Best ever swimming pool games (2015)
Iron Man/Iron Woman
2 players or more. |
Equipment: 8 watertubes. |
One player is selected as the Iron Man or Iron Woman. |
Each player is given a watertube to hold. |
On ‘GO!’ the Iron Man/Iron Woman must tag all players with a watertube. |
Each time a player is tagged the watertube is handed over to the Iron Man/Woman, who must swim with the tubes collected. |
The player with the last watertube becomes the new Iron Man/Woman. |
Aim: To get three waterballs in a float ring . |
2 players or more. |
Equipment: 6 waterballs, 2 float rings. |
Even teams form at opposite ends of the pool (with three waterballs per team and one float ring each). |
On ‘GO!’ players try to throw a waterball into the float ring at the opposite end of the pool. |
Waterballs that miss can be gathered, but a player must swim down and return with the waterball before trying to throw it in the float ring again. |
The first team to get three waterballs in a float ring wins. |
Variation: If there are more than six players, players can be positioned in different locations around the pool. Team players can pass waterballs to each other.
Coral Fish
Aim: To tag the correct coloured watertube. |
5 players or more. |
Equipment: 4 different coloured watertubes. |
One player is selected as the Coral Fish. |
Other players take a different coloured watertube each. |
Players hide their watertube under the water or behind their backs. |
The Coral Fish, who is up one end of the pool, calls out a colour, such as ‘Blue!’ |
The Coral Fish tries to work out who has that colour and tags that player, eg. The player with the blue watertube. |
Players can swap watertubes at anytime to avoid being caught, but all players must have a watertube in their hand. |
The Coral Fish can go back to the steps and call out another colour at anytime. |
The player who is tagged with the nominated watertube becomes the Coral Fish. |
Davy Jones’s Locker
Aim: To fill Davy Jones’ Locker |
3 players or more. |
Equipment: 8 jewels (watertubes). |
One player is selected to be Davy Jones. |
Four coloured watertubes are placed on the top edge of the pool for the players to secretively take. |
Watertubes must be held in the hand. |
Four corresponding watertubes are sunk at the opposite end of the pool (spread out) this is Davy Jones’ Locker. |
Players sneak to the Locker and take the coloured watertube that’s the same colour as their own watertube. |
Davy Jones tries to tag players near his Locker. |
Any tagged player must return to the end. |
Players may swap watertubes. |
The player to get the same coloured watertube as the one they are holding is the winner. |
Aim: To avoid being tagged. |
4 players or more. |
Equipment: 1 watertube. |
The player selected as Popeye turns around at one end of the pool and counts to 20. |
All other players stand in a circle and begin to pass the watertube to each other. |
On ‘… 20!’, Popeye moves to the middle of the circle and tags the player who he/she thinks has the watertube. |
The watertube cannot be thrown but can be passed to other players without Popeye seeing who has the watertube. |
Popeye is out if he tags the wrong person. |
When the game is over a new Popeye is selected. |
Aim: To be the first pirate with six jewels. |
4 players or more. |
Equipment: 8 watertubes; 8 quoits. |
One pirate is positioned in each corner of the pool with four jewels (two quoits, two watertubes) at the bottom of the pool in their corner. |
On ‘Go!’ all pirates go underwater to take one jewel at a time from another pirate’s treasure pile and return it to their own treasure chest. |
Pirates cannot physically stop or block other pirates or hold onto more than one level at a time. |
The first pirate to have six jewels in their treasure chest wins. |
Neptune’s Treasure
Aim: To take all of King Neptune’s treasure. |
3 players or more. |
Equipment: 8 coloured watertubes (treasures). |
One player is chosen to be Neptune. |
Neptune stands or treads water at a deep corner of the pool. |
Neptune places treasures at the bottom of the pool. |
Players swim underwater to snatch the treasures without being tagged by Neptune. |
Players can take as many treasures as possible. |
Taken treasures are put on the side of the pool behind Neptune. |
If tagged, players must swim back and touch the opposite end of the pool before trying again. |
The player to get the last treasure is the new Neptune. |
Variation: More watertubes can be used. Neptune may choose to have some watertubes floating, especially for younger swimmers.
Open the Clam
Aim: Closest watertube to the quoit wins. |
3 players or more. |
Equipment: 8 watertubes, 1 quoit. |
Players all gather at one end of the pool with a filled watertube each. |
A quoit is placed somewhere in the pool by the Judge. |
One player at a time throws their watertube from one end of the pool. |
The game continues until all watertubes have been thrown. |
Without disturbing the watertubes, a Judge checks where they have landed. |
The player who threw their watertube closest to the quoit is the winner. |
Underwater Footy
Aim: To score 5 goals. |
4 players or more. |
Equipment: 1 waterball. |
Teams line up at opposite ends of the pool. |
Decide which team has the waterball with a toss up. |
Players may move either underwater or on the surface. A goal is scored by touching the opposite end of the pool with the waterball in hand. |
If a player with a waterball is tagged, that player must immediately stand up or tread water and pass it to a team mate. |
If there are forward passes or off-sides, the waterball is handed over to the opposition. |
After the 6th tag, there is a toss up and play resumes from the beginning. |
When a goal is scored the opposition starts with the ball and all players move to their end of the pool. |
The first team to score five goals wins. |
Underwater Noughts and Crosses
Aim: To get the three noughts or crosses in a row. |
2 players or more. |
Equipment: 5 quoits, 5 watertubes. |
One player is selected as the Judge. |
One player has five quoits (noughts) and the other player has live watertubes (crosses). |
Both players stand at one end of the pool. |
The first player places the quoit in one of the nine imaginary locations around the pool (see illustration) and returns to the end of the pool. |
The second player places the watertube in a different location and returns. |
This continues until one player has three in a row — across, down or diagonal. |
The winner is challenged by the next chosen player. |
Surf Tube
Aim: To get the watertube to the other end. |
2 players or more. |
Equipment: A watertube for each player. |
All players have a watertube each placed on the bottom of the pool at one end. |
On ‘GO!’ each player moves their watertube with one foot. |
The first player to reach the other end of the pool with the watertube wins. |
Variation: Floating watertubes can be pushed along with the head only.
Turtle Tag
Aim: To be the last two players. |
6 players or more. |
Equipment: 1 watertube. |
Turtles are in pairs — one player piggy-backs another player. |
The player being piggy-backed is given a watertube. |
On ‘GO!’ the piggy-backed player uses the watertube to tag another piggy-backed player. |
Turtles can only be tagged gently on the back. |
Tagged Turtles must sit out. |
The last two players (one Turtle) left are the winners. |