Consistory - Practice of The Individual Rituals of The High Degrees

Secrets and Practices of the Freemasons: Sacred Mysteries, Rituals and Symbols Revealed - Jean-Louis de Biasi 2011

Practice of The Individual Rituals of The High Degrees

Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret (32nd Degree)

mysterious heredom

The 32nd Degree (which is the second of the Consistory degrees) summarizes all the preceding degrees of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite into a single coherent “holy doctrine” based on the fundamental truths and symbols common to major cultures throughout the ages.

Albert Pike connected this degree to the ancient spiritual traditions of the Vedas in India and the Zend-Avesta of pre-Islamic Persia. Of course it was impossible for him to know the different contemporary Hermetic and symbolic documents.[2] A complete study of the Hermetic and classical sources of this degree would shine a wonderful light on those symbolic elements that have always been a part of the tradition, even if they are less emphasized today. This is a good indication of the presence at the higher level of the Scottish Rite of several interesting spiritual elements of the Western Tradition. You will notice some of these elements in the individual practice of this degree (provided later in this chapter).

Figure 46: Symbolic representation

of the 32nd Degree called the “Camp”

It may be interesting to the reader to focus on some of the issues surrounding the origins of this degree, which are connected both to Dan Brown’s The Lost Symbol and the esoteric dimension of this initiation.

The first “Regulations and Constitutions of the Sublime Knights of the Royal Secret, Princes of Masonry” were established in Bordeaux, France in the eighteenth century by the “Order of the Emperors of the East and West,” with a view to aggregating selected and independent degrees within the Rite of Perfection, a.k.a. the Rite of Heredom. The current 32nd Degree was, then, the supreme degree, which held the highest authority over the whole Scottish Rite.

The Rite of Heredom (of Kilwinning) has many Hermetic and Rose-Cross influences. You must also remember that the Royal Order of Heredom was equivalent to the higher degree of Masonry in Scotland. It is clear that Dan Brown used these elements in placing this word Heredom at the top of his mysterious pyramid.

Figure 47.eps

Figure 47: Symbolic representation of the nine-pointed star, center

of the symbolic representation from Kircher

Figure 48: Detail of the frontispiece of a book from the Qabalist Athanasius Kircher

This mysterious name Heredom was first connected to the medieval Latin word hoeredum, signifying “heritage.” As Edward L. Hawkins noted in the Encyclopedia of Freemasonry,[3] the most plausible derivation is one given in 1858. Heredom is a word composed of two Greek words: Ieros, “holy,” and Domos, “house.” Consequently, Heredom means that (symbolically) Masonry is the holy house or the temple. As Hawkins wrote, the title of “Rose-Croix of Heredom” would signify the “Rosy Cross of the Holy House of Masonry.”

The study of such definitions is interesting on the etymological level. Still, even more can be learnt from some of the elements that are present in the practice itself. I previously stated that the 32nd Degree was the highest degree of the Rite of Heredom. This means there is a strong connection between these elements and the belief that this 32nd Degree is the holy house, which summarizes the entire Masonic system. A thorough analysis of this degree shows clearly that this is actually the case. Its central symbol, which is called “the camp,” presents the complete Masonic structure and leads the new initiate through the different degrees he has already received. You will recall the previous mention in this text of the ancient practice called “the art of memory.” This practice gave birth to an important part of the rituals and the initiatic progression in Freemasonry. Every room (degree) contains different symbols that are connected to its meaning, goal, and purpose. The visualization and memorization allows the candidate to deeply integrate these unique archetypes in his psyche, so that he may be able to achieve another level of transformation. In the original art of memory, the orator mentally visits each room of the house during his oration. Every Masonic degree is likened to a single room in this house. At this juncture, the initiate has been raised to this high degree, into the holy house of Freemasonry, the 32nd Degree. His hidden abilities have been developed and he is able to visit the complete building, in its entirety, as a whole. This kind of mental control is not easy, but if the esoteric practices of each degree have been well learned, he is now able to maintain his awareness during this special journey. The control of this inner meditation will allow him to balance every aspect of his character and every element proper to each degree. This is not an inspection. This is a reminder, a balancing of forgotten parts, a real fulfillment of potential. It is clear that such a highly esoteric level must be practiced several times, as a complete Masonic meditation, before one could expect to achieve an actual victory in this matter.

Now you understand that Freemasonry can be understood and used as a deeply powerful initiatic system, which is not limited to its surface appearances. Just as you will find various dark-sounding portents in various sacred texts, including the Bible, there are similar “dark sayings” in Freemasonry. I do not wish to develop all the details of the occult level of this degree in this text, but I will provide you with some of the important exercises and teachings that will enable you to partially open this mystical gate.

The symbolic representation of this degree shows us various different geometrical elements, which are connected to both the Masonic building and the structure of the cosmos. Such representations (pictures, images) come directly from an esoteric tradition of the Hermetic representation called the mandala in the Eastern traditions. In the Western tradition there is a clear statement of the origin of this hidden teaching. The frontispiece of a book by Athanasius Kircher (1665) called Arithmologia reveals a precious key to us. Kircher gives us indications that convey the elements in images that are clearly geometric, arithmetic, and spiritual. The representation of the cosmos in the Arithmologia is consistent with the same design in the Hermetic Tradition. From the center of the central sphere (which is a symbol of Earth) and extending outward, there are the seven planets, the ogdoad composed of stars in the night sky, followed by the divine level, the ennead. In this design, it is interesting to see an ennead design that is so similar in design to the one composed by Albert Pike, when he wrote of a union of three triangles, which are precisely numbered. At the center of this union of three triangles, there is another triangle (just as we find in the symbol of the 32nd Degree) and a central eye. At each center of the triangle, there are two Hebrew letters that are often used to write the sacred name of the Great Architect: Yod, He. In the symbols used in the 32nd Degree, the equivalent symbol shows us a crow, a phoenix, and a dove.

Figure 49: Frontispiece of a book from the Qabalist Athanasius Kircher

Another interesting key is shown in the magical square in the upper-right side of the drawing. This kamea is composed of the nine numbers, from 1 to 9. These numbers correspond to the ennead of “the camp” and the divinity expressed by the ennead. Thus, you have the seven planets, the ogdoad (represented by the number 8), and then the Great Architect (the number 9), which is the divine manifestation of the One, and is above all, even the ogdoad. This kamea reveals a Qabalistic key to us, because the number of vertical and horizontal lines adds up to 15. This number in Hebrew is written with two letters: Yod, Heh (which, as I mentioned above, is a reference to the Grand Architect). Of course, the letters Yod and Heh are a confirmation of the ineffable presence at the center of the inner triangle. However, the supreme central point must not be overlooked: the eye. There is an interesting connection here between the eye at the supreme central point and the eye at the center of the pyramid (triangle), which is connected with the representation of the unfinished pyramid (also on the dollar bill). The spiritual meaning is the same in both cases and we are reminded of this fact by the numbers at the bottom, which define the divine Tetraktys (1—2—3—4) and show that the Tetraktys is always geometrically represented on the shape of a triangle, (which brings forward its relationship to the pyramid.

Now I will pick up the thread I started at the beginning, with the idea that this degree is connected to the Rite of Heredom. The jewel of the 32nd Degree is a Teutonic cross of gold with arms frosted. At the center of this jewel are the letters “XXXII,” surrounded by a green wreath. Different variations of this cross are found in several previous degrees. However, it is important to emphasize that this cross was called the Hermetic cross in the Rite of Heredom. In that instance, the purpose is explained and connected to a precise symbolism. As the texts of this rite explain, the “Hermetic cross is very precious because, in the clearest way possible, it explains the elements we must know in order to perform the Great Work.” The teachings of this rite explain that the Hermetic cross (see the image above) may be associated with Saint Andrew’s cross. There are some very interesting elements in this image. Note the central eye, as well as the mention of the three mysterious animals present at the center of the degree: the crow, the dove, and the phoenix.� These three birds represent the most important spiritual and initiatic Western traditions that formed the heritage received by Freemasonry: the Egyptian Tradition, the Mithraic Tradition, and the Biblical Tradition. The Egyptian Tradition is represented by the phoenix, which is mentioned many times in the Hermetic Egyptian teachings. The crow is the symbol of the first step in the Mithraic Tradition, which is always connected with the caduceus. The last one is the dove, which is present in Genesis and in Christianity as the manifestation of the divine fire.

Figure 50.eps

Figure 50: Representation of the Hermetic Cross from old documents in the Rite of Heredom

I hope it is increasingly obvious to the reader that the 32nd Degree is a wonderful example of what Freemasonry is able to offer the aspirant at the highest level: a beautiful fusion of the kaleidoscopic aspects of this ancient tradition, combined with the necessary keys to continue one’s progress along the spiritual path.

the individual practice

Prepare your room for this ritual just as you did for the Masonic meditation (Chapter Six), then prepare your altar in the following manner. Cover the altar with a purple cloth. At the center place of the altar, set or draw three intertwined equilateral triangles of gold forming a nine-pointed star, with a triangle at the center. Optional items to use are a bell and nine tealight candles (you will place one candle on top of each of the points of the star).

Put the symbol of the degree (the camp) to the east of your altar, or on the eastern wall. If you have the apron of this degree, you may wear it. If you have the cross of this degree (or even a printed representation), also place it on your altar.

When all is ready, sit down on your chair, and then relax for a while. Remain in this position for a few moments, breathing quietly, with your eyes closed or slightly closed. Be attentive to your breathing; listen to your breath flow in and out. Watch your chest rise and fall. Remain quiet, breathing gently in and out. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. Continue relaxing until you feel ready to begin.

Maintain your state of relaxation throughout the ritual. Make sure you are comfortably seated, and that your back is as straight as possible. Place your hands flat on your thighs, breathing rhythmically for a while.

After a moment of silent relaxation, stand up, and exclaim: “May the spiritual journey of the 32nd Degree, under the auspices of the Great Architect of the Universe, begin!” (You may proceed to the Masonic journey in your reading of the text, or you may make a recording of that part and listen to it at the appropriate moment, or you may proceed with your memorization of the whole process.)

Visualize yourself immersed in blue light. Breathe and feel this light inside of you, permeating every cell of your being and completely surrounding you. You are in the first room of the holy house of Freemasonry, of Heredom, which is the foundation of the whole pyramid. Visualize the altar at the center of the lodge. The book of the sacred law is closed and set upon it. On the book you can see the compass and the square.

Imagine you are standing right in front of this altar. Open the book and then intertwine the square and the compass as you did in the 1st Degree. Continue to feel the blue light within you and all around you.

Place your right hand on the three lights (the square, the compass, and the book) and say: “May the first step in Freemasonry be accomplished!”

Feel your right hand in contact with this powerful Masonic symbol. Remove your hand.

Visualize yourself intertwining the square and the compass as before in the 2nd Degree. Again, put your right hand on them and proceed in the same way with the second declamation: “May the second step in Freemasonry be accomplished!”

Visualize yourself modifying the position of the tools again, so that they are in the position of the 3rd Degree. Proceed in the same way for the third declamation: “May the third step in Freemasonry be accomplished!”

Stand up, then perform the symbolic signs of this degree. (Alternatively, instead of these signs, you may remain seated and knock.) If you are standing, sit down again.

Visualize the blue light becoming brighter and brighter. This color is progressively replaced by a green light. Just as you did in the first room, breathe rhythmically, relax, and hold this precise color in your mind for a while.

You are in the second room of Heredom. Here are gathered the Secret Masters, and the Perfected Masters, who are there in order to protect the secrets of the 4th and 5th degrees.

While you focus on the green light, place your right hand on your solar plexus and exclaim mentally (or in a low voice): “By the power of the sacred word, may the mysteries of the second room of Heredom be unveiled!” (Hold a short pause in silence before continuing.) “So mote it be!”

Knock once.

Visualize the green light becoming brighter and brighter. This color is progressively replaced by a mixture of red and green lights. You are in the third room of Heredom. Here are gathered the Intimate Secretaries, and the Provost and Judges in order to protect the secrets of the 6th and 7th degrees.

While you focus on the mixture of red and green lights, place your right hand on your solar plexus, and exclaim mentally (or in a low voice): “By the power of the sacred word, may the mysteries of the third room of Heredom be unveiled!” (Hold a short pause in silence before continuing.) “So mote it be!”

Knock once.

Visualize the red and green lights becoming brighter and brighter. This color is progressively replaced by a mixture of red and black lights. You are in the fourth room of Heredom. Here are gathered the Intendants of the Building, in order to protect the secrets of the 8th Degree.

Be focused on the mixture of red and black lights, put your right hand on your solar plexus, and exclaim mentally (or in a low voice): “By the power of the sacred word, may the mysteries of the fourth room of Heredom be unveiled!” (Hold a short pause in silence before continuing.) “So mote it be!”

Knock once.

Visualize the mixed red and black lights becoming brighter and brighter. This color is progressively replaced by a dark light. You are in the fifth room of Heredom. Here are gathered the Elus of the Nine, the Elus of the Fifteen, and the Elus of the Twelve, who are here in order to protect the secrets of the 9th, 10th, and 11th degrees.

While you focus on the dark light, place your right hand on your solar plexus, and exclaim mentally (or in a low voice): “By the power of the sacred word, may the mysteries of the fifth room of Heredom be unveiled!” (Hold a short pause in silence before continuing.) “So mote it be!”

Knock once.

Visualize the dark light becoming brighter and brighter. This color is progressively replaced by a mixture of red and black lights. You are in the sixth room of Heredom. Here are gathered the Master Architects, and the Royal Arch of Solomon, who are here in order to protect the secrets of the 12th and 13th degrees.

While you focus on the mixture of red and black lights, place your right hand on your solar plexus, and exclaim mentally (or in a low voice): “By the power of the sacred word, may the mysteries of the sixth room of Heredom be unveiled!” (Hold a short pause in silence before continuing.) “So mote it be!”

Knock once.

Visualize the red and black lights becoming brighter and brighter. This color is progressively replaced by a red light. You are in the seventh room of Heredom. Here are gathered the Perfect Elus in order to protect the secrets of the 14th Degree.

While you focus on the red light, place your right hand on your solar plexus, and exclaim mentally (or in a low voice): “By the power of the Sacred Word, may the mysteries of the seventh room of Heredom be unveiled!” (Hold a short pause in silence before continuing.) “So mote it be!”

Knock once.

Visualize the red light becoming brighter and brighter. This color is progressively replaced by a pale green light. You are in the eighth room of Heredom. Here are gathered the Knights of the East, and the Princes of Jerusalem, who are here in order to protect the secrets of the 15th and 16th degrees.

While focusing on the pale green light, place your right hand on your solar plexus, and exclaim mentally (or in a low voice): “By the power of the sacred word, may the mysteries of the eighth room of Heredom be unveiled!” (Hold a short pause in silence before continuing.) “So mote it be!”

Knock once.

Visualize the pale green light becoming brighter and brighter. This color is progressively replaced by a pale white light. You are in the ninth room of Heredom. Here are gathered the Knights of the East and West, and the Knights of the Rose Croix, who are here in order to protect the secrets of the 17th and 18th degrees.

While you focus on the pale white light, place your right hand on your solar plexus, and exclaim mentally (or in a low voice): “By the power of the sacred word, may the mysteries of the ninth room of Heredom be unveiled!” (Hold a short pause in silence before continuing.) “So mote it be!”

Knock once.

Breathe and relax for a while, keeping in mind the first step of this spiritual journey. All these powers have been sealed in the secret of your heart and they will grow in good balance.

Now you may open your eyes (or keep them slightly closed) and stand up. (If present, light the nine tealight candles surrounding the nonagon in the sequence indicated by the numbers.) Exclaim: “May the powers of the Great Architect of the Universe be manifested in the nine rooms of Heredom!”

Close your eyes and meditate for a while.

Exclaim: “The cosmos was created in seven days and organized by seven divine [planetary] powers. From the highest level of the divine, our soul descended through seven veils, receiving each of their influences in its descent. All these powers have been sealed in my invisible and visible bodies and are sometimes unbalanced. By the help of the immortal divinities and the supreme being, may this inner and essential balance be restored!”

Breathe in silence for a while, and then declaim (in a low voice) the seven sacred Greek vowels [O-U-O-I-H-E-A]. Each time you pronounce a vowel, touch each point of the heptagon, with your right forefinger, moving in a clockwise direction. During this invocation, imagine feeling that you are moving closer to the center of your being.

Be seated. Breathe rhythmically in silence. Relax. Do not focus on any ideas during this period.

Visualize the red light becoming brighter and brighter. This color is progressively replaced by a pale green light. Exclaim mentally (or in a low voice): “By the name of Amariah, guardian of the first upper region of Heredom, may the mystical gates be opened!”

Visualize the Ark of the Covenant directly in front of you, set on a stone altar. The ark is surrounded by two lit torches and two palms. Here are gathered the Grand Pontifs, and the Masters of the Symbolic Lodge, who are here in order to protect the secrets of the 19th and 20th degrees. Exclaim: “By the power of the sacred word Yod, may the mysteries of the first upper region of Heredom be unveiled!” (Hold a short pause in silence before continuing.) “So mote it be!”

Knock once.

Visualize the pale green light becoming brighter and brighter. This color is progressively replaced by a golden light. Exclaim mentally (or in a low voice): “By the name of Garimont, guardian of the second upper region of Heredom, may the mystical gates be opened!”

Visualize a black ox directly in front of you. Here are gathered the Noachites, and the Knights of the Royal Axe, who are here in order to protect the secrets of the 21st and 22nd degrees. Exclaim: “By the power of the sacred word Heh, may the mysteries of the second upper region of Heredom be unveiled!” (Hold a short pause in silence before continuing.) “So mote it be!”

Knock once.

Visualize the golden light becoming brighter and brighter. This color is progressively replaced by a green light. Exclaim mentally (or in a low voice): “By the name of Mahuzem, guardian of the third upper region of Heredom, may the mystical gates be opened!”

Directly in front of you, visualize a silver double-headed eagle with a gold crown, a sword in its right talon and a bleeding heart in its left. Here are gathered the Chiefs of the Tabernacle, the Princes of the Tabernacle, and the Knights of the Brazen Serpent, who are here in order to protect the secrets of the 23rd, 24th, and 25th degrees. Exclaim: “By the power of the sacred word Shin, may the mysteries of the third upper region of Heredom be unveiled!” (Hold a short pause in silence before continuing.) “So mote it be!”

Knock once.

Visualize the golden light becoming brighter and brighter. This color is progressively replaced by a white light. Exclaim mentally (or in a low voice): “By the name of Ooliab, guardian of the fourth upper region of Heredom, may the mystical gates be opened!”

Directly in front of you, visualize a flaming heart with two wings and a crown of laurel. Here are gathered the Princes of Mercy, the Knights of the Sun, and the Knights Commander of the Temple, who are here in order to protect the secrets of the 26th, 27th, and 28th degrees. Exclaim: “By the power of the sacred word Vav, may the mysteries of the fourth upper region of Heredom be unveiled!” (Hold a short pause in silence before continuing.) “So mote it be!”

Knock once.

Visualize the white light becoming brighter and brighter. This color is progressively replaced by a blue light. Exclaim mentally (or in a low voice): “By the name of Bezaleel, guardian of the fifth upper region of Heredom, may the mystical gates be opened!”

Directly in front of you, visualize a gold lion with a gold key in its mouth and a gold collar on which “SQS” is written. Here are gathered the Scottish Knights of Saint Andrew, and the Knights Kadosh, who are here in order to protect the secrets of the 29th and 30th degrees. Exclaim: “By the power of the sacred word Heh, may the mysteries of the fifth upper region of Heredom be unveiled!” (Hold a short pause in silence before continuing.) “So mote it be!”

Knock once.

Breathe and relax for a while, while holding the first step of this spiritual journey in your mind.

Stand up and open your eyes (or keep them slightly closed).

Visualize a sphere of subtle energy all around you. Feel this special and radiant energy.

Directly in front of you, using your right forefinger, draw a triangle beginning at the uppermost point and continuing in a clockwise direction. As you draw this figure, you may pronounce the sacred word IAO. Exclaim: “Here are gathered the visible and invisible guardians of the Masonic tradition. May the higher superstructure of Heredom be opened!”

Within the triangle points, you will now visualize the three mysterious birds: the dove, the phoenix, and the crow. Breathe and relax for a while. Pick up the cross on your altar, hold it in the palm of your hands facing the heavens, and exclaim: “By the power of the four directions, may this cross manifest my dedication to the Great Work! May the divine powers bless me as I swear to participate in the enlightenment of humanity! So mote it be!”

Either in your visualization or in actual reality, place the cross upon your solar plexus and sit down.

Meditate for a moment.

When you feel ready, extinguish the candles and remove your apron if you have one. Record your feelings, remarks, experiences, and thoughts about this practice in your notebook (which must be reserved for this purpose).

[1]. The individual practice of the Royal Arch of Solomon was published in French in the book ABC d’ésotérisme maçonnique by Jean-Louis De Biasi, (Paris: Grancher Publications, 2008). This excerpt is used here with the permission of Grancher Publications.

[2]. In the texts found in Nagh Hammadi, for example, there is a remarkable text called “The Discourse on the Eighth and Ninth,” which is very helpful to your understanding of the dark sayings of this degree.

[3]. The Encyclopedia was supervised by Albert G. Mackey.