Astrological magic

Astrological magic

Astrological magic is a magical tradition that involves the use of astrological charts and planetary alignments to guide magical workings and achieve desired outcomes. This tradition has been practiced for centuries and has its roots in ancient astrology and Hermeticism. Astrological magic is based on the belief that the planets and celestial bodies have a profound influence on human life and that by aligning oneself with these forces, one can achieve success in one's magical endeavors.

Astrological magic is a complex and nuanced practice that requires a deep understanding of astrology and its principles. At its core, astrological magic involves the use of astrological charts to determine the most auspicious times for magical workings. These charts are based on the positions of the planets in the sky at a particular moment in time and can be used to determine the most favorable times for different types of magic.

In addition to astrological charts, astrological magic also involves the use of planetary correspondences. Each planet is associated with different magical properties and can be used to enhance or amplify the effects of magical workings. For example, the planet Mars is associated with courage and ambition and can be used in spells that aim to increase these qualities.

One of the key principles of astrological magic is the concept of sympathetic magic. This is the idea that like attracts like and that objects or symbols can be used to represent or influence other objects or events. For example, a red candle can be used to represent the planet Mars and can be used in spells that aim to harness the energy of this planet.

Astrological magic can be used for a wide range of purposes, including love spells, prosperity spells, and protection spells. The type of magic used will depend on the desired outcome and the planetary correspondences associated with that outcome. For example, a love spell may use the planet Venus, while a prosperity spell may use the planet Jupiter.

While astrological magic may seem complex and esoteric, it is a highly effective form of magic that has been used for centuries. By aligning oneself with the forces of the cosmos, one can tap into a powerful source of energy and achieve success in one's magical endeavors.