Developing Sensitivity to Color - Energy Work with Colored Stones

Ultimate guide to crystals and stones - Uma Silbey 2016

Developing Sensitivity to Color
Energy Work with Colored Stones

Each color has its own particular vibrational pattern that can be discerned if we are sensitive to it. When we focus on a particular vibrational pattern of an object, thought, feeling, illness, or other imbalance in our subtle bodies, we can then shift or change it in positive or healing ways using the addition of a color’s vibrational pattern.

The awareness of the effects of color in our everyday lives can help us change it for the better. For example, we can wear clothes in colors that change our moods. Realizing that the reason we are feeling gloomy, for example, is because we’re wearing gray and brown, we can begin wearing the blue that makes us feel cheerful. We can paint our walls colors that are healing rather than deadening, or paint our offices in colors that are conductive to productivity rather than daydreaming. Once we are sensitive to the effects of color on us and on others, we can actually use it to make positive changes for others, our environment, and ourselves.

To begin developing sensitivity to color, we can sit in a quiet room, and after centering ourselves and clearing our minds, we can fill the room with a particular colored light, or find an object or large piece of paper that is one color rather than a mixture of colors. While gazing upon the object or piece of paper, we can notice how we feel, first noting the obvious, and then what is more subtle. To help, we can answer the following questions.

• What emotional state does this color seem to create in us?

• What thoughts do we seem to have in response to it?

• What state of mind does it seem to cause in us?

• Do we feel more excited and active or more calm, and to what degree do we feel this?

• Which parts of our bodies does this color seem to affect?

Based on these observations, we can learn how we would generally tend to use this color.

After doing this practice with as many colors as we can think of, we can start working with combinations of colors, sensing their relationships with each other and asking the same questions as above to learn about their effects and to develop our sensitivity. We can also further sensitize ourselves to color by wearing one color of clothing for an extended time, noticing how we are affected by it. Or we can wear only white, as I did, for a length of time. If we do this, when we finally begin wearing color again, it is very obvious how each color is affecting us.

The process of becoming sensitive to the effects of colored stones is much the same as the process of becoming sensitive to color itself. However, when we become aware of the qualities of color and their possible uses, we have explored only one aspect of colored stones. As explained earlier, they also have properties of brilliance, clarity, and cut that must be considered. The practice below will help develop our sensitivity to the colored stones:


1. After clearing your mind, centering and grounding yourself, pick up the colored stone on which you would like to focus. After harmonizing yourself with the stone, while retaining your focused attention, notice how the stone is affecting you. Ask yourself the following questions:

• What does your body feel like?

• What thoughts do you have that seem to be related?

• What emotions come to you?

2. Does the stone feel cool or warm irrespective of its color alone?

3. How dense does that stone feel, and how does that affect you?

4. While focusing on your third eye as well as the stone that you are holding, notice what images come to mind. You may notice images of how to use the stone, images of its history that you can use in your work, or images of how to use it when healing.

5. Notice the cut of the stone. How does it seem to affect the other qualities or uses of the stone?

6. After asking these questions and receiving your answers, put the stone down, clear the stone, your mind and body, and then ground yourself.

This practice can be done to learn about the more general uses of each colored stone, because in doing it, we will notice generalities that seem to hold true time after time. Other observations will apply only to a particular stone or a unique situation. These practices will not only yield information about colors and colored stones, but will also develop our ability to quickly, accurately, and easily intuit qualities and uses of color and colored stones with complete effectiveness in every situation. When we pick up each colored stone to use it in our work at the time, even though we may know the more general uses for it, if we use our concentrated focus to harmonize with it, we will also learn how it is to be used at that specific moment.