Personal protection and energy enhancement - Crystal Applications

Crystals: How to Use Crystals and Their Energy to Enhance Your Life (Hay House Basics) - Judy Hall 2015

Personal protection and energy enhancement
Crystal Applications

We are all surrounded by unseen vibrations, imperceptible emanations and subtle energy fields, including thoughts and feelings, imprints and impressions that can subtly disturb our sense of wellbeing. This toxic energy is an intrusion which is silent, invisible and yet very powerful in its draining effect. A filter is needed. Crystals can help us to protect ourselves from this invisible invasion and enhance our own energy.


Self-protection isn’t aggressive or threatening, but is simply about feeling secure within your own self. It is about creating a safe space in which to live, work and have your being. It creates healthy boundaries and a calm, quiet centre in which to simply be. It’s about having positive emotions and constructive thoughts that create a benevolent world. It isn’t really about doing, more about creating a tranquil space in which others cannot disturb your equilibrium — either deliberately or by what they think or feel spilling out into the atmosphere around you.

Crystals have been used for this purpose for thousands of years, as have crystal essences. A crystal creates an interface through which you can be aware of feelings and emotions and external signals, but not be overwhelmed by them.

You need crystal protection if:

✵ You work closely with other people, particularly those who are troubled or ill.

✵ People naturally gravitate to you with their troubles.

✵ You give a great deal of energy to other people.

✵ Certain people or places leave you feeling drained and tired.

✵ You are sensitive to atmospheres.

✵ You automatically take on a friend’s feelings.

✵ You live with your head in the clouds.

✵ You are anxious, nervy, on edge all the time.

✵ You have invisible feelers out, testing the air around you.

✵ You feel perpetually tired, listless, hopeless.

✵ You feel invaded, somehow not yourself.

✵ You dwell on things, turning them over and over in your mind.

✵ Someone is showing particularly strong animosity towards you.

✵ You are a water sign: Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces.

✵ You are psychic or a healer or therapist.

The key to good protection is to find exactly the right crystal for the situations in which you find yourself. Amber, Amethyst, Black Tourmaline, Carnelian and Smoky Quartz were traditionally used for protection, particularly for turning back ill-wishing or jealousy, and are highly protective when worn around the neck, but Tantalite provides twenty-first-century protection, as does Polychrome Jasper or Shungite. Healer’s Gold is a rare crystal but worth seeking out if you need to create an interface.

Crystals for shielding

Black Tourmaline

Vibration: Earthy

Deflects negative energies, protects against geopollutants, EMFs and radiation. Turns back anger, ill-wishing and attack. Increases physical vitality. Strengthens the immune system.

Tape it to a mobile phone, place it next to a computer or other source of EMF, hold it or keep it in a pocket, place it between your house and a source of radiation or EMF.


Vibration: High

A wonderful energy protector that also pulls in spiritual power.

An excellent crystal for healers and those who work with other people, it enhances intuition whilst creating an interface that prevents other people’s problems, negative thoughts or energies from being taken on.


Vibration: Earthy

A useful stone of protection, Tantalite soaks up negative energy and guards against psychic vampirism or environmental pollution. Blocking invasion by external forces, it creates an energetic grid around the body to ’repel boarders’. Clearing the effect of psychic attack or ill-wishing, it removes hooks, attachments, implants, mental imperatives and core beliefs lodged in the etheric or physical body from present or previous lives. It also shields the body so that nothing else attaches. It is rich in manganese, an important physiological constituent with a powerful antioxidant and metabolic function. It also assists in feeling nurtured and guided by higher beings.

Grid or wear Tantalite to deflect radiation and other adverse energies.


Vibration: Medium

The fossilized resin of ancient trees, Amber is not a crystal, but it has always been prized for its protective qualities. With strong connections with the Earth, it is a grounding stone for higher energies. A powerful healer and cleanser, it draws dis-ease from the body and aids tissue revitalization. It also cleanses the environment and the chakras, absorbing negative energies and transmuting them into positive forces that aid the body in healing itself.

Additional shielding crystals include Actinolite, Aegerine, Amber, Apache Tear, Aquamarine, Bronzite, Chlorite or Smoky Quartz, Citrine, Haematite, Marcasite, Nuummite, Polychrome Jasper, Purpurite and Shungite.

Case history: Black Tourmaline to the rescue

My first introduction to the protective powers of Black Tourmaline came from a workshop participant many years ago. She was wearing it around her neck. She told me that she had been under severe ill-wishing from a colleague who had become jealous of her advancement. She had been almost literally on her knees, unable to stand upright because of extreme energy debilitation, and a friend had given her a piece of Black Tourmaline to stop the attack. Overnight she had recovered her energy and been able to deal constructively with the situation. Since then I have seen Black Tourmaline work in many similar situations.

Exercise: Protecting yourself

✵ Wear a Black Tourmaline, Labradorite or Polychrome Jasper crystal around your neck.

✵ For advanced protection, use Healer’s Gold, or wear Tantalite placed in a spiral.

Exercise: The Amber melt

For fast protection:

✵ Hold an Amber crystal over your head.

✵ Picture the Amber melting and running down the outside of your aura, creating a crystal coating that protects you.

The psychic shield

A psychic shield protects your energy from being invaded or drawn upon by others and turns back negative energy before it reaches you. Create a shield by programming a crystal and keeping it with you constantly. If you find a shield-shaped piece, so much the better.

Exercise: The Tantalite cage

✵ Once you are attuned to Tantalite, use the power of your imagination to create a Tantalite ’cage’ around your whole body.

✵ Whenever you feel the need for additional protection, mentally shout ’Tantalite!’ and feel that protective cage strengthening around you.

Energy enhancement

As well as protecting your energy, you can also enhance it. Your own attitude can play a large part in this. If you are joyful and feel that life is abundant and nourishing, life flows well and good things come to you. Fear, however, pulls to you the very things of which you are afraid. Fear erodes your energy, joy enhances it. So the key to energy enhancement is to surround yourself with good vibrations and to be positive.

✵ Be in a space that feels good — if it doesn’t, change this (see Chapter 14).

✵ Think positive thoughts and have positive expectations.

✵ Avoid fear.

✵ Keep calm in a crisis.

✵ Do the things you enjoy.

✵ Be with people who boost your energy.

✵ Wear appropriate crystals or grid them around you (see Crystals grids for health and wellbeing).

The power of visualization

You can also use visualization to help you. Visualization is seeing things in your mind’s eye. Closing your eyes and looking up to the point between and slightly above the centre of your eyebrows helps images to form, as does letting your eyes go out of focus when looking into a crystal. However, you don’t need to see anything to feel the benefit.

Exercise: Bringing in good vibes

This crystal visualization combines the power of your mind with that of your crystals. (You may like to record this visualization or have a friend read it out to you.)

You need Quartz, Que Sera or Selenite.

✵ Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Look up to the point between and above your eyebrows.

✵ Open your palm chakras to radiate the crystal energy.

✵ Hold your crystal in whichever hand feels more comfortable.

✵ Breathe gently. Let your attention go to the top of your head, taking the hand with the crystal there. Hold the crystal as far as you can reach above your head.

✵ Imagine that someone has switched on a very bright white light above your head and this is focused through your crystal. Feel the brightness and the warmth of this light mingling with the vibrant crystal energies. It is full of good vibrations.

✵ Feel the crystal light begin to move down through your head (move your crystal downwards as you go). As it moves, the crystal light seeks out any dark place, filling it with light and joy.

✵ The crystal light moves through your skull, going through all the folds and creases of your brain, filling it with crystal light. The vibrations feel vibrant and tingly and your mind opens up and accepts them. The happiness in the crystal light expands through your whole head. Your eyes are bright, your hearing acute. Your nose and mouth fill with the crystal light as you breathe in bubbles of crystal energy.

✵ The crystal light passes on down through your throat and neck and into your shoulders, arms and hands. You feel the vibrations tingling down to your fingertips. The bubbles of crystal light pass into your lungs, energizing as they go. Your back has a column of crystal light supporting it and ribs of crystal light around it, as the crystal light moves on down through your internal organs, lighting them up as it goes.

✵ Be aware of the crystal light entering your heart, dissolving any pain or grief and filling your heart with joy and good vibrations. Feel your blood picking up the vibrations as it passes through the heart and lungs and helping to carry the crystal light to every part of your body.

✵ When the crystal light reaches your solar plexus, it pauses for a while. As you breathe, it cleanses the emotions that you hold in your solar plexus, encouraging the joyous ones and transmuting any painful ones.

✵ Then the crystal light moves on down into your hips and belly. When it reaches the base of your spine and your reproductive organs, you feel your creative energy begin to resonate in harmony with it. Let this creative force flow wherever it will.

✵ Allow the crystal light to move on down through your thighs and legs to your feet until your toes tingle.

✵ Be aware that your whole body is filled with this vibrating crystal light. Your energy is replenished. Your body is in balance, your emotions are harmonious, your thoughts positive.

✵ Curl the energy down into your dantien, a small power-generating sphere on top of your sacral chakra. Store the energy here until you need it. A deep breath or holding the crystal over this place is all that will be needed to release it when required.

✵ The crystal light is then switched off, but you remain filled with it.

✵ Take your attention down to your feet. Be very aware of the contact they make with the Earth. Feel them holding you and grounding you on the Earth and into your body.

✵ When you are ready, open your eyes.

Combating energy vampires

It is all too easy to lose energy to other people. The main symptom is a feeling of weariness or slight depression, low energy and a tugging or tweaking pain under your left armpit. The leaching occurs through the solar plexus but happens to a greater extent through the spleen chakra, which is located about a hand’s breadth beneath the left armpit (see Exercise: Closing the energy portal). So, if you get a nagging pain there, an energy vampire is at work. This may be a family member, partner or friend, client or work colleague. Fortunately the antidote is simple: unhook them and protect the energy portal.

The spleen chakra

Location: Below the left armpit

The sphere of assertion and empowerment. If this chakra is imbalanced, you have anger issues or suffer constant irritation, with your body turning in to attack itself. If it is too open, other people draw on your energy, leaving you depleted, particularly at the immune level.

Typical dis-eases: these arise from depletion — anaemia, lethargy, low blood sugar

Exercise: Closing the energy portal

✵ Cleanse your spleen chakra by spiralling out a Flint, Quartz point or Rainbow Mayanite to clear any hooks or energetic connections, or use a Jasper knife (available from on request).

✵ Tape a Green Aventurine, Green Fluorite, Jade or Tantalite crystal over the spleen chakra, or wear one on a long chain so that it reaches to the end of your breastbone.


✵ Unseen energetic dimensions surround and interpenetrate the physical.

✵ Toxic energy is silent, invisible and yet very powerful in its draining effect.

✵ Keeping your energies high and clear gives you subtle protection from otherwise detrimental outside influences.

✵ Other people’s thoughts and feelings can adversely affect you if you don’t shield your own energies.

✵ Self-protection is about feeling secure within your own self.

✵ Crystals filter energy and create an interface with another energy field.
