Solomonic Magic

Solomonic Magic

Solomonic Magic is a system of ceremonial magic that is based on the legendary exploits of King Solomon. This ancient magical tradition has its roots in Jewish mysticism and has been influenced by Hermetic and Kabbalistic teachings. The tradition emphasizes the use of talismans, invocations, and evocations to summon and command spiritual entities for various purposes. Solomonic magic also incorporates the use of sigils, seals, symbols, astrology, and numerology.


Solomonic magic is based on the stories and legends surrounding King Solomon, who was renowned for his wisdom and magical powers. According to legend, King Solomon was able to command demons and spirits to do his bidding, and he was said to have possessed a magical ring that gave him power over these entities. The magical practices associated with King Solomon were passed down over the centuries, and they eventually became the basis for the Solomonic magical tradition.

Solomonic magic has been practiced by various groups throughout history, including Jewish mystics, medieval alchemists, and Renaissance magicians. The tradition has also been associated with secret societies such as the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and the Ordo Templi Orientis.

Key Elements

Solomonic magic incorporates a variety of elements from different magical traditions. One of the key elements is the use of talismans, which are objects that are believed to have magical properties. These talismans are often inscribed with symbols or sigils, and they are used to attract or repel certain energies or entities.

Another important aspect of Solomonic magic is the use of invocations and evocations. Invocations are prayers or chants that are used to call upon spiritual entities, while evocations are rituals that are used to summon these entities into physical form. These entities can include angels, demons, and other spirits.

Sigils, seals, and symbols are also an important part of Solomonic magic. These are graphical representations of magical concepts or entities, and they are often used to focus the practitioner's intent or to communicate with spiritual entities. Astrology and numerology are also used in Solomonic magic, as these sciences are believed to be able to reveal hidden knowledge and insights.


Practitioners of Solomonic magic follow a set of rituals and practices that are designed to achieve specific goals. These rituals often involve the use of special tools and symbols, as well as the recitation of prayers or incantations.

One of the most common rituals in Solomonic magic is the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram, which is used to purify and protect the practitioner's space. This ritual involves the use of the four elements (earth, air, fire, and water) and the recitation of various prayers and invocations.

Another common practice in Solomonic magic is the creation of talismans. These talismans can be made from a variety of materials, including metals, stones, and herbs. The talismans are often inscribed with symbols or sigils, and they are used to attract or repel certain energies or entities.


Solomonic magic has been a controversial subject throughout history, and it continues to be so today. Some people believe that the practice is dangerous and can lead to negative consequences, while others view it as a legitimate spiritual practice.

Critics of Solomonic magic argue that the practice is based on superstition and is not supported by scientific evidence. They also point out that the practice can be dangerous if not performed correctly, as it involves summoning and commanding powerful spiritual entities.

Proponents of Solomonic magic argue that the practice is a legitimate spiritual tradition that can lead to personal growth and enlightenment. They point out that the practice has been used for centuries by various cultures and that it has a rich history and tradition.

Solomonic magic is a complex and multifaceted magical tradition that has its roots in Jewish mysticism and has been influenced by Hermetic and Kabbalistic teachings. The tradition emphasizes the use of talismans, invocations, and evocations to summon and command spiritual entities for various purposes. Solomonic magic also incorporates the use of sigils, seals, symbols, astrology, and numerology. While the practice is controversial, it continues to be studied and practiced by many individuals and groups around the world.