Breaking the code: ’junk DNA’ - The Basics

Crystal Prescriptions: The A-Z Guide to Over 1,200 Symptoms and Their Healing Crystals - Judy Hall 2006

Breaking the code: ’junk DNA’
The Basics

In the movie Superman, the infant Kal-El is sent in a crystal capsule to Earth, with ethereal sounds and images to teach him along the way. The crystals were then stored in a crystal cave for his future use. All knowledge was imbedded in the crystals. How true this is! All the healing knowledge we humans need to access and know about has been imbedded and stored in the crystals of our own DNA. Crystals can transmit information to us, about survival, about our past and about healing. We just need to access, to listen, and be open to the possibilities.

Kathy M. Scogna, foreword to Junk DNA: Unlocking the Hidden Secrets of Your DNA

Personal trauma and transgenerational memories are also held in so-called ’junk DNA’, affecting the karmic blueprint and our subtle energy fields. The karmic blueprint carries the impact of all our experiences from life to life in whatever dimension that they may have occurred. ’Junk DNA’, the subtle blueprints and the Akashic Record are part of our inner landscape. In addition to our own personal stuff, ’junk DNA’ is what gets passed down through the ancestral line so it’s where we tune in to a vast field of experience much wider than our own. It is found in each cell of our bodies, so it has important implications for who you are, on many levels. Crystals such as Brandenberg Amethyst, Cradle of Life (Humankind), Lakelandite and Ancestralite assist the healing and transformation process for these fields and the remedy flawed ’junk DNA’. Brandenberg holds the perfect blueprint before anything was imprinted and can, therefore, return the energy to a state of perfection. But Ancestralite takes this a step further and carries forward the soul learning, while at the same time healing the ancestral wounds and so assists soul evolution.

But what exactly is ’junk DNA’?

Well, briefly it’s what the genetic scientists couldn’t immediately identify the purpose of when unravelling the secrets of DNA. It didn’t ’code’. So they called it ’junk’ and relegated it to the dustbin. All 98% of it. Maybe it’s time to think more in terms of a recycling opportunity. Because one thing is now certain, junk it is not. Genie might be a more appropriate expression:

Junk. Barren. Non-functioning. Dark matter. That’s how scientists had described the 98% of human genome that lies between our 21,000 genes, ever since our DNA was first sequenced about a decade ago. The disappointment in those descriptors was intentional and palpable. It had been believed that the human genome — the underpinnings of the blueprint for the talking, empirebuilding, socially evolved species that we are — would be stuffed with sophisticated genes, coding for critical proteins of unparalleled complexity. But when all was said and done, and the Human Genome Project finally determined the entire sequence of our DNA in 2001, researchers found that the 3 billion base pairs that comprised our mere 21,000 genes made up a paltry 2% of the entire genome. The rest, geneticists acknowledged with unconcealed embarrassment, was an apparent biological wasteland. But it turns out they were wrong. In an impressive series of more than 30 papers published in several journals, including Nature, Genome Research, Genome Biology, Science and Cell, scientists now report that these vast stretches of seeming ’junk’ DNA are actually the seat of crucial gene-controlling activity.4

Many researchers are in fact exploring the pseudogenome of humans or other organisms as a sort of molecular paleontology to better understand evolutionary history… [online forum]5

If I’m interpreting a comment from an online forum correctly, it sounds like it’s confirming that ’junk DNA’ carries soul or ancestral memory. And, what is even more exciting, it indicates that the ’junk DNA’ can indeed be changed and used for healing the past:

Pseudogenes are also important for ongoing evolution. Because many of them still have gene promoters, valid open reading frames, and stop codons, but are not required for the organism’s survival or development, they can function sort of like evolutionary sandboxes. Starting from a functional gene, mutations are freely introduced that could lead to radical changes in protein function. It’s been found again and again that pseudogenes actually do get expressed sometimes when an organism is stressed, so if beneficial mutations have been introduced, they may help the organism survive and might be more permanently up-regulated in the offspring.6

Jumping genes or should that be genies?

This opens up new possibilities for switching off inappropriate and detrimental genetic responses and switching on positive, beneficial effects:

Transposable elements (TEs), also known as ’jumping genes’ or transposons, are sequences of DNA that move (or jump) from one location in the genome to another. Maize geneticist Barbara McClintock discovered TEs in the 1940s, and for decades thereafter, most scientists dismissed transposons as useless or ’junk’ DNA. McClintock, however, was among the first researchers to suggest that these mysterious mobile elements of the genome might play some kind of regulatory role, determining which genes are turned on and when this activation takes place (McClintock, 1965).

DNA affects psychological and physiological processes.

The actions of the DNA and RNA are necessary to put the whole system into operation. The specific fluids that surround the DNA are in precise quantities, which can be translated by a crystalline mirror-like structure, like a laser beam, throughout the entire system. Thus the passages of processes, whether these are electrical, electrochemical or purely chemical, can follow a precise mirrored blueprint.7

If we can turn our genetic memory on or off, making use of those ’jumping genes’, it has enormous implications for our health, well-being — and evolution. It’s been shown that traumas, dramas and indeed belief systems can affect our DNA. Kathy Scogna’s late husband, Joe, likened our DNA to a computer memory chip with RAM — Random Access Memory: something we can all access — and change.

The DNA that Joe embraced and wrote about was not just the physical DNA but rather the holistic DNA, the body, mind and spirit DNA of all life energy forms, all of this stored in our very own RAM chip. When understood in this context, the entire composition and view of DNA changes. We see the inherited personality traits, our own emotional traumas and the emotional upsets and behaviour of our parents being acted out in the genetic plans and blueprints we have been bequeathed from ages past to understand and process. Yes, our DNA can be changed and altered in so many ways, by our own environment and our adventures and misadventures in life.8

Kathy Scogna summarises the formation of our DNA as follows:

What has occurred on earth from the beginning of time with its geological transformations and eras, with its progression of creatures and energies needing protection, all this has been left as tracings within our DNA. The gravitational, radiational and magnetic flows in the solar system, the beginning of life in the seas and on land with those biological tracings, and the sounds, utterances (languages) and the history of our species has been recorded as well.

We are products of our ancestors on a cellular level, going back even earlier than Stone Age man with all the beliefs, traumas and behaviours intact and products of our environment (learning, people, places and events), as well as being products of what we eat, breathe in and drink, all to be discovered and rectified, when necessary, by intense mental and spiritual conditioning. This work embraces both creation and evolution…

Crystals too are a product of their environment and the processes through which they have evolved. To my mind, they hold the purest energy pattern: one that is radiated to us through their vibrations. That’s why they can bring us back into balance — and help us to evolve. Kathy Scogna again:

What is the language of DNA in the crystalline structures that acts much like a laser beam? The vibration of sonic waves. Frequencies. This is a multi-way communication line, in and out, so that we have input as well: words read, spoken or sung, thoughts, emotions and other ’emotional radiation’, as well as telepathic messages from a distance are involved in the process.

Scalar waves

Everything is energy and that everything vibrates at different frequencies. Bio-scalar energy is a unique form of energy that can be harnessed and directed into solid objects or bodies placed in its field.

Kalon Prensky

Scalar waves are found throughout the universe and within our physical bodies. Bioscalar wave energy exists at the microscopic level in the nucleus of an atom or a cell and creates a bioenergetic source more powerful than DNA, cellular matrixes and other physiological processes. Whilst some bioscalar waves may be viewed as harmful, beneficial bioscalar waves have been shown to energize the extracellular matrix of the body and protect against electromagnetic emanations and geopathic stress that would otherwise detrimentally affect cells and tissue. They activate the meridians and facilitate healing at the energetic interface between spirit and matter.9 It is probable that all healing crystals have this energy within their matrix, and that their crystalline structure actually produces bioscalar energy. If, as Lilli Botchis asserts, “when the human body enters a scalar wave field, the electromagnetic field of the individual becomes excited [and] this catalyzes the mind/body complex to return to a more optimal state that is representative of its original, natural, electrical matrix form,”10 we can see how a crystal with its optimal energy pattern might operate on the human and planetary energy body… The “active spinning vortices composed of quantities of energy that interact with all non-physical dimensions including consciousness” can be anywhere and everywhere instantaneously and simultaneously. Like two piano strings with the same tone, energy can be exchanged and aligned through resonance and vibration. Many if not all crystals generate scalar waves… A quick look at current definitions of scalar waves shows us that they are intelligent and proactive and indicates how they might function in crystal healing:

A scalar wave is non-linear, not electromagnetic, and exists in multiple dimensions beyond time or space. That means they do not decay with time or distance from their source. Scalar waves can interact with all matter including electro-magnetism but since they are non-linear and hyperspatial, they… must be detected and measured indirectly… A scalar transmitter can wirelessly send power to a receiver through any obstacle… [even] a Faraday Cage or a metal box, and a receiver can receive power far away. During the process of transmission and reception they can magnify power.


A Scalar Wave is not a single wave but a result of the interaction (interference) of multiple waves of very high frequency which seem to modulate and encode each other in a harmonious holistic complexity, similar to a hologram. The resulting multidimensional standing wave pattern emanates out of a fixed source point (a healer) [or crystal] and can be received and decoded by a similar resonant quantum-connected receiver point (recipient)… This causes vibrational ripples in the Morphogenic Field of the Cosmic Unified Field. (

[Extracted from Crystal Prescriptions volume 3]

So. Link scalar waves and crystals with ’junk DNA’ and you have a mechanism for evolutionary and ancestral change.

Healing ’junk DNA’

Positive affirmations, EFT and the like work, all work, by interacting with the random access memory of our DNA and unlocking its hold — especially through the magical jumping genie of our ’junk’ DNA. A process that I find is facilitated and eased by holding a crystal. One of the latest ones to come my way is the Cradle of Life (Humankind), an extraordinary healer for ancestral, personal and planetary DNA. Try gridding it around you in whatever pattern comes to you intuitively and let the genies jump out of the bottle to transform you! Many of the exercises in this book also transform your ’junk DNA’, releasing its potential.