Impossible to Ignore: Creating Memorable Content to Influence Decisions - Carmen Simon (2016)
Imagine your content as a sequence of segments (e.g., slides in a sales deck, paragraphs in a blog, messages in a marketing campaign, or sections in a training program—each of which has a strong meaning if viewed in isolation). At a macro level (e.g., deck, campaign, or training session), include, on average, 9 of the variables from the checklist in at least half of your segments. This will help with gist memory (people will retain the general meaning of your communication). To ensure that a variable is present in your content, use the checklist to score its level of intensity on a scale from 1 to 5, where 5 is the highest.
To create precise memories and compel action, at a micro level, 40% of the segments in your content need to be intense, meaning you must include at least 7 of the variables in the same segment. For example, you might create a slide that establishes context, is distinct from other slides, offers facts that are new and relevant, provokes an emotion, and makes you look good in front of others.
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