Choosing a Quartz Crystal and Storing It Properly - Basics of Quartz Crystal Energy Work

Ultimate guide to crystals and stones - Uma Silbey 2016

Choosing a Quartz Crystal and Storing It Properly
Basics of Quartz Crystal Energy Work

Now that we know something about the physical properties of quartz crystal, how do we go about choosing one for ourselves? As mentioned earlier, consider the size, clarity, and the brilliance of the crystal. Also, we can look for inner veils that we find interesting. These look something like gossamer webs or slightly opaque wisps of cloudlike formations inside the crystal. Internal fractures, sometimes with prismatic color effects, can form miniature landscapes or doorways that seem to draw us inside the stone. These are called inclusions. We can look for any formations caused by tourmaline rods, or filaments or gold or copper minerals that have meaning for us. Rainbows can energize the crystal with their color and etheric nature. Some crystals seem denser, drawing us earthward, while others are more etheric, seeming to pull us skyward. Look for phantom crystals that are filled with any number of pyramids, helpful if we want to use our crystal for sending messages. Notice how the crystal feels, if it seems to radiate warmth or refreshing coolness. Instead of veils and inclusions, we may prefer a perfectly clear crystal, regarding anything else as a distraction. These are all things that add value and meaning to our crystals.

Most systems of crystal lore teach that the tip of the crystal should be whole rather than chipped, cracked, or broken off. It is said that this detracts from or interrupts the energy flow. Though this is usually true, sometimes a crystal is very powerful even though the tip is chipped. Some crystals have been cut and polished into particular sizes and shapes that project energy fields or energy flows particular to those shapes. Examples of this are crystal balls, whose round shape sets up a corresponding circular field of energy that seems to easily draw us into its center. Other examples are the crystal cross, suggesting balance or the heart energy, and the crystal pyramid.

Some crystals are polished on one or more faces, while leaving other faces rough, creating interesting gazing windows with convoluted landscapes within. Notice, though, whether the lapidary work on the crystal was done consciously, leaving the energy flow intact. Sometimes the energy flow is cut across or cut through, leaving a severely weakened crystal or interrupting the natural flow of energy. The lapidary work should leave the integrity of the stone intact, enhancing its power, rather than diminishing it. If you want a crystal to carry around with you, find one that feels good to hold. Some are shaped to fit the hand specifically for this purpose. Some are deliberately shaped to be used as massage tools, these generally have a more rounded tip and bottom.

When choosing a crystal, it is important to consider how are we going to use it. People that intend to do astral work will work well with a Herkimer diamond crystal, which is a particularly brilliant, double-terminated, multifaceted crystal only found in the area around Herkimer, New York. (Astral and dream work will be discussed later in this book. If we want to direct energy in only one direction, choose a wand crystal, or a single-terminated crystal. If we are going to work with a group of people, more often than not a larger crystal will project the energy field that we need. If we are going to work with relationships, a twin crystal may be the right choice. Finally, feel the energy of the crystal to determine how strong it is. We may feel this as a buzzing in our hand, arm, or body, or we may just feel it intuitively.

The same process holds true if we are looking at color crystals, gemstones or any other rock. If we want strength and power, we might choose a hematite, obsidian, a dark colored agate, or even a regular rock. Likewise, if we intend to do work with emotions and the heart, it is probably best to work with a rose quartz or pink tourmaline. If we have a fever and are working with crystal healing, we might select a green jade, green calcite, or another green crystal. If we are working with spirituality, an amethyst is a good selection.

When deciding which crystal or stone is the right one for us, it is important to remember that even though we may want to choose a particular color stone for its specific qualities, a clear quartz crystal will be more versatile because we can charge it with any color,. (This will be explained later in this book.) Last but not least, because of its many unique properties, there are things we can do with our quartz crystal that we cannot do with other stones, or at least cannot do without much more concentration and visualization, so because of this versatility, a clear quartz is the best bet for our first stone.

Ultimately, the deciding factor is this: Which crystal seems to draw us to it? Which one seems almost irresistible? Most of the time, it is the crystal that we looked at first. If we are having trouble with that, what works is to just stop thinking about it and select the one that we find more interesting. It will most likely be the right one for us.

Once we have chosen a quartz crystal, what is the best way to store it? After clearing or charging our crystal, to keep the charge from being diluted or confused with other influences it is best to store it wrapped in a natural fiber cloth until we want to use it again. This will not only protect our crystal, but will also keep it shielded from other diluting or conflicting influences. Most prefer cotton, silk, or leather—as is the case of many indigenous shamans and healers—the properties of that sacred animal influencing and empowering the stone.

We need to also be conscious of the color that we wrap it in, because the color will influence our crystal. What color feels the best to us when we hold the crystal? This is often the color we will want to use. I usually use white or black to wrap my crystals. I generally wrap the colored stones that I use in my stone healing work in the color that matches the stone. For example, I use red for my garnets, yellow for my citrines, and blue for my lapis, celesite, and sodalite stones. When we wrap our crystal, we may want to include something that has special meaning or power for us, so the crystal is further influenced with its energy. I may wrap a large quartz crystal with a small emerald in green silk, for example, so that the large crystal takes on the energetic qualities of a very large emerald.

Generally, a crystal that we have set aside for a specific use should not be exposed to any other influences that might interfere with its special function. This is not a hard-and-fast rule, but we should always consider everything that comes in contact with our stone, especially if it is then wrapped up. Once wrapped, it is important to consider where we store our crystals. We may want to store them on an altar or in some sacred place of purity and light.

Not all crystals need wrapping or to be hidden away. We may want to leave our crystals sitting unwrapped on an altar or special place so they become similarly charged. Some can just be left exposed because we admire their beauty and want to have that in our environment. This is true outside as well as inside. I have many larger crystals in my garden, for example. (My plants seem to love them.) Others I have placed around my rooms in various formations to bring certain energies into my home. It is primarily my healing stones that I wrap and keep in a wooden box. It is not true that other people should never touch any of our crystals. Their admiration may change our crystals with beautiful energy. The only ones that shouldn’t be touched by others are those stones that we don’t want influenced other than what we’ve charged them with. We may want to leave some crystals exposed for everyone to share in their beauty and unique radiance.