Kitchen Witchery

Kitchen Witchery

Kitchen Witchery is a form of witchcraft that has been practiced for centuries, and is still widely practiced today. This magical tradition is unique in that it focuses on the use of everyday household items and ingredients in magical workings. Kitchen witches often work with herbs, spices, and food, and may even incorporate cooking and baking into their practice. In this article, we will explore the history of Kitchen Witchery, the tools and ingredients used in this magical tradition, and how to begin practicing Kitchen Witchery yourself.

A Brief History of Kitchen Witchery

Kitchen Witchery has its roots in ancient and medieval times when people used herbs and other natural ingredients for both medicinal and magical purposes. The use of herbs and spices in cooking was also common during this time, and it was believed that certain combinations of herbs could have magical properties. In many cultures, women were responsible for cooking and preparing food, and it was natural for them to incorporate magical practices into their daily routines.

During the witch hunts of the 16th and 17th centuries, many women accused of witchcraft were actually practicing Kitchen Witchery. These women were often accused of using herbs and other ingredients in their cooking to cast spells and curses. Despite the persecution of these women, the practice of Kitchen Witchery persisted and has continued to evolve over time.

Tools and Ingredients in Kitchen Witchery

One of the key aspects of Kitchen Witchery is the use of everyday household items and ingredients in magical workings. Here are some of the most common tools and ingredients used in this magical tradition:

Herbs and Spices

Herbs and spices are a cornerstone of Kitchen Witchery. Many herbs and spices are believed to have magical properties and can be used in spell work and rituals. Some common herbs used in Kitchen Witchery include rosemary, basil, thyme, and lavender. Spices such as cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves are also commonly used.

Kitchen Tools

Kitchen tools such as cauldrons, mortar and pestles, and wooden spoons can all be used in Kitchen Witchery. These tools can be used to mix ingredients, grind herbs and spices, and create magical potions and brews.

Food and Drink

Food and drink can also be used in Kitchen Witchery. Certain foods are believed to have magical properties, such as honey for love spells and apples for protection spells. Wine and other alcoholic beverages can also be used in rituals and celebrations.


Candles are a common tool in many forms of witchcraft, and Kitchen Witchery is no exception. Candles can be used to represent different elements, such as fire or air, and can be used to set the mood for a ritual or spell.

How to Begin Practicing Kitchen Witchery

If you are interested in practicing Kitchen Witchery, there are a few steps you can take to get started:

Learn About Herbs and Spices

Start by learning about the magical properties of herbs and spices. Research different herbs and spices and their uses in magic, and consider starting your own herb garden.

Start Cooking and Baking

Incorporate magical practices into your cooking and baking. Use herbs and spices in your recipes, and focus on the intention behind the food you are preparing.

Create a Magical Kitchen Space

Create a dedicated space in your kitchen for your magical practice. This could be a small altar or a shelf where you keep your magical tools and ingredients.

Practice Regularly

Like any form of witchcraft, Kitchen Witchery takes practice. Set aside time each week to practice Kitchen Witchery, whether it's cooking a magical meal or performing a spell.

Kitchen Witchery is a magical tradition that has been practiced for centuries. By using everyday household items and ingredients in magical workings, Kitchen witches can create a deeper connection to the natural world and the magic that surrounds us. Whether you are an experienced witch or just starting out, Kitchen Witchery is a unique and rewarding form of magic to explore.