Number Seven, and The Scale

Of The Number Eight, and The Scale

Of The Number Nine, and The Scale

Of The Number Ten, and The Scale

Of The Numbers Eleven and Twelve, with The Cabalistical Scale

Of The Notes of The Hebrews and Chaldeans, and Other Notes of Magicians

The Magic Tables of The Planets...

Of The Observation of The Celestials Necessary in Every Magical Work

When The Planets are of most Powerful Influence

Observations on The Fixed Stars, and Their Names and Natures

Of The Sun and Moon, and Their Magical Considerations

Of The Twenty-Eight Mansions of The Moon, and Their Virtues

How Some Artificial Things...

Of The Images of The Zodiac...

Of The Images of Saturn

Of The Images of Jupiter

Of The Images of Mars

Of The Images of The Sun

Of The Images of Venus

Of The Images of Mercury

Of The Images of The Moon

Of The Images of The Head And Tail of The Dragon of The Moon

Of The Images of The Mansions of The Moon

That Human Imprecations Naturally Impress Their Powers upon External Things...

The Conclusion of The Constellatory Practice...