Holistic healing: Psyche and mind - Crystal Applications

Crystals: How to Use Crystals and Their Energy to Enhance Your Life (Hay House Basics) - Judy Hall 2015

Holistic healing: Psyche and mind
Crystal Applications

Our state of mind has considerable influence on our wellbeing and physical health. Keeping our mind clear allows us to focus our thoughts and detach from any undue influences. Crystals promote clarity, concentration, focus and creativity and dissolve psychological dis-ease. They facilitate mental healing by helping us to drop into a theta brainwave state. Theta brainwaves induce a deep state of relaxation in which the subconscious mind and psychic immune system can be accessed. A theta wave state helps the body return to equilibrium and so can be utilized for profound healing, particularly as it interacts with the bioscalar waves naturally created by crystals.

Crystals can also bring profound peace of mind. There are crystals such as Auralite 23 and Rhomboid Selenite that switch off the mind — instantly. There are others, like Fluorite, that facilitate total focus and clarity. Yet others offer fresh insights and the ability to think outside the box and find creative solutions. Simply place the appropriate crystal over a mind chakra (see below) and allow it to do its work.

Crystal relaxation

Regular relaxation is of enormous benefit to wellbeing, and crystals can be really useful in achieving the relaxed but focused state that is particularly conducive to meditation, journeying and vision work.

Crystals for relaxation

✵ Amethyst: A natural tranquillizer that induces a profound sense of peace and relaxation and shuts off mind chatter.

✵ Auralite 23: Instantly shuts off mind chatter and induces a profound sense of relaxation.

✵ Blue Lace Agate: Its serene energies induce profound peace of mind and link you to higher guidance.

✵ Green Aventurine: Imparts a sense of wellbeing and emotional serenity.

✵ Rhomboid Blue Selenite: Instantly shuts off mind chatter and opens the third eye.

✵ Smoky Quartz: Instils a deep sense of relaxation into the physical and mental body.

Exercise: Crystal relaxation layout

✵ Lie down and make yourself comfortable. Ensure you won’t be disturbed for at least 15 minutes.

✵ Place Smoky Quartz at your feet and focus on your intention to relax.

✵ Place Yellow Jasper over your solar plexus.

✵ Place Rose Quartz over your heart.

✵ Place Blue Lace Agate at your throat.

✵ Place Amethyst on your forehead.

✵ Place Clear Quartz above your head.

✵ Close your eyes, breathe gently and leave the crystals in place for 15 minutes.

✵ Remove the crystals, starting with the top of your head. When you get to your feet, be aware of the grounding cord going from your feet deep into the Earth.


✵ Place a piece of Auralite 23 on either side of your head level with your ears and Bytownite (Yellow Labradorite) or Rhomboid Selenite over your third eye. You will experience instant relaxation.

Clarity of mind

Mental clarity starts with clearing your mind of extraneous thoughts. Here again, crystals can help.

Crystals for clearing the mind

✵ Auralite 23 switches off the chattering mind, instilling laser-sharp clarity and peace.

✵ Bloodstone is an excellent tonic. It clears mental overload, reduces confusion and imparts alertness and stability. Strengthening the ability to focus on solutions, it enables the mindset to adapt to changing circumstances.

✵ Blue Lace Agate facilitates self-expression, counteracts mental stress and encourages the mind to expand.

✵ Carnelian encourages analytic abilities and sharpens perception. Attuning daydreamers to everyday reality, it unites logic and intuition.

✵ Clear Quartz amplifies thought power, unlocks memory and brings about positive solutions.

✵ Green Aventurine stimulates creativity and helps you to see alternate possibilities.

✵ Jasper helps you to get to grips with problems assertively. Combining organizational abilities with imagination, it brings hidden problems to light and helps with finding new coping strategies.

✵ Labradorite balances the rational mind with intuitive wisdom.

✵ Rhomboid Blue Selenite creates a state of ’no mind’ by switching off mind chatter and opening the intuition to bring in higher guidance.

✵ Rose Quartz calms the mind and induces clarity.

✵ Smoky Quartz encourages pragmatic, positive thought and the application of common sense and clear insight to problems.

✵ Sodalite dispels confusion, clarifies perceptions and releases bondage to specific ideas, encouraging the assimilation of new information. It is helpful for dyslexia and dyspraxia, as are Black Moonstone and Sugilite.

✵ Yellow Labradorite (Bytownite) switches off the conscious mind and opens the intuitive mind.

Exercise: Clearing and focusing the mind

A simple layout removes the racing thoughts and overactivity and clears the way for sharply focused thinking.

You need:

— 5 cleansed and activated mind-clearing crystals from the list above

— 5 of the following: AnandaliteTM, Auralite 23, Brandenberg Amethyst, Fluorite, Phenacite, Rhomboid Blue Selenite or other mental focus crystals

— 1 Blue Lace Agate or Septarian (optional)

✵ Lie down comfortably and ensure that you won’t be disturbed for a while.

✵ Place a mind crystal above your head (point facing down if it has one). Place two crystals either side of the base of your ears.

✵ Place two more crystals, one each side, equidistant between the ear crystals and the crown crystal.

✵ Close your eyes and lie still for five minutes (extend this period if you wish). Feel the crystal energy filling your mind and quietly switching it off.

✵ If you have any thoughts, don’t focus on them. Let them pass by.

✵ After five minutes, or when your mind is clear, add two Amethysts, AnandalitesTM, Brandenberg Amethysts, Phenacites or other mental focus crystals just below your ears, pointing up to the top of your head. This gives you instant clarity, so set out your problem and wait quietly for the answer to float into your mind.

✵ If you need to express your thoughts afterwards, add a Blue Lace Agate or Septarian crystal at your throat and keep it there.

✵ Sit up and gather your crystals together.


Vibration: Mid to high, depending on the type

A protective crystal, especially on the psychic and psychological levels. Enhances orderly thought, mental clarity, creativity and clear communication. Clears undue mental influence. Aids physical and mental coordination. Heightens intuition. Protects against computer and electromagnetic stress.

Chakras for clearing the mind

The throat chakra

Location: The centre of the throat

The sphere of communication. If it is blocked, thoughts and feelings can’t be verbalized and truth can’t be expressed. Other people’s opinions cause difficulties.

Positive quality: Truthful self-expression

Negative quality: Mendacity

Typical dis-eases: are active and block communication: ADHD autism, colds and viral infections, high blood pressure, inflammation of the trachea, jaw pain and gum disease, psychosomatic dis-eases such as irritable bowel syndrome, sinus problems, sore throat/quinsy, speech impediments, thyroid imbalances, tinnitus and ear infections, tooth problems (which relate to root beliefs)

The brow chakra (third eye)

Location: Above and between the eyebrows

The sphere of intuition and mental connection. Imbalances here create a sense of being bombarded by other people’s thoughts, or wild and irrational intuitions that have no basis in truth. Controlling or coercing mental ’hooks’ from other people lock in and affect your thoughts.

Positive quality: Intuitive insight

Negative quality: Delusion

Typical dis-eases: these are metaphysical — autism, cataracts, iritis and other eye problems, epilepsy, high blood pressure, ’irritations’ of all kinds, mental overwhelm, migraines, schizophrenia, sinus and ear infections, spinal and neurological disorders

The crown chakra

Location: The top of the head

The sphere of spiritual communication and awareness. If it is blocked, attempting to control others is common, and if it is blown, obsession and openness to spirit interference or possession can result. If it is not functioning well, excess environmental sensitivity and delusions or dementia can result.

Positive quality: Spirituality

Negative quality: Arrogance

Typical dis-eases: these arise out of disconnection — dementia, depression, electromagnetic and environmental sensitivity, insomnia or excessive sleepiness, ME, metabolic syndrome, nervous system disturbances, vague ’unwellness’, also biological clock disturbances such as jet lag

Releasing patterns of the past

In addition to the chakras, the aura, the subtle electromagnetic bodies surrounding the physical body, holds embedded patterns from the past. It may have thought forms attached that are influencing us or it may be holding a soul intention that no longer serves us — one from another life or one that was put in place before incarnation but is now outdated or impossible to perform.

Undue mental influence, outdated concepts and mental imperatives all prevent us from thinking for ourselves or block a shift in consciousness. Some of these concepts may well once have been positive but have become fixed in our mind, even though they are past their sell-by date. Others may have been set up in childhood, or in previous lives. Crystals help us to release them gently and simply allow the process to unfold. Once they are cleared, we literally think — and feel — for ourselves.

Our aura may also have spirits attached that are seeking to have specific experiences through us or to control us. Clearing these calls for an experienced healer, but in an emergency, crystals can be used to detach spirits and send them to the light.

Undue mental influence

Some causes of psychological or mental dis-ease arise from outside us. There may be people around who feel that they know what is best for us, or what we should do. Their influence may be overt or subtle, but nonetheless powerful. They may be well-meaning, but their intent may nevertheless be manipulative and toxic. They may also have strong beliefs about us and we may pick up their thoughts and act on them, while remaining unaware of the source. In addition, strong mental conditioning may have been instilled in us when we were a child and might still be running our life, though it is now inappropriate for us.

Fortunately crystals such as Fluorite, Kunzite and Selenite help to dispel undue mental influence, as do Auralite 23 and other high-vibration Amethysts. Wear one constantly to protect yourself against invasion by other people’s thoughts or beliefs.

Mental constructs and imperatives

The majority of psychological dis-ease, however, arises from within our own mind, especially the beliefs that we hold at the subconscious level — beliefs that may clash with what we think we believe. Crystals can help us dissolve all these old patterns and attachments.

Exercise: Dissolving old patterns

✵ Stand with your feet slightly apart and ’comb’ all around your body, back and front, at about a hand’s breadth or slightly beyond it, with a piece of AnandaliteTM or Flint or a Gold or Silver Healer. If a spot feels ’sticky’ or painful, rest the crystal there for a few moments. Spiral it out to release the energy.

✵ Pay special attention to the past-life chakras behind the ears and along the bony ridge at the base of the skull.

✵ Lie down comfortably and ensure you will not be disturbed.

✵ Place a crystal over your third eye (an AnandaliteTM, Auralite 23 or Brandenberg Amethyst is appropriate). If you intuitively feel that past-life issues need clearing, place an appropriate crystal such as Dumortierite or Flint either side of your ears or in the hollow at the base of your skull.

✵ Ask that the crystal dissolves any thoughts, vows, beliefs, imperatives, undue mental influences and so on that no longer serve you. Remind yourself that you don’t need to know what these are, you are simply willing to release them right now.

✵ Ask that the crystal dissolves any soul contracts that are no longer relevant to your spiritual growth and any outdated soul intentions for the present lifetime. Let them go with love and forgiveness. Again, you don’t need to know what they are. Simply be willing to relinquish them right now.

✵ Then step into the karma of grace, letting go of the past and being ready to move into whatever the present holds.

✵ When the process is complete, remove the crystals and thank them for their work.

Crystals for tie-cutting and spirit detachment

If you feel that someone has undue influence over your mind, you can use a crystal to cut that tie and detach yourself from them. If it is a spirit influencing you, spirit release is a specialized subject (see www.spiritrelease.org), but in an emergency a crystal can assist you in detaching an unwanted spirit hitchhiker from your aura.

In both cases, choose a crystal from the list below and ’comb’ your aura with it. Essences such as Astral Clear, Petaltone Zl4, Plant Ally and Special 8 on the crystal (see Resources) will assist the process.

✵ Jasper knives instantly cut through ties and remove hitchhikers. Dissolving old patterns, they help the etheric blueprint form a more appropriate configuration. (They are available on request from www.angeladditions.co.uk)

✵ Nirvana Quartz reminds us that spirit attachment is one situation where informed consent is not mandatory, as the soul rarely chooses to have a spirit attach. Additional stones such as Black Tourmaline, Polychrome Jasper or Tantalite may be needed to seal the aura against re-invasion.

✵ Rainbow Mayanite is the finest tool there is for working in the subtle etheric layers to remove ties and attachments, but it should only be used by an experienced crystal healer. It blends particularly well with Petaltone, Plant Ally and Special 8 essences. Gold and Silver Healers are the gentler version of this powerful stone and more suitable for beginners.

✵ Stibnite creates an energetic shield around the physical body. It separates out the pure from the dross and is an efficient tool for releasing spiritual hitchhikers or negative energy. Eliminating tentacles from clingy relationships, it also assists in tie-cutting rituals and past-life release.


✵ Your state of mind has considerable influence on your wellbeing and physical health.

✵ Crystals promote clarity, concentration, focus and creativity and dissolve psychological dis-ease.

✵ Keeping your mind clear allows you to focus your thoughts and detach from any undue influence there might be.

✵ Crystals facilitate mental healing by helping you to drop into a theta brainwave state.
