Ultimate guide to crystals and stones - Uma Silbey 2016
Basic Crystal and Stone Information
Systems of Crystal and Stone Work
Practice: Feeling the Energy of a Quartz Crystal
Science and Stones—There Are Many Ways of Knowing
The Use of Crystals and Stones—How It Works
The Mind—Body Connection and the Placebo Effect
Physical Description of Minerals and Gemstones
Basics of Quartz Crystal Energy Work
Energetic Properties of Quartz Crystals
Choosing a Quartz Crystal and Storing It Properly
Discovering What Is Stored in a Quartz Crystal or Stone
Developing Our Sensitivity to Physically Feel and Intuitively Sense Vibration
Personal Preparation for Crystal and Stone Work
Listening, Hearing, and Harmonizing with the Stones
Subtle Energy Bodies and Subtle Planes of Reality
Minor Chakra System—Secondary Energy Centers
Metaphysical Properties of Crystal Markings and Formations
Channeled Information: Crystal Formations, Markings, and What They Mean
Personal Power and Helper Crystals
More Quartz Crystal and Stone Energy Practices
Programming a Quartz Crystal or Stone
Developing Personal Power with Stones and Crystals
Communicating with Teachers and Other Beings
Thought Transference with Crystals and Stones
Sustaining Thought Forms with Crystals and Stones
Creating Psychic Shields or Protective Auras with Stones
Emotional Work with Crystals and Stones
Working with Higher Dimensions
Seeing the Past and the Future
Connecting and Conversing Between Worlds
Channeling with Stones and Crystals
Reading a Crystal or Crystal Ball
Lucid Dreaming and Astral Travel with Quartz Crystals
Meeting Angels and Spirit Guides
Crystal Generators and Stone Power Grids
Energy Grids and Geometric Stone Formations
Prayer, Affirmation, and Stones
Energy Work with Colored Stones
Developing Sensitivity to Color
Choosing, Clearing, Charging, and Programming a Colored Stone
A Guide to Colored Stones: Their Properties and Uses
Crystal and Stone Healing
Basic Stone and Crystal Healing Techniques
Crystal and Stone Jewelry
Using Crystal and Stone Jewelry
Gemstones and Colored Stones in Jewelry
Choosing a Piece of Colored Stone or Crystal Jewelry
Working with Earth Energy and Ordinary Rocks