Environmental healing - Crystal Applications

Crystals: How to Use Crystals and Their Energy to Enhance Your Life (Hay House Basics) - Judy Hall 2015

Environmental healing
Crystal Applications

Just as the physical body has a chakra system, so does the Earth. And just as crystals can be used to heal areas of disturbance or blockages in a person’s energetic system, so they can be used to heal the Earth.

Earth imbalances are caused by factors such as geopollutants, mining, nuclear testing, shifting of the tectonic plates of the planet during earthquakes and the energetic imprint of events that have taken place at a site. Earth healing through the chakras and other vortex points opens, purifies, aligns and heals the Earth’s energy field, revitalizes its energetic matrix and maintains overall planetary wellbeing.

The Earth’s chakra system

The Earth’s chakra system links sacred sites around the planet. Earth chakras cover vast distances, radiating out from a central sacred site. Not everyone agrees on exactly where these chakras are. Additional Earth chakras are coming online at the moment to assimilate higher vibrational energies and over 156 have been identified over the last 20 years by Robert Coon (for more details of his work visit www.earthchakras.org).

The Seven Major Earth Chakras are as follows:

✵ Base: Mount Shasta, California (alternatives: Black Mesa, Sedona; the Grand Canyon)

✵ Sacral: Lake Titicaca, South America (alternatives: Amazon river; Machu Picchu)

✵ Solar plexus: Uluru, Australia

✵ Heart: Glastonbury, England (alternative: River Ganges, India)

✵ Throat: Great Pyramid, Egypt

✵ Third Eye: Mount Fuji, Japan (alternative: Kuh-e Malek Siah, Iran)

✵ Crown: Mount Kailash, Tibet

Earth healing

For Earth healing, crystals can be placed on the chakras themselves or on maps. Specific crystals work well for particular needs. Blue, brown or white Aragonites are powerful Earth healers that can be gridded around the house to keep the environment healthy and the neighbour vibes positive. They can also be placed on maps in areas where the Earth moves uneasily, to stabilize it. Atlantasite can be buried in the ground wherever there has been death and destruction on the land as it clears and restructures the Earth’s energy field filling it with positive energy.

Crystals for Earth healing


Vibration: Earthy to high, depending on colour and type (Brown Aragonite is earthy; pink, white, lilac and blue are high to extremely high).

A grounding and healing crystal. Deepens our connection with the Earth. Combines well with Black Tourmaline (absorbs negativity, calms disturbance), Flint (stabilizes the ground) and Halite (powerfully cleansing). Brown Aragonite is particularly useful for transforming geopathic stress and blocked ley lines.

Smoky Elestial Quartz

Vibration: Exceedingly high (as with all elestials)

One of the finest transmutors of negative energy. A powerful catalyst for change. Working at multi-dimensional levels, it restructures energy fields and facilitates cellular healing. Shifts are immensely fast, but equilibrium is held. Grounds grids into everyday reality, anchors healing for the body or for the Earth. Pulls negative energy out of the environment, transmutes it and protects the whole area. Reframes the etheric blueprint and ancestral line, reprograms cellular memory and restores power to future generations. Releases karmic group enmeshment where the same patterns repeat life after life. Assists spirit release work. Grid it around a bed to block the effects of geopathic stress.

Grids for Earth Healing

As we have seen, gridding is the art of placing crystals to restore equilibrium, whether to a site or to the planet itself. When gridding for Earth healing, you don’t have to visit a site, as the layout can be done on a map.

When placing crystals on a map, or at a site, dowse for the right position for the crystals or use your intuition. Remember to allow energy to flow through you and to harness the power of the crystal. Don’t use your own energy. Join up the points of the grid with a wand.

The Pentangle: The five-pointed star

This powerful Earth-healer formation is particularly suitable for map work. Follow the direction of the arrows on the diagram when placing crystals and remember to go back to the start crystal to complete the circuit.


Exercise: Healing ancient trauma with the five-pointed star

Choose a site where a battle, massacre or other traumatic event took place, or where there has been significant Earth trauma, such as an earthquake or tsunami. Find a map of the site sufficiently large to place crystals on, or visit the site itself.

You need:

— 5 Aragonite or other Earth-healing stones

— 1 Smoky Elestial Quartz

✵ Dowse to find your starting point above the site (or use north) and place an Aragonite crystal on that spot.

✵ Move down to the right (as you look at the map or walk the site) and place an Aragonite below and to the side of the site.

✵ Move up and to the left and place an Aragonite above and to the side of the site.

✵ Move across and to the right and place an Aragonite to encompass the site.

✵ Move down and to the left to place the final Aragonite.

✵ Join up the five-pointed star with a wand, ensuring that you return to the first crystal laid.

✵ Place a Smoky Elestial Quartz in the centre.

✵ Ask that the trauma or energetic pollution or disturbance be transmuted and the site brought back into equilibrium.

✵ Leave the map with the crystals in place to do their healing work. Leave the crystals in place at a site.

✵ You will know the work is complete by dowsing or sensing that the crystals have ceased to send out healing energy to the site, or there may be a dramatic change in the situation. If using a map, dismantle the star and send any residual healing to the Earth. Otherwise, leave the crystals in place at the site.

Note: You can lay the same configuration over one of the Earth’s chakras to help restore the Earth’s energetic grid. Other Elestials, such as Amethyst, Clear or Rose Quartz bring unconditional love to an area.


✵ Crystals are potent tools for environmental healing. They transmute areas of disturbance or ancient trauma and repair the Earth’s energetic grid.

✵ They can be placed directly onto the ground or on maps to restore equilibrium to an area.

✵ They also create sacred space.

✵ Remember to cleanse the crystals regularly.
