Rebirth of the Sun and the Moon: December 2010 - Getting to Know The Powers in Washington DC

Secrets and Practices of the Freemasons: Sacred Mysteries, Rituals and Symbols Revealed - Jean-Louis de Biasi 2011

Rebirth of the Sun and the Moon: December 2010
Getting to Know The Powers in Washington DC

In Chapter Two, I described the central Masonic symbols of the Moon and the Sun. You are reminded that the teachings regarding the potency of such symbols comes from old pre-Christian traditions and, more precisely, the Mithraic and Hermetic Traditions. The symbolic and potential powers of these two lights in the sky are ancient and very important. From the most ancient times, astronomical and astrological events have been considered as relevant phenomena. In the Western Tradition, stars crossing the sky were not thought of as physical planets or suns as you understand them today. Even if some earlier philosophers knew and understood the physical aspects of these observations, they connected such astral movements to powerful archetypes.

As a point of fact, initiates always considered what is above the earth as divine. The sky and all things in it were considered the divine plane. Consequently, in their world, the stars were thought of as good symbolic representations of the divinities. Their color, movement, and brightness were a source of powerful symbolism to the ancients, who gave birth to the archetypes that have been an enduring part of our unconscious mind right up to the present moment. Western people (though they are mostly unfamiliar with this concept) are composed of these archetypes, and our unconscious uses this hidden mental grid when we try to think about the big questions of life: birth, death, life after death, the meaning of life, etc. The traditional divine stories are always a part of us, as a hidden divine presence walking beside us during the whole of our lives. Everything in the universe is alive, and the divine is very close to us.

Among all these divine presences, the Moon and the Sun may be the most powerful. Life on Earth began with the help of the Sun. Life cannot continue unless the Sun is its rightful position. On the other hand, the Moon is really the companion of the Sun, receiving his power. Sometimes considered to be female (Selene), sometimes male (Thoth), the Moon is the closest divinity to us on Earth. The Moon has been described as the first divinity, in the sequence of the seven others (Mercury, Venus, Sun, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn). The physical action of these two divinities, the Moon and the Sun, is visible all around the world. They cause all: life, tides, moon cycles, etc. The Egyptian Tradition understood this powerful archetype and used it in several divine representations. The Mythraic Mysteries used them as well. In all their temples (called Mithreum), the Sun and the Moon were shown on each side of Mithra as his divine companions. This is exactly what has been used right from the beginning in many Masonic temples.

For the Hermetist in the Renaissance, the movements of the Sun and the Moon were good opportunities to balance the power of the psyche. As archetypes of all divinities and celestial phenomena, it was possible to use the movements of the Sun and the Moon in order to perform an inner spiritual work that would balance these powers within the Hermetist. Of course, some periods of the year were better, more powerful. This is the case during the phases of the Moon. This is also the case at specific moments in the apparent movement of the Sun, such as the equinoxes and the solstices. When specific meditations are performed at these moments of the year, they may link the initiate to these cosmic bodies and act as a real activation of these unconscious archetypes. Better still, if these connections are especially potent, timed with cosmic events and occuring at a specific location, the result will be even more powerful, allowing the initiate to make much greater progress. It is possible to imagine (as Dan Brown’s The Lost Symbol describes) a union of minds focused on the nation and the world with the intent of drawing good, peace, and progress to the place of this unity. The mind (or minds) is/are capable of having a physical effect on the material plane. If the minds are focused during a critical planetary configuration, the result is enormously spiritual and can be very philanthropic! I have described a mythical time during which it is possible to imagine such a focus of the wills and minds at a powerful moment of astral conjunction. Washington DC’s architectural landmarks and history emphasize the Masonic symbols, and in this year, 2010, there will be an actual and amazing opportunity to witness just such an astral conjunction live. Undoubtedly, the energies and the powers of the symbols will be at their maximum.

This special moment will occur on a very unique date: December 21, 2010. This day will be a very special one for Masons everywhere and, of course, for everyone involved or interested in esoteric traditions. This is the exact date in 2010 of the winter solstice, which will occur at 6:38 PM local time. That is the moment when the days are the shortest. According to the Mythraic Tradition, this is the exact moment of the fight between Mithra and the bull. The victory of Mithra allows the Sun to begin its ascent into the sky. This is called Sol Invictus. This story is symbolic of the Scottish Rite 27th Degree, Knight of the Sun.

However, this date is very special for another reason. From 8:13 AM on, there is a full moon on Washington DC. This connection between the solstice and the full moon is extremely rare, and this symbol is esoterically relevant. Still, you may go even further and assign to this date an exceptional character. On December 2, at midnight, this full moon will be obscured by a total eclipse! This celestial phenomenon will be visible above Washington DC for several hours.

To see a similar conjunction between the solstice, the full moon, and a total eclipse, you must wait until December 21, 2094. The last conjunction like this was in 1638.

Such astral events have always been used by initiates to rebalance the inner powers and to focus their minds on the best outcome for humankind. The deepest archetypes will be invoked by this visible astral event of 2010, and we will be able to change things for the better because we will be able to send a positive impulse to the world from this special place, Washington DC, just as every initiate has the power and the duty to do.

Stars and astral movements are not something that just happen in the heavens. On the contrary, such divine conjunctions, and our intentional connection to them, can be an opportunity for us as humans to become more spiritual and to help overcome the challenges facing today’s modern world.

[1]. Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma, “The Knight of the Sun” chapter.

[2]. The word psychometry is gradually being replaced by the term token-object reading to avoid potential confusion with the branch of psychology called psychometrics.

[3]. Check the White House website for visitor information:

[4]. The Hartmann grid appears as a structure of radiations rising vertically from the ground like invisible, radioactive walls. Alternate lines are usually positively and negatively charged, so where the lines intersect it is possible to have double positive charges and double negative charges, or one positive and one negative charge. It is the intersections that are seen to be a source of potential problems.

[5]5. Latin for “Out of many, one.”

[6]. You must have a Reader Identification Card issued by the library before to attempting to enter.

[7]. Corpus Hermeticum, Book 13:17—18.

[8]8. Spring equinox: approximately March 20. Fall equinox: approximately September 22.

[9]. Approximately December 21, the day of shortest daylight.