Immersing Ourselves in The Fires - Our Sacred Center and Trance-Journeying: A Portal to Other Worlds

Curanderismo Soul Retrieval: Ancient Shamanic Wisdom to Restore the Sacred Energy of the Soul - Erika Buenaflor M.A. J.D. 2019

Immersing Ourselves in The Fires
Our Sacred Center and Trance-Journeying: A Portal to Other Worlds

I first learned about working with the sacred colored rays or fires after I experienced a catastrophic injury in May 2005. (I discuss the accident in greater detail in Cleansing Rites of Curanderismo.) I was guided to activate a spin cycle, or chakra node, within the earth’s energetic grids at Red Rock Canyon, near Las Vegas, Nevada, while I was visiting the area for a work convention. On the day of my hike, I found the spot that pulled me and went into a very deep journey. When I came out of the journey, I realized that four hours had passed, although it only felt like fifteen minutes. Unfortunately, I jumped up, panicking, and did not take time to ground myself. I slipped and fell over thirty feet. The fall resulted in a skull fracture, brain hemorrhage, left acromioclavicular joint separation, two fractured vertebrae, shattered coccyx, three fractures in the left leg, and a right leg fractured down from the knee, with my bones coming out of my heel.

Six weeks later, I was told I had severe osteomyelitis in my right heel. By the third debridement, the bacteria had eaten away a third of the bones in my heel. After the third debridement, the doctor came to tell me that it was very likely that they would be amputating my right foot that evening. After the doctor left, I heard a voice tell me that I needed to stay grounded and work with the Earth’s energy grids, as there was going to be an earthquake. I got upset. I silently responded, “How am I supposed to stay grounded after I’ve just found out that I’m likely to have my foot amputated?” Right then I felt an incredible lightness come over me and was told to use the blue ray. I felt without a shadow of doubt that Archangel Michael told me to use the blue ray. I had been exposed to a lot of different healing modalities, but at that time I had never had anyone tell me to do this. I snapped out of my self-pity and became the blue ray. The next thing I knew, I saw a flash in my third eye and felt myself shape-shifting into Krishna, Archangel Michael, El Morya, and other beings that embodied a divine blue light. I went into surgery late that night. That morning I finally got to leave the hospital, get off the IV antibiotics, and—the best part—I got to keep my foot. The infection in my right heel changed in less than eight hours.

After the accident, I coincidentally ran across an insurmountable amount of information about the sacred fires and rays of God’s Love and Light through my mentors, dreams, and trance journeys. For a while, I was beginning to think that perhaps the chohans (teachers) of these sacred rays and fires were a New Age thing, and I never mentioned these experiences to my Yucatán mentors. Then on one of my trips to the Yucatán, my mentor Don Fernando sent me to Chetumal to get a candle of the Siete Potencias (Seven Powers), along with other items. I had no idea what a Siete Potencias candle was, other than that it had seven colors. At the botánicas, I found many Siete Potencias candles that had different cover stickers of the seven different representatives working with these rays, including archangels, masters, and orishas. The violet ray was included in the Siete Potencias and was connected with Archangel Zadkiel. I realized that working with these sacred rays and fires was much more widespread than I had thought. I then felt more comfortable asking my mentors questions about these sacred fires, and this is when I was taught to trance-journey from my sacred heart using the violet fires of transfiguring divine love and the white fires of purification and resurrection.