The Crystal Zodiac - Crystal Applications

Crystals: How to Use Crystals and Their Energy to Enhance Your Life (Hay House Basics) - Judy Hall 2015

The Crystal Zodiac
Crystal Applications

There has been a link between crystals and the zodiac for thousands of years. The thirteenth-century Lapidary of Alfonso X, King of Castile, set out the relationship between the signs of the zodiac and crystals in addition to their medicinal and magical properties. Each degree of each sign related to a stone, and the astrological planets in turn related to particular stones. The strength of the crystals’ properties was said to vary with the movements of the heavenly bodies overhead. But this in turn was based on a much older system.

Crystals and the zodiac signs

The zodiac is divided into 12 sections, each with its own characteristics and its own crystal or crystals. Your own ’birthstone’, the stone of your birth sign, helps you to make the most of that sign and overcome any challenges you have. However, there is no consensus on exactly which birthstones fit which signs. Traditionally, crystals and gemstones were linked to specific planets and zodiac signs because the energies resonated and there were colour correspondences, but the discovery of new crystals has opened the way for a deeper connection between Earth and sky and each sign now has a myriad of crystals associated with it.

We’ll look more closely at the individual signs later, but first let’s explore the roots of the birthstone tradition.

Birthstones Ancient and Modern

A commonly used table of birthstones, adopted in 1912, is that of the American Jewellers’ Association. It indicates the worldwide foundations of the tradition. The following table gives some indication of how widespread this is and also includes modern birthstones.


The Breastplate of the High Priest

In most crystal books — and on the American Jewellers’ Association website — you’ll be told that birthstones stem from the Breastplate of the High Priest. This was the ritual vestment with 12 gemstones that the high priest Aaron wore after Moses received the Ten Commandments. After extensive academic research, however, I can say this is unlikely to have established the exact stones. Translators can’t even agree on which crystals were in the breastplate.

The instructions for fabricating the breastplate are in Exodus 28, 15—30:

And thou shall make the breastplate of judgement with cunning work…

And thou shalt set in it settings of stones, even four rows of stones:

The first row shall be a sardius [sardonyx], a topaz, and a carbuncle [garnet]

And the second row shall be an emerald, a sapphire, and a diamond.

And the third row a ligure, an agate, and an amethyst.

And the fourth row a beryl, and an onyx, and a jasper.


’Emerald’ was probably Green Aventurine or Green Feldspar, as Emeralds were only mined in the area much later. ’Sapphire’, unknown in that part of the ancient world, was probably Lapis Lazuli brought from Afghanistan across ancient trade routes. The New Revised Standard Version of the Bible translates the stones as:

A row of carnelian, chrysolite and emerald

A turquoise, a sapphire and a moonstone

A jacinth [ziron], agate and amethyst,

A beryl, onyx and jasper.

Each stone corresponded to one of the 12 tribes of Israel. Those stones later became linked to the signs of the zodiac and/or the months of the year, drawing on an ancient Mesopotamian precedent. The prophet Ezekiel tells the neighbouring King of Tyre, sometimes mistakenly believed to be Satan (see ’Are Crystals Ungodly?’ on my website):

You were in Eden, the garden of God

Adorned with gems of every kind: sarin and chrysolite and jade, topaz, cornelian and green jasper, lapis lazuli, purple garnet and green feldspar… and the spandles you wore were made for you on the day of your birth; you were God’s holy hill and you walked proudly among stones that flashed with fire.

EZEKIEL 28, 13—15

By the time Flavius Josephus, a Roman historian, was writing in the first century ce, the connection between birthstones and the breastplate was regarded as accepted fact and it has been carried forward into the present day. (See my website for a deeper investigation and for Josephus’ description of the breastplate in use as an oracle.)

How do birthstones work?

Traditionally, crystals were linked to specific zodiac signs because the energy of the stone resonated with that sign, or because the planet connected with the sign or month was represented by the crystal. Lusty Mars, for instance, whose colour is red, rules fiery Aries and April. Mars and red are linked to the passionate Ruby and red Haematite. Mars is also one of Scorpio’s co-rulers, and Ruby is a companion crystal for that sexy sign.

In the Middle Ages astrology was closely linked to medicine, remedies being prescribed according to planetary indications. Paracelsus (1493—1591) suggested that this is ’the science which teaches one to know the stars, what the heaven of each may be, how the heaven has produced man at his conception, and in the same way constellated him’. In modern times the link was explained by the astrologer Kaplan:

’Crystals and most gemstones are formed by a crystalline structure that functions as a building block, or building system, in creation. All aspects of creation correspond to each other… trace elements found within crystals and gemstones are also found within our bodies. When you wear a stone, the trace elements in the stone work in correspondence to and stimulate the trace elements in your body.’

This is a statement with which ancient crystal workers would have concurred, although they believed that the planetary gods had a hand in it as well.

The signs and their stones

Each sign is on its own unique journey of self-discovery, a journey that can be expedited by the judicious application of crystals. They help bring out the innate potential of a sign, overcome its challenges and harmonize discordances.


Dates: 21 March to 19 April

Birthstones: Diamond, Ruby

Ruby helps you to project your true self out into the world, bringing out your courage. It emanates passion and vitality, spicing up life. The stone aligns ideals and the will, enabling you to focus on the task ahead. You don’t suffer fools gladly and Ruby draws anger to the surface for dissipation. It may even overheat situations, bringing you into the danger on which you thrive. It may also make you more self-centred and self-absorbed. The calming influence of Diamond offsets this by stimulating thoughtfulness and consideration for others. Diamond also helps to overcome a tendency to put yourself first in all things.

Paradoxically, procrastination can be a problem for you. Many projects are started, but few completed. Any hesitancy is quickly overcome by fiery Ruby, which assists in harnessing leadership qualities to perseverance and gently diffuses explosive situations. This stone maximizes your potential for decisive action. It helps in righting wrongs and fighting for a good cause.


20 April to 20 May

Birthstones: Emerald, Peridot

Emerald encourages enjoying life to the full. It is voluptuous Venus’s favourite stone. Outwardly, you are a sensible and pragmatic soul, inwardly you are sensual and hedonistic, relishing all the good things of life, ruled by Venus and valuing comfort above all. You hate change and this birthstone promotes enduring partnership. Emerald is ’the stone of successful love’ and wearing it helps you find loyalty and domestic bliss. Said to protect against enchantment, it changes colour during unfaithfulness.

Emerald’s infinite patience resonates with your nature, but there are times when this patient approach to life becomes a handicap. Peridot is the stone par excellence for facilitating necessary change and ameliorating your legendary jealousy. You have powerful emotions which can be deeply entrenched, especially resentment and possessiveness. These dissolve under Peridot, which assists forgiveness and fosters reconciliation. You seek inner security rather than external safety, and Emerald illuminates the spiritual pathway.


21 May to 20 June

Birthstones: Agate, Tourmaline

You are extremely active, physically and mentally, and your innate ability to multi-task is strengthened by Agate. This stable and grounding stone encourages paying precise attention to details while still seeing the bigger picture. It brings hidden information to light. It is also invaluable in avoiding the nervous tension to which you are prone. However, it works slowly, which can trigger impatience. Tourmaline works faster and balances the two sides of the brain, integrating the inner and outer selves. It stabilizes a tendency to fly off in too many directions at once.

Communication is your forte — gathering an enormous amount of information from disparate sources. With Agate’s assistance, the essence is distilled and you can make inspired intuitive connections. Agate also overcomes any tendency to speak without thought of the consequences. One of your major challenges is in identifying what exactly is truth, and Agate promotes integrity and truthfulness.


21 June to 22 July

Birthstones: Moonstone, Pearl

A ’stone of new beginnings’, Moonstone is connected to intuition. You are highly sensitive and prone to mood swings, and Moonstone keeps you emotionally balanced. It attunes to your own unique biorhythm cycle. Pearl is a convenient stone to wear at full moon, when Moonstone may be too strong.

You are highly ambitious, although it is well hidden, and the passion and energy of Pearl propel you forward and attract an outlet for hidden talents.

As a sign that values routine and hesitates to make changes, you may find that life becomes static. Moonstone opens the possibility of serendipity and synchronicity — and heightens concentration.

As a water sign, you pick up other people’s thoughts and feelings very easily, and confuse them with your own. Moonstone may exacerbate this tendency, but Black Moonstone will help you to differentiate. It also teaches that what you put out comes back and assists your soul pathway, which is to nurture without enabling.


23 July to 22 August

Birthstones: Cat’s or Tiger’s Eye

The ostentation of the rare and beautiful Cat’s Eye radiates benevolent warmth. Tiger’s Eye is an excellent, cheaper alternative. This stone helps you to shine. It combines the energy of the Earth with that of the sun to create a grounded and yet high vibration. The golden form in particular resonates with your sunny self. Tiger’s Eye is protective and facilitates constructive manifestation of your strong will. It also ameliorates your considerable pride.

You are a highly creative sign known for your vigour and vitality, although, as a fixed sign, you need a stimulus to move in a new direction. Tiger’s Eye pushes beyond limitations and its vibrant energy stimulates your natural generosity. This stone of abundance helps you to recognize inner riches as well as drawing support and facilitates using power wisely. This is not power over others, but rather self-empowerment.


23 August to 22 September

Birthstones: Peridot, Sardonyx

Virgo values integrity and virtuous conduct, and Sardonyx resonates to these qualities. Strong and stable, it supports the search for meaningful existence. The livelier Peridot supports razor-sharp perception, assisting in letting go of habits that block growth. It encourages kindness to yourself — an essential ingredient in overcoming your Virgoan tendency towards self-criticism. You seek perfection and set incredibly high goals. With Peridot’s help, mistakes are accepted as a learning experience.

You have an enormous capacity to be of service, which sometimes means personal needs and aspirations are put on hold. Peridot takes you out of the ’servitude trap’, teaching that true service comes from the heart, doing what is necessary without thought of reward but not being put upon by others.


23 September to 22 October

Birthstones: Opal, Sapphire

The vibrant hue of Sapphire brings dreams to fruition and imbues life with lightness and joy, restoring equilibrium. This ’stone of peace’ resonates with your desire for tranquillity. Furthermore, you are partial to a sybaritic lifestyle, valuing quality, aesthetics and good taste, and Sapphire’s ability to attract prosperity is useful to you.

Diplomatic, with a flair for creating harmony, it is in negotiation and resolution that you shine, and Opal, another of your birthstones, harmonizes conflict and assists in expressing opinions.

An Opal ring signifies faithfulness in love. Opal amplifies traits, good or bad, bringing them up so that you achieve the perfection you seek. You are a laid-back sign that prefers ease to inner work. Opal smoothes your way, particularly as this stone stimulates creativity and releases inhibitions. This iridescent crystal also opens up the intuitive side of your nature.

Your image is particularly important to you, as you want to look good and have others think well of you. If your self-image is a little low, Opal enhances it and encourages a positive outlook.

One of your greatest challenges is to avoid becoming a people pleaser. You opt for a quiet life, backing away from confrontation, and you need approval, so may put other people’s needs first. But, as astute observers observe, you are also quietly ruthless, although you hide your innate selfishness better than other people. Eventually, something will have to give. Opal and Sapphire both ensure congruency between personal needs and those of others, releasing the authentic self from ’sugary-sweet niceness’.


23 October to 21 November

Birthstones: Malachite, Turquoise

Malachite brings about transformation at all levels and is especially effective psychologically. You handle this stone’s forcefulness with ease. Empathetic Turquoise balances the powerfulness of Malachite, bringing inner calm. This purification stone enhances intuition and provides protection whilst you explore the spiritual and darker realms. But, beware, Turquoise has the ability to change colour in the presence of infidelity and, despite loyalty to a partner, you are not the most faithful of signs.

Controlling the sting in your tail can also be a challenge, which Malachite may exacerbate, as it gets straight to the point, but Turquoise holds back verbal assaults and curtails intolerance, helping you to be less acerbic.

You go where others fear to tread, and Malachite is an excellent stone for accessing inner riches. Your ability to diagnose and see below the surface also makes you a natural healer, which Malachite and Turquoise support.


22 November to 21 December

Birthstones: Topaz, Turquoise

Topaz is an excellent companion on your eternal quest for knowledge. It promotes trust in the universe and teaches how to be rather than do. This stone’s vibrant energy brings joy, generosity and all good things, facilitating the attainment of goals, while Turquoise offers protection and attunes you to the spiritual realms.

You have an unfortunate tendency to blurt things out, but Turquoise facilitates unblocking the throat chakra and thinking before speaking, while your incredibly active questing mind benefits from Topaz, as it encourages seeing the bigger picture and the minute details and recognizing how they interrelate.


22 December to 19 January

Birthstones: Garnet, Onyx

Yours is a serious, rule-orientated sign, enlivened by a strong sense of humour. Onyx provides the authority you crave and offers support in difficult times. However, it can make you somewhat too self-controlled and ’heavy’. Fortunately, Garnet infuses lightness. It is a revitalizing stone which brings serenity or passion as appropriate. It inspires the love and devotion you seek, promoting commitment and fidelity.

You have a great desire for wealth and status, and whilst Garnet attracts these, it never allows them to take over. This stone fills you with enthusiasm and confidence and brightens your pathway, while Onyx offers the gift of wise decisions.

You also have a strong sex drive, and Garnet invigorates libido, removes inhibitions and aids sexual potency.


20 January to 18 February

Birthstones: Aquamarine, Moonstone

Many of you live in the future, from where you bring back insights to assist the evolution of humankind. Aquamarine promotes spiritual awareness and service to humanity, aligning purpose to experience. Its calming energy is excellent for reducing the stress to which you are prone. Your potential, and your challenge, is to bring about social change and justice for everyone. Moonstone assists.

Aquarian emotions can be unstable and irrational. Moonstone soothes emotional instability and stress, but it may be too strong at full moon, so use Aquamarine then. A powerful emotional healer, this stone dissolves old emotional patterning. If you feel alienated from others, it is beneficial. It is excellent for calming and focusing the mind. Removing extraneous thoughts, it filters the information reaching the brain.


19 February to 20 March

Birthstones: Amethyst, Blue Lace Agate

You move fluidly between everyday reality, fantasy, imagination and spiritual mysticism. Amethyst forms the bridge. With a tendency to absorb emanations from other people, you need its protection. Boundaries are a difficult issue for you and this crystal is invaluable for establishing them and helping you to feel safe.

Most of you indulge in half-truths and escapism. Amethyst helps you to overcome this tendency. Your most difficult challenge is avoiding victim-martyr-saviour-rescuer-persecutor situations and this stone assists in avoiding that trap.

You have considerable psychic and artistic gifts, and Amethyst hones intuition. Blue Lace Agate is the seer’s stone, heightening awareness of hidden worlds and keeping you on a positive track. If you are a Pisces man, Blue Lace Agate assists in accepting your sensitive, feeling nature.


✵ There has been a link between crystals and the zodiac for thousands of years. The discovery of new crystals has now opened the way for a deeper connection between Earth and sky.

✵ Birthstones help you to make the most of your zodiac sign and overcome any challenges you have. Each sign now has a myriad of crystals associated with it.
