Crystal meditation and expanded awareness - Crystal Applications

Crystals: How to Use Crystals and Their Energy to Enhance Your Life (Hay House Basics) - Judy Hall 2015

Crystal meditation and expanded awareness
Crystal Applications

Crystals are a wonderful source of strength during times of change, but where they really come into their own is in bringing about a vibrational shift of consciousness, literally taking us into a new dimension — or, rather, opening all possible dimensions.

There are many crystals available now whose stated aim is to usher in a ’new age’ of unity consciousness, an integrated perception of being human and divine at the same time. But they also point out that we cannot achieve this unity until we have completed our individual healing and growth work. One way to do this is through meditation.

Crystal meditation

There are two ways of working with crystals for meditation:

1. Gazing into a crystal ball, cluster, palmstone (a polished flattish-shaped disc or oval that fits perfectly into your palm) or crystal point.

2. Laying out a meditative mandala with a handful of stones.

Exercise: Meditating with a crystal

You need:

— a crystal ball

— a cluster, point or palmstone

✵ Settle yourself comfortably where you won’t be disturbed.

✵ Open your palm chakras and hold your crystal in your lap.

✵ Breathe gently, letting each out-breath be longer than the in-breath.

✵ As you breathe out, let go of any stress or tension you may feel.

✵ As you breathe in, draw the energy of the crystal up your arms to calm and centre yourself.

✵ Allow your breathing to settle into a steady rhythm.

✵ With softly focused eyes, look into your crystal.

✵ Notice its shape, its weight, its colour.

✵ Allow yourself to wander through its inner planes and landscape.

✵ When you are ready, close your eyes and remain connected to the crystal energy.

✵ When your meditation is complete, open your eyes and take two deep breaths.

✵ Put your crystal down and stand up with your feet firmly on the floor. Check that your Earth Star is open and grounding you.

Using a meditative mandala

A mandala is a sacred form or pattern. Its repeating elements calm and focus the mind. You can lay out radiating or enclosed mandalas. A simple crystal mandala can be formed by making a wheel with the spokes and rim in one type or colour of crystal and the spaces filled in with different coloured crystals, but you can use your imagination or intuition to create one for yourself. Move slowly and with focused intention as you place each stone.

Exercise: Laying out a crystal mandala

You need:

— a large tumble stone or cluster for the centre

— 6 long-point crystals for the spokes

— 18 tumble stones for the rim and 6—7 for the inner circle

— 6 types of tumble stones for infilling

— a suitable cloth

✵ Sit comfortably, or walk around a small table if you prefer a moving meditation.

✵ Breathe gently and bring your attention into yourself.

✵ Spread the cloth in front of you.

✵ Place the large tumble or cluster in the centre.

✵ Place six to seven small tumbles around it.

✵ Place six long-point crystals to form spokes out from the centre.

✵ Place 18 tumble stones to form the outer rim.

✵ Fill in each section from the centre out.

✵ Contemplate the mandala through half-closed, softly focused eyes.

✵ When your meditation is complete, gather the crystals up again.

✵ Make contact with the ground with your feet. Ensure that your Earth Star chakra is open.

Soul expansion

High-vibration crystals raise our frequency, enabling soul expansion, the opening of the higher chakras and effortless multi- and inter-dimensional journeying, especially when combined in grids. But common sense must prevail and we need to be anchored at the same time.

Crystals for higher consciousness


Vibration: Exceedingly high, with a massive number of bioscalar waves Activates psychic and physical immune systems. Purifies and aligns the whole chakra system to higher frequencies. Its natural iridescent rainbows harmonize the lightbody with the Earth vibration, preparing the central nervous system for a vibrational shift. Also deconstructs detrimental energy structures and restructures appropriately for a consciousness shift. Strips you to the bare bones of your soul and rebuilds your energy patterns to accommodate the energy shift into enlightenment on Earth. Takes you into the interconnectedness of all life for a quantum uplift. Introduces the limitless possibilities of multi-dimensional being.

Brandenberg Amethyst

Vibration: Extremely high

Holds the perfect blueprint of All That Is. Repatterns all the subtle layers and levels of being, imprinting the most perfect pattern possible. Takes you into expanded awareness of multi-dimensions.

Rainbow Mayanite

Vibration: Exceptionally high, with an immense number of bioscalar healing waves

The ultimate crystal for rainbow chakra healing and stepping onto your true path. De-energizes old patterns from any source, taking out the debris and karmic encrustations, pulls out any toxic dross absorbed from other people or the environment. Builds new supportive structures. Takes you into the depths of yourself, to how your soul is manoeuvring you onto your pathway and how an apparently detrimental situation offers you soul gifts. Offers enormous support during change.

The higher chakras

If you are a beginner, higher-chakra activation is best done slowly, one chakra at a time, until you are sure that a chakra is functioning well and you can move on to the next one. But if you have been raising your vibrations already, your higher chakras may have opened spontaneously and you may need to learn how to control them, opening and closing as appropriate.

We’ll look at this in more depth later, but first, here are the higher chakras:

The Heart Seed chakra

Location: At the base of the breastbone

Function: Soul remembrance

When functioning well: A person recalls the reason for incarnation, their connection to the divine plan, the tools available to manifest potential

When blown or blocked: A person is rootless, purposeless, lost

The Higher Heart chakra

Location: Above the heart

Function: Unconditional love

When functioning well: A person is forgiving, accepting, spiritually connected

When blown or blocked: A person is spiritually disconnected, grieving, needy, a psychic vampire

The Soma chakra

Location: Above the third eye, at the hairline

Function: Spiritual connection; the place where the subtle bodies attach themselves

When functioning well: A person is spiritually aware and fully conscious

When blown or blocked: A person is cut off from spiritual nourishment and connection. When this chakra is blown it is all too easy for discarnate spirits to attach.

The Soul Star chakra

Location: Above the head

Function: Spiritual enlightenment/illumination

When functioning well: Provides ultimate soul connection, objective perspective on past

When blown or blocked: Results in spiritual arrogance, soul fragmentation, a messiah complex, rescuing not empowering; can lead to soul fragmentation, spirit attachment, ET invasion or being overwhelmed by ancestral spirits

The Stellar Gateway

Location: Above the Soul Star

Function: Cosmic doorway to other worlds

When functioning well: Provides communication with enlightened beings

When blown or blocked: Becomes a source of cosmic disinformation that leads to delusion, deception and disintegration, leaving a person unable to function in the everyday world

The Alta Major

Location: Inside the skull

A major factor in accelerating and expanding consciousness. The anchor for a multi-dimensional subtle energy body (often known as the lightbody), it unites metaphysical sight and intuitive insight. Holding valuable information about our ancestral past and the ingrained patterns that have governed human life and limited awareness, it also contains our past-life karma and the contractual agreements we made before incarnating. Activating it enables us to read our soul’s plan. This chakra is a complex merkaba-like geometric shape within and around the skull that stretches from the base of the skull to the crown, connecting the past-life and soma chakras, hippocampus, hypothalamus, pineal and pituitary glands with the third eye and the higher crown chakras. Its link to the throat chakra facilitates the expression of information from higher dimensions.

Positive function: Creates a direct pathway to the supraconsciousness and intuitive mind. Brings instinctive knowledge of spiritual purpose. Reputedly the Alta Major chakra has been imprinted with ’divine codes’ that, when activated, allow cosmic evolution to manifest fully on Earth.

Imbalances: these show as ’dizziness’ or ’floatiness’, eye problems including cataracts and floaters, feelings of confusion, headaches including migraines, loss of sense of purpose and spiritual depression.

Higher chakra crystals

Amphibole, AnandaliteTM, Angel’s Wing Calcite, AzeztuliteTM, Brandenberg Amethyst, Citrine, Hungarian Quartz, Lemurian Seed, Nirvana, Phenacite, Rainbow Mayanite, Satyaloka and Satyamani Quartz, Selenite, Trigonic Quartz

Exercise: Activating the higher chakras

The activation should be carried out with the basic chakras cleansed and open (see Exercise: Sensing blockages and balancing the chakras). If you don’t have the appropriate crystals, you can use the Crystal Wisdom Oracle cards or the images in 101 Power Crystals.

Note: Open these chakras slowly and in order. Take your time. Don’t rush the process.

✵ Place a Higher Heart chakra crystal such as Danburite, Rose Quartz or Tugtupite over the Higher Heart chakra and leave it in place for two to five minutes. This chakra can be left open.

✵ Place a Higher Heart chakra crystal such as Tugtupite over the Heart Seed chakra at the base of the breastbone and feel the influx of universal love that floods into the chakra and through your whole being. This chakra can be left open.

✵ Place a Preseli Bluestone or other cosmic anchor crystal such as Flint over the Soma chakra. Open this chakra when you want to go journeying and close it when you want to stay in your physical body.

✵ Place a high-vibration crystal such as AnandaliteTM, Azeztulite, Rainbow Mayanite or Selenite on the Soul Star, which connects you to your soul and highest self. Invoke your higher self to guard it well. Close the chakra (see Closing chakras) when not using the portal for journeying or guidance.

✵ Before opening the Stellar Gateway, invoke your guardian angel or other protective being (see Exercise: Meeting a crystal mentor) to guard it well while you journey or seek guidance in other realms. Place AnandaliteTM, Nirvana Quartz, Rainbow Mayanite, Selenite or Trigonic Quartz on the chakra to open the portal. Close the portal and the chakra when you have completed your journey.

✵ Use AnandaliteTM to activate the Alta Major chakra. Place in the hollow at the base of the skull.

✵ Remember to close the chakras when the exercise is complete.

Crystal journeys

Crystals can take you far out in the universe or deep inside yourself or to the shamanic worlds. Before undertaking such journeys, however, you need to grow your shamanic and cosmic anchors to ensure that you always return to your body.

Your shamanic anchor

Before journeying, ensure that you are in a safe space by gridding with protective crystals (see Gridding for safe space). Always open your shamanic anchor (see Exercise: Opening the Earth Star chakra) before journeying. Shamanic anchor crystals include: Boji Stones, Elestial Smoky Quartz, Flint, Graphic Smoky Quartz, Haematite, Smoky Quartz, Stibnite.

Your cosmic anchor

A cosmic anchor helps your subtle body find its way back to your physical body. It assists in journeying safely through other dimensions and knowing your way back.

Cosmic anchor crystals include: Brandenberg Amethyst, Elestial Quartz, Flint, Preseli Bluestone, high-vibration Quartzes, Selenite, Stibnite, Tantalite.

Exercise: Growing your cosmic anchor

✵ Place your crystal on the Soma chakra (on your hairline above the third eye, above and between your eyebrows). The cosmic anchor also helps connect to your higher self, the part that is not fully in incarnation and therefore sees much further.

✵ From your Soma chakra, feel a silver cord growing outwards and upwards. This cord passes up through the higher chakras, meeting your higher self. From your higher self, the cosmic anchor passes through the outer layer of the Earth’s mantle and into space. In the constellation of Sagittarius it hooks itself onto the tip of the archer’s arrow, where the galactic centre is located. It keeps you balanced between Earth and cosmos, spirit and matter, and always shows you the way home to your body.

Preseli Bluestone

Vibration: Earthy and high

Healing stone of the ancestors. Grounds and focuses. Ideal for journeying, as there is an inbuilt sense of direction. Creates unshakeable inner core energetic solidity to stabilize you through Earth changes. Acts as a battery, generating, earthing and grounding spiritual energy and power, and enhancing psychic ability and metaphysical gifts. A visionary stone.

The cosmic runway

This particular crystal layout takes you journeying through other dimensions and permanently changes your energetic frequency so that you resonate in sync with the highest potential of these changing times. Alternative crystals are given, so find the ones best attuned to your own unique vibrations. If you are fairly new to crystal working, the opaque forms of high-vibration crystals take you into the higher dimensions more gently. If you do not have the appropriate crystals, you can use the Crystal Wisdom Oracle cards, as these carry the energy of the crystals. Build this grid slowly, allowing yourself to attune to and assimilate the energy of each of the crystals as your chakras open.

This layout can also be adapted for journeying through the shamanic worlds. Use Flint, Preseli Bluestone and Stibnite rather than high-vibration Quartzes for a shamanic journey. Again, if you do not have the appropriate crystals you can use the Crystal Wisdom Oracle cards or 101 Power Crystals.

Exercise: Accessing the cosmic runway

You need:

— a grounding crystal such as Elestial Smoky Quartz, Flint or Haematite

— a cosmic anchor crystal such as Boji Stones, Elestial Quartz, Flint, Graphic Smoky Quartz, Haematite, Preseli Bluestone, Selenite, Smoky Brandenberg or Smoky Elestial

— an Alta Major chakra crystal such as AnandaliteTM, Blue Moonstone

— 6 high-vibration crystals such as AnandaliteTM, Azeztulite, Brandenberg Amethyst, Nirvana Quartz, Petalite, Phenacite, Rainbow Mayanite, Satyaloka Quartz, Satyamani Quartz, Selenite or Trigonic Quartz

The layout starts with your feet so that you are well grounded and lying down by the time you place the crystals over your head. It can be useful to set a quiet signal to call yourself back after 20 minutes.

✵ Lie in a warm comfortable place so that you can place the crystals on the ground around yourself or ask a friend to do this for you.

✵ Place a Smoky Elestial Quartz or other grounding crystal slightly below and between your feet and consciously invoke your shamanic anchor (see Exercise: Opening the Earth Star chakra). Tell yourself that your body will remain grounded and centred while you explore other dimensions and that you will return after 20 minutes.

✵ Place two high-vibration crystals at your hips, where you can put your hands on them (use Flint or Stibnite for a shamanic journey).

✵ Place a high-vibration crystal level with or slightly below your shoulders (use Flint or Stibnite for a shamanic journey).

✵ Place a high-vibration crystal at the top of your head. (This is not necessary for a shamanic journey. Instead place Preseli Bluestone on your Soma chakra.)

✵ Consciously invoke your cosmic anchor (see above).

✵ Place a high-vibration crystal about a foot above your head. (Not necessary for a shamanic journey.) Feel the Soul Star chakra open.

✵ Place AnandaliteTM or Rainbow Mayanite as high as you can reach above your head. (Not necessary for a shamanic journey.) Feel the Stellar Gateway chakra open.

✵ Place an Alta Major chakra opener in the hollow at the base of your skull. (Not necessary for a shamanic journey.)

✵ Close your eyes, relax and place your Brandenberg Amethyst, Preseli Bluestone or other cosmic anchor crystal on the Soma chakra at your hairline. Put your hands on the crystals at your hips and feel yourself lifting out of your physical body into your subtle energy body.

✵ Allow the crystals to take you journeying to your destination.

✵ When it is time to return, slide down your cosmic anchor and settle into your body once more. Take the crystal off your Soma chakra. Feel your subtle energy body settling back into your body, which will realign its energies to accommodate the new frequencies.

✵ Lift your hand up and remove the AnandaliteTM, put it to one side and picture the Stellar Gateway chakra closing.

✵ Put the Soul Star crystal to one side and feel the Soul Star chakra closing.

✵ Remove the Alta Major chakra crystal from the base of your skull. Sit up slowly. Put the other crystals to one side in the reverse order from which you laid them out. Check that your body has realigned to the new energy and the subtle energy body is incorporated into your physical being. (AnandaliteTM on your Soma chakra helps to assimilate and integrate the new energies.)

✵ When you reach the Elestial Quartz, put your hands on the crystal and check that your shamanic anchor is in place. If you need to integrate the changes, keep your hands on the crystal and ask it to assist assimilation. Sit quietly allowing the process to complete itself.

✵ Thank the crystals for their work.

✵ Stand up slowly, stamp your feet and have a warm drink.


✵ Crystals bring about a shift in consciousness, providing access to other dimensions.

✵ They can assist in meditation, either singly, as a focus, or via a mandala.

✵ High-vibration crystals bring about soul expansion and facilitate journeying to other worlds.
