Psychic Awareness - Magical food diets

Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Wicca in the Kitchen - Scott Cunningham 1990

Psychic Awareness
Magical food diets

We’re all born psychic. Unfortunately, as we mature, most of us lose this natural ability to tune into subtle energies. Magicians believe that we possess two minds. One of these can be termed the conscious mind, which is active when we think, remember something, work at our job, drive a car, or punch in a telephone number. The other has been called the psychic mind, in which we receive psychic signals.

In childhood, our two minds are linked. Information freely flows between them; thus, our conscious mind can “know” information that it has not received through the five senses. This is the point at which we are psychic.

However, as we mature, we’re taught to slam a door of ignorance and disbelief on our “normal” consciousness and our psychic mind. If this training is successful, the free interchange of information between our two minds is functionally ended. Our psychic mind can then freely communicate with us only in dreams.

At times, our conscious mind gives way and allows a bit of information to come through from the psychic mind. This is the explanation for “hunches” and “intuition.” These two words refer to psychic information unexpectedly (and unknowingly) obtained by the conscious mind from its submerged twin.

There are psychics among us, those who have free access to this source of information. These individuals have never lost their natural psychic talent, or have trained themselves to contact their psychic mind.

I don’t know exactly how psychic awareness works, but I’ve seen far too many examples of it to deny its existence. Several years ago, I walked into my apartment in the afternoon. A friend of mine who was staying with me at the time looked at me, smiled, and told me that I’d just eaten lunch, where I’d eaten, and what I’d consumed. These weren’t guesses. This was knowledge. And it was quite correct.

Though this may be a minor bit of psychic awareness, it’s an example of why I’ve come to accept it as a real phenomenon of the human experience. Psychics can, indeed, know things that the rest of us do not.

That’s fine for them, you may be asking yourself. But what about us? This chapter contains foods and dishes which, if properly prepared and eaten, will enhance your ability to tune into your psychic mind. They’ll break down the barrier between your two consciousnesses, giving you access to a new source of information.

In order to enjoy the maximum benefits of this diet, attend courses on psychic development at nearby stores or learning centers. Or, read good books on the subject and practice the exercises that the authors give you.‡‡‡‡‡

Another way to speed your development is to use psychic tools. Many find tarot cards to be a wonderful means of sparking psychic awareness. Work with a pack that you like; allow its symbolism to reopen the door to your psychic mind.

Remember: you were born psychic. Everyone is “gifted” in this way. If you wish to be psychic tomorrow, you must begin to work today. Eat these foods. Attend classes and read books. Slowly, you’ll discover a whole new world around you, and psychic awareness will once again be a natural part of who you are.

Spices and Herbs



Celery seed







Add sparingly to food. Or, crumble a bay leaf between your fingers, visualizing yourself as a fully functioning psychic person. Smell its rich aroma and add to a soup.

Roses are a wonderful food. See the end of this chapter for recipes.


Bamboo shoots



Soy bean sprouts

Stir-fry bamboo shoots, mushrooms, sprouts, and tofu. Add a bit of garlic for flavor. These make a wonderful psychic meal.

Other Psychic Awareness Foods


Dandelion coffee (made from the roasted roots)


Fresh flowers

Fresh juices


Peppermint tea


Soup of all kinds (except potato)

Sprouted bread



Vegetable soup

Foods to Avoid


Caffeine products (colas, coffee, tea, chocolate)


Root crops (potatoes, peanuts, carrots, etc.)


Preparing and Cooking Psychic Awareness Foods

Burn blue candles in the kitchen. Cut food into circles or spheres.

It’s best not to eat directly before contacting your psychic mind. Generally, eating “closes down” our psychic awareness. Eat after psychic work for best results, especially if you’re eating nonpsychism-inducing foods; or eat lightly.


Psychic Rose Ice Cream

1⁄2 cup fresh red rose petals

1 pint vanilla ice cream, softened but not melted

3⁄8 cup red wine

1⁄8 cup rose water

1 tablespoon powdered sugar

12 candied red rose petals (see following recipe)

Use roses that have not been sprayed with insecticides. Choose petals that are free of dirt and insect nibblings. Wash thoroughly in cold water. Drain on paper towels or bamboo racks.

Using a small pair of scissors, snip off the white base of each petal. Place prepared rose petals into a measuring cup; stop when you have half a cup. Visualize yourself as a psychic person as you work.

Place prepared rose petals, wine, rose water, and sugar into a blender. Process for one minute. Turn out softened ice cream into a bowl. Add red wine—rose water—sugar mixture to ice cream. While still visualizing, stir clockwise until blended.

Pour mixture into an icecube tray and set in freezer. Stir once or twice to mix during freezing process. Let freeze overnight.

To serve, scoop into glasses. Top each serving with candied rose petals:

Candied Rose Petals

2 cups fresh red rose petals

1 egg white

1 cup granulated sugar

Visualize throughout.

Wash rose petals. Snip off white bases. Drain and dry.

Slightly beat the egg white. Dip each rose petal into the egg-white until moistened. Next, sprinkle the sugar over each petal until evenly coated. Place on an ungreased cookie sheet. Repeat until all roses have been prepared.

Dry in the sun or in a warm oven of 250°F (120°C) until petals are stiff and crystallized.

Cut out pieces of waxed paper. Lay one in the bottom of a tin canister. Place one layer of rose petals on this. Repeat. Store in a cool, dry place.

Rose Honey

1 cup fresh rose petals (prepared as in Psychic Rose Ice Cream)

2 cups honey

Visualize as you prepare the roses. Place the honey into a glass saucepan. Bring to a boil over medium heat. Reduce heat to low and add the petals. Simmer for about 9 minutes; remove from the fire. Cover with a cloth and let sit for 24 hours.

Bring to a boil again over medium heat. Strain through a coffee filter into a glass jar with a close-fitting lid. Tighten lid well. Let sit for 3 days.

Serve with sprout bread for a psychic-inducing food.