Yule - As the World Turns

City Magick: Urban Rituals, Spells and Shamanism - Christopher Penczak 2001

As the World Turns

Yule celebrates the rebirth of the god-force as the Sun. Honored on the Winter Solstice, usually falling around December 21, the Sun enters the sign of Capricorn. On this day, the light starts its ascension, growing stronger with each passing day. This signals the birth of the young Sun god, familiarly depicted on the Sun card from more traditional tarot decks. You will probably note that this day comes suspiciously close to the birth of another young god, one associated with light in the Christian faiths. Many feel the Christian holiday was moved to match the pagan one, in an effort to convert the pagans of Europe to Catholicism.

Many diehard pagans celebrate Yule outside, regardless of snow and temperature. Some friends of mine even do it barefoot. In the city, you probably won’t have the luxury of privacy for an outdoor celebration, unless you have access to a rooftop. The holidays can be celebrated quite well indoors. Celebrate the birth of the new god with some simple tools and a ceremony.


Materials Needed: One fresh egg, ritual bowl or chalice

Image Prepare your altar with anything you feel is appropriate and festive. Decorations of holly, mistletoe, and pine were originally from pagan celebrations, as was the use of the colors red and green. Modern altars can be decorated with tinsel, garland, candy canes, or Christmas lights if you desire. Have appropriate candles for a solar holiday—gold, yellow, and orange.

Image Center yourself and get into a meditative state by doing Exercises 1, 3, and 4 (see pages 17, 25, and 27).

Image Cast a magick circle, as outlined in chapter 2. Add any urban elements from chapter 6 that resonate with you.

Image While in the circle, invoke the young god to be with you. Traditional images of the young god are Horus, the divine son from Egypt, Pryderi from Celtic traditions, Dionysus, the reborn son of the Greeks, or any other being who feels correct for you.

Image Feel their life and energy enter the egg on your altar. Ask to help turn the Wheel of the Year and bring the light into the world once again.

Image Crack the egg and drop the golden yoke into your ritual bowl or chalice. Bless this life force. Feel it illuminating you with life and light, filling your room. Give thanks to the new Sun god. Light any candles you have to bring light to the world.

Image Remain in the circle as long as you like. Once the ritual is complete, thank all beings who have joined you and release the circle.