Our Sacred Heart - Our Sacred Center and Trance-Journeying: A Portal to Other Worlds

Curanderismo Soul Retrieval: Ancient Shamanic Wisdom to Restore the Sacred Energy of the Soul - Erika Buenaflor M.A. J.D. 2019

Our Sacred Heart
Our Sacred Center and Trance-Journeying: A Portal to Other Worlds

Instead of using the term assemblage point to define the central energetic axis, I use the term sacred heart. Our sacred heart is the space where we can safely journey to the nonordinary realms, as well as to all dimensions, soul lineages, worlds, realities—past, present, and future. Malina, one of my mentors, taught me to journey by going through el sagrado corazón—the sacred heart. She explained to me that it was deep within the heart chakra. It is the space where we are the I Am presence, the divine presence within all of us, and we become and have access to infinite possibilities. Journeying within the sacred heart helps us release and transmute duality consciousness, fear, doubt, and other lower-vibration thoughts and emotions.

Before I explain how to journey into the sacred heart, I should first state a paradox. Truly, there is no entering or journeying into the sacred heart. Rather, we are simply remembering that there is no separation and that we embody the divine. When we know this without a shadow of a doubt, we embody this sacred space; we are the axis mundi, and much more.

In this divine remembrance, “protection” from others is no longer needed on any level. As the divine, we choose what we allow into our space. We can simply set the intention of what we choose and know that this intention will hold.

Nonetheless, the ritual of journeying into the sacred heart is absolutely beautiful, and I always take part in this rite, whether I am with a client, facilitating a workshop or class, or on my own. I engage in this ritual because I love it, and it inspires deep humility, compassion, and love within me. I hope it will do so for you as well.

Image Journeying into the Sacred Heart

To journey into the sacred heart, first get into a relaxed state. Engaging in deep breathwork is a great way to do so. A typically relaxing breathwork is slowing the breath. Close the eyes, and inhale for 12 seconds, holding the breath for 12 seconds, and exhale slowly for another 12 seconds. If you cannot do 12 seconds, try starting with 6 seconds. (You can also use any of the breathwork exercises outlined in the following chapters.)

After you feel relaxed, set the intention of connecting with the divine presence within you, your “I Am.” We all have a divine presence within us that is infinite in nature and consciousness. If you are having trouble connecting with your “I Am,” a powerful and effective method for entering this space is both a command and a statement of truth: “Stand aside, ego, in the name of God: I am that I am.” I use the term God free of any religious association; rather it is Divine Love. If you do not feel comfortable with the term God, use a word or concept that signifies pure Divinity and Consciousness to you.

Because the I Am is infinite and multidimensional, see the I Am presence in front of you. See the I Am and know that this is you. It is the you that is always encouraging you, inspiring you to engage in loving and healthy activities—activities that nourish and nurture the spirit and soul. The you that knows how truly magnificent you are. The you that is pure love and only love; the real you. Now look at yourself as if you were looking into a mirror, and allow yourself to fall more deeply in love with you, opening your heart to you, more and more.

Now see your I Am become infinitely small, standing on a zero-point stream of light radiating from your sacred heart. Walk into and toward the sacred heart. The first gateway into the sacred heart is the violet fires of transfiguring divine love and infinite physical perfection. Allow the violet fires to completely encompass you, caress you, and love you. Place into them any lower emotions or beliefs that you are ready to let go of, especially fears and doubts. Allow yourself to remain in the violet fires throughout this journey, releasing stuff that you are ready to let go of, as well as things that may come up in the journey. Remember: within the sacred heart you are multidimensional and can be in many places at one time.

The second gateway into the sacred heart is the white fires of purification and resurrection. Allow these white fires to also completely encompass you, caress you, and love you. Awaken within you your dormant DNA, your God code, your infinite potential. Walk within your sacred heart, set the intention to journey into the cardinal space and the nonordinary realm, and ask this infinite space to help you realize the answers you are seeking. Of course, you can also ask a power animal, a spirit guide, an angel, a master, or an ancestor to join you on this journey. (In the following chapters, I will discuss the journeys into the specific cardinal spaces and the nonordinary realms. For now, I want to focus on and emphasize how to enter these spaces through the sacred heart.)

After the journey, see yourself being reborn in the sacred white fires of purification and resurrection, and then in the violet fires—the violet-fire angels congratulating you for being vulnerable, brave, and bold and releasing that which no longer served you. Then take 6 deep inhales and exhales, inhaling into the nose and exhaling out the mouth. Gently rub your thighs with your hands, coming back fully present and grounded.

The violet fires transfigure anything that is less than the truth of what we truly are—divine love and infinite physical perfection. The white fires also transmute anything less than what we are—simply love, perfect, infinite, divine. The more we allow ourselves to immerse ourselves in these sacred fires with faith and pure intent, we learn to authentically and truly love ourselves and step more fully into nonduality consciousness. The more love we have for ourselves, the more we have to give.