The Seasons at the Mall - Getting to Know The Powers in Washington DC

Secrets and Practices of the Freemasons: Sacred Mysteries, Rituals and Symbols Revealed - Jean-Louis de Biasi 2011

The Seasons at the Mall
Getting to Know The Powers in Washington DC

As previously explained, the cardinal points are important with regard to the powers that are present in the earth, but they are also significant for celestial movement. In this place, the movement of the Sun is easy to understand.

At the equinoxes,[8] the sunrise is exactly on the east/west axis. If you are standing in front of the Lincoln Memorial, the Sun will rise above the Capitol and the statue of freedom. At noon, the Sun will be at the highest point in the sky, and the sunset will be behind you, exactly on this axis.

At the winter solstice,[9] the sunrise will be on the right side of the Capitol, in the southeast. The Sun will progress across the southern quadrant during the day and the sunset will be on your right, to the southwest. The highest point at noon will be in the south.

At the summer solstice,� the progression across the sky is reversed. The sunrise is at the left of the Capitol, on the northeast; at noon the Sun is at the northernmost point; and at sunset, the Sun is in the northwest.

The benefits of these observations include the ability to choose precise and specific moments to perform these rituals and thus to connect to these potent energies. Each location has a particular season during which the energy is at its peak in that place. The best moments for focusing these powers are: (1) the White House—summer solstice; (2) the Jefferson Memorial—winter solstice; (3) the Capitol Building—the morning of either equinox; (4) the Jefferson Pier Stone and the Washington Monument—noon of either equinox; (5) the Lincoln Memorial—the afternoon of either equinox.

Figure 55A.eps

Figure 55: Capitol Hill and the cardinal directions

In the description of thisspiritual journey on the Mall, I described various practices and visualizations at these locations. You will find it very interesting to make a special visit to one of these monuments at the astronomical peak of its energy (as outlined above). During these periods, these energies are undoubtedly at their peak, and you will be able to perform the most effective esoteric ritual. Of course, to accomplish this task, it is not necessary to complete an entire pilgrimage again. In fact, if you are unable to be physically at the Mall, you may use a photo of the monument you have chosen and perform this ritual at home.

If you are a Freemason who is eager to associate your knowledge of the Craft with these practices, I suggest that you mentally repeat the ritual text of your function at the place that is symbolically associated with it, as follows: (1) the White House—Chaplains; (2) the Jefferson Memorial—Junior Wardens; (3) the Capitol Building—Worshipful Master and Past Masters; (4) the Jefferson Pier Stone and the Washington Monument—Worshipful Master and Past Masters; (5) the Lincoln Memorial—Senior Wardens. The other officers can choose the symbolic location closest to their office in the lodge and can research the best moments of the year to perform these practices.

Of course, in the tradition of ancient Freemasonry, men who come together as members of a lodge may join their hands together to form a chain (a circle created by joining their hands together). This will be a powerful moment for members of a lodge.