The Mind’s Energy and the Egregore - Getting to Know The Powers in Washington DC

Secrets and Practices of the Freemasons: Sacred Mysteries, Rituals and Symbols Revealed - Jean-Louis de Biasi 2011

The Mind’s Energy and the Egregore
Getting to Know The Powers in Washington DC

In Chapter Six, I described the powers of the mind and the use of visualization. You should now be well aware of the inner energies present in your being and their possible uses.

Centuries ago, the idea of a universal invisible magnetism was already well known. Albert Pike wrote: “Paracelsus, the great Reformer in medicine, discovered magnetism long before Mesmer, and pushed this luminous discovery to its ultimate conclusion. Really, it would be better to call this discovery an initiation into the magic of the ancients, who understood the great magical agent better than we do; they did not believe that the Astral Light, Azoth, the universal magnetism of the Sages [. . .] emanates only from certain special beings.”[1] Here I am describing an invisible energy that is present everywhere in the universe. Today I might describe this energy as electricity, terrestrial magnetism, or as a flux of particles moving throughout the cosmos. All these modern scientific fields are parts of the intuition or insight of the ancient initiates. There are several astrological and/or alchemical texts that strongly suggest such an identification. However, in several other cases, the description of the invisible energy used in rituals cannot be reduced to those fields that have already been discovered. This energy seems different in some way from what science has identified; it is more subtle. When Albert Pike used the words “Astral Light,” his purpose was to intimate the existence of a higher quality of energy, which is nearly identical to the original pulse, the creator of all things. According to spiritualists (and those with psychic vision), this astral energy is the fluid that gives life to human cells, providing health by causing a good balance and circulation at the different levels of one’s being. Initiates from every period in human history, living on every continent, have written about these “bodies of light.” Every religion describes a penumbral light surrounding the figures of their wise or holy men and women. This is just as true in shamanic ceremonies as in the mystical Christian transfiguration. Something universal is perceived here. Someday in the future, it may be possible to explain more clearly and scientifically the essence of this subtle energy, but for now, it is important to understand that we do not have to wait for this level of clarification to use this subtle energy. Simply put, no one needs to study the laws of electricity in order to learn to flip a light switch and turn on a light. If such were the case, I am afraid we would be in the dark for a very long time! Therefore, it is crucial to clarify the difference between scientific principles and practical application. With this clearly understood, we may easily understand the main principles that enable us to use this energy, even if the scientific explanations have not yet evolved. That is what I will teach how to do in this book, by following the teachings and explanations of the ancient masters.

The most important concept taught by the ancients is the interconnection between the universe and each of us. The Lost Symbol shows this relationship, using the Hermetic aphorism many times in order to emphasize this union between that which is above and that which is below. We live every day of our lives in the matrix of these universal energies. It is similar to being surrounded by water when swimming in a lake or breathing the air that is present everywhere we go. The ancients taught that these energies are both inside and outside of us; they are a real part of us, and yet they are simultaneously a real part of the universe. In the same way that we constantly exchange air with the air in our environment, there is a constant exchange of this energy inside of us with the energy of the universe.

At this point, I assume that you will simply accept the hypothesis of the existence of these subtle and spiritual energies, just as you accept the possibility of the flow of electricity before you turn on a light. The only way to know whether a house is connected to the main power source is to turn on the light and see what happens. The same is true in this case. You can engage in an endless argument about the existence of this subtle energy, or you can try to use it and see what happens. The results are convincing!

The best way to use the mind’s energy is to follow the process described in the Masonic meditation. Visualization and pronunciation of sacred names are very good ways to begin using your mind’s energy. This meditation will have a positive effect on your aura, your psyche, and even on your physical body. Of course, the purpose of this inner process is first to control your mind, to balance your energies, and to increase the level of your consciousness. However, any regular meditation will also have a positive effect on your whole body, just as your spiritual life has a potent effect on your health.

This is an important step, but not the definitive one. In fact, this energy is spiritual, and consequently not limited to your bodily limitations. You are part of this spiritual world; the act of meditating builds a bridge for us between these visible and invisible dimensions.

As the ancient masters explained, this energy is a part of a “cosmic consciousness,” which is outside the confines of the body (and, therefore, not subject to its limitations). This is the theory developed by noetic science. Every human consciousness is a part of this cosmic consciousness, which is not limited to humankind. When the wise men spoke about the cosmos, they described it as a large architectural structure integrating every conceivable dimension. Just as in the physical world, everything is interdependent, and each thought has an effect on the whole cosmos. To understand this, consider a grain of salt in the sea. It is impossible for us to feel each microscopic grain of salt in the ocean. You understand that the accumulation of all these grains in the water results in the existence of the ocean. You also know that, if I remove a few grains, the sea does not cease to exist. However, if I continue to remove grains of salt, eventually the sea will be affected by these changes. It will shrink, and, if no more grains of salt replace the lost grains, there may be a chain reaction. The consequences of complete desalination of the ocean would have tremendous effects on the entire planet. It would affect our weather and even, ultimately, the ability of life to endure on Earth.

Likewise, if you imagine that every grain of salt is a human consciousness, you can see that one person’s effort to elevate his or her consciousness is not enough to bring about global changes. Of course, it will have an effect, but not enough to be felt globally. However, if a group meditates regularly, or if a fraternity works with the same powerful ritual, something will happen. Just as a cosmic wave or tsunami gathers energy until it reaches tidal wave force, the power of the focused thoughts of this fraternal group will change things in the “common human consciousness” and (ultimately) this will affect the “cosmic consciousness.”

The common thread in these phenomena is the power of the union of many minds with a single thought. When these thoughts are coordinated, something happens on the invisible plane and this result can have an effect on physical matter. Quantum physics, one of the most advanced sciences, has demonstrated that a human presence (human thoughts) can change the behavior of particles. It is interesting to note that a phenomenon such as the invisible wave created by a union of wills or thoughts does not disappear after the first impulse. This phenomenon is similar to what happens in an earthquake. After the initial “slide” and the formation of the first wave, that wave of energy will continue surging through the ocean (or even on land), continually gaining in power. Once this wave has been generated, it becomes an independent form that obeys the laws of nature.

In fact, the way that a wave of energy is built or generated is a good representation of how a thought-form or an egregore is created. Through different spiritual practices (prayer, invocation, meditation, ritual, etc.) a reaction is set in motion by each individual unconsciousness and this sets up a chain reaction that gives birth to an invisible presence, and the resulting effect on the physical plane. In reality, the egregore is not just the common essence of a group. It is something much larger that can interact with the whole planet. When a Masonic lodge is performing a ritual for the good of an initiate and humanity, they are not merely wishing; they are creating a reality on the spiritual plane. Perhaps this fact alone is a good enough reason to ask Masons to believe in the existence of the spiritual plane and the Great Architect of the Universe. Thus, this spiritual “common body,” which is activated by each ritual meeting, constitutes the egregore of the lodge.

What is harder to understand is the fact that the egregore persists even when the meeting is disbanded. The afterglow of a television screen after it is turned off might help us understand why this happens. When you turn off a television, energy remains present for a while before it disappears completely. Perhaps an even more obvious example is what happens when you turn off the heat in an oven. The heat takes a while to dissipate.

The more rituals the group works, the more likely the egregore will endure. At some point, the spiritual egregore will remain active between meetings. Somehow, in this way a new spiritual existence has been created. This egregore becomes a powerful aid, adding measurably to the effectiveness of the ritual life of the lodge and to the realization of its purposes. There is a sentence in Hermeticism that says, “With the participation of all, our action will never disappear.” The egregore is the spiritual illustration of the truth of this declaration.

As I explained in Chapter Five, the Grand Lodge is the structure that manages every lodge in its state. An egregore of the Grand Lodge exists as well. Each member and each lodge help give birth to and regularly activate this special thought-form.

According to the theory espoused by Spiritualists, we are children of both the earth and sky. They teach that we are composed of two distinct aspects: the human aspect and the divine aspect. This spiritual (divine) aspect works to help us become enlightened, and it participates in the energetic animation of our physical bodies. The result of our participation in this work is a real body of light that is capable of illuminating us. This light surrounds us as the aura. Modern parapsychology borrowed the ancient Greek word aura to describe this invisible body. The Western and Eastern traditions have developed several (sometimes conflicting) explanations about the different parts of this spiritual dimension. What I am calling magnetism in this book is the conscious, intentional use of some levels of this special energy of light. There are fields in parapsychology and noetic science that are now devoted to the study of the effect of this magnetism.The research carried on by various initiatic orders demonstrates that they are able to make conscious use of magnetism in their rituals. For example, they teach that is possible to use this magnetism on someone else in order to increase his power (for healing and strength). They also teach that you can do the same thing with other living things, such as animals and vegetables. Sometimes this exchange of energy occurs unintentionally. It is possible for anyone to give or receive this energy without intending to do so (without a conscious intention to exchange this energy or transfer it). In other words, giving and receiving magnetic energy does not depend on your will to do so. One example of this phenomenon is the situation in which the initiate is in a temple, doing the work of experiencing the Ancient Mysteries or, as another example, the initiate might receive a transmission. Both of these examples demonstrate the transmission and reception of this energy.

Obviously, you are not alone in the world. Surrounding you at every moment of your life are other people, animals, vegetables, stones, manufactured items, etc. All of these living and apparently nonliving things are composed of a visible and an invisible dimension. Everything has a body of light surrounding its physical form. It is, perhaps, easier to believe that this is true for living beings, and perhaps even for plants. Still, it is necessary for us to realize that the exact same thing is true for inanimate objects. Of course, the process of exchange is different for living beings than it is for inanimate objects. An inanimate object does not have a soul that extends to it from heaven, so these “things” are not alive in the way that human beings are alive. However, every inanimate object really does have an invisible aspect, an aura. Most of the time, the aura surrounding inanimate objects has an external origin. For example, everything you touch and use as you go about your day receives, stores, and records the energy it receives from you. During the course of a day, imagine that you pick up and use a cup, a mug, a pen, and a hat. Some of these items will have more contact with you than others, but each will record all your smells, feelings, thoughts, etc. Some of what the objects receive can be perceived on the physical level. For example, you might be able to smell the scent of a person who has worn a hat long enough. Yet there are other invisible energies you have transmitted to your coffee mug,your pen, and everything else you had contact with during the day. This transfer of energy is how magnetism works. The object progressively develops its own aura as a result of everything it recorded during its contact with animate beings. As you might well imagine, this process is much more efficient and powerful if it is the result of a conscious will to make it happen. Such is the case when an initiate imbues thespecial tools or symbols used in rituals with this energy. These are all examples of the use of magnetism.

As I previously explained, cornerstones contain different items and receive a particular consecration prior to being installed in a temple. Somehow this ritual action creates a life form, a sort of dormant memory in the cornerstone. Every thought that is focused on this stone will be captured by it and integrated into it. I am talking about it receiving and holding these thoughts and memories in an invisible and spiritual dimension. There is no difficulty about the issues of distance, time, or any of the normal physical limitations. Over the years, each such stone will become more and more powerful. Its aura will progressively increase and will have a positive, beneficial effect on everyone around it. These principles apply equally well to the items and tools used in rituals. The Freemasonry mallet, apron, and sword, as well as a chart of foundation are all examples of ritualistic symbols that are impregnated by the magnetism of the initiates using them or even by the egregore of the group. The sacred book that rests at the center of the temple is a good example of this principle. In fact, this is equally true of every religious and spiritual tradition. The invisible body connected to these objects continues to exist as long as the object exists. Even if its owner disappears, the object continues to have a life, and people in contact with that object will participate in its invisible development.

The beautiful thing is that we can feel the energies that these objects retain. Somehow we can interact with the object and receive some information from the recording that represents this living memory. It may be an indistinct feeling or a precise intuition. This inner ability is called “token-object reading,” and is also known as psychometry.[2] Extrasensory perception allows us to make contact with the invisible part of an object in order to obtain information about its owner(s). Generally, simple contact with the tool or object is enough to begin the process so that we may receive information and develop a conscious or unconscious exchange with it. A few years ago, I had the opportunity to touch the ritual clothes and tools of a dead shaman from Mongolia. The feeling was powerful and quite amazing. I didn’t receive any mental impressions, smells, or sounds, but I felt a powerful energy in my hands and arms. It was like touching a live electric wire or a hot iron. This physical feeling continued to be present in my arms for a period of more than two hours. I felt a sort of contact or attraction that lingered all during the night, which I experienced as a strong desire or need to be close to, or in direct contact with, this clothing. However, I was unable to do that.

Another example of this sort of experience occurred during a Masonic ritual. Some years ago in Paris, I conducted an initiation using General Lafayette’s Masonic sword. Again, it was amazing. The feelings were more intimate than the shamanic example, but it was like being helped by something larger than me. Of course, many people believe that such feelings are just the creations of their imagination. But parapsychology and new fields like noetic science are progressively demonstrating the reality of the existence of such phenomena. There is no doubt that, in the coming years, new research and experiments will confirm the reality of these phenomena. For now, I find it useful and interesting to accept this traditional knowledge and to work individually and in groups to discover the best way to use our abilities in order to consciously interact with the most powerful artifacts. You may say that this initiatic process is constituted of several steps: (1) accept the existence of this invisible reality in all things (animated or inanimate); (2) work to increase your inner ability to perform “token-object readings”; and (3) use this inner contact to assist others in their practices and rites.

In Chapter Two, I wrote about the design of the buildings of the capital in the District of Columbia. I wish to add another element. Besides the design itself, there is another aspect of importance: there is power in the shape of objects, buildings, structures, etc. A field called radionics was developed in the nineteenth century. One of the beliefs central to that field of learning is that every shape has a special effect. Sometimes this effect is psychological; sometimes it may be more than that. To easily understand this concept, imagine that you are sitting on your favorite chair. An arrow has been placed on the table in front of you, and it is pointing in your direction. Some people will find this position uncomfortable. They might find it impossible to remain in front of the tip of this arrow. I might offer many explanations. Some would be psychological, but radionics explains this phenomenon by saying that this discomfort is directly connected to the shape of the arrow and the fact that it is pointing directly at you. Just as a magnet has a special energy and special characteristics that you can sense, every shape has a unique energy and set of characteristics. A cube, a pyramid, and an octagon each have a specific energy; the subtle shape of their auras is different. Youmay be consciously or unconsciously sensitive to these energies. The color of the object is another component that influences its aura.

This phenomenon also occurs when you are surrounded by a variety of artifacts. All day long you are interacting with your environment on both the visible and invisible planes. From the time of the ancient Mediterranean civilizations, our Western Tradition has known how to work with the power of the land, how to find and organize special areas using these principles. In modern times, the inner ability to feel and detect energies of the land, their orientation, clumps of energy, and special shapes is called radiesthesia. This knowledge allows initiates to organize special areas, which are then dedicated to certain specific purposes. You see a graphic demonstration of this principle in the District of Columbia and the choices regarding the best places to build specific buildings. This modern use of geobiology can be seen as a practical Western feng shui. Our system is different from the Chinesesystem, which is adapted to the Eastern subconscious mind and their style of architecture. The Western system is connected to the deepest roots of our culture and ethnic heritage. These principles are a part of what the Founding Fathers and the builders of the capital understood and utilized. The Roman example I used in Chapter Four, which was founded on texts by Vitruvius, provided significant elements of this knowledge.

At this point, it is worthwhile to admit that Freemasonry contributed significantly to the earliest plans for the new American nation. The ideals developed in the Declaration of Independence and the other founding documents of this new country are completely in harmony with the ideals of Freemasonry. It would be completely inaccurate to say that the United States is a Masonic nation, but I may certainly say that Masonry and the American people share common goals, a unique way of seeing the world, and a kind of insight that seems peculiar to both groups. Freemasonry in America developed specific and very special characteristics that are not found elsewhere around the world. Totally rooted in its traditions, aware of modern challenges, American Freemasonry is a beautiful evolution of an ancient fraternity. This permanence of ideals allows the Craft to demonstrate its heritage in the most contemporary way. However, these ideals are not just something written in texts that are gathering dust somewhere. On a spiritual level, they have given life to an archetype of this nation. This hidden elaboration was the result of a conjunction of different elements including fostering good will, influencing the design and directional placement of the buildings of the city and their layout, contributing to the architectural styles and positions of the main buildings, and participating in the Masonic dedication of each of the cornerstones. Undoubtedly, Freemasonry held the role of an esoteric guardian of the American soul. I described earlier the creation ofa spiritual egregore for various groups, such as a lodge or a Grand Lodge. The process could equally be applied to a large city or to the capital (as, in fact, it was).

There can be no doubt that certain cities around the world, such as Washington DC, have a uniquely special history. Some such cities are built near large natural bodies of water, volcanoes, and other amazing features of the earth. A city that is located in the desert, near the ocean, or near any other natural wonder is affected by that location, and develops a special personality as a result of its geographic proximity to these unique geographical features. People who live near a fault line (such as the people in Los Angeles), or those who live near a volcano, develop a different way of life than people who do not live near these features. At the same time, each of these cities is connected to its own history. Sometimes the weight of history is so heavy in such locations that it is nearly impossible to innovate or to initiate change. The flow of new people to these cities is also a part of their development and history. Someone who lives on the West Coast is somehow very different from those who live on the East Coast.

Throughout the history of this nation, some cities have evolved special functions, a special character or specific purpose that is identified with that city. Some examples might be cities that are the hub of political influence, cities that are very innovative, each state’s capital, etc. These geobiological influences also created a conjunction of all the thoughts of its inhabitants. Every visitor is able to feel this special energy, which can sometimes cause a real fascination in some people. Of course, the place one feels the most connected to is different for everyone, but something irrational can happen when you are walking around or visiting such a city for the first time. More than the physical dimension of the architecture or the land, there is something larger you might call the egregore of the city. Somehow, this is the real soul of the city, with an archetype that has been progressively developed and sometimes consciously crafted by initiates. Undoubtedly this is true for Washington DC, as I have been at some pains to point out in this book. You might imagine this archetype as an invisible power that is presiding over the city and keeping alive the original intention and will of its creators. Furthermore, the main planetary characteristics may be found in specific cities. In other words, one city manifests the characteristics of the Moon, another the Sun, and so on.

Still, the specific character of a city does not exist in isolation, separate from other external influences. An important part of the power of a city comes from foreign countries. It is easy to understand how this process occurs. Imagine how many times the White House has been seen on television all around the world. Every single day,the Capitol building, the president, or the White House (with its red, white, and blue flag flying proudly) are on television in Asia, India, the Middle East, Europe, America, etc. Everyone around the world who sees this building knows immediately that this is the center of American power, the building that represents the United States. All these thoughts consciously or unconsciously, are turned and focused on Washington DC. Every day, all year long, human thoughts, wills, desires, and fears are focused on these central symbols. This reality is not just an abstraction, an allegory to describe the presence and the symbolic power of America. The energy of thoughts is a spiritual reality. Like the previously described tsunami, these thoughts create waves of energy flowing from every point of the planet and moving like a giant wave toward this symbolic center of the Capitol surmounted by the statue of freedom. This works so effectively because the esoteric layout of the city was created according to the traditional rules of Freemasonry. The Mall and all the buildings that were dedicated in accordance with the principles of Masonic rituals created the most powerful radionics system conceivable! It would be impossible today to create such a system and (at the same time) to cause this system to draw energy from around the world to itself so that all the powers generated all around the world are directed to one place. It is amazing to even think about the existence of such an energy flow as you find present on the Washington Mall. The obelisk focuses this power and disperses hate and other dark intentions.

Of course, most of the time people living and working in Washington DC are not aware of these powerful energies. Even if they became aware of the invisible powers focused on this place, they would be very disappointed if they tried to use these energies for themselves. It is important to know about their existence, but their best use is for the protection and development of this nation and, even more importantly, for the good of the world. Generally, when such energies are not continually used, they are progressively dissipated. Once again, the shape and the design of the city prevent this from happening. Its hidden shape and the arrangement of the buildings cause the capital to act as a capacitor. Centuries ago, Saint Augustine wrote a book describing what he called the city of God. The human construct, the city of men, was the darker representation of a divine model—the city of God. Similarly, you might imagine the capital with an invisible doppelganger. There is the visible city you can visit and walk around in, and there is an invisible, energetic city built and supplied by the world’s thoughts. These twin cities are not separated from their birth; they are intimately connected at all times. Dan Brown was correct when he spoke of a hidden portal in The Lost Symbol. There are several gates in Washington DC that allow the transfer of the energy that is accumulated on the spiritual plane to be directed to a gate in Washington DC in the physical world. Of course, each gate has a special key. Moreover, its design restricts its use to the beneficial intentions I outlined above. This process and its associated keys are true for other cities; other processes and keys are specific to an individual city.

In Washington DC, these keys, the gates, and the process I have been discussing are intimately connected to Freemasonry. The purpose is not to argue such against such assertions. I believe that a better understanding of these traditions and the knowledge dispersed by emerging scientific fields (such as radionics and noetics) will allow us to make the leap from arguing about their existence or worth, to describing and teaching their immediate and effective use.