Imbolc - As the World Turns

City Magick: Urban Rituals, Spells and Shamanism - Christopher Penczak 2001

As the World Turns

Imbolc is the fire festival celebrated on February 2. Traditionally, it is held sacred to the Celtic goddess Brid, pronounced “Breed,” a triple goddess of fire, light, healing, poetry, magick, and smithwork. Although she was later transformed into St. Bridget, and her holiday became Candlemass, her traditions are still kept alive.

This celebration is a feast of lights. Light is used to awaken the sleeping Mother Goddess, Earth. Light is also used to dispel the darkness remaining from winter and to purify your home. Brid is also the goddess of home blessing, infants, and the protection of both.


Materials Needed: Candles, incense, water, salt

Image Imbolc is the true root of our spring cleaning—or more accurately, cleaning for spring, not cleaning in spring. To prepare for this ritual, clean out your home. Clean out the dust bunnies, and cobwebs. Take the winter staleness out of your house or apartment by cleansing everything, first physically, then spiritually

Image Prepare yourself by doing Exercises 1, 3, and 4 (see pages 17, 25, and 27).

Image Since Imbolc is the festival of lights, start your ritual by lighting many candles in the goddess’s name to purify, bless, and protect. Fill your home with as many candles as you safely can, making sure that they are all on nonflammable surfaces. Invoke the goddess of light to be with you in your home, among these lights.

Image Feel the flame and light fill your home with magical, purifying fire.

Image Take the salt, bless it, and call upon the beings and elements of Earth. Ask Earth for protection. Bless the water, calling upon beings of water for purity and cleansing, and mix the salt and water together. Using your fingertips, sprinkle some in each room. Outline all the doors and windowframes with this mixture.

Image Bless the incense and call upon beings of air to purify your space, to raise your vibration. Use any incense comfortable for you. I suggest something like mixtures of sage/sweet grass/cedar, frankincense/myrrh, or lavender/cinnamon. Commercial sticks or cones are appropriate as well. Go from room to room, letting the incense burn. Bring it to each window and door.

Image Repeat the steps above until you are confident that the space is cleansed and blessed. Thank all beings you have called upon and return to normal activity. Take notice of the differences within your home now.